• Published 25th Jan 2012
  • 6,446 Views, 762 Comments

World of Chaos - ugugg93

What if the Elements didn't defeat Discord, and instead, the mane six are sent far from home?

  • ...

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Chapter 27: Planning and Reuniting

Rarity parried the slow moving target, the small lime glancing off of the blunt side of her blade. The horrifyingly foul tasting fruit impacted the steel weapon in her telekinetic grasp, and with only a small bat to the side, the lime changed directions, and missed both her and the bedpost next to her by barely a hoof of distance. Rarity waited a few moments for the same fruit to circle back around in front of her, the magenta aura enveloping it glowing slightly stronger as the lime again stopped in front of her vision. It was only a couple of seconds before the same fruit accelerated, and came flying at her once again. Of course, once again, she parried the projectile.

“Alright! I think that's enough to prove that your reaction time is satisfactory,” A smiling Twilight spoke. “Now, its time to play catch again.”

The alabaster mare sighed, but nodded in agreement. The lavender unicorn, her face still showing a smile, levitated a diamond spike, the ends blunted to prevent any pointy accidents. Rarity gave the mare across from her a nod, and after a small shove of kinetic force, the diamond was released from Twilight's control, and lobbed over towards her. Rarity focused onto the gemstone, ignited her horn, and enveloped the object with her own light blue aura, effectively catching it. It was only a smooth u-turn later that she tossed the diamond back towards Twilight, which she of course caught with what looked like nary a thought. It was a simple exercise, one which was typically used when fillies were just learning how to use their magic. Alas, it was one that her teacher, or maybe Twilight was her magical therapist at this point, had said would work splendidly in bringing Rarity back to using magic at her former strength.

Of course, the reason why they were specifically using a diamond, and maybe not a rock or that accursed lime, was because Rarity couldn't seem to find the strength within her to manipulate anything other than the rare gem for longer than a few seconds. Twilight had theorized that this was because she had to “relearn” how to use her magic, and would have to work her way back up as she reconnected to the magic inside her. Twilight had started to spew off a lot of scientific terms after that, and while most of it went right over Rarity's head, she was able to gather that magic worked kinda like muscles, and if she worked her magical “muscles” enough, she would be able to work her way up to brushing her hair, opening a door, crushing the lime against the wall, or whatever else suited her fancy.

That last one was Twilight's suggestion, after Rarity braved giving a lime a taste that morning, an action much against the mare's warnings.

Silence hung in the air as the two tossed the diamond between them. It had been two days now since that war meeting, but they had not addressed the issue with each other after the initial event. Instead, they seemed to have buried it for now, most likely to their own detriment, and focused on anything but talking about it, though most of the “burying” came from Twilight's side. Four times yesterday, Rarity tried to bring up the subject, but Twilight conveniently had to take care of something that required her undivided attention every time; each one was an obvious excuses to get out of talking of course. And while the alabaster mare was accepting, if barely, of the heavy silence that had fallen between the two, she knew that in the end, not talking about it would only cause the entire situation to blow up in their faces.

For now though, Rarity tossed the hoof-sized diamond between the two of them in their little game of catch. It wasn't long before the lavender mare added a second diamond to the mix, putting even more strain on both Rarity's concentration and her magical strength, but nothing she couldn't handle. After a few minutes, a third. Then a fourth. This series of adding diamonds to their game continued until there were about a dozen gemstones being thrown between the pair, the lights in the room causing them to glitter and glow. To an outside spectator, the scene must have been breathtaking: a pair of unicorns passing eleven diamonds in an endless game of catch, each gem alternating between being encased in a magenta or sky blue magical aura.

Ten minutes later, and while Rarity was still doing well, the alabaster mare was starting to feel the strain of having to focus on so many objects and the constant usage of her magic. It must have shown on her face, for about a minute after it started to actually become painful for her, Twilight took control of all the diamonds, ending the game. The lavender mare smiled, “I think we'll call it for now. I have to say Rarity, your recovery is going much better than I could have ever imagined! Just a few more days, and I think we can start using this exercise on normal objects, granted with far less than this many.”

Rarity nodded, and watched as Twilight went about putting all of the diamonds back into their respective pouches. While she did that, the white unicorn spoke to her, “Yes, well, I am glad all the same Twilight.” Silence hung for a few moments before she spoke again, “But we need to talk about a few things, dear.”

Her friend visibly flinched, before sliding Rarity's sword inside the scabbard to put it away, “Yes, I think we do need to talk a few things, but is there time later? I am feeling really dirty, and I think I need a shower before we do anything like talk about anything of significant-”

Twilight quietly yelped as the sword was forcefully yanked out of her grasp, and pulled back close to Rarity. The white mare watched as Twilight sagged her head, a sure sign of defeat, before Rarity spoke, “Twilight, this is important. Really, really important, and putting it off will only serve to bite us in the flank later.”

The lavender mare sighed, though she never turned around to face her. Rarity was just about to list off all of her arguments on why they needed to talk when she heard a tiny voice in front of her, “Alright Rarity, we'll talk.”

Rarity paused, somewhat surprised that, after all of the attempts yesterday, Twilight actually agreed to the conversation. Taking a few seconds to put away her weapon, Rarity finally spoke, “I know I asked you this before a few days ago, but I have to ask again: after what we heard Sarlaka and those soldiers talking about, how can we still trust him?”

Twilight turned around, so that she faced Rarity, though the entire time, she kept her eyes on the floor, “I... I don't know, Rarity. Really. I want to. I really, really want to trust him, but with all of this going on... I just don't know...”

“You don't know? Twilight, darling, he was talking about wiping out two entire races! I don't know about you, but I can't think of a single reason that would justify a pair of such... such... atrocities!”

Her magical counterpart kept her head down, “There... there has to be some reason why he would do that though... right?”

“No. There's no reason. Trust me, I've tried to think of one, I don't want to think that our only 'friend' in this world is a genocidal monster bent on, as cliché as it sounds, world domination, but as you would say, 'look at the evidence.'”

If anything, Twilight’s head sagged lower, “But... maybe... maybe he was trying to throw off some kind of spy or something? Maybe that's not... happening at all? Maybe he's trying to trick us... into thinking... something...”

Rarity cocked her head in confusion, “Twilight, why do I get the sense that you are trying to find a reason to defend him?”

After a few seconds, the lavender mare shook her head slowly, “No... I'm not. I'm not trying to defend him, I'm just... trying to come to grips with everything. I mean, like you said, our only friend here is starting to sound like the most evil thing in the world, save for Discord himself.” A few more seconds went by before Twilight looked up, and locked eyes with her friend, “You're right though, we can't trust him, not after everything we heard.”

“So then why are we still staying here then? Celestia only knows when Sarlaka will turn on us, which is why we need get out of here the first chance we get.”

Twilight shook her head again, lowering her head back down again, “No, we can't do that, at least not with the other girls away. If we were to leave now, he would know we are on to him, or at least something is up, and when the other girls get here... well... yeah. Plus, he said that he was getting the other two elements for us, so we should probably see if he was at least being truthful about that...”

Rarity listened to her friend trail off, the mare's voice filled with uncertainty. The snow white unicorn, hoping to mitigate any saddened emotions bubbling to the surface, wasted no time getting to her hooves and walking over to her friend. Even with the small amount of time needed to walk the short distance between the two of them, by the time she was right up against her friend, Twilight was starting to shake from the bottled up emotions that were threatening to spill out of her. Rarity sat down next to her and started to run a hoof through the purple and pink colored mane of the torn mare in front of her. Twilight visibly flinched at the initial touch, but soon leaned her entire body against Rarity shoulder as she lost herself in the caresses.

It was funny kinda, even with all that was going on, that Twilight's simple mane style was still perfectly kept, while Rarity's was still a mess by her standards.

“Its alright darling,” Rarity spoke softly, as if she was speaking to Sweetie Belle after a bad dream. “All of this will turn out alright. We'll get the girls, the elements, and make sure that Discord, Sarlaka, and anypony else who deserves it gets what's coming to them. And after that... I don't know, but lets not worry about that part yet. That sound good dear?”

Twilight only responded with a weak nod, which, while was very little, did help to bring a small smile to Rarity's own face. Rarity continued, “Besides, we've gone through bad situations before, who's to say we won't work our way out of this one? Lets just give it a few days, and if we can't think of anything, we'll just throw Fluttershy at Sarlaka. Last I remember, she seems to have a way with dragons, at least when it comes to scolding them..”

Again, the lavender mare gave a weak nod. Giving it another few seconds, Rarity sniffed the air, “Wow. Twilight, I thought I was breaking a sweat earlier, but dear me, I think somepony went a little overboard with the workout, if you catch my drift, because I'm definitely catching a whiff of you.”

“Sh... shut up...” the mare weakly responded.

Gaining traction, the grinning alabaster unicorn continued, “I mean, sweet Celestia, the last time that I smelled a pony this bad, why, I think it was just after Applejack and Rainbow's little stunt at the Running of the Leaves. Nay, I take that back, at least then there were the smells of fall all around to mask it and wind to blow that stench away. This, darling, is something that defiles everything that ponykind stands for.”

Twilight slowly responded, “Liar.”

Rarity gasped dramatically, “A liar? Me? A noble lady like myself? Why, I haven't heard such ridiculousness come out of a pony's mouth since... well actually, it was probably the last time I listened to anything that comes out of Pinkie's mouth, but still. Though I guess somepony like yourself would think that a pony as regal as myself would be untruthful, because ruffians like Rainbow and Applejack never do trust the noble class.” Rarity exaggerated another few sniffs in the air, “And I do say, considering the smell, I wouldn't have imagined saying it yesterday, but I think you have more similarities to those two than I thought!”

“Alright alright alright, I get it!” Twilight fussed as she pulled away from her friend's shoulder, obviously trying to stifle a giggle, “I stink like a mule.”

“Now I wouldn't say that my dear,” Rarity smiled. “Saying you smell like a mule? Considering how you smell, you're giving mules a terrible name.”

Rarity was pushed back slightly as Twilight playfully shoved her shoulder with a forehoof, “Ok, fine. Would taking a shower help me get back to my status as a non-ruffian, oh Great and Noble Rarity?”

“Please, I'm not that dramatic.” Rarity sat back, and held a hoof to her chest, “That name makes me sound like that one pony that visited Ponyville way back in the day... umm... what was her name...”

“The Great and Powerful Pixie Stix?”

“... sounds about right.”

“Well, anyways,” Twilight spoke as she got up onto her hooves, “I guess I'll take that shower then. I'll let you know when I get out so you can have your turn.” Rarity watched as Twilight turned around, and proceeded to make her way towards the bathroom. However, just before the mare passed the precipice of the doorway, she turned her head back towards the white mare, “Hey Rarity, thanks for cheering me up. It... helped more than you'd think.”

Rarity smiled and nodded as Twilight finally went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. The mare's smile instantly fell as she thought about everything that was going on with their lives right now. A prosthetic horn, a diabolical dragon, a villainous Discord, time travel, and she and Twilight were literally sleeping in that diabolical dragon's house. That wasn't even counting the fact that their group was scattered around the entire region facing Celestia knows what, and that they didn't even have all of the elements yet. The possibility that they were only delivering the elements to Sarlaka for his own use, or even to Discord for their destruction both came to mind, which only served to send a shiver down her spine.

The more she thought of it, the more she realized just how helpless all of them really were. For all of their talents, skills, and knowledge, they were almost completely at the mercy of Sarlaka, trusting that he was a friend. Of course, it was that trust that got them in this helpless situation in the first place. It sounded like the right thing to do at the time: get the Elements of Harmony and use them to fight Discord. Now though, the more that she thought of it, the more it looked like they were just pawns that Sarlaka was using to play his little game, whatever that game was. Any sense of control that Rarity could find over anything in her life right now would be wonderful.

Which is why she was making her way to Sarlaka right this second.

It didn't take any time at all for her to find him; as always, he was resting on his pile of gemstones in the foyer. Steeling herself, she marched up to him, her hoofsteps softly echoing through the large chamber. The clopping of her hooves on stone quickly alerted him to her presence, his large eyes opening to look straight at her.

He didn't bother to raise his head before he spoke, “Well well well, what do we have here? The pony lives! I was starting to get worried when I didn't see you or Magic all of yesterday. I hope your training is going well?”

Rarity continued to march right over to Sarlaka, her face stern, until she was only a hoof or two away from him, “You made me a promise, and I intend for you to keep it.”

Sarlaka blinked, “Generosity, I can honestly say that I have absolutely no idea what in Discord's name you are talking about, and for once, I'm not being sarcastic.”

Rarity didn't blink, “You promised somepony, or something, that you were supposed to protect me, specifically me. Now tell me, who did you promise?”


Pinkie Pie suddenly shivered violently, the cold air piercing her short body hair, before her shaking subsided again into a low tremble. The mare was trudging ahead passionately, forging a path for both herself and her orange friend behind her. Applejack had started to take on the same responsibility of blazing a trail like the last time they scaled the mountain a few weeks ago, but when Pinkie saw that the snow wasn't nearly as deep this time, as well as how tired her friend looked, she had insisted on taking the lead. Of course, saying that the snow wasn't as bad was very misleading, for while the snow didn't quite come up to her knees, it was only an inch or two below them. Still, if the pink pony could do this for her friend, then she had a duty to try.

The going was slow though, and while all of her friends always told her her energy was boundless, even she was starting to tire from the amazing amount of work that she was performing. If it wasn't for the fact that there wasn't a storm raging around the two of them like last time, she was sure that she would've had to give up the lead long ago. Thankfully, the sky was clear, the wind was mostly nonexistent, and while the snow had a chilling bite to it, the temperature was tolerable enough for now. In fact, that chill actually helped to distract Pinkie from how tired she was, or at least that was what she tried to tell herself.

“So Pinkie Pie,” she heard Applejack say behind her, “Ah've been thinkin'.”

The pink mare giggled, “I thought thinking was Twi-Twi's job!”

“You know wha' Ah mean. Ah've been thinkin' about the bet tha' we all made jus' before we started on this stinkin' whole thing.”

Not bothering to stop, Pinkie just spoke into the air in front of her, “You mean the one that Dashie wanted us to make, and that Twilight thought was crazy, but you, Fluttershy, Rarity, myself, and... oh wait, then Twilight thought it was fun, so we-”

“Yes Pinkie, tha' one.”

“What about it?”

“Well, Ah've been thinkin' about how long it took us to get from tha' cavern an' back...”


“...an' how close the Everfree Forest is to where Sarlaka's cave is...”


“...an' how fast Fluttershy an' RD are able to fly compared to us walkin'...”


“... Ah'm startin' ta think tha' we might'a lost tha' bet we made. Wha' do you think, Pinkie?”

“Hmm...” Pinkie thought to herself. After a few seconds, she made a decision, “Applejackie, I'm one hundred and thirty-three percent sure that we completely and totally lost by a landslide of delicious and ripe apples!”

She heard Applejack let out a single chuckle, “Ya probably righ', though Ah ain't gonna lie, the idea of gettin' tha' many apples at once doesn' sound like a completely bad thin'. If nuttin' else, we'd have some good food for once.”

Pinkie nodded furiously, “And maybe we could add caramel to some and turn some others to cider! Yummy!”

The two settled into a pleasant quiet as Pinkie focused on forging a trail in front of them and Applejack focused on, most likely, savoring the thought of those delicious apples that were falling on top of her in her own imagination. Time flew by as the pair made their way up the mountain, so much so that by now there wasn't much more mountain above them to climb. The thought of finally coming back “home” drove the mare to start humming a nameless tune filled with happiness and joy. She hummed loud enough so that Applejack had to have heard it, but unlike at the start of the trip, not once did the mare complain. Indeed, if Pinkie heard correctly, the cowpony behind her was joining in. Sure, the two tunes never matched up right, and if anypony else heard it, they surely would say it was something ugly and mean, but it didn't matter to Pinkie.

Especially considering that she spied the entrance of a very familiar cave in front of her.

Pinkie started to hop up and down, “Look look! There it is!” The mare attempted to gallop the rest of the way, but only made it a few steps before falling onto her face, the snow tripping her up.

A few seconds later, a laughing mare wrapped her orange forelegs around her chest, and with a powerful pull, yanked Pinkie out of the snow, “Woah there ya crazy filly. Come on, let me lead tha rest of tha way.” Without waiting for Pinkie's answer, she was gone with a rush of power, trudging a path through the snow.

The party pony jumped up, and with renewed energy, bolted after her friend. It only took a few minutes for both to get to the entrance of the cave, but when they did, they were laughing and giggling at the idea of finally being safe. If it wasn't for the fact that she was so tired right now, Pinkie would've started to dance with Applejack.

That would have to come later, when the mare least expected it.

Just when Pinkie was about to rush into the cave, she heard Applejack shush her, “Pinkie. Ya hear tha'?”

She stayed quiet, and listened carefully to the noises coming from inside the cave. It was hard to hear what was going on, the exact words were impossible to make out, but it sounded like a deep voice, obviously Meanie Dragon Pants, and a second, more feminine voice. Pinkie couldn't tell who the second voice was, but it was most likely one of the girls. While her identity was a mystery, if nothing else, it was a given that at least one of the groups got back before them, though if it was one or both was still a mystery.

She felt a tapping on her side, and turned to see a devious smile on her friend's face, “Hey, Pinkie, why don' ya go say hi in your special way.”

As what Applejack said slowly sunk into her brain, and the implications of what she meant came to light, Pinkie's small grin grew into a wide and maniacal smile that reached nearly from ear to ear. The orange mare nodded, and before either of them could second guess what they were even doing, or why do it, they were took a page from a typical predator's book, and slowly stalked down the tunnel. Every hoofstep gave a tiny bit of noise, the hard hooves on the stone floor impossible to completely silence, but the turbulent voices ahead served to drown out the muffled clopping.

It wasn't long before Pinkie was able to make out what the two were talking about, a deep rumbling voice leaving no doubt as to its owner, “I am well aware of your displeasure with I am, according to you, breaking my promise, but I am merely asking that you wait until the rest of your friends are here. Its a story they will all want to hear.”

A much higher pitched tone cut through the passage, the voice obviously Rarity's, but the normal regal elegance that the pink mare had grown accustomed to hearing from it was completely gone as she yelled, “You say whatever you want to try and justify your lies, but you made a promise, and by not keeping it, you do nothing but show that you are nothing but a liar!”

Pinkie got to the corner, and looking at Applejack, saw that the mare was motioning to her to go ahead with their plan, “Calling me a liar now I see. Well lets look at that specific promise, shall we? I distinctly remember saying that if you two came back 'in one piece', I would tell you everything. Now, considering that you indeed did not come back in one piece, according to the terms, I technically have no obligation to tell you anything. Now, I am generously offering to tell you anyways, despite you failing to uphold your end of the bargain, but right now you are heavily motivating to go against that thoughtful and courteous proposition.”

While the subject of the conversation appeared very serious, Pinkie knew that with the way the argument was escalating, things could go very badly very quickly, and so she rounded the corner and as quiet as a cat, stalked her prey in front of the various piles of gemstones, “Please. What are you, some kind of lawyer in Canterlot? Why, there's a reason that half of the jokes I know of involve lawyers, and its because of-”

Whatever Rarity was going to say was forever lost, for it was that moment that the party pony struck, “RARITY!!!!!!”

Rarity turned, and the image of Rarity's heart stopping would be ingrained into Pinkie's mind forever, “WHAAA!!!!”

The pair of ponies tumbled across the room, until they were stopped by one of the piles of gemstones. Pinkie looked into the panic stricken eyes of her victim, the white unicorn's pupils reduced to pinpricks, and smiled so wide, her eyes gleamed like the gemstones they were propped up against, “Hiya Rarity! What's up!?”

“... Pinkie Pie? Applejack?” Rarity paused for a second, her face showing a mixture of emotions, before her face lit up like a Hearth Warming Tree, “Pinkie Pie! Applejack! Haha! You're back! You're both back!” the mare squealed, grabbing onto the pink mare so tightly with emotion, that the pair were sent into a tumble, the two rolling around in excitement.

Outside of the embrace, the sounds of Sarlaka and Applejack laughing could be heard. It was Sarlaka who finally spoke, “Wow, I was going to say something when I saw her coming towards you, but I am so glad that I decided against it. I know I said it before, but Laughter, I am so glad I met you.”

Even in the middle of her hug with her friend, the white forelegs gripping her tightly, she responded, “Well I'm glad to meet everypony! Besides, you should thank Applejackie-wackie! It was her idea.”

“Really?” Sarlaka turned towards Applejack, “For one named 'Honesty', you are quite the devious one.”

Applejack acted like she was inspecting her hoof as she spoke as monotonously as possible, “Wha' can Ah' say, Ah have mah moments.”

“Pinkie Pie,” Rarity quietly whispered into Pinkie's ear, the unicorn still buried in the hug, “I'm so glad you two are alright, darling.”

“I'm glad too Rarity. I was worried something would happen to you or Twilight.”

Rarity pulled back as little as she could, and Pinkie could see her look to her horn for a brief second, the appendage having a very strange sparkle to it, before smiling back at her, “Well... things didn't go as smoothy as planned, but I kept my promise to protect Twilight, and I'm alright now darling.”

The pink pony smiled, “Thanks, Rarity.”

Pinkie finally allowed Rarity back onto her hooves, though both of them were slightly wobbly on their legs, “I don't mean to put a damper on anything Pinkie, darling, but do you have your Element?”

“Yuppies!” Pinkie stepped back, and with a swift motion, pulled the artifact out of her saddlebags, and placed it around her neck, the jewelry glittering in the torchlight. Still smiling, the pink pony turned to Sarlaka, “And we have Meanie Dragon Pants to thank for it, though I guess he wasn't the one who got it, so I guess its more we should thank ourselves, but you get what I mean!”

“Yeah.” Applejack looked over at Sarlaka as well, “Though Ah gotta say, givin' tha' crazy mare tha' metal tube thing wasn' the most responsible thin' Ah've ever seen.”

Sarlaka, still grinning from the events before, chuckled slightly, “And spoil the fun of letting you know about it at the most hilarious opportunity? My only regret of giving that mare a missile launcher is that I wasn't there for when she used it!”

“What is this about a missile lauch-” Twilight walked into the room, her mane and coat still glistening from being in the shower. When she walked in, she was carrying a brush, though that was now clattering onto the floor after being released from her magic. Another moment of silence reigned as her mouthed a few words uselessly, before she finally came to grips with the sight, “Pinkie Pie? Applejack?”

“Twilight!” Applejack smiled at the sight of their friend.

“TWILIGHT!” Pinkie yelled as she closed the distance between them in record time, and soon after, made her second pounce of the day, nearly tackling the lavender mare. However, her second victim was much better prepared for the diving leap, and braced herself for the incoming pony projectile. The two collided, and while Twilight stayed on her hooves, Pinkie quickly found herself pressed up against Twilight, the pair both on their hind legs, hugging each other as they kept rebalancing themselves in the awkward position.

Still, even with the obvious discomfort at standing on two legs, the unicorn merrily laughed, “Pinkie! You're ok!”

“Twilight! You're an okie dokie pony as well!” Pinkie laughed, her heart swelling with so many emotions with having Twilight in her forelegs, having the mare's face right up next to her own, and feeling Twilight's wet coat against her own chest.

The moment, as amazing as it was, was all too fleeting.

“So I have to ask,” Sarlaka chuckled, “a pair of ponies as flamboyantly looking as yourselves, especially considering that you came from my lands, must have been taken to Lord Xavier himself. How is my dear friend?”

As if it was literally sucked out of her with a giant vacuum, the warmth in Pinkie's heart instantly disappeared, the mare slowly lowering both herself and Twilight back onto their four hooves. Before the pink mare averted her gaze, she saw, out of the corner of her eye, Twilight's face go from blissful happiness, to confused and concerned. The only sound left in the room was the heavy breathing of the five creatures, and the slow chuckling of the lone dragon, and those sounds faded very quickly.

“Did you meet with Lord Xavier,” Sarlaka asked again, but this time, his tone was cold, calculating, and filled with curiosity. The formerly happy pony felt a single step reverberate through the chamber, most likely towards her, but their host didn't dare take a single step closer. Instead, he let the growing weight of the silence continue to fill the room, stifling any remaining joy that was left over from their greeting just a few minutes ago. Pinkie looked over towards Applejack, who was looking at her forehooves, either unwilling or unable to tell Sarlaka and the others what had happened.

As tears started to fill her eyes, the pink pony looked once more at Twilight, the lavender unicorn's face showing nothing but a growing concern for her, before Pinkie looked back at Sarlaka. Looking into the dragon's cold eyes, she took one last breath, and with her left hoof nervously digging into the cave floor, tried to say what she had to, “Xavier... he... he forced me into his bedroom... and tried to... to... to...”

Behind her, Twilight whispered to herself, “Oh Celestia...”

Any sense of lingering doubt in the dragon's eyes was burned away by the raging inferno that filled both of them. Almost immediately, the furious dragon instinctively flapped his wings twice, the wind picking up the room, and rose to his feet. He turned, smoke starting to billow out of his nostrils, and without any sense of hesitation, marched towards the cave entrance. It was hard to tell through her tear-blurred vision and his hard scales, but Pinkie could see that every fiber of muscle in Sarlaka's body was tense with anger, ready to spring forth in a primal fury.

The only pony that could find any words was Rarity, who's voice, as weak as it was, carried through to her ears, “Where are you going, Sarlaka?”

Sarlaka stopped, and turned his head back to the four ponies, the fires of a thousand suns burning in his eyes. Slowly, and deliberately, he spoke, the cold anger in his voice chilling Pinkie to the bone, “To grant my dear friend, Lord Xavier the 'Completely and Utterly Bucked,' a visit, as well as give him a lesson on draconian justice.”

A/N: Never give your computer a drink. No matter how much it asks, it doesn't want it...

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