• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 22,568 Views, 3,140 Comments

Fire & Rain - Ruirik

Sometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightest

  • ...

Feathers of Blue and Gold

She was flying.

Soaring through the skies on golden wings. The wind rushed through her mane, the delicate, ginger strands whipping back and forth. She was the master of the skies; the winds were her roads, the clouds her playthings. Spitfire let out a jubilant howl. Nothing compared to soaring through the skies.

Yet all was not well in the world. Storm clouds, wild, thick, and black roiled angrily on the horizon. They spread through the skies like ink flowing through clear waters. Lightning arced out at her, blinding her to the world. When Spitfire’s sight returned, she saw her wings were gone and in an instant she was falling towards the earth.

The winds, once her servants, now buffeted her body like a thousands of small punches. She screamed for help, but the roar of thunder drowned out her voice. Her hooves flailed in vain at the empty skies, reaching for clouds that weren’t there to save her.

The ground grew closer and closer, and Spitfire could do nothing to stop it. Then, just before she could hit the ground, strong hooves caught her and carried her away to safety. The impact startled Spitfire out of her dream.

She awoke with a sharp gasp, letting a trembling breath escape from her lips. She blinked rapidly until the room returned to focus. Spitfire was in bed, laying on her right side. Rainbow’s sleeping form was facing away from Spitfire, her back spooned up against Spitfire’s front. Spitfire took a moment to find the clock on the nightstand to check the time: five twenty-three in the morning.

Spitfire sighed heavily, pressing her face into the back of Rainbow’s mane. She took comfort in the smell—like spring rain and static. Careful not to wake the younger mare, Spitfire draped her left hoof over Rainbow’s side and scooted closer until her chest was flush with Rainbow’s back.

Rainbow shifted in her sleep, taking a deep breath before she settled back down. Spitfire allowed herself a small nuzzle against the back of Rainbow’s neck. She cherished the moment, savored the warmth where their bodies touched.

‘It’s been so long... I’ve missed this,’ Spitfire thought, closing her eyes and allowing herself a satisfied moan.

Her mind drifted to the events of the previous night. The fun she had experienced being chased around the suite by Rainbow. The pleasure she had found in the hours they had spent kissing and cuddling on the floor. Spitfire couldn’t recall the exact time they had moved to the bed, though she was pretty sure she had copped a feel or two before they had.

A rush of concern flooded her mind, causing Spitfire’s heart to skip a beat. If she had gotten a little bit... grabby, then she was pretty sure Rainbow hadn’t been offended. At least Rainbow hadn’t slapped her and stormed out, and given that the weather manager was still sleeping comfortably‚ Spitfire was fairly sure it was safe to assume Rainbow had enjoyed herself too.

Banishing those thoughts from her mind, Spitfire refocused her attention of the mare snuggled up against her. Rainbow’s wing was splayed out across the bed, her sky blue feathers tousled from sleep. Spitfire gave her wing a cautious stretch, flexing the stiff muscles for a moment before she draped her wing over Rainbow’s. The feathers of blue and gold brushing together and sending a tingle through the Wonderbolt.

Spitfire lifted her head from the pillows just enough so she could take stock of her own feathers. Unsurprisingly, they were just as ruffled from the night as Rainbow’s were. Laying her head back down, Spitfire filed that problem to the back of her mind. As far as she was concerned, the world could wait for a little longer.

Just for once, Spitfire wanted to sleep in with her marefriend.

Burying her nose into Rainbow’s mane, Spitfire closed her eyes and dozed. Soon enough she had returned to a light sleep, happily free of dreams. When she was roused again, it was from Rainbow’s semiconscious stretching.

Rainbow’s back arched, her forelegs and rear legs pulling in opposite directions as she yawned. The warmth of Rainbow’s body pulled away from Spitfire who, in a semiconscious daze herself, reacted by dragging Rainbow back to her. The surprised squeak that interrupted Rainbow’s yawn brought an amused smirk to Spitfire’s face.

“Morning,” Spitfire mumbled, quite comfortable in her position.

“Mornin’,” Rainbow replied, still groggy.

“Sleep good?” Spitfire asked.

“Mmhmm,” Rainbow gave a nod, “these beds are really comfy.”

“That they are.”

The two stayed in bed a little longer, enjoying the warmth and comfort while it lasted. Inevitably though, all things must come to an end. Even so, Spitfire didn’t let Rainbow squirm out of her grasp without at least a token fight.

“Lemme goooo,” Rainbow whined.

“Nah, you’re nice and warm,” Spitfire said, snuggling into Rainbow’s back.

“Come on,” Rainbow said as she squirmed in Spitfire’s grasp, “I gotta pee!”

Spitfire leaned over Rainbow, planting a kiss on her cheek before releasing the squirming weather mare. With a stretch, Rainbow hopped off the bed and made for the restroom. Spitfire lingered under the sheets for a moment, her eyes drifting to the long, multi colored hairs on Rainbow’s pillow.

With one last yawn, Spitfire pulled herself upright and out of bed. Taking a moment to stretch out, she groaned in satisfaction as a series of cracks went down her spine. That need satisfied, she trotted to the living room and made herself comfortable on the couch. Extending her wings she inspected her feathers in preparation for her morning preening. Before she could begin, Rainbow trotted out of the restroom with a satisfied sigh and a spring in her step.

“Have fun?” Spitfire asked, shooting a warm smile to Rainbow.

“Meh, I’ve had better,” Rainbow answered, shrugging as she sat beside Spitfire.

The wonderbolt shook her head as she chuckled. “Anything you wanna do today?”

“Wanna go flying?”

“More than anything, not that I can yet.” Spitfire said, her voice laced with sadness at the truth of her situation.

“You can ride on my back!” Rainbow said quickly, a bright smile on her lips. “We can just pack sandwiches and some drinks and we’ll just spend the day in the sky.”

Spitfire considered the offer, her hoof rubbing the back of her head. On one hoof, she hated the idea of making another pony carry her weight, on the other hoof, this wasn’t just any other pony. It was Rainbow Dash, her marefriend. Further still, she desperately missed flying. It was like an earth pony being unable to walk or a unicorn that couldn’t use their magic. No, perhaps it was even more than that for Spitfire.

She was a Wonderbolt. She loved to fly, no, love wasn’t a strong enough word. Flying to a Wonderbolt, flying to Spitfire, was everything. Zephyr had never understood that.

Rainbow’s offer; a day in the skies, was simply too good to pass up.

“That sound’s like fun to me, Dash.” Spitfire said

“Great!” Rainbow exclaimed, her grin stretching from ear to ear. “Let me just get preened up first and then we’ll get going.”

Spitfire smiled as she observed Rainbow stretch out her left wing and begin the delicate process of preening. Spitfire glanced at her own feathers, in dire need of attention after another nights sleep. Still, as she watched Rainbow pick at her own feathers, meticulously straightening them out and pulling them into place, an idea came to her mind.

For the first time in years, Spitfire felt skittish as a schoolyard filly. Reaching out with a hoof, she very lightly touched the base of Rainbow’s right wing. The action quickly drew the weather manager’s attention.

“Mind if I help?” Spitfire asked, her tone gentile and her smile earnest.

Rainbow’s cheeks flushed red. A pegasi’s wings were the most sensitive parts of their body. Preening was considered one of the most intimate acts two pegasi could do together. It was something done in between immediate family members or couples only. Rainbow remembered when she was little and her pinfeathers had just grown in that her father would sit her in his lap while he preened her wings.

It was perhaps the only time he ever gotten her to hold still and keep quiet.

The question left Rainbow facing a choice she hadn’t thought of before that morning. Just how close did she want to be with Spitfire? Rainbow’s hesitation faded as her eyes met Spitfire’s. She saw the trust, the understanding, and with a simple nod, Rainbow extended her right wing for Spitfire.

A shiver ran through Rainbow as Spitfire began to preen her. Aside from when her father had helped her as a filly, Rainbow had never let another pony touch her wings like that. The good feelings that it gave her were enough to make Rainbow lose focus on the wing she had been preening. Instead she sat there in a half-lidded glassy eyed stare.

Spitfire noticed the effect her ministrations had, and allowed a self-satisfied smile. It was good to know her partner preening skills hadn’t atrophied over the years. Spitfire took her time working over Rainbow’s feathers. She had always found feathers up close to be a fascinating sight. The way the covert feathers overlapped with the pinfeathers, the individual barbs melded together to form the vane itself. To Spitfire, feathers were masterworks of natural artistry, and Rainbow’s in particular were a sight to behold.

Rainbow shivered as Spitfire plucked out a loose feather. She reached out with her left foreleg to the armrest of the couch to steady herself. Spitfire chuckled softly as she spat the feather out.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Mmhmm,” Rainbow nodded, her eyes closed and her cheeks red.

“I’m almost finished with this wing.”


Spitfire took her time with her work, partially because she wanted to do a good job, and also because she was very much enjoying herself. Some of her favorite times with Zephyr had been when they preened together in the morning before work. So far at least, Spitfire was quite enjoying preening Rainbow as well.

Finishing the right wing, Spitfire gave Rainbow a moment to collect herself. She gently rubbed her hoof over Rainbow’s back, never taking her eyes off the younger mare. Slowly, Rainbow’s gaze met hers again, silent gratitude and more conveyed without so much as a sound. Spitfire simply smiled, understanding perfectly.

With deliberate slowness, Spitfire leaned forward. Rainbow matched the motion, their lips meeting in the middle in a gentle kiss.

“Thank you,” Rainbow whispered as their lips parted.

“Anytime, Dash. Want me to do the other one too?”

“I-if you want to.”

Spitfire kissed Rainbow’s nose. “Switch spots with me so I can get to your wing.”

Rainbow nodded, and after a bit of shuffling, the two mares had switched places on the couch. Spitfire took Rainbow’s wing in her hooves and inspected it with a practiced eye. Setting to work, she worked through Rainbow’s feathers one by one. She savored the satisfied grunts and moans that came with most of her work. Spitfire couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when she inevitably finished her task.

After a moment to return to her senses, Rainbow turned to face Spitfire, a sheepish smile tugging at her lips. “Want me to do yours?”

Spitfire caught herself blushing. “If you want to.”

Rainbow’s smile grew ever so slightly as she reached out and carefully unfolded Spitfire’s wing. With equal care, she began the fastidious process of preening Spitfire’s wings. Spitfire shivered from the effort and did her best to fight the blush that was spreading over her face.

Spitfire was suddenly very glad she wasn’t a stallion.

Rainbow took her time, making sure every feather was clean and in perfect alignment before she moved to Spitfire’s injured wing. Making sure not to stretch the recovering wing too far, she continued her work with silent dedication. Unbeknownst to her, Spitfire spent the entire time trying her best to control her body. Just before Rainbow finished her work, a hoof began knocking fervently on the suite door. Both Spitfire and Rainbow jumped slightly in surprise before exchanging a confused look.

“Were we expecting somepony?” Rainbow asked.

“Not that I know of,” Spitfire answered. “Give it a minute, maybe they’ve got the wrong door and they’ll go away.”

Rainbow nodded, keeping her mouth shut as they waited. For several long seconds, silence filled the room. Both Rainbow and Spitfire began to hope that whoever it was had decided to move on. Their hopes were dashed as the knocking returned.

With a disappointed sigh, Spitfire got to her hooves. “I’ll be right back, Dash.”


Trotting to the door, Spitfire put on her best scowl. Unless somepony had died, she didn’t particularly care what the problem was today. Pulling the door open, Spitfire’s planned rant evaporated when she saw the pony on the other side.

“Misty?” she balked, “what are you doing here?”

“We got a problem, boss,” Misty began, pausing when something in the room caught her eye.

“Hey,” Spitfire moved to block Misty’s view, “focus on me, Misty. What’s the problem?”

“Do you have somepony else in there?” Misty asked.

“That’s not your concern, Misty.” Spitfire said.

“Oh my gosh, you do!” Misty squealed, her original mission momentarily forgotten.

“Misty, oof—” Spitfire grunted as the smaller mare pushed past her in a rush, “NO!”

Spitfire’s heart skipped a beat as she righted herself and turned around. She saw Misty standing at the edge of the kitchenette, staring slack jawed into the living room.

“Um... hi there!” Rainbow Dash said with a sheepish wave to Misty.

“You... But... I—” Misty flubbed for the words, her eyes shifting from Rainbow to Spitfire.

“Misty, take it easy... “Spitfire said as she approached the speechless mare. Both Spitfire and Rainbow Dash winced at the impressive thud Misty made as she keeled over in shock.

After a moment of silence, Rainbow looked over to Spitfire.

“Well, that could have gone better.”

Spitfire sighed, rubbing her forehead in exasperation. “Sorry, Rainbow, looks like we’ll have to take a raincheck on that flight.”

“It’s cool,” Rainbow said with a shrug.

“Do me a favor and get her on the couch, I’ll get an ice bag.”

Rainbow saluted. “You got it, boss!”