• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 22,568 Views, 3,140 Comments

Fire & Rain - Ruirik

Sometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightest

  • ...


“Is she here yet?” Rapidfire asked, his hoof tapping the ground impatiently.

Spitfire sighed lightly and resisted the urge to smack her brother. She, along with her brother and Soarin, were sitting together out front of Spitfire’s hotel, awaiting the eventual arrival of Rainbow Dash. Rapid had been annoying Spitfire with some variation of the same three questions over and over again, whereas Soarin had long since fallen into a catatonic state. The sky-blue stallion’s eyes stared blankly through the space in front of him, scarcely aware of the countless ponies that passed the trio by.

Spitfire truly wished she had the same ability to so completely tune out the world.

“Well unless she figured out how to become invisible: then no, I’d say she isn’t,” Spitfire answered with a roll of her eyes.

“Why are we here again?” Soarin asked with a sigh. “I mean, seriously boss, it’s your date, not—” He froze, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head when the realization hit him. “Oh you little…” He mumbled, pressing a hoof to his forehead.

Rapidfire’s face paled as well, his eyes drifting to his sister, who was failing spectacularly at maintaining an innocent look.

“No,” Rapidfire stated flatly.

“No what?” Spitfire asked, her voice cracking as she struggled not to giggle.

“You know perfectly well ‘what’,” Rapidfire growled.

“Hmm...” Spitfire rubbed her chin contemplatively. “Nope, pretty sure I don’t.”

“Mallow and I aren’t going on a double-date with you,” Rapid jerked his hoof in Soarin’s direction.

“Oh, I get it,” Spitfire purred, “you two lovebirds want private quality time.”

Soarin smacked Rapid’s shoulder irritably. “How, in the name of all things sacred, did you not see that one coming?”

“You’re not helping,” Rapid groaned despondently.

“You two are just adorable together,” Spitfire giggled, clopping her front hooves together in excitement.

“There is no ‘we’!” Soarin declared in exasperation.

“Hey now,” Spitfire gave Soarin a playful shove, “Rapid’s a dope, but he’s a good catch.”

“Am I supposed to be offended, flattered, or just creeped out?” Rapidfire asked, his face scrunched in confusion.

“Yes,” Soarin answered.

Rapidfire groaned in exasperation as he pressed his hoof to his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut. “You really are evil.” He lamented, pointing an accusatory hoof at his sister.

“I prefer the term ‘morally flexible’,” Spitfire said with a playful wink and a smirk. “Besides, you both seemed keen on getting dinner with Rainbow when I asked Wednesday night.”

“Alcohol was involved,” Soarin reminded her. “Which means nothing said by anypony counts.”

“Speaking of that,” Spitfire started, abruptly shifting the conversation, “Did Silver Lining have much of a hangover?”

Rapidfire and Soarin exchanged an amused glance. “You might want to avoid the stadium for a few days, Spits,” Rapidfire said flatly.

“That bad, huh?” Spitfire tried not to laugh. “Is he alright?”

“Well he spent most of the night praying to the porcelain God, and he spent all day yesterday nursing the hangover,” Soarin explained with a sigh.

“Heh, poor little featherweight.” She chuckled lightly.

The three Wonderbolts shared a moment of laughter as a familiar rainbow-maned mare landed in front of them. There was only a brief moment where the weather manager didn’t recognize the two out-of uniform pegasi. Whatever greeting Rainbow had rehearsed during her flight from work to Spitfire’s hotel died on her lips once her brain realized exactly who Soarin and Rapidfire were.

Rainbow Dash sputtered out a noise that, Spitfire assumed, had been a concise thought in the moments before she had landed. With a chuckle, Spitfire walked over to the dumbfounded mare and wrapped her foreleg around Rainbow’s shoulders, pulling her into a sidelong hug.

“Right on time, Dash,” Spitfire said with a grin. “You remember Soarin, right?” She pointed a hoof to the light-blue stallion, who waved sheepishly. Rainbow managed a dumb nod. “The dopey one is my brother, Rapidfire,” she finished, pointing to her twin.

Rapidfire gave Spitfire a scowl before puffing out his chest and smirking proudly in Rainbow’s general direction. “Nice to finally meet you, Rainbow.”

“L-likewise,” Rainbow replied, still staring wide-eyed at the two additional Wonderbolts.

“I thought the four of us could get dinner,” Spitfire continued, finding her date’s star-struck reaction highly entertaining, “Then you and I can hang out for the rest of the night and these two lovebirds can get back to doing their thing.” She finished with a nod directed at Rapidfire an Soarin’.

“We are not dating!” Both stallions shouted in exasperation, a flush of crimson spreading over both their faces.

Spitfire leaned close to Rainbow’s ear and whispered: “Totally in denial.”

Rapidfire’s left eye twitched several times before he trotted up to Rainbow and put his hooves on her shoulders. He stared into her eyes with a look of utter seriousness. “You’re too good for her.” He warned, jerking his head in Spitfire’s direction. “Run.”

“Quiet you,” Spitfire said, giving her brother a playful punch in the shoulder.

“Hey,” Rapid protested, “I’m just trying to help!”

“Anyways,” Spitfire said, her tone making it clear that the conversation was over, “I figured since Soarin and I were kinda out of it after the Best Young Flyers competition and we were a bit preoccupied at the Gala, then we could try and make it up to you a bit tonight. Sound good?” She asked, a warm smile gracing her lips.

Rainbow Dash found herself utterly stunned. Of all the things she had expected to see when she had left work, this particular situation hadn’t even entered her mind. She suddenly felt glad she had decided against stopping and buying flowers on her way to the hotel. Firstly, because she wasn’t quite willing to hoof over her tough-pony card just yet, and secondly, she probably would have managed to choke on the flowers after seeing the two additional Wonderbolts.

“Uh… You… Huah… ” Rainbow sputtered after trying and utterly failing to coalesce together a somewhat-organized thought process.

“Great!” Spitfire grinned happily, amused at Rainbow’s muddled state. “I got us reservations at the Café Amaréicain for six-thirty.”

Soarin and Rapidfire exchanged a shocked glance while Rainbow simply looked confused. The Café Amaréicain was one of the more exclusive clubs in Manehattan. Most ponies found it too expensive, and even for those that didn’t, a reservation usually had to be made months in advance. As a team, Acrus had taken them all out there once to celebrate the team’s fiftieth anniversary, and while only he had seen the bill, it didn’t take a royal magister to get an idea of how expensive it had been.

“Can I borrow you for a minute?” Rapidfire asked, even as he hooked a foreleg around her shoulders and pulled her aside so the two could have a moment of privacy.

“What’s up?” Spitfire asked, shooting her twin a glare.

“What in the buck are you doing?” Rapid hissed, keeping his voice low enough so Soarin and Rainbow couldn’t hear.

“Going out to dinner with my idiot brother, my best friend, and a date.” She answered.

“You don’t just take any old date to the Café Amaréicain!” Rapidfire replied. “Hay, nopony goes there unless it’s like a crazy special occasion! How did you even get reservations?”

“I talked to the owner and traded him a couple backstage passes for a table,” Spitfire admitted with a sheepish grin.

Rapidfire hesitated for a moment as he considered the new information. “Does Arcus know you did that?”

“Um... maybe?” She answered with a guilty smile.

“Uhg,” Rapidfire groaned and pressed his hoof to his face. “Are you trying to get fired?”

“It’s not like I’m doing this on the team checkbook!” Spitfire defended, leveling an annoyed glare at her brother. “I promised I’d buy dinner, and I will. And we all get a few backstage passes to give out as we choose. I decided to use mine for this.”

“Spits,” Rapid sighed, “the Café Amaréicain is too expensive, even for you.”

“If I went there every night, yeah,” Spitfire agreed, “but this is a special occasion, so I can swing it.”

Rapid started, his stern look fading into concern. “Spits, don’t...” He paused and sighed. “Don’t you think you might be taking this a bit, I don’t know, fast?”

The ex-captain fidgeted uncomfortably, finding herself unable to look her brother in the eye. “What do you mean?” She asked, not terribly sure she wanted to hear the answer.

“You only started dating her a week ago, and now you’re taking her to one of the fanciest restaurants in town?”

“Well in fairness, she did save my life,” Spitfire argued.

“Two years ago,” Rapid countered.

“Better late than never?” She weakly retorted.

“Spits...” He said as he frowned. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

Spitfire dug at the sidewalk with her hoof, avoiding her brother’s gaze. Rapidfire felt his heart sink slightly. “Come on sis,” he pleaded softly, “talk to me, please?”

“What’s there to say?” She asked him. “It just feels right so far.”

“Is it really that way, or did going through a rainboom just mess your head up?” Rapid asked quietly.

“The rainboom,” Spitfire let a dreamy sigh escape her lips, “was…”

Rapidfire waited expectantly for her to continue, after it became clear she was lost in her thoughts, he nudged her lightly.

“Was what?” He asked.

“It was just… unreal.” She sighed. “I don’t know.”

“Where are you going with this relationship, Spits?” He asked.

“Look,” Spitfire started with a sigh, “I’m just seeing where things go, and whatever happens, happens.”

“Spits—” Rapid started, his words cut off by his sister’s hoof. Rapid’s posture sagged slightly.

“Rapid, I know you’re worried. Hay, I’d be lying if I said I knew where this was gonna go.” She sighed, subtly glancing over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of Rainbow.

From what she could see, Rainbow was talking about something with Soarin. The weather manager’s posture was rigid with a subtle tremble that was visible primarily in the way her wings quivered at her sides. She was doing her best not to act like a star-struck filly, a gesture that Spitfire couldn’t help but find adorable. Likewise, Soarin was doing his best to keep things casual and chat with her like he was just a normal pegasus. Spitfire reminded herself to thank him later.

With some effort, she returned her attention to her brother. “I’ll never know unless I try, Rapid.”

“Even if it costs you your job? Like, for good this time?” he asked, not bothering to hide the concern in his voice.

Spitfire scoffed, a sad smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Only one way to find out.”

Rapidfire sighed heavily, pressing his right hoof to his forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut. “You’re an idiot.” He stated flatly.

“Love you too, Rapid,” Spitfire replied, giving him a sidelong hug, which he returned after a moment’s hesitation.

“Come on,” Spitfire said as she turned back to Soarin and Rainbow, “let’s get a move on. I don’t wanna be late and miss our reservation.”

Rapidfire sighed and shook his head. He hung back slightly from the others, allowing them to lead the way to the Café Amaréicain. He watched Spitfire and Rainbow closely, paying particular attention to the subtle ways they interacted.

Spitfire was walking with Rainbow to her immediate left so as to not accidentally bump her injured wing. From where he was walking, Rapidfire could observe the little moments between the two. He noticed the way Spitfire would flick her tail to brush against Rainbow’s; he saw how Rainbow would stretch her wings just enough so that her primary feathers would ever so lightly touch Spitfire’s. The longer they walked, the closer their proximity became, until the two were about as close as they could get without actually touching.

Rapidfire frowned. He wanted to see his sister happy; what pony didn’t want their siblings to be happy, after all? Still, he couldn’t help but feel nervous about the whole situation. Spitfire hadn’t had a serious relationship in years. Casual flings, sure, but not anything that lasted more than a couple of weeks. Rapid sighed and shook his head, barely noticing as Soarin slipped into step beside him.

“Usually you’re way more annoying than this,” Soarin said with an amused tone. “What’s bugging you LT?”

Rapidfire shot a glare to the Wonderbolt’s current Captain. “Just thinking.” He answered honestly.

“About them?” Soarin motioned with his head to the two mares walking ahead of them.

“Yeah,” Rapid answered softly.

“What’s the issue?” Soarin asked, not quite sure how to handle a contemplative Rapidfire.

Rapid sighed and shook his head. “It’s complicated. Spits hasn’t had a serious relationship in years. I don’t wanna see her get hurt.”

“The boss is a big girl,” Soarin pointed out. “She can take care of herself.”

“That’s not the part that worries me,” Rapid continued. “What happens if they get on really well, and then have a nasty breakup? The media scandal will bury her career!”

“Because she dated a national hero?” Soarin asked, not entirely getting Rapidfire’s point.

“No… Well, kinda...” Rapidfire sighed. “If she gets caught dating one of the Elements of Harmony, specifically the one who just happens to be one of the best flier’s of her generation the media will write it up that Spits used Rainbow to advance her career. Then, they’ll say she dumped her when she got bored. Arcus will get too much heat from the sponsors, and Spitfire will be forced to resign in disgrace!”

“That’s a bit… hyperbolic,” Soarin replied, unable to resist a slight smirk.

“Whatever,” Rapidfire huffed in irritation.

“Look,” Soarin started with a sigh, “the boss isn’t a foal; she can take care of herself.”

“I worry. Sue me,” Rapidfire grumbled.

“So do I,” Soarin replied honestly. “So, how’s about this: You and I will do what we do best and watch her back. If this thing goes sideways, we’ll be there for her. If not, then we get to tease her endlessly for being so sappy.”

Rapidfire nearly tripped over his own hooves from the comment. He looked over to Soarin, who had a restrained smirk on his muzzle.

“Mallow, I could almost kiss you,” Rapidfire grinned.

“Try it and your sister becomes an only child,” Soarin answered curtly.

“I love it when you talk dirty,” Rapidfire said with a wink.

Soarin groaned and rolled his eyes.