• Published 25th Jan 2012
  • 6,447 Views, 762 Comments

World of Chaos - ugugg93

What if the Elements didn't defeat Discord, and instead, the mane six are sent far from home?

  • ...

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Chapter 42: Fighting

Twilight fed as much of her power as she could into the lightning blocking the other two spells, the sparks of the three electrical bolts dancing on all sides of her. As the spells began getting slightly closer to her, she put more and more energy into her own bolt to try to shore up her defensive. The smell of ozone filled the air around her as her entire vision was blocked out by the hot white lances of energy. Her eyes flared white for but a moment, before she pumped another pulse of magic into her horn, turned her head, and redirected the trio of lightning spells into the ceiling.

Upon their impact, the roof partially collapsed under the power—several boulders falling all around her. A few of them fell towards her, forcing her to dump more of her magic into a shield spell in an effort to block the rocks. When the cave-in finally settled, a huge cloud of dirt and dust filled the air around her general area. Fortunately, the dust all around her blocked her foe's vision. Unfortunately, her barrier above her didn't block out the dust around her, forcing her to fall into a coughing fit from the inhaled dust.

Twilight was surprised at these unicorns' power. Sure, she was much more powerful than either of them—only the most versed unicorns in Equestria could dream of matching her blow-for-blow in a contest of pure strength—but this was different. Spike had made a distinct point before to mention that unicorns were rare in this world. Because of this, Twilight had mistakenly assumed that any unicorns she would come across would be on par with many of the weakest magic users, and only capable of the simplest of cantrips. Alas, in her assumption, she never accounted that any unicorn capable of magic would be taught combat spells exclusively and extensively in this world. This focused nature in that particular subset of spells leveled the playing field significantly.

Of course, there was also the fact that the two were double-teaming her—alone they couldn't come close to fighting her, but together, they were more than a even match.

With the dust slightly clearing and the combat involving her reaching a natural pause, Twilight stole a chance to check on her friends. Applejack and Rarity had taken the initiative to double-team the massive minotaur to Twilight's left. Of course, from the looks of the battle, it was less of a double-team and more of the minotaur throwing an unrelenting offensive against an off balanced Rarity while Applejack did her best to distract the him in an attempt to save the unicorn—with mixed results. Greatsword in hand, the monster forced Rarity to dodge and parry constantly—never allowing the visibly exhausted mare a single opening in the onslaught of attacks.

Looking around the trio, Twilight noticed that Rarity's dozens of diamond spikes were strewn around the battlefield, each forgotten in the chaotic battle. If their roles were switched—and Twilight was the one fighting the minotaur—she would not only use all of those gems, but also the thousands of gems in Spikes hoard as weapons. Granted that even if Rarity was able to focus her mind enough to pull that feat off—parrying so many attacks looked treacherous enough—she definitely didn't have the free time to stop and think about that plan herself. Therefore, Rarity was stuck in a permanent defensive, with Applejack doing her very best to get in a minor hit or two with her claws when the minotaur wasn't careful about his flank.

Right above her, she noticed that—in the strangest match-up between any of them—Pinkie was in a fight with the pegasus. If Twilight had to guess, the pegasus mare and the earth pony stallion had traded combatants to try and take down Pinkie quickly, and then allow for a double-team somewhere else. Of course, considering that it was Pinkie Pie that the pegasus was fighting, and the fact that Pinkie was currently riding said pegasus, that plan failed before it was even thought of.

It was a strange thing to look at really. If she didn't know better, she would never guess that the two were in a battle, and more like one of Rainbow Dash's rides she sometimes gave her friend. Violent turns and flips continued to dominate the aerial display, with the pegasus trying his best to dislodge the pony and Pinkie doing her best to prevent such a long fall. Sadly, while it would be simple for the party pony to just smash the pegasus on the head and end the fight right there, the ensuing fall would be... problematic.

A loud screech brought her attention to the ceiling near the right wall, and she saw Rainbow Dash and the griffin in the closest thing to aerial combat you could get in this room. The pegasus, hoping to use her smaller size and agility to her advantage, jumped from pillar to pillar while she got in several small hits. Each individual strike was a minor one—barely even phasing the avian creature—but together they were still doing something. In turn, the griffin was doing his very best to track Twilight's speedy friend, and get a sizable hit off. At first glance, it appeared that the griffin was only successful in this endeavor once or twice, but considering his size and strength, each shot was probably worth more than a dozen of Rainbow's.

Of course, it was also beginning to appear that Rainbow was starting to tire. Yes, the athletic pegasus had endurance rivaling that of a dragon, but she had probably been flying at top speed the entire battle. Not only that, but with the constant stops, twists, and turns only added to the immense amount of stress that she was putting on her wings. Meanwhile, the griffin was happy enough to slowly move in a leisured pace, conserving his strength for the end of the battle. Hopefully, Rainbow would still be able to keep up by then.

Even with a hard fought battle in the sky, the rainbow-maned mare still found time to help out where she could in the final confrontation: Fluttershy and the earth pony. The poor yellow pegasus was so determined when the battle started just a few minutes ago—coming to Rainbow's side with a furious rage—but now that things were underway, her fearful side was starting to get the best of her. She was constantly forced to run and dodge her way away from the stallion attacking her in earnest. Normally, a pegasus could just flap her wings and get her flank out of the way if she desperately needed to, but considering it was Fluttershy, the mare's wings were probably paralyzed in fear.

Thankfully, whenever the stallion would get to close or force Fluttershy into a corner, Rainbow would find a way to get to her, give the pony a few lumps, then dash back off to her own duel. It wasn't the best strategy, but consi—

Twilight's thoughts were interrupted when she noticed the twin glows of red beads of magic heading her direction—the dust from before long since settled by now.

With a quick flash of her own magic, she put up two barriers, both barely angled towards the ceiling. The two red beads came into contact with the magical surfaces, and with the gentlest of taps, ricocheted up and off into the upper corners of the room. Fortunately, Rainbow's and Pinkie's respective battles were nowhere near the final impact points, for upon slamming into the walls, two massive fireballs washed over the surfaces nearby, leaving only a scorched surfaces at their final resting points.

Attempting to turn the tables, Twilight immediately launched a dozen electric-blue orbs at both of her opponents—half going to each unicorn. The unicorn to the left shot a few electrical sparks off—the red hot shards impacting the missiles, causing them to burst forth in a brilliant flash of energy. The second unicorn did the same to a few of her missiles, but was forced to dodge at least two through non-magical means—a distinct sign that Twilight was wearing down his endurance.

However, Twilight was too busy stammering to capitalize on the opening. “But... but you can't dodge those magical missiles! It's impossible!”

The unicorns didn't care about the laws of magical spells though. Instead, the two launched another pair of lightning bolts against Twilight, who was again forced to shoot her own sparks of electric energy at them. Just like last time, her twin bolts “broke” both of theirs into dozen of smaller branches, enveloping the space all around Twilight. Unlike last time though, she was starting to feel the strain of having to cast powerful spell after powerful spell, and despite her desires to the contrary, she felt the beginning symptoms her waning magical reserves. As a result of this, the diverted spells slowly came closer and closer to her—she was beginning to feel the hair on her coat stand on end.

Thankfully, they stopped their spells, letting Twilight give her horn a moment of rest. That moment was only for a mere second or two, for Twilight again attempted to go on the offensive, casting a—


The yell attracted all three unicorns' attention. Up above, Pinkie was still riding the pegasus mare, but Pinkie had now viciously gripped the mare's wingtips in the crook of her hooves, and was forcing the pegasus into a steep dive. At the last second, she yanked at the longest primary feathers—certainly a particularly painful action—and forced the pegasus to level her dive. Of course, the dive caused the pair to have a tremendous velocity, and Pinkie intended to utilize that velocity.

On the minotaur.

In a display of skill that Twilight would never imagine the pink mare to ever summon, she forced the pegasus' flight to slam right into the side of the brown-furred monster, sending all three tumbling to the ground. As soon as the hit occurred, she knew that the pegasus was down for the count, while the minotaur was probably only dazed from the impact. However, what she didn't know was what happened to Pinkie.

That question was quickly answered when the mare popped herself out from under the pegasus' unmoving body, and landed in front of the minotaur. With a widening smile, she pulled a large blue cannon seemingly out of nowhere, and slammed her hoof against the unlit fuse—somehow causing the thing to fire. Instantly, the monster was hit by the blast, thrown against the back wall, and knocked unconscious.

The minotaur was powerful sure, but if you were to take a full complement of party provisions at point blank range, you wouldn't look too good either.

Now was the time to capitalize on the situation. Charging another spell, Twilight threw several dozen bolts of purple energy at the unicorn opposite of her, forcing the stallion to dodge and block every one. Some landed close to their mark—some actually grazed the unicorn's white coat—but none got a solid hit against the spellcaster. Thankfully, the other unicorn, the one to the left of her, never made a move against her while she was distracted with the spell.

Twilight whirled around, readying herself to block the next oncoming attack from the second unicorn, only to find that he had begun to shoot lightning not at her, but at the trio of victorious ponies next to her. Rarity was quick to respond, using her sword as a sort of lightning rod, and with a slight angle, diverted all of the electricity with a simple twist. A flurry of spells later, she fired her previously discarded diamonds at him, forcing him to attempt both a barrier and his lightning. He was only partly successful, for while—


All of the ponies turned their heads towards the source of the noise, only to find Fluttershy standing over a unmoving earth pony who was lying on the ground, his neck twisted in a strange way. The yellow mare was breathing heavily over his body, a look of malice in her eyes. Even the zombie-like opponents looked stunned at the act the pegasus just committed.

Twilight took a step forward. “F-F-Fluttershy!?”

Fluttershy looked up. “What? He's just asleep.”

As the world began to make a little more sense again, Twilight and her opponent went right back to firing spell after spell at each other. Lighting, fire, bursts of raw magic, and even just blasts of air were flung at each other. Her breathing was becoming more and more ragged, but it was obvious that in this battle of attrition, she was going to come out on top. Of course, if she kept getting distracted by her thoughts, she was going to come out of this battle with more than one or two scorch marks on her flank.

From behind her, she could hear the trio of her friends—with Rarity most likely at the helm—combating the other unicorn. Twilight did a quick few sidesteps to observe the battle out of the corner of her eye, and noticed that while the alabaster mare was the one doing the heavy lifting in the confrontation—her sword and diamond spikes keeping the unicorn on the defensive—Applejack and Pinkie were doing most of the actual damage from the sides. With this sort of onslaught, it didn't take long for Twilight to see the exact moment that the unicorn foe lost the battle—the unicorn's first failed spell. Soon after, a startled yell echoed through the chamber, and the unicorn was tackled by Applejack, and quickly became a bloody mess by her hooves.

Her attention now fully focused on the unicorn in front of her, she redoubled her focus, and threw everything she had at the pony in front of her. Dozens upon dozens of spells were launched in his direction, and while his efforts to evade and block them were impressive, he was losing ground, her spells getting closer and closer to hitting with each second. Finally, the unicorn was forced to resort to a barrier completely encasing him in a dome—a near perfect defense, but a spell that would drain his magical reserves very quickly.

It was then that Rainbow's yell pierced through the chaotic noise. “Rarity!!!”

Twilight paused her onslaught to whip her head towards the yell. Rainbow was charging towards the white mare, chasing after the griffin in between the two. Tracking the griffin, nopony was able to react in time before the creature bowled into the snow-white unicorn—a soft yelp escaping her lips as she was grabbed. The sound of Rarity's sword clattering to the stone floor entered Twilight's ears as she watched a now screaming mare forcibly taken through the entryway passage, and out of the cave.

“Rarity!!!” Twilight yelled. She ran forward, and after she grabbed Rarity's dropped sword in her magic, she localized whatever magical reserves she had into one solid blast of arcane energy, and sent it towards the sole remaining unicorn. The magic tore through the barrier he was emitting like a hot knife through butter, and the ensuing recoil was so heavy on the stallion's mind, that he was blasted into a comatose state. Twilight continued to run through the passage, and with her friends joining her from all sides, she took the left turn—her hooves skidding slightly on the slick ground—and made her way outside.

The five of them skidded to a halt at the edge of the ledge, and gasped at what they saw.

Twilight's coat instantly became drenched, for apparently a typhoon had formed while they were inside the cave, making it difficult to make out specifics the battle below. However, it was still possible to see the thousands of ponies on each side fighting to the last on the plains below. Details were hard to come by, but with how many there were, she was glad that she couldn't see every strike and charge performed by each side. She wasn't very good with combat strategies—she didn't even know anything about the most basic maneuver—but from the look of things, their side was heavily outnumbering Discord's side, so that was probably a sign that they were winning.

Above the rest of the battle, what looked like over a hundred pegasi were flying in flocks. It was impossible to tell which side each flock belonged to, so Twilight could only pray that they were winning there. Every so often, two clouds of pegasi would violently merge, with more than a few bodies falling to the ground. It was terrifying to watch—even more so than the battle below—for she could actually see individual ponies meet their end as they impacted the ground. She hoped that they weren't actually dying, and were merely injured, but from a fall from that, that hope was insane at the very best.

A nearly deafening roar shook through the mountain, causing the lavender mare to nearly fall off her hooves. Quickly looking into the sky again, she noticed a massive dark shape against the clouds, one that looked eerily similar to a certain dragon of hers. A flash of fire later, and she saw the outline of Discord in the air next to him, his semi-draconic appearance unmistakable. While at first it looked like they were merely flying in circles around the other, it shortly became obvious—especially from the various wing-overs and barrel rolls on Spike's part—that there was much more to the battle than could be seen from here. Like the flocks of pegasi, every so often, the two forces would meet, leading Spike and Discord to lance out in a violent thrashing of limbs before separating, do their little aerial dodges, then repeat the process.

And right off of the edge of the cliff, halfway down to the plains below, was the griffin that carried Rarity.

There was terrible flash of lightning in the sky before Rainbow landed next to Applejack. “AJ, you ready!? We gotta go!”

The mare nodded. “Ready as Ah’m ever gonna be.” With that, Rainbow grabbed onto Applejack's body with her four legs, beat her wings as hard as she could, and together, the pair took off down the cliff.

Not missing a beat, Fluttershy extended her wings, and began to follow. “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness...”

She watched as the timid pony chased after the pair of ponies who were pursuing the ponynapping griffin. Gasping for air after the previous battle, Twilight ignited her horn, intent on following...

...and caught a glimpse of Pinkie in the corner of her eye.

Keeping her horn ignited, she waved the mare over. “Pinkie, come here. I think I have enough power to get us both down there.”

Pinkie went to take a step forward, but then planted her hoof back on the ground. With a small smile, she shook her head, and said, “Nopey dopers. You go on and teleport just yourself. You'll need your power for when you get down there.”

Eyes widening slightly, she shook her head. “But... but what about you? I can't leave you up here all by yourself.”

Pinkie didn't even pause to think. Instead, she took a step forward, placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, and winked. “It's me, Twi-Twi. I'll find a way. In fact, I'll probably be down there before even you get down there yourself.”

Twilight wanted to protest, and force the excitable pony to join her. However, she knew that what Pinkie was saying was right, no matter how terrible of a prospect it was. Not only that, but they didn't have the time to argue anyway. Therefore, she took a few steps back, brought Rarity's sword near her, nodded, and with a flash of light, whisked herself down the cliff. In as much time as it would take to blink an eye, she traveled the entire distance from the top of the cliff to the bottom of the plains below, reappearing on the desolate battlefield.

The first thing that she noticed was—even through the hurricane—was the terrible smell of blood in the air. It was a smell that was as distinct as it was strong, and the thought of all of the ponies dying to cause it to be this pungent made her gag. The second thing that she noticed was the nearly unbearable chaotic noise that was behind her. Even through the sound of the rain pelting down all around was already deafening, the noise of yells and cries pierced through the rain as if it wasn't even there. Twilight shook her head, and attempting to have a focused mind, gazed at the air above her.

In front of her, she could see the various approaching bodies of her friends and the griffin, their trajectories leading them straight for her. Twilight spread her stance slightly—her hooves sinking slightly in the mud—and with a small glow, readied her magic. She tracked the leading dark dot, and with narrowed eyes, readied the ball of flame that she was intending on firing at him. Closer and closer the griffin came, until he was just reaching the farthest reaches of her range.

It was then that she saw Rarity's form—the mare still most likely still screaming.

Twilight quickly stifled her spell, the thought of turning her fellow unicorn into a burnt crisp not a desirable one. Instead, she thought to herself in rapid bursts. She obviously couldn't fire any of her area-effect spells, for Rarity would be caught in the blast. She couldn't throw up any of her small rays or missiles, because even though it would only affect the griffin, she couldn't risk Rarity getting hit by a wild shot. Teleporting Rarity out of its grasp, while normally an option, was probably too taxing of a spell to attempt at this point, especially considering the speed and distractions all around her. Mentally dancing on her hooves, she just wished she could just grow wings, waltz on over there, and just grab Rarity out of the griffin's clutches.

Twilight blinked. “Oh... duh.”

She waited a few more seconds until the pair were just staring to fly over her position. Her grin turned to a concentrated glare, and she once again flowed the magic into her horn, and brought forth her spell. A magenta magical aura that was produced encased the captured unicorn perfectly and completely. With a smile, and a slight tug, she put a little bit more magic into the spell, and activated the telekinesis spell that she had gathered forth. As expected, Rarity literally froze in the air—as if she hit a brick wall—leaving the griffin to speed away from his former prisoner empty-hooved.

The griffin, confused for a moment, hit the brakes hard to stop himself as fast as possible. He quickly turned around, and with frantic eyes, tried to figure out what the heck just happened to his captive. His head turned for a few brief moments, before his eyes finally fell onto Rarity's floating body, as well as Twilight. She could see the griffin's angry glare bore down on her, and with a few flaps of his wings, he tore back down onto the spot she was standing in. Twilight quickly moved to put Rarity back down on the ground, and turning her head back towards the approaching creature, she readied the offensive fire spell that she had intended to use just moments before. It would be close, the griffin's speed surprisingly swift, but Twilight was certain she could get the spell off before she herself was in range of the spell's blast.

Suddenly, a rainbow blur tore through the edges of her vision, and slammed into the approaching griffin with bone-shattering force. The two parties—three if you include Applejack as well—tumbled out of the sky, a screech of the griffin's wail causing Twilight to wince. While Applejack and the griffin didn't have the most graceful of landings—the two more falling on their backs than anything else—Rainbow Dash landed squarely on her hooves. After only a second, she jumped back into the air, and with a dexterous front-flip, slammed her hooves into the avian creature's center.

He attempted to take a swipe at Rainbow, but by the time the talon even got close to where she was standing, the speedy mare was gone. Soon, she returned to where she was standing, giving another terrifyingly strong impact against the griffin's stomach. The monster attempted another swipe, but this time he connected squarely against Rainbow's left foreleg, sending the pegasus staggering to the side. Standing back onto his legs, the griffin got back up, and attempted to strike back at Rainbow.

He was quickly stopped by a pair of orange hooves diving into his face, sending him back into the mud.

Unlike Rainbow, who was much more inclined to stick with quick kicks and jabs, Applejack was much more content to grapple with the griffin. This was a tactic that he could not contend with, as his arms and legs were too long and inflexible to pull the comparatively smaller pony off of him—as well as the ground too slick to get a good grip to roll away. This futile effort was complicated even further by Rainbow Dash's re-entrance into the fray by way of a diving tackle, sending all three into a small roll across the water-soaked ground. The sounds of smacks, slams, and splashes of repeated impacts erupted, until after several seconds, the two very brown ponies stood up, looked at the twitching body of the griffin, and bumped each other's forehooves together.

As Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked back over side-by-side—Rainbow now distinctly favoring her left forehoof, Twilight went to check on Rarity. Trotting over, she helped the unicorn up. “Rarity, you alright?”

Rarity stood up, albeit shakily, and after she checked her chest to make sure her Element was still in place—a slight frown forming when she saw her now very very brown flank and legs—she slowly spoke, “Yes... yes I think I am...”

By now, Fluttershy had caught up, and with a worried look in her eyes, she stood on Rainbow's other side, aiding Applejack in supporting the mare. Twilight grabbed Rarity's diamond-augmented sword, and levitated it over to the owner. “Here. You kinda lost this.”

“Thank you, darling. I don't suppose that you got my diamonds as well?” Twilight shook her head. “Well then, I guess we have to go back up into that cave any—”

A loud whistling noise from above interrupted the conversation, and before either of the mares could look up, a deafening crash was heard to their left. Turning their heads, they peered through the cloud of mud and water that was still falling around the massive object.


Twilight's breathing stopped at the sight. Other than his short and heavy breathing and a twitch here or there, he wasn’t moving. His wings were stretched limply across the ground on either side of him, both heavily marred by hundreds of puncture wounds, turning the once beautiful panels into frightfully ragged surfaces. All over his body, dozens of deep cuts and tears of his scaly skin released the vital blood from his body, his normally royal purple body now a mixture of purple and red. What was most disconcerting though, however, was the terrifyingly large and wide gash across his entire left side—the wound spilling blood at a frightening rate.

Hopefully, it was mostly rainwater making it look worse than it was.

“Sp-Spike?” Twilight whispered. Slowly she began to walk forward—her mind too shell-shocked to move any faster. When he didn't respond, her slow walk transitioned into a trot, which then quickly shifted into a full on gallop. “SPIKE!!!”

All of a sudden, a green barrier appeared in front of Twilight, the mare nearly slamming her face into the magical shield as she stopped. Shifting her eyes left and right, she desperately sought out the malicious unicorn that created it. It was only then that she realized both that the rain pelting her until now had stopped, and that she could hear a familiar chuckling.

Turning around, she was able to see her equally terrified friends' faces before—with a flash of light—Discord appeared in front of the ponies on the other side of the dome-shaped shield hovering a few hooves in the air. He looked like he had several nasty looking cuts and bruise marks on his scales, but other than one or two on his left side, it was nothing that major. Sadly, it was fairly obvious that the battle in the skies earlier was fairly one-sided.

In the palm of his paw, he used his magic to twirl the familiar Element of Loyalty, the rain sizzling into vapor as it hit the aura around the artifact. “Well well well. Look who we have here! I think I found my lucky ponies! Could've sworn that that little group of nasty things I sent at you would've roughed you up a little more, but oh well!”

Twilight kept her eyes on the monster as he circled closer to her. As her friends approached, she muttered, “Discord. Let us go... now.”

“Oh my!” Discord brought his mismatched arms to his mouth in mock-fright, his magic lifting the Element of Loyalty slightly over his head. After a few seconds of quivering, the draconequus lowered himself down to the ground, and rolled his eyes as he spoke. “Seriously now, Twilight Sparkle. Really? That little threat is all you can muster in our grand final encounter? No flashy magic tricks? No special contingency plans? Not even a pie catapult? I just took down that little dragon friend of yours over there while trying to think about if I left the ice cream in the oven at home, and you think threatening me is going to save the day? Why, I barely even broke a sweat fighting that pathetic little—”

Discord's speech was cut off by a massive bolt of magical energy slamming into the side of the magical barrier. Twilight's arcane missile—if the barrier wasn't there—would've burned right into the monster's face. Unfortunately the powerful shield was unyielding, and with just a few seconds of time later, the only signs that Twilight even did anything was her heavy panting, and the gentle water-like ripples spreading outward from the point of impact.

The God of Chaos could only cackle in excitement. “Oh! Oh that's the Twilight I know and love! Even when the chips are down and all seems hopeless, she's always making sure she's fighting until the bitter end. Now, let's stop these shenanigans and get this party started! The guests of honor? The ponies in front of me! The number of guests? Si... err... wait...

“One... two... three...” he pointed at each in turn with a finger on his paw, “...four... five... five? No six? Where's the last one?”


Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere, and with a loud chomp, bit down hard on the arm the monster was pointing with. As her teeth sank into his skin and fur, she clamped her jaw as hard as she could, establishing a near vice-grip on him. As she held on, snarls of anger escaped the mare's muzzle—Pinkie Pie seething with anger. However, it was quickly apparent that the simple head-on attack was completely foolhardy, for his face showed no pain whatsoever. Instead, the only thing that her attack ended up doing was revealing her presence to him.

With a flick of his other arm, he quickly pulled the pink pony off of his arm with his magic, and began slowly flipping her in the air. “Ah yes, Pinkie Pie. So nice of you to join us. I was afraid that I was going to have to send a team of bloodhounds after you or something. Glad you could be so kind as to skip the whole game of 'hide and seek.'”

Again, a spell blasted against the shield, and again, Twilight's magic was completely ineffectual against Discord's barrier. A light bit of fear sinking into her belly, she yelled, “Let her go!”

“Aw! Don't be a spoil sport, Twily-Wiley! She's my absolute faaaaaaavorite of you six!” Discord gasped, a quickly widening smile forming on his face. “Do you think I can keep her!? Can I? Please please please please!? All I want to do is play with the little pony! I'll take good care of her, I promise. Look, I'll show you how sweet I can be to my little Pinkie Pie pet.”

Twilight slammed a forehoof against the shield. “Put her do—”



A/N: I always feel like I don't do fight scenes justice...

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