• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 31,330 Views, 3,609 Comments

Wanderings of a Non-Brony - BronyWriter

TD's journey around the lands outside of Equestria

  • ...

The Crystal Heart

The morning of the Crystal Fair arrives, and I am awoken by Oswald nuzzling my head. I open my eyes and smile at him. Having said that, looking at my fiercely loyal pet phoenix who has literally killed for me gives me pause for a little bit. I'm not quite sure what will be done with him if I can go back to Earth. I mean, he can't come back with me. A phoenix on Earth? Only Arizona should have that distinction, and I don't think Oswald would handle the change very well.

That train of thought leads to the realization that today is my final do-or-die day. Today I find out of I can go back to Earth or if I have to stay in Equestria, likely Ponyville, forever. The fact that one didn't really seem more likely than the other is intimidating to me, and my brain can't really fully process it.

Well, I think that breakfast is in order before I think on that more. Maybe it will help me calm down a little. Somehow I doubt that, but it's a good idea to get food in my stomach at any rate.

I get out of bed and put on my clothes before walking to the dining room, Oswald flying beside me. I enter the room to see that the rest of the crew is already there, including two ponies that I hadn't seen before during my story. I sit down at the table and nod to both of them.

"I take it that you're Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor?"

The two ponies, one a pinkish alicorn mare and the other a white unicorn stallion, nod at me.

"Sure are," Shining Armor says. "Twiley has been telling me all about what you've been up to. I'm probably going to check out the future Canterlot Times number one bestseller so I can get the full story." He chuckles. "Maybe I can get you to sign a copy."

I return his chuckle and dig into some toast, giving a slice to Oswald. "I think that can be arranged."

I lean back against my chair and wait for Cadance and Shining Armor to finish eating their bites before I speak up again. "So... I take it you know why I'm here."

Cadance and Shining Armor exchange a look before Cadance turns her attention back to me. "Yeah. We do. We talked about it quite a lot last night. We were talking with Auntie Tia and Auntie Lulu about how best to go about trying to combine their magic with the magic of the Crystal Heart." Cadance glances at Celestia and shifts in her seat. "Of course we had a few reservations. I'm not quite sure what that much magic would to to the Heart."

"That's ignoring the fact that we're not sure what the odds of success even are," Shining Armor points out. "It's a dangerous game you're trying to play here, TD."

I put my empty plate down and tap my finger on the table. "I've been playing a dangerous game for the last six years. I was sort of responsible for a Griffonian civil war and I slaughtered Chrysalis, which could have repercussions in the future. I think it's pretty obvious to everybody here what I'm willing to try to get back to my home world."

"We're not questioning your resolve TD," Cadance assures me, "we just want to let you know what our concerns are. This isn't like casting a levitation spell; there are a lot of unknowns here."

"I know." I take a deep breath and rub my hands together. "If you don't feel up to doing it I... I guess I'll understand. I don't want to do anything to you that makes you feel like I'm putting you or something important at risk."

"You want to go home TD, we get that," Shining Armor assures me. "Trust me when I say that we'll do everything that we can to get you there."

I give him a weak smile, and pet Oswald's head to steady my nerves. "Thanks. I really do appreciate that, even if it doesn't work out."

"That aside..." Cadance pushes her plate away. "I mentioned that we've been talking about how best to use the Crystal Heart to try to open up a stable portal. We think that it would be best if we wait until after the crystal ponies have charged it during the fair. After that, we'll take it someplace were we know it'll be stable, and my aunts can try to open up the portal."

"Understand this, TD," says Celestia, "we will only attempt opening the portal once. Should it not work..." Celestia goes silent, but she doesn't need to finish that sentence. I'm well aware of what the stakes are.

"So, speaking of the Crystal Fair..." Shining Armor says as he and Cadance stand up, "we have some last minute details to attend to with it." Shining Armor looked at a nearby clock. "It's eight thirty in the morning now. The fair starts at eleven. If you want to help with anything then you can. If not, just try to relax and enjoy the fair when it begins. It should only be about four hours or so."

Four hours. When combined with the time until the fair, I should be standing in front of a portal, or an attempt at one, in around seven or so hours. The thought that I've been in Equestria for over six years, and now I'm mere hours from possibly going home is exhilarating, but almost terrifying at the same time. Who knows what Earth will be like when I get back?

I stand up and allow a servant to take my plate and goblet. I mumble something about taking a walk around the castle to clear my head, and I don't think that anybody really blames me for that. I know that they're all feeling roughly the same thing that I am. I hope it doesn't interfere with them having fun at the Crystal Fair though. I'd hate to be that guy who ruins the party, which is one reason that I'm glad that we're trying after the fair is already over. I'd hate to fail in front of the entire population of the Crystal Empire.

I took a deep breath and began walking through the corridors of the castle, Oswald idly flying beside me. I suppose that I should be deep in thought about... something, but my mind is completely fuzzy right now. I can't even think of how the day is going to play out. All my brain is getting is static.


Ah, good. A distraction.

I turn my head back to see Fluttershy walking towards me. She has a small smile on her face, but I can tell there's a hint of sadness behind it. It kinda reminds me of the expression that Twilight had on last night. I return her smile, though a little wider.

"How are you doing, Fluttershy?"

"Oh... I'm good, I guess."

I resume my walking when she's beside me. "I take it you want to talk to me about something?"

"Kinda." She bobs her head a little. "I also kinda wanted to just walk with you. I thought that you might appreciate the company."

"I think I do." I exhale deeply and put my hands in my pockets. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

Fluttershy gives a quiet sigh of her own, and I can tell for the first time that something heavy is weighing on her mind. "I-it's nothing, really. I guess... I guess I'm just curious about why you've kept on going for so long, and why you're still going."

I turn my head towards her and raise an eyebrow. "Really? Why is that."

"I dunno," Fluttershy mumbles. "I just..." Fluttershy stops and turns towards me. "I don't know a lot about Earth, TD. The only things that I do know about it are the things that you've told me, actually. I know that I don't know how all of that portal stuff works, but how do you know that the Earth you left and the Earth you might be going back to are the same thing?"

"Oh, I know that they won't be," I admit, "but it's still my Earth."

"TD, I hate to play Discord's advocate here, but you're stronger, scarred, deadlier, and part changeling now. How do you know that you're going to fit in?"

"I'll have my family to help me."

"TD..." Fluttershy's gaze trails to the ground and she flattens her ears. "Do you think... that maybe your family thinks you're dead?"

I nod and cross my arms. "Yeah, I'd imagine that they definitely think that I'm dead." I raise my eyebrow at her. "Though this conversation has me wondering why you seem to be trying to talk me out of attempting to use the Heart to go home."

"I know that I'm being a little rude," Fluttershy mumbles, "and maybe this is just me being the Element of Kindness, but..." Fluttershy looks back up at me, her eyes wide. "TD, you've been hurt so many times trying to get home. It's almost killed you more times than I like to think about. I just don't know if I could bear seeing you be disappointed one more time, and I don't know if you can either." Fluttershy takes a step towards me and nuzzles my leg. "I don't want to see you hurt, and none of your other friends do either."


I have to admit, even with what Twilight was saying yesterday, that's a new one for me. I know I said that I'd look fondly back on these moments if I got back home, but I hadn't really thought of them in my mind as friends. You know what, though? I guess they kinda were. I know that before two days ago I hadn't seen them in six years, but I guess I kinda missed them a little bit.

Talking with Twilight about my world was a lot better than being in a death match with a minotaur, after all.

I smile down at Fluttershy and rustle her mane a little bit. "You're a good friend Fluttershy, and I think that I'll be happy if I don't end up going home." Not completely one hundred percent happy, since I'll never be able to see another human ever again, much less my family, but I'll have a place to call home.

Ug, what are these new emotions? They are foreign to me.

A thought strikes me as Fluttershy and I stare at each other for a few seconds, and I glance over at Oswald, who has perched on my shoulder. "Hey, Fluttershy? I'd like to ask you a huge favor. If I do end up going home..." I rub one of Oswald's talon's affectionately. "Take care of this guy for me, will you? I know that he won't understand where I've gone, and he'll be pretty upset by it, but I can count on you to help me with him, right?"

Fluttershy's small smile returns, and she nods at me. "Of course I will TD. I'll do my best to make sure that he's happy with me."

I lean down and give Fluttershy a hug. "Thanks Flutters. You're a good friend. I really do wish that I could take him back to Earth with me, but it helps me knowing that you'll take care of him.

With that settled, Fluttershy and I continued our walk in relative silence.

* * * *

The two-and-a-half hours of down time before the Crystal Fair that I had seemed to drag on forever, but when I was standing outside of the palace and walking towards the fair it seemed that the time had passed in a blur. Funny how time works like that.

Just walking towards the fair made me realize how much effort the Crystal Ponies had put into making sure that this was the best fair that it could possibly be. Crafts, games, food, face painting, and the like were all around. There was a feeling of general revelry in the air, and I kinda got the feeling that the memories of Sombra had started to fade away a little bit. I hadn't heard much about Sombra, but a guy who enslaves an entire nation to do... something, I hadn't quite heard what the crystal ponies had been forced to do when they were slaves, can't exactly be the most benevolent of leaders, can he?

I decide to follow the Crusaders around the fair. It was nice to spend time with them after six years, and I think that they like the idea too. We go straight to the jousting arena, where Rainbow Dash was competing against one of the crystal ponies. We sit down in the stands and cheer Rainbow Dash on. I have a small bag of popcorn in my hands while the Crusaders are each munching on crystal corn.

The two ponies are decked out in armor and have jousting spears attached to their sides. They give each other a salute and take their positions, much to the delight of the cheering crowd. A flugelhorn, or something like that, goes off, and the two knights charge at each other. I have to say: it's kinda nice being on the other side of an arena match, particularly one where the contestants aren't trying to kill each other.

Well, Rainbow Dash has a reputation to maintain, so she sends her opponent flying back to rambunctious applause. I clap, while the three Crusaders cheer loudly, Scootaloo in particular.

After that we decide to just go around the fair and sight-see for a little bit. I have to admit that I'm enjoying seeing the crystal ponies having a good time. I make eye contact with one and smile at her, giving her a two fingered salute of greeting. She returns my smile and walks over to me.

"Excuse me, I've heard that you're called a human. TD is your name, right?"

I nod at her. "That's me."

She giggles at me. "That's quite something." She gives me a wide grin, and looks up at me with expectant eyes. "I've heard that you've traveled all over the planet searching for a home, or something to that effect. I've always wanted to travel. Could you..." Her expression turns a little guilty, and she flattens her ears. "Could you maybe tell me one of the stories of your travels? I'd love to hear one."

I chuckle and nod at her. "Yeah. I think I can do that." I'm theoretically not going to get another chance to tell ponies stories of my exploits, so I think I can humor her for a little while. The two of us plus the Crusaders walk to a public park area of the fair, and I sit down on a bench while she sits in front of me expectantly. I'm about to start speaking when I hear mutterings from all sides, and I look around to see smiling crystal ponies walking towards me as well, chattering to each other.

"Is that the human that Princess Cadance mentioned?" one whispers.

"He's kind of cute, isn't he?" another one says with a giggle. "Very strong looking."

The ponies start flocking around me and sitting next to the crystal pony who approached me. "He was just about to tell me one of his stories from his travels!" she says, clapping her hooves together.

The ponies gathering give an 'ooh', and I kind of figure that I'll have a bigger audience than I expected.

* * * *

"But those dumb dragons weren't about to get a one-up on me! My new pet phoenix bathed me in a harmless fire, but they believe it was quite real."

I chuckle and rub my hands together, relishing in the delight of the gathered crystal ponies. There are now dozens and dozens of them, all listening intently to my stories. They've been quite the wonderful audience, I must admit. They've had all of the right reactions at all of the right moments, and they're quite invested in it all.

"Once the fire died down, I puffed out my chest and said: 'You asked what I am? Okay, I'll tell you.'" I puff out my chest, and a confident smirk appears on my face. "'I'm a fire god. And do you want to know something fun about fire gods such as myself? We’re not exactly bound by normal rules and conventions… including the effects of our flames. You think the fact that you're a dragon will save you from what I can unleash upon you if you and your dull compadres don't get out of my sight right now? Here’s a hint: dragons are resistant to fire… but hellfire is not traditional fire.;” I cross my arms, just as I did when it really happened. “'You have three seconds to improve my mood.'"

The audience bursts out into rambunctious applause, and I even see the Mane Six and the royals clapping along with them, grinning widely. I take a moment to relish in the attention. I can see why Rainbow Dash has the big head that she does. All of this adoration is really kinda nice.

I would continue, but Princess Cadance walks up next to me and raises a hoof. "Crystal ponies: I dearly hope that you have all had a wonderful time here at the Crystal Fair, but I'm afraid that it is drawing to a close." Cadance's smile widens, and she looks towards the castle. "It is time to power up the Crystal Heart."

The audience gasps, but a loud cheer, easily twice as loud as the one for me, erupts through the crowd. The ponies shoot to their hooves and stampede in the direction of the castle, where Shining Armor has already placed the Crystal Heart in its position. I take a deep breath and follow the crowd towards the heart.

I see that two spires have appeared, one from above and one below, magically holding the Heart in place. The crystal ponies have gathered around it in droves. Cadance flies up and lands next to the Heart. She smiles at her husband before turning to her subjects.

"Crystal ponies, friends from other nations. It is with great joy that I stand before you today to once again celebrate the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Heart. Sombra reigns no more, and it is with great joy that I ask you to use the love and light within you to power the Crystal Heart once more. Let us share our love and light throughout Equestria!"

To my surprise, the crystal ponies don't cheer. They don't make any noise at all. They merely smile wide smiles and bow before the Heart. The ground beneath us glows blue, and I see the Heart glowing brighter as more energy is channeled into it. Within a few seconds, the Heart begins spinning until it is only a blur, and a wave of bright blue energy shoots out of it. The wave goes through the entire Empire, and I flinch back when it comes towards me, but it passes through me harmlessly. In fact, when I look down at myself, I see that I'm now a crystal human. My skin has the same sparkly glow that the crystal ponies have. I laugh and look up at Oswald, who has gone through a similar transformation. Have you ever seen a crystal phoenix? He looks pretty awesome, let me tell you. Oswald examines himself for a few seconds, not quite sure of what to think of the fact that he looks completely different now. He settles on a happy chirrup and lands on my shoulder.

I look around me and see that everybody who wasn't a crystal pony now is. Princess Celestia and Luna, the Mane Six, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, even Spike. They're all looking over themselves with awed expressions. I can hardly blame them. This kinda looks pretty cool.

I raise my hand and flick it with my other. It still feels like my skin, but at the same time I can tell that it is more solid. I'm going to guess that I'm not a fragile crystal human.

Now a loud cheer goes through the entire crowd, and I can hardly blame them. This has to be the high point of their entire year. I have to say that of all of the things that I did and experienced over the past six years, this is far and away the most awesome thing that I've seen. This is definitely one that I will never forget as long as I live.

* * * *

An hour of fun later, the Crystal Fair winds down and the crystal ponies go back to their homes. A few of them stay to help clean up, me included. It's the least I can do after being a part of all of that. My crystal form as pretty much faded by that point, but there were definitely photographers who took a picture of me and Oswald, which I currently had saved in my backpack.

With the combined magic of three princesses and the Mane Six, on top of the rest of the ponies who stayed to help, the Crystal Fair was put away until next year. If I was still here, I would definitely have to come back. It was an absolute blast.

I sit down on a park bench and take a little breather to recover from the fair. Oswald nuzzles my cheek, and I scratch his head feathers the way he likes. It's then that I hear hoofsteps coming up from behind me. I turn my head to see Celestia, Luna, and Cadance behind me. I know what they want.

It is time.

I nod and stand up. I follow them towards the castle, and we are joined quickly by the Mane Six and the Crusaders. Nobody says a word as we walk through the halls. None of us are really sure of what to say. I'm trying to think of what to say to them. once the time comes and we are at the crossroads. All I can think of is that it's only minutes away until I find out once and for all if I can go home.

As I walk to the room housing the Crystal Heart, I take a few minutes to reflect on my situation. If I can't get home, are are the past six years of my life all for nothing? Did I waste some of the prime years of my life on some fools errand that only resulted in crushing disappointment?



No. No, I don't think so.

When I first arrived I certainly would have thought so. All I would have cared about was the fact that I couldn't go home. Now, though. Now I look back on it all and realize how much I've... lived. I've had incredible experiences that have shaped me in ways that I could never have imagined. When you go through something like that and come out a better, stronger person, nothing you do is wasted. Now, do I wish that I could have gone through all of that without killing anybody? Yeah. That's the one blemish for me. Chrysalis and Purgle were total jerks who arguably deserved what I did to them, but...

Well, it has to be water under the bridge now. I can't focus on that anymore.

We arrive in the throne room of the castle, where the Crystal Heart is resting on a large pedestal in the middle of the room. The energy that the crystal ponies gave it means that it is still glowing brightly. Seeing it like that, powered up as it is, gives me hope that maybe this will work. I turn to Celestia and take a deep breath. "So... what now?"

"Now, I try my portal magic with the help of Luna, Cadance, and the Crystal Heart. I know that I am strong enough to create the portal, but there are two things that I cannot promise." Celestia turns to me with a grim expression. "I cannot promise that you will be able to go through, and I cannot promise that the world that appears will be your own."

I give a single nod. "I understand. I know the risks." I adjust my backpack on my shoulders and tighten my grip on Reginald. I turn back to the gathered ponies; my... friends.

When did I get so sentimental? I guess it's because they've been a part of my life for a while now. Even after a six year break, I feel like we've somehow been friends for quite a while.

"Well, I guess this might be goodbye. I know it sounds weird coming from me, but I'm going to miss you guys." I look over at Oswald. "Hey buddy. Can you do me a huge favor and go stand on her back for a little bit?" I point at Fluttershy. "I promise that it'll be okay."

Oswald cocks his head and stares at me for a moment, but he spreads his wings and lands on Fluttershy's back. She giggles, and he nuzzles her mane. He already likes her. That's good.

"As for the rest of you... I'm not sure what I can say. You've put up with a lot that I've thrown at you, and you were there for me right after the Gala when I needed you. You're my friends, and I'll never forget you."

The ponies don't say anything. They just give me tearful smiles and walk up to me for a group hug, which I'm eager to accept. Who'da thunk it? In my most uncertain moment in six years, cartoon ponies are the ones giving me comfort. I'm quite glad for it.

The hug ends, and the ponies each file out of the room. Fluttershy whispers something to Oswald, and he doesn't fly back over to me. I know she'll take care of him.

I turn back to the princesses, all of whom are a little teary themselves. That's certainly never a scene I would have imagined, but there's a lot of that going around.

"Are you ready, TD?" Celestia asks.

I nod. "I've been ready for six years."

"Very well."

With that, Celestia ignites her horn, and the other two are quick to follow suit. They combine their magic, and fire the bright gold beam at the Crystal Heart, which begins to glow even brighter. A bright blue beam shoots out from the Heart, and stops right in front of the throne. The end of the beam starts to expand, and I feel a tightness in my chest as my brain registers what I'm seeing.

A portal is forming in front of me. It's the way home. I slowly walk up to it when it stops expanding.

"It's ready, TD. Whenever you're ready."

I nod, but turn back to Celestia for one last look. All three of them are smiling at me, their tears gone. I take a deep breath and turn back to the portal. I can't see what's on the other side, but I don't care. I'm not afraid, strangely enough. Sure there's reason to be, I suppose, but... I'm not.

Slowly I extend Reginald to test the portal. If it goes through, then so can I. The tip passes through the portal without incident, and my heart soars. It seems like it's working! I eagerly take a step closer and push my hand through it.

That's when my world comes crashing down.

I don't really register what exactly happens. All I know is that the next thing I'm aware of is that I'm lying on my back in excruciating pain. It feels like every inch of every bone in my left arm has completely shattered. Now that I think about it, that's probably what has happened. Through the shock and pain, I only have enough mental process for one thought.

It didn't work.

I'm... I'm stuck in Equestria forever.

I hear a horn ignite, and a bright ball of light floats down into my arm. It instantly feels better, and I push myself up. All three princesses are staring at me, looks of utter heartbreak on their faces. Cadance is even tearing up a little bit. I look over to Celestia and lock eyes with her.


Celestia rushes over to me and sits next to me. She wraps me up in a tight wing and foreleg hug.

"I... I'm not going home... am I?"

"TD, I'm so sorry. You fought hard. Do not ever think that this is your fault. The blame rests on me alone."

I feel my jaw quiver, and hot tears begin flowing from my face. I let out a sob and throw my arms around Celestia, returning her tight hug. I can't help but sob into her chest like a little child, broken and alone. I hear the door behind me open, and the ponies rush inside. I hear them gasp at what they're seeing. I hear them speak amongst each other, but I'm not really sure what they're saying. It doesn't really matter, does it?