• Published 8th May 2024
  • 282 Views, 23 Comments

Deadly Nightshade - EGO_

  • ...


Author's Note:

Hello everypony!
I absolutely loved writing this chapter. It was so much fun!
Luna definitely has a soft spot for Twilight, and it's so cute!
This pairing makes me so happy.
Another thing,
I would love for some feedback! So please don’t shy away from commenting!
Much love, as always,
- EGO <3

Luna's perspective:

Before the sun came up, a beautiful lavender Alicorn had asked oneself to teach her to better herself into becoming a stronger, well trained, flyer.
We cannot lie,
one failed to see Twilight asking oneself for help with this particular task.
But one is happy from the offer.
Time with Twilight Sparkle would be a godsent from the heavens, anyways.
And it's not like ponies have had any doubts or nightmares recently,
so spending the night out with Twilight should be a promising experience.

It was time.
One had just finished raising the moon after Tia had said goodnight.
One's dear sister doesn't know of oneself and Twilight's night together.
One believes that it is best to avoid telling her all together.

We stand at the edge of the balcony at the top of the castle,
high off from the ground.
One boldly grins, spreading ones navy blue wings, stepping off the balcony,
and slowly cruising against the cold night's wind, feeling the gentle breeze on ones body.

We hope no pony saw.
This isn't something that thou would be allowed to do.
To sneak out without alerting Tia or any of the royal guards. But the rush of feeling freedom, no longer bounded by such a busy schedule, feels great!

Once we come to flying over Ponyville,
one looks around,
all the ponies are asleep. All of the lights in ponyville is no more for tonight.
It’s like nature was holding it’s breath.

We land, gracefully, feeling the wet grass against ones hooves.

"So quiet, so peaceful."
One does mumble to oneself as we begin to walk to Twilight's personal library.
Ones hoovesteps echoes throughout the small little village,
trotting along the path one has began walking on.

Once we successfully made the trip to Twilight's library, she had immediately swung the door open,
almost like she was waiting for us by the door all along.

"Welcome, Princess Luna!"

Twilight gives us a warm greeting,
making us stop and stare in the doorway.

“Is there something on my face?"

We gulp, snapping back to reality,
feeling a lump in the middle of one’s throat.
"Please do pardon thou's rudeness, Twilight! We was just..."

One quickly looks around, finding any excuse to make Twilight believe that oneself was not just entranced by Twilight's gorgeousness.

"We was just looking at all of the books in your library! Quite a remarkable collection!”
One falsely smiles, trying to make it sound believable.

Twilight giggles, moving aside for us to set hoove into the room.
"Then I'll move out of the way so you can see my books more thoroughly!"

Once we step inside,
Twilight shuts the door behind her.

Books, books, and more books, all neatly surrounding the walls.

"I made some tea that I think you might like, Princess Luna!"

"Please, just Luna."

"Okay, Luna. Do you like jasmine tea?"

One gives a simple nod,
admiring Twilight's dorky little smile aiming towards oneself.
Truthfully, one never tried jasmine tea before.

Twilight begins to pour two tea cups of the tea,
the aroma filling the room with the warm scent.

"I figured, before we head to the area you mentioned in your letter,
that we would have some tea before leaving!"

We both take a seat on Twilight’s couch,
facing each other.

One takes a sip of the tea,
pressing ones lips firmly onto the small tea cup.

"Thank you, Twilight, for the tea.
One usually does drink tea before ones duty in the dream realm to help with relaxation.
We usually stick with green tea with sugar added in it, but one does not mind trying out new flavors every once in a while.”

One does watch as Twilight happily gulps down the rest of her tea,
practically soaking up the sweet, floral flavor.

Twilight and oneself had chatted for a few minutes before leaving for the flight lesson.

We then leave into the atmospheric, shadowy, night. one then takes a notice that Twilight is so close to oneself that she is practically bumping into us on purpose.
Our wings, and our bodies, hurled up together side by side.

Twilight shivers, her body shaking.
Something about her pressing up against oneself as we walk, and her little shivers from the nights cold fury, is making ones stomach twist and turn like a roller coaster.

“It sure is cold out here”
Twilight anxiously says

one tries to reassure the new princess
“Cold nights in Equestria is fairly common.”

Twilights shivers, her teeth chattering.
She looks up at us, our eyes meeting.
“So it’s always like this?”

“Seeing how you are this cold,
one supposes we can help you stay warm,”
covering ones left wing over Twilights back, making sure ones full wing is completely covering the slightly shorter alicorn as we continue walking.

With blush running across her face,
Twilight sheepishly looks away, breaking our eye contact.
“Luna, how far away is the place you wanted to go to?”

“It is not too far, just a little further.
This mentioned area one has spoken of is where our sister and oneself learned to fly.”
We look down at Twilight, giving her a playful smirk.
“Did we mention it is in the Everfree Forest?”

“Oh, Luna.
Do you think I’m scared of the forest?”

“We shall see, dear Twilight.”


Deep in the Everfree Forest,
Twilight and oneself walk up something with a high drop off.

“A cliff?!”
Twilight exclaims,
looking down from the edge to the ground.

“Why, yes, of course.”

Twilight looks behind her shoulder,
staring at us for a few seconds before finally speaking up.
“Are you sure, Luna? This could be dangerous! A safety hazard!
What if I’m not ready for this?!”

Twilight flops down into the grass,
frantically covering her head with her arms.

We slowly approach her from behind,
gently placing ones hoove onto the back of her neck,
sitting to the left of her.
“Twilight, please listen.”

Twilight doesn’t budge,
nor does she look up at us with those perfect luminous eyes.

We continue speaking,
stroking the back of her neck.
“You mustn’t be afflicted by fear of the unknown.
Find your courage, and trust your wings.”

Twilight lifts her head up,
looking down at the bottom of the cliff once again.
“I don’t know, Luna…it’s pretty high!
What if I fall?!”

“Then if you fall, we shall catch you.”

Twilight’s eyes light up, hope glimmering in her pupils.
“I believe you”
She tells us in a hushed voice

We whisper back with a proud smile

Twilight rises to her hooves, exuding self-assurance, now standing.
She steps back, positioning herself at the center of the cliff,
lightly grazing her hoof against the grass and soil, readying herself.
Her focus is palpable.
You can almost taste her concentration.
With swift movements, Twilight extends her wings, sprinting towards the edge at full speed,
soaring into the night sky with her wings flapping in a calming rhythm.

“You did it!”
one exclaims,
feeling proud of the younger alicorn as we carefully watch her in the air.

One does watch in awe as Twilight effortlessly flies through the air,
her mane flowing behind her like a comet's tail.
What a beautiful sight indeed!

Once Twilight is finished soaring amongst the wind,
she lands perfectly by us.

We closely lean one’s head towards Twilight,
gently whispering in her ear.
“Told you”

Twilight shyly blushes
“I know you did”

One can tell we are getting a little closer,
especially after tonight.

“Would you…”
Twilight pauses


“Would you like to race?”

One looks at Twilight,
feeling a burst of laughter fill the hollowed night.
“Ah haha! Race? Like an actual race?”

Twilight takes a step back, her surprise evident as she comprehends the potential impropriety of her previous suggestion to the ruler of the night.
“Only if you are comfortable, princess!”

"Well, one has not experienced any thrills lately…
However, it seems unlikely that one will in the near future..."
Pausing briefly, we gaze at the celestial expanse of the nighttime galaxy,
hoping for some form of response.

Twilight tilts her head in need of an answer
“Princess Luna?”

“Okay, Twilight.
Let us race through the dead of night!”

Twilight and oneself stand tall at the edge of the cliff,
our bodies almost dangling over.
If it is a race that dear Twilight wants, then it is a race that she shall get!

Twilight blurts out, taking on the role as the lead flyer.

“Ah! Right!”
One exclaims, unprepared for the sudden take off.

The wind rushes past ones face as one pushes oneself to fly faster.
We soar through the starlit sky, our wings beating like a drum.
The moon shines brightly above us.

As Twilight and oneself race through the night,
one can feel the adrenaline coursing through one’s veins.
The thrill of the competition fuels ones every move, pushing one to fly higher.
Twilight's determination is evident in her eyes, her gaze hyper fixated ahead.

We twist and turn through the night, going around obstacles that come our way.
The moonlight illuminates our path, guiding us through the darkness.
The sound of our large wings in unison fills the air.

With every passing moment, the race becomes more intense.
Twilight and oneself push to our limits, each determined to outdo the other. The night sky becomes a blur as we fly at breakneck speed, the muscles in our bodies tense.

With one final burst of energy, one surges forward,
overtaking Twilight in a breathtaking display of speed.
One hadn't flown like this in years!
It almost feels addicting to have so much adrenaline bursting through ones royal veins!

“You won!”
Twilight happily squeals towards oneself,
with a smile of admiration on her cute face.

We land back onto the cliff, taking our time to catch our breaths.

Twilight says, her voice filled with cheer.
“You’re definitely the ruler of the night!”

One does smile back at her, grateful for the exhilarating time.
The night air is filled with a sense of camaraderie.

“You were pretty great yourself, Twilight Sparkle.
You are such a fast learner!”

“No, no, no! You, Luna, you’re the pony who won!
I think you should leave all the gratitude from me to you!”

Sitting down onto the ground,
one feels ones own body rest and relax from the effort of the race.

“You’re too kind, Dear Twilight—“

Getting cut off, one feels a tight grip around one’s body, being abruptly interrupted,
embracing us into her arms, accompanied by the fragrance of her perfume.
The air becomes charged with an electric energy, crackling with anticipation.
It's as if time itself had paused.

As Twilight's ethereal touch caresses ones coat, a shiver runs down ones spine,
awakening every nerve ending.

The fragrance of her perfume dances.
It's a delicate blend of floral notes, with hints of jasmine and rose, similar to the tea we had.

Ones body relaxes, surrendering to the embrace of Twilight, knowing that in her presence, there is solace and comfort.
It's a moment to cherish, a moment that will forever be etched in the depths of ones soul.

In this moment, as Twilight's embrace and fragrance envelop our body,
one is transported to a realm where dreams and reality intertwine.
It's a moment of pure magic.

Twilight reminds oneself that one is never truly alone,
even after an eternity of drowning isolation.
Tonight was truly fantastic…