• Published 8th Apr 2024
  • 3,113 Views, 10 Comments

A Heart to Heart - The Ancestor

Anon contemplates his present, Sunbutt barges in.

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Don't Go Wasting Your Emotion

A chilly spring wind carrying undertones of burning wood and petrichor ruffled Anon's hair, a pleasant sensation bringing an inkling of peace in a time of uncertainty. Sitting on his freshly refurbished porch, the patch-up job consisting of giving the old boards a new coat of paint and non-rusted nails, Anon gazed upon the aptly named town of Ponyville, conflicting thoughts swimming in his head.

The townsfolk were surprisingly accepting, the initial pandemonium following his appearance notwithstanding. Their attitude towards Anon ranged from friendliness, to polite interest, which the man considered both a blessing and a curse. The few outliers who regarded him with either suspicion or even fear, were oddly more comforting, their reaction understandable to the young man.

Enraptured by the fog obscuring the finer details of the little town, enraptured by the smells and sounds of the quiet evening, Anon almost missed the gentle sound of displaced wind, followed by a clop of hooves against hardwood.

As radiant as ever, Princess Celestia sat on the sofa next to Anon, his breath hitching momentarily as the weight of being next to royalty settled onto him. Silence reigned over the two, the mare giving Anon time to take a deep breath and collect his thoughts, seemingly content with sitting next to him on this foggy evening.

"I had a feeling you'd pay me a visit, Princess." Anon kept his voice from cracking, taking a sip of black tea, settling the cup onto the wooden table. He commended himself on keeping his hands steady as he poured a cup for the Princess, the golden glow caressing his hand, a jolt of electricity coursing through him as the mare accepted the beverage. "Didn't think it'd be so soon though."

"I hope I'm not imposing, Anon, but I deemed it necessary to see how my little human is holding up." Anon was thankful for the dim light, he didn't feel comfortable enough to blush in front of royalty.

"I'm fine." He shrugged, keeping his eyes on the misty town below, a sip of tea doing little to distract him from Celestia's worried expression. "Everyone's been friendly, which is good, I suppose. Even if it feels a little weird..." He shook his head in an unsuccessful attempt to banish his worries. "Forget it, I'm just being paranoid."

"While I struggle to understand your suspicions, I wouldn't dare brush them aside. I am glad my ponies are treating you well, but if you are in need of something, don't hesitate to contact my sister and I, we will be happy to help." A chilly wind made him shiver, the denim jacket he was wearing doing its best to keep him warm.

"Now you're just spoiling me, Princess." Anon chuckled, hiding his hands into the jacket's pockets. "You gave me a place to call my own, made me a citizen... I can't ask for anything more, Your Highness, and I certainly can't ask for your precious time."

"Anon." Her worried tone drew him closer, the slight frown on her face evoking guilt in the human. "First of all, please drop the titles. I grow weary hearing 'Princess' day in and day out." Anon nodded, avoiding Celestia's eyes. "You say I'm spoiling you? I say I'm looking after your wellbeing. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you."

"I-" Anon cleared his throat, looking off into the distance, almost searching for something in the fog. "I don't think I've come to terms with what happened, hell, maybe I never will. It's all just so... surreal. Every day when I go to sleep, I expect to wake up in my apartment, wondering what could've caused such a weird dream." Anon began to shake, either from the cold or the topic at hand. "And each morning I wake up, and there's a moment when I'm wondering why are the walls different, why is my phone dead, or mulling over some other inconsistency. Then my brain gets its shit together, and I remember what's going on, and it gets really hard to get out of bed." He rubs his eyes, hard enough to see random shapes swimming in his vision. "Pardon my french, P- Celestia."

He felt the princess scoot closer to him, her body warmth luring the man to lean on Celestia, the mare herself urging Anon with a kind smile. "Come, Anon. I won't bite." Her coat was very soft, and when he closed his eyes, he could imagine laying on a field of flowers, under the warm rays of the sun. He could feel the warmth seeping into his bones, Celestia's soft hum combined with the pitter-patter of raindrops outside instilling him with a sense of calm and security he hadn't felt in a while. When he opened his eyes, he saw a great white wing protecting him from the wind, the mare essentially hugging him with it.

"I'm afraid I don't know all the answers, Anon. But what I do know, that you shouldn't be afraid to talk about things that bother you, it often helps clear your mind. Things are hard now, but please understand that it will get better. And remember, that you can always talk to a friend if you feel troubled."

"Don't think I have friends here, not yet anyways." He caught himself snuggling into Her Majesty's divine coat, continuing to do so when no objections were leveled his way.

"Are you saying we're not friends, Anon?" Her voice was cold as ice, and for a moment, Anon thought that he made a severe mistake, his worries dashed when a heartfelt giggle reached the man, the vibrations from Celetia's chest reaching his own. "Forgive me, my little human. You look adorable when flustered." The comment did not help to calm the man's rapidly beating heart. "In any case, I hope you consider me your friend, Anon. I certainly consider you to be mine."

"Hm, I can live with that."

A comfortable silence fell over the couple, the surrounding rainfall combined with the warmth and fluffiness of the Princess working better than any lullaby. "I always enjoyed the foggy weather, you know. The way it obscures familiar surroundings, gives them an air of mystery. It's fun to wonder what kind of things are out there, in the fog." Anon was rambling, and he knew it. "The big cities especially looked great in foggy weather. The streetlights and their refracted, distorted light, skyscrapers, their tops disappearing in the mist..." The man yawned, his eyes growing heavier with each passing moment.

A quiet snoring soon informed Celestia that her companion was now under her sister's care. "May your dreams be sweet tonight, Anonymous." She closed her eyes and snuggled against her little human, the surrounding rainfall drawing the two into a peaceful slumber.

Author's Note:

I don't usually write mushy stuff, but I couldn't get the scene out of my head all day.

So here you go, enjoy.

Comments ( 9 )

this is kind of slimmy slippery story what which i`d like to swallow in my brain

A comfortable silence fell over the couple, the surrounding rainfall combined with the warmth anf fluffiness of the Princess working better than any lullaby.

Only thing I noticed other than that..

Absolutely love it, not sure if I’ve read anything of yours but you can bet that I am now after this.:twilightsmile:

Hmm, I wonder how Google docs missed that...

Fair warning, I don't usually write cutesy stuff, if that's your cup of tea.

This was a nice, short read. Bravo. I will watch your future work with great interest.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed the story!

Very nice. I think this is the first time I've ever seen three stories by the same author in the Featured box at the same time, this one and two sequels. I'd call it a trilogy, but idk if there may be more in the series.

This is real cute~

Yeah, there will be more. Expect more plot in future installments.

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