• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 31,347 Views, 3,609 Comments

Wanderings of a Non-Brony - BronyWriter

TD's journey around the lands outside of Equestria

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Another Goes Down

The carriage pulled up to the palace after a roughly two hour drive. I used that time to bring Imad up to speed on everything that had happened to me, up to and including when I got involved in this whole mess. Kathyrine filled in the blank spots for me. Imad was silent through most of my story, asking a few questions when he deemed it necessary. However, he had a large grin on his face, indicating that he quite enjoyed my story. He was most interested in my death match with Purgle. It seems the tales of that had even reached Saddle Arabia. Figures.

We reached the castle, and Imad opened up the door for the two of us, allowing us to step out. Thankfully a servant took Kathyrine's luggage, so I didn't have to blow out my back trying to carry it all.

The palace itself was a rather splendid affair, I must say. It had the same middle-eastern design that was prevalent throughout Saddle Arabia. It was roughly the size of Canterlot Castle. It too was guarded by a slew of guards, all armed and armored in the same fashion as the ones at the train station. It turned out that a group had been following us the whole time. They weren't taking any chances with the whole assassination possibility.

We followed Imad up the stairs of the palace, where two figures, the male was a light brown stallion with a blonde mane while the mare was light pink and had a mane the same color as Rarity's, that I could only suppose were Sultan Mesud and his wife, whose name I didn't know at the time. We stopped in front of them, and we all bowed to each other. Sultan Mesud was the first one to speak, as Imad told me was good manners when meeting with him.

"A good afternoon to you, Princess Kathyrine." He inclined his head to me again. "And to you, TD. I have heard of your exploits in the minotaur lands. One of my subjects was there when you fought your opponent in the Schunie death match. I congratulate you on your victory."

"Uh... thanks, I guess."

The Sultan had a rich, but subdued, bass voice, and he seemed perpetually calm. He had a serene smile on his face that reminded me of a certain princess I have a fondness for punching.

It's just a joke, Celestia. It's just a joke. Come on, it's funny.

Anyway, he chuckled at my reply. "You are quite the traveler, I hear. You have been all over the planet, yes?"

I nodded. "Yep. Zebras, minotaurs, diamond dogs, griffins, and now here. That's ignoring the fact that I started out in Equestria, obviously."

"Indeed." Mesud motioned to his servants. "Bring TD and Princess Kathyrine's luggage to her room. If it pleases them, they may rest before the evening meal." The two servants carrying her luggage bowed, and walked into the palace. Mesud beckoned us onwards, and we followed him into the palace. "You must tell me more details about your travels at the evening meal, TD. I assure you that Sultana Naida and I are most excited to hear about them."

* * * *

A few hours later, the five of us were sitting down on the floor of a dining room with a large green and blue diamond patterned carpet in front of us. On said carpet rested a full spread of food. Most of it was vegetables, rice, beans, and something that looked like pita bread but had the consistency of a spongy pancake, but there was a small bowl of beef and pork beside me. Oswald naturally would want to take the first bite, but for now he was content being fawned over by the Sultana, who was sitting to my right. In front of each of us was a small porcelain plate. As was tradition, the Sultan and Sultana dug in first, taking the pita pancake thing and filling it with whatever they wanted. Mesud took the first bite, and then the rest of us started eating. I put meat and rice on mine, but before I could eat it, Oswald snatched a piece of beef out of my bowl and ate it.

Sultan Mesud raised his eyebrow with a frown. "It is most irregular that an animal eat at the table, TD."

I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my neck. "Er... I don't mean any offense, but I think Oswald here is a little paranoid after somebody tried to kill me by poisoning my food." I glanced back at him. "He won't do it again."

Mesud slowly nodded, and his serene smile returned. "I, of course, understand. I did not think of it. I take no offense to the matter."

I inclined my head in a slight bow, and took a bite of my food. The pancake thing was a little bitter, but it was overall pretty good.

Sultan Mesud finished off his first portion, and turned his attention to me as he took some more. "So, you must tell me about your travels. I am aware of the death match in Schunie, as is most of the world, no doubt, but it seems you have been on the road for many years. More must have happened in that time."

I snorted and swallowed a bite of food. "You have no idea."

Like the carriage ride, the next hour or so was spent retelling the stories of my travels. The good, the bad, and the ugly, of which there was a lot of the latter two. Mesud seemed really quite impressed with everything, and Naida was staring at me with rapt attention. It was nice having a receptive audience, and I do mean that for you guys too.

"So yeah. Aepnet told me that if I escorted Kathyrine here that I'd be freed from my duty to marry her. Here we are, so I'm single once again."

Mesud's smile widened by a fraction, and he nodded. "That is good for you, I suppose. I think it is also good for me."

I raised my eyebrow and cocked my head. "Yeah? What do you mean?"

"Well, I have a daughter that is not yet betrothed. In Saddle Arabia, if an eligible male dines with the royal family, he is allowed to marry the princess. I must congratulate you on your upcoming nuptials, my son. Sultan TD the First has a nice ring to it, does it not?"

I almost spit-taked my drink all over the place, which would have been quite unfortunate for everybody involved. I managed to swallow the water I had been drinking, but some of it went down the wrong pipe and I began coughing as I registered what he said.

"I... I'm sorry?"

Mesud's smiled at me for a few more seconds before bursting out laughing. "I only jest, TD. Though that is a custom, my daughter is already betrothed."

Oh lucky me. I got to meet the funny sultan. Ha ha. If I was ever royalty, I don't think that I'd ever act like that.

... Actually, strike that. I totally would.

I gave him my best wee smile and cleared my throat to get the last of the water out of my trachea. "Good joke," I rasped.

He chuckled again. "I do, however, have another daughter who is available should you ever find yourself in need of a wife."

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass."

"I take no offense." The sultan took a sip of his water before continuing. "I would imagine that you are more open to females of your own species."

"Yep. That's one reason I'm trying to get home." I sighed and picked up a small piece of beef. "The only problem is that every place I turn to has the same answer: we can't do it. If even Princess Celestia herself can't get me back to where I came from, then I'm beginning to think that I'm stuck here, and I don't have to tell you for you to know that I'd rather not be. No offense to your planet or anything, but I don't actually belong here."

"I understand and take no offense." Mesud waved his hoof dismissively. "Were I trapped in a land that was not my own, I would not be pleased either."

I chuckled weakly. "I don't suppose you know how to get me across dimensions to my own?"

As expected, Mesud shook his head. "I am afraid that my people lack the power to do so." A slight frown crossed his face, and he tapped his lower jaw thoughtfully. "However..."

I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"TD, are you familiar with the Crystal Empire?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It was one of the places that I researched before I left Ponyville. Why?"

Mesud shrugged. "Well, it's a long shot, but it could work." He pointed with his hoof at a large world map on the wall opposite me. I have to admit, looking at it made me realize just how far I had traveled. It's quite impressive, if I do say so myself.

Mesud stood up and pointed at Saddle Arabia. "As you can see, we are here." He raised his hoof slightly higher and pointed at the Crystal Empire. "About a hundred miles north is the Crystal Empire. Should you wish to travel there, I think that they might have a solution."

My eyes widened, and I stood up and walked over to the map. "Y-you do?!"

"I do." He turned his head to me. "TD, have you ever heard of the Crystal Heart?"

"Yeah." I slowly nodded, staring at the Crystal Empire. "Yeah, but I don't know too much about it."

"It powers the entire Crystal Empire." Mesud nodded to a servant who trotted out of the room. He returned a few seconds later with a scroll that Mesud took and laid on the floor. It showed a picture of the Crystal Empire with the Crystal Heart over it. "Every year, the crystal ponies have a fair that they use to re-charge the heart. If you are there when they are, it is possible that their royalty, whom I know have magic, to use its magic to increase their own. If that happens, it is possible that they might be able to send you home."

My breath caught in my throat and I ran a hand through my hair. I stared at the picture of the crystal heart, and for the first time in a long time, a legitimate feeling of hope entered me. I was going to go to the Crystal Empire. I was going to hope that the Crystal Heart was powerful enough to send me home. That drawing suddenly became more beautiful than anything I had ever experienced in my entire life. I had been wandering through the entire planet, hoping that I could find a way to get home, and it was laying right in front of me. I hadn't been so happy in a long time.


My eyes lock on to Celestia. "Well, is it possible? Is it possible that the Crystal Heart can send me home?"

All attention is on Celestia as she stares out the window. Her brow is creased in a frown, and I can tell that she's thinking hard about it. She can think as long as she wants, just as long as she comes up with an answer that will make six years of traveling worthwhile.

It's a good five minutes before she responds, and nobody makes a sound until she does.

"It is... possible, I suppose. I had not considered the idea." She turned her gaze back to me. "Do know that I make no promises, but the possibility is there. Mesud does not know much about magic, but he may be right about this."

I smile so wide it threatens to split my face in half. I suddenly feel lightheaded, but I know that it's from the sheer amount of joy that I am feeling. Everybody around the table is smiling at me too, and I get a few mutters of 'congratulations' from a few of them. Oswald nuzzles me happily. However, Celestia still has a slight look of uncertainty on her face. I can see the cogs turning in her head as she considers the idea. Like I said, she can consider it all she wants, but if it works then I don't really care.

Of course, there is still more story to tell, so I try to hold back my grin so that I can continue on with it. It's just about to get good, after all.


Well, my reaction to all of that was pretty much the reaction that I just had. I almost had to stop myself from bouncing around the room and shouting 'yesyesyesyes' like Twilight did when she got that rare, first-edition book of pony tales, like the one that had the Nightmare Moon legend in it. I don't think it would have been quite as cute if I did it, though.

Well, as you can imagine, I was far too excited to even eat at that point. Nobody else did either, but I could tell that they were happy for me. Even the perpetually sarcastic Kathyrine was smirking slightly. Probably because it would mean that I definitely didn't have to marry her at that point.

I was going to go to the Crystal Empire as soon as I could. I prayed that Aepnet figured out who the heck was trying to kill me sooner rather than later so I could get going. Maybe he should have considered the butler sooner.

As we all chatted about how awesome it was that I might be going home soon, a servant entered the room with a scroll in his mouth. He placed it in front of Mesud and bowed his head. "A message from Emperor Aepnet. It is most urgent.

"Thank you." Mesud unfurled the scroll as the servant left the room and scanned it. His smile fell as he read it, and his eyes widened. I could tell that it was nothing good, but I was almost afraid to ask.

Mesud finished reading and passed the scroll to me. "You may have to stay for a little while longer than you hoped."

I gingerly took the scroll and picked it up. It wasn't very long, but the words on the scroll told me that he was likely right. I wasn't happy about that.

Sultan Mesud: I formally request an extension for my daughter's visit, as well as your permission to come to Saddle Arabia. Whoever the assassin was has struck again. My butler William was found dead this afternoon; stabbed in the back.

Author's Note:

I'm so glad so many people thought it was the butler. It makes it that much sweeter when I pull stuff like this.

And here is this just because.