• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 2,986 Views, 164 Comments

Skyfall - Dusk Quill

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Chapter 8: The Ambassador

Saddle Arabia was hot. Very hot. Ridiculously hot. The heat was visible in the air, distorting the horizon as the train pulled into the station at the heart of the capital city of Nadira. Not a single cloud lingered in the sky, offering no shelter from the harsh sunlight bathing the city in intense heat. The moment the train doors opened, the weather hit everypony like a brick wall.

Fleethoof stepped out onto the platform, sweat already slicking his forehead as he stared out at the city through tinted sunglasses. Skyfall Team followed one by one out into the new environment. Sharp Shot shielded his eyes from the sun, and Cupcake looked like he was ready to pass out at any moment. Fleethoof smirked. It made sense the pony from the north couldn’t take excessive heat.

The residents of Saddle Arabia were horses, standing taller than a normal pony. Only Cupcake stood close to their height, with Fleethoof just slightly shorter than the populace. The horses cast suspicious looks to the ponies as they entered the station, their weapons slung over their backs. It was odd to see ponies so heavily armed, even as the guards themselves carried rifles from an old age. Thanks to Luna’s speedy emissary, the guards had all been informed of Skyfall’s presence, and left them alone.

Princess Cadance’s train had not arrived yet. They couldn’t have been too far ahead. Fireteam Skyfall proceeded to secure the station, Fleethoof waiting for the train at the designated platform while the others took positions nearby. Everypony surveyed the crowd, searching for any ponies hidden amongst the taller horses.

After almost an hour of waiting, another train began to approach, whistle blaring to announce its arrival. The cars pulled up to the platform and slowed to a stop. Fleethoof searched the cars, looking for any sign of where the princess might be. Most of the ponies and horses that disembarked he didn’t recognize—but he did recognize the familiar golden armor of the Royal Guard when he saw two soldiers get off. He made his way through the crowd, Valiant and Cupcake forming rank behind him. He could see the princess climbing out of the train car now, looking around, and searching for him.

“Princess Cadance,” he called out as the group got closer, Cadance beaming as the ponies got closer. “It’s been a while. Did you get the message from Princess Luna?”

“Fleethoof! It’s been far too long,” said Cadance, throwing her hooves around the stalwart captain in a tight embrace. “Yes, I got my aunt’s message. She said something had happened in Canterlot, and that you were replacing my security. What’s going on?”

Fleethoof hesitated in his response. “I think that’s something best discussed later, in private. But yes, we are relieving your security detail for the remainder of your trip.” He nodded to the guards. “You are dismissed, soldiers. We’ll take it from here.”

The guards saluted, and then headed for the train bound for home. Fleethoof and Cupcake took Princess Cadance’s bags as they were unloaded, the rest of Skyfall joining them. The ponies began to leave the station, walking through the lobby to the exits.

“Did something happen to my aunts? Is that why you’re here?” Cadance didn’t wait to ask any questions, it seemed.

“Your aunts are fine, Cadance,” Fleethoof said in reassurance. “A matter did come up that may or may not have jeopardized your security, so we’re just here to make sure you’re okay. Just think of us as bodyguards, just in case.”

Cadance rolled her eyes. “Well that’s comforting… Something threatens my safety and I don’t even get to know about it?”

“That’s not what I meant…”

“Then tell me what it is, Captain.”

She wasn’t going to back down—Fleethoof could see that. The pegasus sighed, and gave her a look that begged her not to press the issue.

“Fine, I will—later. But right now, we should get you settled in to wherever you need to be and make sure everything is okay first. Deal?”

“Deal.” Cadance smiled at her friend. “Have you ever been to Nadira, Captain Fleethoof?”

Fleethoof shook his head. “No, I have not.”

“Well then, welcome to Saddle Arabia.”

Sunlight blinded the pony momentarily as they stepped out of the train station and into the city. The capital was massive, made up of buildings constructed of sandstone and clay bricks. The streets were dusted with sand, and palm trees lined the paved roads. The fragrant smell of exotic fruits and flowers filled the air from the local vendors and gardens. Off in the distance, somepony was playing an instrument he didn’t recognize.

“How can horses stand heat?” Cupcake said with a groan and wiped the sweat from his forehead for the umpteenth time.

“I hear you, pal,” remarked an uncomfortable Sharp Shot, readjusting the sunglasses perched on his nose. “This is brutal.”

Cadance laughed lightly. “Oh, it isn’t so bad. Think of it as an experience!”

Sharp Shot scoffed. “Experience, my flank…”

“I think I’m experiencing heat stroke,” said Valiant.

“Keep yourselves hydrated,” Blue Shield said, opening up a canteen from his pack. “This heat can sap your energy fast, and you want to stay at peak performance levels.”

“Listen to the doctor,” said Fleethoof to his team as they walked down to the street. “So Cadance, where are you staying?”

“At the Oasis Hotel. It’s near the palace, in the upper district. There should be a carriage here to pick us up… ah! There it is!”

Cadance pointed to a gilded white coach, being pulled by four armored horses. Each horse bore the emblem of the Saddle Arabian royalty. A personal escort for the princess—how lavish. Fleethoof and Cupcake loaded the bags into the back as everypony filed into the carriage.

“Cupcake, get up top and keep an eye on the roads,” Fleethoof ordered.

Da, Captain.” The larger pony climbed to the roof as Fleethoof boarded the carriage. As soon as they were all on, the coach began to move.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” Cadance said, pulling a folder out of her saddlebags and levitating it to Fleethoof. “Aunt Luna sent this as well. I’m supposed to give it to you.”

Curiously, Fleethoof broke the seal on the folder. Inside were a few sheets of paper, an Ambassador’s insignia pin, a gala ticket, and official documentation. He read over the mission briefing quickly, then closed the dossier again. Everypony looked at him, waiting for an explanation.

“Final mission briefings from Luna,” he said, tapping his hoof against the folder. “One of us is going to go undercover as a diplomat aiding Princess Cadance, posing as ‘Ambassador Envoy’. This will make sure she has cover at all times, even less obvious than we have to be. That individual will be with her at all times, and will also be attending the gala. A room has been reserved for us near the princess to use as a mobile base.”

“Playing make believe at a fancy party?” Sharp Shot’s eyes lit up more than they probably should have as he sat upright. “I’ll do it!”

Fleethoof looked skeptically at the sniper. “You’ll have to relinquish all your equipment and firearms, except maybe your pistol.”

“I won’t do it!” he quickly recanted, slouching back in his seat again.

“That’s fine, Sharp. It says Cadance has to pick her bodyguard anyway,” the captain noted. “I’d recommend Valiant or Blue Shield for the job. He’s good in tight situations, the doctor only ever carries a sidearm, and everypony else—”

“I pick you, Fleethoof.”

“—can be positioned as security detail in order to wait, what? Me?” Fleethoof paused for a moment, then chuckled weakly. “Thank you, Princess, but I really think I should be leading my team in this.”

“And you can be, from my side,” said Cadance, giving him a teasing smirk. “Didn’t you say yourself that you were here to protect me? To be my bodyguard? Well, now you can make sure of that.”

“Princess— er… Cadance, are you sure? Anypony else on my team is just as capable—”

Cadance shook her head resolutely. “I choose you.”

“I would really recommend second thoughts—”

“You’ve got the job.”

“Will you let me finish one senten—”

“No,” Cadance interjected yet again, smiling to herself, getting a couple snickers from Skyfall Team. “It’s your mission now, Captain. Or should I say ‘Ambassador’?”

Fleethoof stared blankly at the princess for a moment. He looked to his teammates, hoping for some backup. They were all trying to hide grins of amusement, a couple still snickering at his apparent defeat. Sharp Shot didn’t even bother to hide his borderline satirical smile. With a heavy sigh, he gave up.

“The things I do for Equestria…” he muttered, shaking his head. “All right, fine... I’ll do it. Valiant, you’re head of this team when I’m not in touch. When we get to the hotel, I’ll have to get out of uniform and stash my stuff. If anypony touches it, you’re gonna get it.”

“Ooooh, the big bad Ambassador is gonna get us,” Sharp Shot teased.

“Hey, be careful, Sharp,” Lightning said, grinning jokingly. “He’s got diplomatic immunity now! He could kill you AND get away with it!”

The laughs and jokes at Fleethoof’s expense continued all the way to the hotel.

“Good afternoon, and welcome to the Oasis Hotel!”

The mare at the concierge desk was the epitome of pleasant. Everything about her demeanor, down to her charming grin, screamed ‘service with a smile’. It would have been unsettling, had Fleethoof not been accustomed to unsettling. She was nothing compared to Night Shade.

“Good afternoon,” Princess Cadance replied in a melodious tune. “We have a reservation. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Ambassador Envoy.”

Fleethoof looked around the grandiose lobby. The floors and columns supporting the levels were made of marbled stone. A decorative fountain sat at the entrance, the sound of gently flowing water mixed with the smell of wildflowers, creating a soothing atmosphere. A large crystal chandelier hung above their heads, shimmering in the sunlight.

He spotted the rest of his team milling about beside the stairs. They were out of view. Good. If Princess Cadance was being followed, nopony would see Skyfall Team. They’d appear defenseless, and Fleethoof planned to keep it that way.

“Ah, here are your names! Two suites on the top floor,” the attendant said, smiling widely at the two ponies. “Your stay has, of course, been paid in full in advance. Here are your room keys. Please do not hesitate to let us know if we can do anything to make your stay more comfortable.”

“Thank you.” Fleethoof smiled as pleasantly as he could as Cadance took both keys.

They headed for the stairs, and once out of sight, Fleethoof motioned to Skyfall with a flick of his head. Everypony formed rank behind their officer, making their way up to the top level, and then down the halls until they arrived at the side-by-side rooms. Fleethoof took the keys from Cadance, gently ushering her up against the far wall as he drew his pistol. Everypony readied their weapons as the Captain passed a key to Valiant.

The doors opened and swung open wide, the ponies rushing in without a moment’s pause. The rooms were swept quickly, guns pointed in every direction. The bedroom was clear. Fleethoof moved to the adjacent bathroom, swinging around the corner with his firearm raised. Empty as well.

“Clear,” he called out, holstering his gun.

“Clear,” Sharp Shot said from the next room.

Everypony’s guard lowered. Without the worry of an imminent threat, Fleethoof took a moment to admire the luxury of the hotel. Both rooms were identical in almost every detail.

The entire building seemed to be constructed of the polished marbled stone. Fine details had been carved into the molding around the ceiling. The wardrobes, tables, and vanities were made of dark mahogany wood, varnished to a mirror-like sheen. An arrangement of fresh flowers sat on an end table beside a full length mirror, blanketing the room in mixed scents of vanilla orchids, roses, and azaleas.

The beds were massive, with dark red, downy sheets and a veil of gossamer hanging from a tented canopy above. The far wall was made entirely of glass leading to a wide balcony, revealing a breathtaking view across the expanse of Nadira, and the deserts of Saddle Arabia beyond that. A canopy of jasmine and lavender sheltered the balcony from the harsh sunlight. All the extravagance made Fleethoof feel very out of place.

“Wow…” Sharp Shot let out a sharp whistle as he collapsed to one of the sofas against the wall. “This place is faaaancy!”

“Tell me about it,” said Fleethoof, dropping his gun to the table and beginning to disarm himself. “This feels so wrong…”

“Yeah, Captain! Take it off!”

Fleethoof threw one of his magazines at the sniper on the couch. He grinned when the unicorn jumped out of the way, the projectile smacking harmlessly into the cushion. Cupcake let out a boisterous laugh.

“Aw, why don't you return my love, boss?” Sharp Shot teased further. That pony really had no off switch.

“Buy me dinner first, Sergeant. Then you might have a chance,” he shot back, unsnapping his harness.

Reluctantly, Fleethoof slid his vest off his shoulders. He suddenly felt very naked and weightless without his equipment. Seeing the pile that was his arsenal on the table and at his hooves made him realize just how much he relied on tradecraft. It almost felt like a handicap now that he looked at it. Perhaps this was a good form of training: to cope without relying on tons of ammo and powerful guns.

Cupcake and Valiant stepped up, taking his equipment piece by piece and stashing it in the empty wardrobe. Fleethoof held on to his pistol, turning the gun and its holster over and over in his hooves anxiously. This was all he had to trust to keep him and Princess Cadance alive now. It would have to do.

Please don’t let me down… he mentally prayed to his gun, setting it back down on the table.

“Well well… I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you completely out of uniform, Captain.”

He turned and grinned sheepishly to the princess as she walked in. She was right. Every other occasion he had been in some form of uniform: the Guard, his ceremony, even after training with Skyfall. This was the first time he had ever been exposed to her before.

“Well, what do you think?” he asked jokingly, spinning around like a model.

Cadance couldn’t help but laugh. “I think we need to get you a suit or two if you’re going to be a diplomat.”

“A suit? Seriously?” Fleethoof’s voice was incredulous. “Where am I supposed to get a suit?”

“I’m sure there must be a tailor somewhere,” Cadance said, looking around to everypony else. “What do you say, everypony? Shall we play dress up with Fleethoof?”

The whooping and applause that came from his team was the most humorous form of mutiny Fleethoof could imagine. Before he could even retort, Cadance had moved around to snap his tail up in her mouth. She dragged him out of the room, Skyfall Team eagerly following behind, clearly enjoying themselves. This was going to be a very long mission…