• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 2,986 Views, 164 Comments

Skyfall - Dusk Quill

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Chapter 6: First Blood

The night was warm with a late summer breeze. Sleep had long since taken the city of Canterlot, and aside from the nightclubs few and far between, the city was quiet and dark. Not a single pony stirred in the streets. The moon had yet to reach its next phase, and the city was still mostly veiled in shadow.

It made for the perfect cover as Skyfall Team ran through the labyrinth of streets.

Fleethoof ran at the head of the pack, leading the others based on memory. He tried to remember where they had gone before. Trotting Terrace, that much he recalled. An abandoned house there. That was all he needed to know. They checked the name of every street they ran past, looking for the right one.

In the silence of the night, Fleethoof could swear he could almost hear Night Shade’s laughter on the wind, mocking him.

Run, Fleethoof. Run faster, his mind echoed over and over again.

The clock tower in the churchyard started to chime. It was five in the morning. The sun would be up in an hour, and from that point, there was no telling how much time they had left. It was a race against the clock, now more than ever.

Trotting Terrace. The sign made Fleethoof skid on his hooves, turning sharply down the small street. The other ponies followed close behind as he slowed to a canter. He remembered which side of the street the house was on—and only one was boarded up.

The team quickly advanced on the house. Fleethoof, Valiant, and Lightning took to the front door while Sharp Shot led Blue Shield and Cupcake around to the back. With the building surrounded, and no chance of escape for anypony inside, Fleethoof pushed the broken door inward.

Three beams of light shone from their weapons as they swept across the interior. Not a single light was on in the house, and there were still no signs of life or recent activity. The team swept through the first floor quickly, Valiant and Cupcake moving to check upstairs.

“Clear,” came a call from the upper level.

“Clear,” Sharp Shot said from the kitchen. “The whole house is clear, Captain.”

Fleethoof ran a hoof through his mane, shaking his head slowly. “This doesn’t make sense…”

“What? You don’t think a madpony would lie to you?” asked Sharp sarcastically.

“No, at least he wouldn’t lie and say they were here. He’d know we wouldn’t take all day to search such a small house,” said Fleethoof, trying to shine reason on a madpony's riddles. “There has to be more to this.”

“Captain.” Blue Shield’s voice in the hall caught his attention. “I found something.”

The ponies regrouped in the small hallway cutting through the house. Blue Shield pressed on a section of the wall—and the wall moved inward like a door. Fleethoof stared on in amazement. Inside was a small cubby space, with a stone staircase leading down into darkness. A quick flash of their lights down revealed a hidden basement.

“How did you find this? It blends in perfectly with the wall.”

“The hinges,” Shield explained, pointing to the seam in the wall. “I could see where they were.”

“Good job,” Fleethoof commended, patting the pony on the shoulder and making his way down the stairs.

He swept the basement slowly with his light. The entire place was barren, the only notable thing being a table with papers strewn across its surface. Fleethoof approached the table as the rest of Skyfall Team made their way down. The papers were blank sheets, all bearing the Griffon Kingdom sigil.

“They’ve been here,” Fleethoof said, motioning across the cellar. “Check the entire place for any clues. They can’t have gone far with their leader in custody.”

If he’s their leader…” Sharp Shot corrected.

“Sewer!” Valiant called out, setting his weapon aside and lifting the metal cover. “There’s something at the bottom!”

Everypony gathered around the hole while Valiant climbed down into the sewers. He grabbed a small, crumpled up piece of paper and opened it, inspecting it briefly.

“It’s the same kind.”

“Night Shade wasn’t lying…” Fleethoof said while putting the pieces together in his head. “They’re in the sewers. That’s why the Guard could never find them. That’s how they moved and attacked undetected all this time. They’ve been working in the sewers from the start.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” asked Cupcake with enthusiasm, jumping down the hole. “Geronimo!”

“Everypony down, quickly!”

At Fleethoof’s orders, Skyfall Team descended one by one into the wet, dark tunnels. The tunnel ran in both directions, stretching on. Other tunnels could be seen connecting to theirs. It was a network running beneath the city.

“We don’t have enough time to search all this,” Lightning Flash said.

“So we narrow it down based on what we know,” said Fleethoof, huddling the team together. “Quick, what do we know about The Sword?”

“Um… they’re after the princesses?” Valiant started.

“Good. They’ll want to have their base close to their objective if they can. Narrows it down.”

“There’s at least several members,” Blue Shield added.

“They’ll need space, like a maintenance room or service station. Narrows it down.”

“They target large public spaces,” said Cupcake.

“Near key areas. Narrows it down. There’s only a few possibilities they could be at, all around the center of Canterlot or near Canterlot Castle.”

“There’s a station in the market square,” Valiant called out from a distance away, looking at a map on the wall of the tunnel. “It looks like a major hub. It has tunnels that span across the entire length and breadth of the city.”

Fleethoof grabbed his rifle and set off down the tunnel. “That’s where we’ll try then. We’ve only got one shot at this. Valiant, grab the map. You take point.”

The soldier tore the map from the wall and began following it. Fireteam Skyfall made their way swiftly through the tunnels, turning every which way imaginable. Without a way to tell time, Fleethoof felt the pressure on them intensify. He had no idea how long they’d spent underground, but it felt like an hour, at least.

I need to get a watch when this is done...

Valiant took a sudden turn, down a larger tunnel. They must have been below Main Street, judging by the size of it. Only the sound of running water could be heard all around them, and it put Fleethoof on edge. Walking along the narrow walkway, Valiant led them around one more corner, and then stopped.

“There. That’s it,” he said, pointing to a staircase leading to a metal door.

Fleethoof unslung his rifle and chambered the first round. Behind him, he could hear his teammates following his lead. He trotted up the stairs, taking position at the door. Valiant stood beside him, and Cupcake took the position on the opposite side. He rested a hoof on the handle, tensed and anxious.

“Ready?” Everypony nodded in response to their leader.

Fleethoof pulled the door open swiftly and charged in. A long, dark corridor was on the other side of the door. Light poured around a corner at the end. He moved quickly and as quietly as possible down to the light. The sound of hooves against stone echoed softly behind him.

He ran to the corner and sidled to the edge, risking a peek around. Torches lit a large, domed room. Ponies walked between rows of tables and crates, going about some business of their own. Papers, scrolls, and maps covered each table. Sets of Royal Guard armor rested on one table, along with a couple pistols.

The room sat below their level, a thin path leading to stairs that descended into the room. Crates had been stacked alongside the path. They would provide some cover. Even still, the ponies were outnumbered three to one. Fleethoof liked those odds.

“Everypony stay right where you are,” Fleethoof ordered, his voice loud and echoing around the room as he stepped out of cover.

The ponies all stopped what they were doing, looking up at the pegasus in a mix of shock and fear. The rest of Skyfall Team stepped out alongside their leader, mimicking his fearless demeanor.

“The Double-Edged Sword, you are all under arrest for treason, conspiracy, and acts of terrorism against Canterlot and her majesty, Princess Celestia of Equestria.”

As soon as Fleethoof finished speaking, the ponies scattered. Many turned and ran down the branching tunnels. Others tipped tables over and ducked behind them, grabbing the few weapons they had. Two ponies grabbed the armor and took off down one tunnel.

“Hey!” Fleethoof shouted.

A gunshot rang out, and he felt the bullet fly by his head. Flinching, Fleethoof dove behind cover as Valiant and Cupcake returned fire. Cupcake’s gun sounded horrifying in the close quarters, the never-ending stream of gunfire and brass casing falling to the floor echoing all around. The pony laughed maniacally as he pinned the ponies in place.

Valiant tapped Fleethoof’s shoulder, giving him the sign for clear. He stood up again and quickly descended the short staircase with his Sergeant. Cupcake held fire, and one of the renegade ponies quickly stood up. Fleethoof fired three shots into his chest quickly, dropping him in a split second. Another stood up, and was gunned down by Valiant.

A single gunshot was heard behind one of the tables as the two ponies approached cautiously. Fleethoof peered over it, seeing a third pony lying slumped across the floor. A gunshot wound went through his head, and he clutched the still-smoking pistol in his hoof. The captain sighed and shook his head sadly for the pony.

“What do we do now, Captain?” Blue Shield asked as the team regrouped.

“Yes, what is plan?” asked Cupcake.

“There’s too many different paths to chase them down by ourselves. But they’re broken and routed, running scared. We can clean the runners up with the Guard, but two took sets of armor from the kidnapped soldiers. They have to be the ones carrying out Night Shade’s plan. They’re the ones we need to stop.”

Fleethoof ran to the tunnel the ponies had gone down. Much to his surprise, the tunnel didn’t go anywhere. It ran a few dozen meters down, and hit a dead end. A ladder at the end went up to the surface. The chase didn’t go very far.

“Come on. They can’t be too far ahead.” He rushed to the ladder. The climb to the street seemed to last an eternity to the panicked pony. They were so close to winning, but the game had really been set into motion now. It was the final phase of The Sword’s plan, and the final chance for Skyfall Team. All the chips were on the table, winner takes all.

With a grunt, Fleethoof pushed the cover off the manhole, bright sunlight flooding into their faces. He could hear the cries and sounds of protest beneath him from his blinded teammates. The sun warmed his skin, but it made his blood run cold. Morning had risen. The dawn of the final day had passed. They were out of time.

He hoisted himself up, helping pull his teammates up after him. They were in the market district. Stalls and carts had all been set up and opened by their owners. Ponies quickly filled the plaza, eager to spend their money. And much to his horror, guards had already taken their posts. It was impossible to find The Sword members in the crowd. Fleethoof muttered a silent profanity under his breath.

“Shit!” Sharp Shot cursed, looking around in worry. “How do we find two disguised terrorists in this?”

Fleethoof ran a hoof through his mane again, breathing heavy as he tried to keep calm. He could feel his chest tighten from the anxiety. His heart pounded like a drum and his mind raced, desperately grasping at ideas. And then one hit him.

“Like this,” he said, climbing up onto the nearest stand.

“Hey!” the pony minding the stall snapped. “What do you think you—”

Fleethoof drew his sidearm and fired it three times into the air. Ponies all around the square screamed and ran for cover. Amongst the mass of civilians diving behind anything they could find, the guards began to make their way towards him, weapons in hoof as they pushed through the crowd. Only two guards began to run away from the scene, out of sight in a second.

“There they go!”

Fleethoof took to the air, flying over the approaching soldiers while the remainder of Skyfall Team pushed through the crowd to the other side of the square. The ponies were already gone, but he knew the road they had taken. It led straight for Canterlot Castle.

He ran as fast as he could, soon hearing hooves beside him. Lightning Flash smiled at his captain as he caught up to him. Fleethoof marveled at the pony’s speed. His file had not lied about his talent.

Valiant flew overhead, scouting for the soldiers. They were nowhere to be seen, and the closer they got to the castle, the more frequently soldiers were seen on the streets. They had the perfect disguise.

And then somepony tackled him to the ground.

Two Guard ponies marched up the front steps of Canterlot Castle, saluting their fellow soldiers as they entered. They turned down the main corridor, following memory through the castle until they reached the gate on the opposite side of the property. Approaching a stone staircase, they entered the prison.

Hooves clopped loudly as they approached the lone guard at the only occupied cell, and saluted again. Night Shade looked up at the two soldiers, sitting patiently in his cell.

“We’re here to relieve you,” one said, noting the confused look on the guard’s face. “Princess Celestia’s orders. The Captain of the Guard wanted to shift positions for security. You are to report to him, post haste.”

The guard nodded, then handed over the keys to his replacements. “Keep an eye on this one. He’s a tricky one.”

Once the pony had given them the keys, one of the guards drew his sidearm and fired a single round through the prison guard’s skull. One guard proceeded to open the cell while the other removed the deceased’s armor. Night Shade smiled as he stepped out of the cell.

“You’re early,” he said with a chuckle, donning the armor. In an instant, his image had been magically transformed to resemble a Royal Guard.

“Sorry, sir. We had an… interruption. We needed to proceed.”

Night smiled widely. “Ah, so Fleethoof found you! I knew he would figure it out. Such a clever pony… But come. We have work to do, and somepony may have heard us.”

With one grinning wickedly, the three villains made their way out of the prison. Their plan was almost complete…

“Forgive us, Captain,” the soldier apologized as he removed the cuffs from Fleethoof. “We didn’t know it was you. But you can’t go firing your guns off in public like that.”

“We had to, to draw out the enemy,” Sharp Shot explained.

“We don’t have time for this!” said Fleethoof as he marched up towards Canterlot Castle, his team and the Guard soldiers right beside him. “They’ve already infiltrated the castle by now. We have to secure the princesses and find them.”

The guard pursed his lips together. “That’s going to be difficult, sir. Captain Shining Armor doubled security in the castle overnight. There’s twice as many of the Guard here as usual, all of them armed.”

“Of course there is,” Fleethoof laughed. Things could never be easy.

“Where are the princesses now?” asked Valiant.

“They are having breakfast with Captain Shining Armor in the grand hall. He insisted on accompanying them throughout the day.”

“Smart stallion,” murmured Fleethoof as they entered the castle and turned down the hall.

“Um, sir? The princesses are the other way.”

“We’re not going to the princesses. We’re going to the prison.”

Sharp Shot cantered up beside his officer. “Do you think they’d try to free him, Captain?”

“He’s their leader, Sharp. He’s got them completely under his influence, he’s the one with the vendetta against Celestia, and he’s very bright,” Fleethoof fought the bitter taste in his mouth the more he thought about how they had fallen right into Night Shade's plan. “He got caught for a reason. He planned on being locked up. It got him the closest to the princesses, and we played right into it.”

The group crossed the gardens and came up to the prison gates. Fleethoof could hear his heartbeat pounding in his head as they descended the stairs. He walked fast, rounding the corner—and freezing in his tracks.

“Celestia dammit…”

He ran down the corridor in haste, stopping beside the dead body on the floor. Everypony rushed up, one of the guards retching at the sight. The body had been stripped of its armor, and Night Shade was gone. They had already freed him.

“He’s loose…” Fleethoof said, rising quickly and taking his weapon in hoof. “What weapons do the guards have right now?”

“Just our rifles, the bolt ones,” somepony replied. “Captain Armor thought the presence of firearms would deter an attack.”

“Was this guard armed?”

“N-No, sir. Captain Armor didn’t want to risk a weapon around the prisoner.”

“Then we need to secure the armory. That’s where they’ll be heading. Let’s move, everypony, double time!”

Night Shade pulled the double doors open wide, stepping into the large space, his partners following close behind. The Canterlot Armory was everything he had hoped it would be. New and old weapons were hung with care on racks around the room. Boxes of ammo lay stacked to the ceiling.

The pony’s grin widened.

He grabbed one of the ceremonial rifles, the old weapon he had been trained to use. The familiar feel of the varnished wood in his hoof brought back fond memories. He smiled, and grabbed a hoofful of bullets, proceeding to load his weapon while the other two armed themselves more adequately.

“Remember, anypony else is yours to claim,” Shade spoke up, chambering a round in his gun. “But Celestia is mine.”

“What are we doing with the guard’s body?”

Night Shade glanced out of the doors at the corpse of the armory’s guard, lying on the castle floor. Oh, right. They really should have done something with him sooner.

“Drag him in here. We can’t let anypony see him yet.”

Obeying what they were told, the ponies carried the body in and tossed him to the floor. At least he was out of sight now. Night trotted over to a stockpile of barrels, a bright red warning printed across the body: DANGER: EXPLOSIVE. The faint smell of gunpowder radiated from within the wooden cylinders.

“Boss, we’re running out of time,” one of the Sword members said urgently. “What are you doing?”

Night smirked a little. “Hedging my bets.”

A bright glow surrounded Night Shade’s horn as he levitated several barrels. He grunted as he focused his energy, the magical aura growing stronger around the barrels. In a flash of light, they were gone, teleported away.

“Come along, everypony,” he sang out, sashaying out into the hall. “Let’s go make some history.”

The three closed the doors behind them, marching as swiftly and casually away as they could. Their disguises were working perfectly. Everything was going according to his plan.

And then the sound of hooves rushing towards them made Night freeze in place.

Ahead of the trio, Fireteam Skyfall ran around a corner, barreling down the hall at breakneck speeds, a cluster of soldiers right behind them. Night Shade smiled to himself. Fleethoof was still playing along—and he was catching up too. The unicorn felt his pulse quicken. The game had become that much closer.

The ‘soldiers’ stood at attention and saluted the ponies as they ran by, only Fleethoof stopping by them.

“The princesses,” he said between heavy breaths. “Are they still in the grand hall?”

“Yes, sir,” one of Shade’s followers said with a firm, affirmative nod. “We were on our way to go reinforce security there now.”

“Good. Keep your eyes out. The prisoner is loose in the castle, and he’s disguised as a Royal Guard. Check everypony and anypony.”

“Yes, sir.”

Fleethoof nodded. “And if you see anypony suspicious, apprehend them immediately and check them. But be careful. These ponies are ruthless, and they won’t—”

“Captain Fleethoof!”

Valiant’s shout caught his attention. The captain ran off down the corridor again after his team, and the three ponies quickly trotted away down the hall. It would only be a matter of moments before the body was discovered in the armory, and then they’d have little time to get to the princesses.

Time was of the essence, and their task was nearly completed.

Fleethoof bolted and skidded around the final corner, rushing up to the armory. The doors were swung open wide. Inside, he could see the guards pacing nervously.

“What is it?” he asked, approaching the scene.

“Captain… Look at this…”

The pony turned to Sharp Shot as he knelt beside the body of a dead soldier—the armory guard. Confusion spread like a wildfire. It didn’t make sense. Shining Armor had been arming the guards, but there was a dead one right here.

And then realization hit Fleethoof like a brick wall, and a mixture of terror and anger filled his heart.

“That was them… In the hallway, that was Night Shade!” he cried out, charging out of the armory and back down the halls, his team barely having time to catch up. “He’s armed and now he knows where the princesses are! We have to hurry!”

The grand hall was on the other side of the castle. If they ran as fast as they could, they might be able to catch up to them. But even Fleethoof couldn’t kid himself. Night Shade had a huge lead on them, and was no doubt making haste as well. The chances of them catching up in time were slim.

But he had to try. They had to try. He perished the thought of what would happen if they failed…

His heart was pounding. His mind was focused. His eyes gleamed with mad bliss. Night Shade rounded the final corner, beginning his trek down the long hallway to the great hall. He could see the massive doors at the far end, reaching all the way to the high ceiling.

His breathing quickened. Every sound was tuned out as a buzzing filled his ears. Every part of his being was concentrated with deadly precision on the target right in front of his eyes. Victory was so close. In a matter of minutes, years of patient planning would come to fruition. He was so close to the end.

Four guards stood in front of the doors, barring their entrance into the chamber. But Night had planned for this. He planned for everything, right down to Fleethoof getting this close. He wanted the captain to be here when it happened. He wanted him to see the princesses die and break, just like he had been broken. Then he would see the truth. Then he would be free, and they would be one and the same.

“Halt!” one of the guards called out to the approaching ponies, raising a hoof to stop them. “By orders of Captain Shining Armor, nopony is to go near Princess Celestia or Luna.”

“There’s been an incident! The prisoner is loose!” Night Shade exclaimed, feigning a worried tone, even widening his eyes for dramatic, persuasive effect. “Captain Fleethoof is rallying all the guards for a sweep of the castle. We have to report to the foyer, immediately!”

The soldiers all exchanged worried and uncertain looks. Shade glanced over his shoulder, making sure Fleethoof wasn’t coming yet. He didn’t have time for this.

“There’s no time! The terrorists could be anywhere, getting closer! We must go aid the captain!”

He could see the adamant determination waver in their eyes, the ponies shifting anxiously. Finally, they took off down the hall, headed the way they had just come. Shade grinned to himself. It was so easy to convince ponies of a false truth when fear gripped their hearts. It was a wonderful tool for manipulation.

He waited until the guards had gotten sufficiently far enough away, and then turned to his ponies.

“Get the door.”

The large doors slowly opened, and the three ponies stepped inside the large hall. A table had been set up in the hall, four chairs around the square surface, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sat side by side. From the empty dishes on the table, the ponies had just missed breakfast. What a pity…

Two guards stood on either side of the door they had come through. Night’s followers shut the doors, catching confused looks from both princesses.

“Is something wrong, soldiers?” asked Celestia, confusion masking her rose eyes. “I thought Shining Armor had ordered nopony to see us today?”

Night slowly grinned menacingly as he stared across the room at the princess. “Shining Armor isn’t here.”

Celestia’s expression shattered, and a dark fear filled her wide eyes. She recognized that voice... Before anypony could react, the two ponies beside Night Shade turned on their hooves, rifles raised, and shot the guards. The ponies fell to the ground, dead, blood spraying across the walls and tiled floor.

Luna stood up quickly, and was locked in place as the ponies turned their rifles on her. Night Shade began his slow trek across the hall towards the sisters, a murderous look glowering on his face. All the while, that twisted grin never left his lips. Never in all his life had he imagined his most precise plan would be the one that worked. He was going to enjoy this…

Slowly, his horn ignited as he levitated the helmet from his head. The magic link in the armor now broken, his coat returned to its original blue color, and his mane hung messily over his red eyes. He looked unkempt, his eyes mad, bloodshot from the lack of sleep, showing his true face to the monarchs.

“This is it… Years of waiting culminating to this one moment. It’s so bittersweet, but the end always is, isn’t it? How does it feel, Celestia, knowing that you are all alone now, facing your death? Knowing that the cavalry isn’t coming to save you?”

Celestia didn’t respond. She stood, tall and staunch, in place. Far worse foes had threatened her before. She wasn’t going to waver in front of this enemy. Shade shook his head slowly.

“Equestria will finally be liberated from your manipulative tyranny. The ponies will finally be free. Everypony will be free! And it will be thanks to me. I will be their hero, and you will be nothing but a nightmarish stain on the pages of history.”

Still no response from her. It disappointed Night Shade, but it wasn’t entirely unexpected. He hadn’t wanted to face her for conversation anyway.

“Oh, how I have waited for this day…” he chuckled, slowing his stride as he grasped his rifle, raising it slowly to savor every second. “Celestia, your retribution comes now!”

He didn’t notice the unicorn sunk low into the seat facing away from the door, or how his hoof quietly drew the pistol on his hip.

Fleethoof skidded as his hooves kicked up the carpet behind him, catching himself mid-fall and stumbling back into a sprint. His lungs burned and his chest ached, panting hard. They were so close.

Oh please, please don’t let us be too late, he mentally pleaded.

Just one more corner. All they had to do was round one more corner, and then it was a straight shot to the hall. As soon as they arrived at their turn, a group of four guards ran towards them down the hall. Fleethoof skidded to a halt, watching them pass, and looking to the now unguarded door, and back to the guards.

“Soldiers!” he called out, watching as they stopped and turned in surprise. “Where are you going? You’ve abandoned your post!”

“Captain!” one said in surprise as they caught back up to the group. “We were just coming to report to you, like you ordered.”

Fleethoof furrowed his brow. “I didn’t order anypony to report to me.”

Now the guards all looked just as confused as he was. “But that’s not what our replacements told us.”

Replacements? Fleethoof looked down the hall as the ponies pointed to the doors. Nopony stood guard at the door. There were no replacements. His eyes widened, and frigid cold dread gripped at his heart like a vise.

And then two distant gunshots were heard.

Oh fuck no!

“Move! Now!” Fleethoof yelled urgently.

His hooves couldn’t kick off the floor fast enough. His heartbeat hammered in his head. Time seemed to move in slow motion. Adrenaline drove him on like a whip cracking at his flanks. But no matter how hard he ran, the door never seemed to be getting any closer. Lungs burning with every breath, he hurled himself towards the doors with reckless abandon. Hooves thundered down the long hallway in a cacophony of speed. The looming doors got larger and larger. They were almost there!

A volley of shots were sounded behind the door, two different weapons firing. Three shots, four, five, six! The seventh one went off just as the ponies reached the doors. Fleethoof and Valiant wasted no time, throwing the weight of their bodies against the door, knocking it inward.

Four bodies lay across the floor, all of them of the Guard. Night Shade stood behind one of the colonnades, chambering a fresh round into his rifle. Blood was sprayed across his coat, most likely from the dead soldiers. The breakfast table was knocked over, the princesses ducked down behind it. Shining Armor sat behind one of the tall chairs, tipped over on its side to provide makeshift cover.

Fleethoof lifted his weapon and drew on Night Shade. He looked up in shock at Skyfall Team and the Royal Guards, who had rushed to cover the princesses. The fight had shifted favors very quickly.

“Night Shade, drop the weapon now!” Fleethoof ordered.

The pony hesitated, staring down the captain for a moment, unsure of what to do. His eyes narrowing, Night shoved the bolt back into place, loading his weapon. Fleethoof gripped his gun tight, keeping careful aim. The two ponies stared one another down.

“Bravo, Captain. You won this game,” Night Shade remarked as Valiant and Cupcake maneuvered their way around the room towards the other side of the colonnade. “But we’re far from done playing.”

“It’s over, Night. Drop the gun now.”

“I'll see you in the final round, Captain!”

In an instant, a blue shield surrounded the unicorn. Fleethoof reacted on reflex, firing a single shot at the pony. The bullet ricocheted off the shield and landed harmlessly in the floor. Night began laughing as his horn began to glow brighter.


But it was too late. In a bright burst of magic, Night Shade had vanished, his shield dissipating as its caster disappeared. He had teleported away.

“Dammit!” Fleethoof swore, the guards rushing about in shock. “Find him! He may still be in the castle!”

“Are you all right, Captain Shining Armor?” a guard asked his officer. Shining rose from cover and holstered his gun.

“I’m fine. Make sure the princesses are okay,” he said, looking to Fleethoof as the pony approached the scene. “You cut it pretty close there.”

“Sorry. I thought I’d give you a little excitement in your life,” Fleethoof remarked, smirking a little. “I am sorry though. We almost weren’t fast enough.”

“But you were. And I don’t know about anypony else, but I’m very thankful for your fleet hooves!”

He chuckled and slung his rifle over his shoulder. “Are the princesses all right?”

“We’re fine,” Princess Celestia reassured Fleethoof as they stepped out of cover. “But I fear that this nightmare is far from over.”

“Night Shade is still alive and on the loose, and The Sword is out there—broken, but active. They’ll be moving on to Plan B now.”

“My troops will find them,” Shining Armor said. “If they’re still in Canterlot, they won’t get far.”

“Better start with the sewers,” replied Sharp Shot. “That’s where they were hiding, right under your noses.”

Shining leered at the sniper for a moment before Fleethoof cut in. “Some may have already made their way out of the city. Jumped ship when they could. But we have to consider their next plan.”

“They’ll come for Princess Celestia again, won’t they?” Valiant asked.

“Most likely, though maybe not as directly,” Blue Shield said in suggestion, shaking his head. “If Night Shade can regroup, then they will, but some may just go rogue. The Sword goes for any alicorn indiscriminately. They blame the entire Royal Family, unlike Night’s vendetta.”

Sharp Shot nodded. “So they’ll definitely stay within Canterlot.”

“Not every princess is in Canterlot…” Fleethoof’s words were dark, and caught the attention of his team.

“Cadance!” Shining Armor gasped.

“She’s still out on her goodwill mission,” said Celestia grimly. “She may be in danger too.”

“I have to go protect her,” Shining worriedly said. “She can’t be left defenseless if these ponies go after her!”

“We can’t have you leave the city, Captain,” Luna interrupted, stoping the pony in his tracks as he made for the door. “You have to head the Guard in their investigation for the remainder of The Sword. They know who you are anyway, Shining Armor. They’d smell a trap the moment they saw you with her.”

“But, Princess Cadance—”

“All we can do is warn her bodyguards,” said Princess Celestia, looking sympathetically at the distressed stallion. “I’m sorry, but we need you here, Shining Armor. We have to trust Cadance’s guards.”

Sharp Shot scoffed. “Because we all saw how effective they were here… Ow!”

A swift punch from Cupcake shut the sniper up, even before Celestia cast a glare his way. Fleethoof had to agree with Sharp though. The castle guards had proven very ineffective at withstanding Night Shade’s brilliant infiltration. How was he supposed to trust a small band of uninformed soldiers to keep Cadance safe?

“Send Skyfall Team to look after Cadance,” Luna offered, catching Fleethoof’s attention. “The Guard can conduct their search here now that they know what to look for, and Skyfall can tend to our niece’s security.”

Shining Armor looked hopeful at the prospect of Cadance’s enforced defense. Even Fleethoof felt his spirits lift at the thought. Princess Celestia, however, looked as uncertain as ever. She stared at Luna for a few moments, then one by one at each pony in his outfit.


“They have proven themselves, sister,” said the Princess of the Night firmly, voice holding adamance in her decision. “They did in weeks what your Guard could not in months, and they are not as reputed as your Captain of the Guard. Send them hence to Cadance’s aid. Or do you dare risk her safety as you have risked ours?”

Celestia and Luna exchanged a look. Fleethoof had seen similar ones sent between disputing siblings before. Even amongst royalty, the relations were the same.

“Very well, sister,” Celestia finally ceded with a gentle tone, her expression softening as she said, “Skyfall Team will see to Cadance’s safety until the rest of this group is found and brought to justice. Shining Armor will be briefed on everything your team has found, and will head the search here. With any luck, this matter should not take long to resolve.”

“Yes, your majesty,” said Fleethoof with a salute. “Where is Princess Cadance right now?”

Luna began making her way past her sister and out of the hall. “We shall check her schedule and find where you may intercept her. You must depart immediately to ensure her maximum security. Return to Skyfall Headquarters and prepare. I shall meet you shortly.”

Skyfall Team saluted in unison and followed their leader out behind the princess. Shining Armor quickly cantered out after them, trotting alongside Fleethoof. He gave him a confused look.

“I’m coming to see this headquarters of yours,” the Captain of the Guard stated firmly. “It’s about time I learned what this team is really about.”


“And I’m not taking no for an answer. If we’re gonna be partners, and I’m gonna trust you to protect Cadance, then I need some answers.”

Fleethoof was quiet for a moment, deliberating to himself. The group approached the elevator, filing into it. Reluctantly, he nodded. Shining Armor was his closest friend. If he couldn’t trust him, who could he?

“Fine. But be open-minded.”

Fleethoof threw the switch, and the lift descended.

“It’s… It’s…”

“It’s a secret base built underneath Canterlot Castle into the mountain,” Fleethoof summarized his friend's scrambled thoughts while leading his team and one gaping unicorn across their headquarters to their armory. “Quarter, open the vault. We’re going out of town on a business trip.”

Quarter Master nodded and dropped his work immediately, rushing ahead of the ponies. Only a few ponies had the code to the weapons vault: Quarter Master, Princess Luna, and his team. It kept regulation tight, and reduced the risk of any unauthorized access to the military technology contained within.

“But… how long—”

“Almost a year now.”

“How?” Shining Armor asked incredulously, doing a perfect rotation to take in everything around him. “What have you been doing for a whole year down here?”

Fleethoof glanced back at his friend with a crooked smirk. “Preparing for a day like today.”

The lock clicked, and the vault swung open slowly. Inside was a long room. Metal shelves ran along the walls, and cases lay spaced around the center. Stacks of magazines and boxes of bullets sat in wait. Knives of different shapes and sizes lay in parallel arrangement across a table. An empty rack sat against the far wall: the home of their weapons.

“Check your ammo, grab whatever you can carry. Fill a few bags with supplies,” Fleethoof ordered, Skyfall rushing in at his behest. “We don’t know how long we’ll be gone. Make sure we have enough of everything.”

“I don’t understand…” Shining Armor muttered quietly to his friend. “What exactly do you guys do?”

Fleethoof glanced to Shining. “Anything and everything. It’s difficult to explain.”

“Try me.”

Fleethoof heaved a sigh, and continued. “We work for the princesses, doing whatever they need us to do to keep Equestria safe from threats, both foreign and domestic. Whatever we have to do that the military can’t, we do it.”

Shining Armor was quiet for a moment. “By ‘anything’, what do you mean?”

“Anything,” Fleethoof simply replied, reloading the magazines he was carrying.




“Maybe, if necessary.”


“If we have to.”

Shining Armor looked shocked. Fleethoof finished sliding bullets individually into his magazines and slid them into their slots on his vest. He set his rifle down and began to check his sidearm.

“And all this equipment?” Shining Armor pressed on.

“Developed for us by our research team. You saw them as we walked in.”

“But how has nopony said anything? Something like this would get noticed sooner or later.”

“That’s the beauty of this project,” explained the captain. “The only ones who would ever stumble upon this are the ones directly involved—and now you are too, since we’ve been working closely with you.”

“I’ve never even seen guns like this before,” Shining said, lifting Fleethoof’s rifle and checking it out.

“Everything was custom made to each of us. No two weapons are identical. Each pony has a kit to accommodate their specialties.”

“So you’re like special agents. You break the rules for all the right reasons.”

Fleethoof paused for a moment. He hadn’t considered them as the secret agent types, but in a way, Shining was right. He nodded and holstered his weapon again.

“I suppose you could say that.”

“Who knows about all this?” asked Shining Armor, stepping closer and adding in a whisper, “Specifically.”

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna do,” Fleethoof said, running through the very short list in his mind while gathering a pair of binoculars and a map of Equestria and stashing them in his bags. “Everypony involved down here does, Luna’s personal guards do, and now you do too.”

“And Cadance…?”

Fleethoof shook his head. “No, she doesn’t.”

“You didn’t tell her?”

“I was protecting her.”

Shining Armor was confused. “Protecting her from what, Fleet?”

Fleethoof threw his rifle over his shoulder, making his way back out of the armory.

“From me.”

“This group was very classified,” Valiant said, stepping past the Captain of the Guard.

“Anypony who knew was considered at risk or a threat,” added Sharp Shot as he carried his supplies out.

Cupcake trotted past next. “We could not even tell family about us.”

“I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, my friend,” Fleethoof apologized, a sincere look of remorse in his eyes. “But you were busy, and I was forbidden to. My world would have put you, Cadance, and ourselves in danger… but now it’s too late for that. And you know everything.”

Shining Armor didn’t know what to say. He stood there silently for a moment, letting the knowledge sink into his brain as Skyfall Team hurried about around him. They left the armory, and it was sealed up once more. Fireteam Skyfall was geared up and ready to go.

Fleethoof patted Shining on the shoulder, smiling at him. “Don’t worry, my friend. We’ll do our job. You just focus on yours.”

“Fleethoof, wait a moment!”

Shining Armor’s words caught the pony in mid-stride to the elevator. Everypony else had already headed for the lift. He turned back to the Captain of the Guard. Shining approached him again, his voice low and hushed.

“I hate to admit it, but your pony was right—the Guard didn’t cut it this time, and I’m afraid of what will happen if I mess up again,” he admitted quietly. “I’m still new to this.”

Fleethoof smirked and chuckled. “So am I. Let's learn together.”

“But we’ve been good friends for a while now, and I was hoping you could help me out,” Shining Armor continued to say. “Just tell me what you’d do if you were me. Where would you start?”

Fleethoof was surprised by his friend's request. Out of everypony in Equestria, Shining Armor was the last one he expected to ask him for help doing what he was good at.

“Captain, we have to go.” Valiant’s words from across the room rang true.

“I would begin by arming all the Guard, not just the ones in the castle,” Fleethoof suggested, pausing to think for a moment. “Keep them armed, at least with the ceremony rifles. They’re slow and outdated, but they look less frightening, and it will help security without alerting anypony. I don’t know how well armed The Sword is now, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Shining Armor nodded. “Agreed. And would you start your search in Canterlot, or around the city?”


“I’d start with the outlying towns close by. Cut off their retreat if any did leave the city. Then you know the rest are still in Canterlot, and you can tighten the search.”

“That’s what I was thinking, but a second opinion never hurt.” Shining Armor smiled his characteristic wide grin. “Thanks, Fleet. Please, look after Cadance.”

“I will,” Fleethoof vowed, embracing his friend. “She means as much to me as she does to you.”

Shining Armor opened his mouth to say something, but a few calls from the impatient Skyfall Team cut him off. Fleethoof rolled his eyes and sighed. The two ponies made their way across the room and into the elevator, leaving Skyfall Headquarters behind.

“Good luck, Shining. Watch your back out there.”

“You too, Captain. Bring her home safely—whatever it takes.”

Fleethoof nodded as the elevator ascended into the castle. “I promise.”

At the top, Princess Luna stood in wait. The ponies filed out in a group, walking down the long corridors toward the foyer.

“Captain Fleethoof, I’ve reviewed Princess Cadance’s agenda,” said Luna, levitating a scroll over into the pegasus’ bags. “She only has one more engagement planned. It is the annual summer gala in Saddle Arabia, hosted by the Crown Prince Malik. She is scheduled to return to Canterlot in two weeks’ time, after the ball.”

“That’s got to be when The Sword will strike at her,” Fleethoof thought aloud. “They know the noose is tightening around them. If they want her, they won’t wait for her to return. They’ll go after her, where she's vulnerable.”

“I’ve already sent an emissary ahead to alert her security detail and the guards about your arrival. The next train for Saddle Arabia leaves within the hour. We must be hasty.”

The ponies trotted quickly down the grand staircase. It was a long ride to Saddle Arabia. No doubt Princess Cadance was already making her way there now, and if The Sword had a lead on them, it couldn’t be good.

“Guards!” Shining Armor called to his soldiers as he approached them. “Go spread the word, every soldier is to be armed as you are. Rifles only. Then rally in the courtyard. We’re starting the search parties up again. Understood?”

The ponies saluted. “Sir, yes sir!”

Shining Armor nodded his head, and the ponies set off. “Good luck, Skyfall Team. I’ll want a full report when you bring Cadance back.”

Luna looked to Fleethoof once Shining Armor had departed. “He has been briefed on your actions?”

“Only the gist of things,” explained the captain. “I figured I’d leave the details to you to sort out. But I thought having the Captain of the Guard in the loop would give us more leniency in Equestria.”

“A tactful decision, Captain. I only hope Shining Armor will take to your duties as enthusiastically as you did.”

“He’s my friend. Whether he agrees with everything or not, he wouldn’t do anything to hinder us.” Fleethoof smiled confidently.

“Then I shall brief him into our coterie,” Luna stated with a resolute nod.

The ponies trotted briskly down the road into Canterlot City. The town was much more lively again after the day’s earlier catastrophe. Ponies had returned to the street vendors and markets. Nothing could slow this city for long.

“Do not worry about the terror you instigated earlier,” Luna murmured to Fleethoof, as if reading his mind. “I shall instruct the guards to state that it was a training exercise for them, and that nopony was in any danger.”

Fleethoof grinned and chuckled. “Thank you, your majesty.”

“But do be more wary in the future, Captain.”

“Yes, Princess Luna.”

Ponies stopped and stared at the armed soldiers walking quickly down the street with the princess. Many bowed in respect, as was to be expected. The monarchs never demanded the signs of loyalty—they were given freely by appreciative subjects. Something that Night Shade very obviously failed to see.

The clock tower chimed twelve times. Noon had struck. The morning had passed by in a blur with all the activity. All around, soldiers stood watching their posts. Fleethoof could only imagine the scene Canterlot would be in a few hours once Shining Armor began his search. He was glad he wouldn’t be here to see the chaos.

The train station was busy as ever. Ponies coming and going from Canterlot filled the station atrium. He wondered if any of them were in The Sword, going their way also. With Luna’s regal presence and persuasion, it wasn’t too difficult to acquire six tickets to Saddle Arabia at the last minute—even if the train was rapidly filling up. The whistle blew just as the group walked out onto the platform. It was a long trip to Saddle Arabia—a couple days’ worth on the train. It concerned the punctual pegasus, and time was of the essence.

“All aboard, everypony!” Sharp Shot called out as they filed into a train car. “First ones in get to pick their bunks!”

Fleethoof smirked and shook his head. That pony was a piece of work. He lingered behind, making sure everypony in his team had their equipment and bags. Then he turned to Luna.

“Don’t worry, we’ll bring her back safely,” Fleethoof said, grinning assuredly. “You can count on us, Princess Luna.”

Luna smiled back and rested a hoof gently on Fleethoof’s shoulder. “I know I can, Captain. But do be circumspect and attentive. I wish to see Princess Cadance return to us safely—but I want all of my ponies to come home even more.”

Fleethoof nodded and saluted his leader. The whistle blew again, and at the insistent urging of Sharp Shot at the door, Fleethoof climbed aboard. The train had just begun to move as the door shut behind him. The rest of Skyfall Team stood around the small hallway, looking at him. He looked between the ponies incredulously, then waved a hoof down the hall.

“Well go on! You really don’t need me to order you to find your rooms, do you?” he teased. “You ponies… What would you do without me?”

“Lose our minds,” Cupcake remarked.

Sharp Shot scoffed. “I think it’s too late for that.”

A grin spread across Fleethoof’s face again. Skyfall Team was quickly coming into their own. Luna had undying faith in them, and even Celestia was conceding to their usefulness now. The Sword had been discovered and Night Shade would be hunted down by Shining Armor swiftly. All he had to worry about was the same thing he always worried about.

Princess Cadance.