• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 26,418 Views, 1,038 Comments

The Princess and the Human - Ausbrony

When an Alicorn Princess suddenly appears out of thin air, Will one lone human be able to deal with such an event? Well, he has nothing better do do.

  • ...

Friends, Old and New.

“…And then that’s when Twilight simply vanished!” Kai finished recounting his days with Twilight to his new friend, the Royal Guard, Flash Step.

“I had no idea the Princess was on such an adventure, I will admit that even I am a little curious about your world now,” Flash smiled. After some conversation, Flash had come to the conclusion that this whole debacle was a giant misunderstanding. “I just hope we can sort everything out with the other Princesses.”

Flash had told Kai a little about herself too, like how she’d come from a long line of Royal Guard, but she was the first Earth Pony to be born in their clan for several generations. As such, the pressure to excel was really piled on. She had brothers and sisters that had all become outstanding members of the Guard, but despite graduating with honors and already holding the rank of Lieutenant, it did seem to be good enough for her parents and siblings.

“Geez, that sounds rough,” Kai said. “Who knew family life could be so hard?”

“What about you?” Flash asked. “I bet you have some interesting family stories.”

Kai shook his head as his pace slowed a little. “My family… passed away some time ago.”

Flash paused and put a hoof to her mouth. “O-oh, I’m… I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, it happened a long time ago.” Kai smiled at the mare. “Now, let’s go find Twilight shall we, Miss Step.”

“Just call me Flash okay?” the Guard nodded. This was an odd night, making friends with an alien and all.

As they rounded the last corner and walked into the corridor that held the infirmary, quite the sight awaited Kai. Several dozen Guards, all wearing armour and all carrying sharpened weapons waited for the ‘intruder’.

“Uh, Flash?” Kai said warily. “They don’t look very friendly.”

The Guards charged at him, “Subdue and Restrain boys!” the lead one ordered.

Kai’s fight or flight instinct kicked in. Should he fight against this horde and save Twilight? One unarmed human against the odds to rescue his Princess!

“Nope!” Kai turned and bolted down the hallway, hopefully he could lose them and double back or something. Unfortunately, ponies were a lot faster than humans, especially humans who spent most of their time sitting at home playing videogames and reading.

But, Kai had an ace up his sleeve that even he didn’t know he had. Flash Step stood in-between him and the Guard.

“Stand down! There has been a big misunderstanding!”

The Guards paused, but didn’t lower their weapons.

“Stand aside Lieutenant, we have orders from Princes Celestia herself to apprehend the intruder!”

“And the Princess is wrong about this!” Flash argued. “Please, if you could just-”There was a magical ‘pop’ and Princess Celestia, Luna and the Elements of Harmony appeared in the hall, on the opposite side of Kai. The hapless human was now sandwiched in between a legion of armed Guards and two more Princesses, along with some familiar-looking mares.

“Today is seriously not my day,” Kai muttered.

“Sister?” Luna asked, pointing at Kai. “What on Equus is that!?”

“I… I do not know,” Celestia responded. “I have never seen anything like it before.”

Rainbow Dash glared at him, “Well whatever it is, it’s got Twilight’s Element!” Her wings flared and she launched to tackle the strange creature, but Applejack grabbed her tail, holding the hot-headed mare back.

Celestia and Luna looked, indeed the creature seemed to be holding the Element of Magic in it hands. Just how had it gotten a hold of it?

“Okay, everyone needs to calm down and listen,” Kai said slowly. “I can explain.”

“That voice,” Applejack said, letting go of Rainbow Dash. “It’s the one we heard before, the one attackin’ Twahlight!”

“Attacking?” Flash Step looked at Kai, he never attacked Princess Twilight, not according to him anyway. But if he didn’t, the why would the Element of Honesty say he did?

Kai suddenly found himself floating off of the ground, his body wrapped in an azure glow. The blue Alicorn stepped forward, her eyes blazing with magical might.

“Any last words, monster!” she said with a growl. Kai began to panic, how was he going to get out of this?

“Princess Luna! Put! Him! Down!” the sudden voice caused everyone to turn and they saw Twilight leaning against the doorframe. She looked exhausted, but she was awake and glaring daggers at the lunar diarch.

“Twilight!” her friends cheered, glad to see that she was awake, but the purple Alicorn didn’t return the sentiment. Her stern gaze remained locked onto Luna until the alicorn lowered the captive human to the floor.

Twilight stumbled over to him, almost falling but Kai caught her before she could hit the ground.

“Twilight? Are you alright? What happened to you?”

“You happened!” Luna yelled. “Twilight has been through a terrible ordeal-”

“Actually, you may be wrong there Princess Luna,” Flash Step spoke up as both Princesses turned their gaze to her, Luna opting to keep her wrathful glare. To Flash’s merit, she didn’t back down. “I mean no disrespect of course.”

Rarity snorted, “Will somepony please explain what is happening? I am missing my beauty sleep because of this!”

“Aw, you don’t need that,” Pinkie giggled. “You’re plenty pretty!”

“Thank you darling, and you will get many snuggles later for that, but right now I think a coherent, uninterrupted explanation is in order!”

“I agree with Miss Rarity,” Celestia finally spoke. She leant down to check on Twilight, but earned a fierce glare from Kai. Chuckling lightly and opting to move back a space, she smiled warmly at the human. “May I ask who and what you are? And how is it that you know Twilight?”

“My name is Kai and as for how I know Twilight here… That’s a long story,” Kai said, warily eyeing the massive Alicorn. “I’ll be happy to explain everything, but right now I want to make sure Twilight is okay.” He looked at the mare in his arms and ran his fingers delicately through her mane. “Hey Pony Princess, are you alright?”

Twilight opened her eyes, but she looked ready to pass out again at any moment. “Yes… but, what… are you doing here?” she managed to ask, her voice was hoarse and cracked. “How are you even here?”

Kai smiled as he took the Element of Magic and placed it on Twilight’s head. “I guess you can chalk it up to friendship. I heard you were in trouble and came to help… didn’t expect to almost be killed by a bunch of cute ponies though.”

“Happens,” Twilight half smiled. The Element of Magic began to glow with a soft light, almost like it was happy to be reunited with its true partner. The other Elements soon followed and the gentle, pulsing energy washed over the Alicorn, her pained frown disappearing and a weary, yet satisfied smile replacing it.

“What the?” What in the hay was that?” Applejack asked as the Element around her neck finally stopped. “What did we just do?”

Celestia’s horn lit up as she stepped closer to Twilight. She looked at Kai, “May I?” she asked gently. Kai paused and then nodded as Celestia examined her. After a moment she pulled away and smiled.

“I’m not sure how, but her magic circuits have been repaired,” Celestia informed the group, who all breathed a sigh of relief.

“T’would seem the Elements still have secrets unknown, even to Us,” Luna said.

“Indeed,” Celestia replied. She had no idea that the Elements of Harmony could heal injuries.

“But Twilight is still exhausted and must rest.” She looked down at the human cradling Twilight. “Mr. Kai? Was it?”

Kai nodded, “And you’re Celestia right?”

Celestia gave him a polite smile “That’s correct, would you mind carrying Twilight to her bed. I would levitate her, but I don’t want to expose her to direct forms of magic like that just yet, to be on the safe side.”

Kai nodded and picked Twilight up, “At least she’s light. And what about that brain scan spell? You used that on her.”

“Something like that should be fine. All I did was feel for latent magic emanating from her.” Celestia gave her sleeping student a warm smile. “She really is quite adorable when she’s sleeping~”

“She is,” Kai agreed and then blushed when Celestia giggled. “Okay, well uh, I’ll get her to bed then shall I?”

Once Kai carried Twilight into the infirmary, Applejack just shook her head. “Okay, is anypony else really confused with this here situation?”

“I am at a loss myself, fair Applejack,” Luna replied. “What is it you see in him Celestia?”

“Well, I’d think it would be fairly obvious, but I believe young Flash Step here saw it before any of us.” All eyes suddenly turned to the Guardsmare and she cringed under the focused gaze.

“Uh… yes?” she asked timidly.

“Sorry, but I don’t get it!” Rainbow said, folding her forehooves as she flapped lazily a few feet off the ground. “Can somepony please explain? I’m tired, can’t brain, think is broken.”

“It is late,” Celestia noted as Kai re-emerged. “Perhaps we should save this conversation for the morning?”

“Agreed,” Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie echoed.

“And him?” Luna motioned to Kai. “What do we do with him?”

“I have a name you know,” Kai grumbled, but Luna either didn’t hear him or didn’t care… maybe both.

Celestia turned to Kai, “We shall place you in a guest room, but I’m afraid that I must insist for a Guard or two to be placed outside your room.”

Much to her surprise, Kai nodded. “Sounds fair, I popped up outta nowhere, so your apprehension is understandable. I’m feeling really tired all of a sudden…”

“Given what you did, that is understandable.” Celestia turned to the other ponies. “All of you should go back to bed, and Lt. Flash Step?”

“Yes, Your Majesty?” Flash saluted.

“I trust that you can keep an eye on Mr. Kai’s room until morning?”

Flash grinned, but quickly replaced it with a professional nod. “Of course Your Highness!”
Princess Celestia smiled and let out a delicate yawn. “Well then, until the morrow my little ponies, oh, and one not-so-little human.”

Kai just chuckled, maybe Equestria wasn’t so bad after all.


Despite the fact that he was in another world! Kai didn’t have trouble falling asleep. For some reason, he felt absolutely exhausted. But he wasn’t alone, for the moment he closed his eyes and began to drift off, he suddenly found himself back in his apartment.

“Wait… what?” he looked around, but no matter how unlikely it as, it was his apartment. “W-was all that a dream? I didn’t go to Equestria?”

“Oh, no, you went to Equestria alright.” The curt tone rang out in the silence. Kai spun to see a blue Alicorn behind him, one much larger than Twilight.

“Oh? I remember you!” Kai said. “You tried to kill me!

“Yes, well…” Luna offered no apologies. “Let’s move past that shall we?”

“No, I believe that’s something that require an apology,” Kai stated. “One simply does not try to murder and not apologise later. It’s common courtesy.”

“WE WILL NOT APOLOGISE TO SOMEPONY LIKE YOU!” Her voice rattled the apartment and caused Kai to stagger back.

Much to his credit, a small smirk crossed his face. “Well, good thing I’m not a pony then.”

Luna gave him a rather incredulous look. “W-what?”

“You said ‘somepony’, I’m not a pony.” The smugness was so damned thick you could have cut it with a knife.

“I-I don’t even…” For the first time, Luna was at a loss on what to say. It didn’t last long though.
“We should peel your mind like an orange!” she roared.

“But then you wouldn’t be able to ask me what you want,” Kai replied. To be perfectly honest, he was freaking terrified. This pony had a three foot spear on her freaking forehead and god knows what magic she could use.

“You… you’re quite different to what I normally deal with.” Luna looked around his abode, “So where are we anyhow? Some sort of hovel?”

“I happen to live here and Twilight found it quite comfortable,” Kai retorted defensively. “How are we even here? Did you teleport us here?”

“What, oh, you haven’t realised it yet?” Luna’s horn shone and the walls of the building peeled away, revealing an endless grassy field. “This is the realm of Dreams, one of my domains as the Princess of the Night.”

“So this is a dream?” Kai asked, poking at one of his figures. It responded to his touch, but he didn’t feel anything. “Weird…”

“Have you never experienced a lucid dream before?” Luna asked. “Well, never mind.” She gazed at the apartment again as it returned to normal. “Just how did Twilight Sparkle wind up here?”

“To be honest, I have no idea.” Kai sat on his couch, kinda wishing he had a cola. “I was simply sitting here and she popped outta thin air. My life got plenty more interesting after that.”

“I can imagine,” Luna chuckled. He didn’t seem like a threat, perhaps the Alicorn was worrying over nothing. “I want to know… why were you fighting with Twilight Sparkle?”

“Fighting?” Kai asked and Luna’s horn lit up once more and voices appeared out of nowhere.

“You’ll not beat me again villain!” Twilight’s voice rang out.

“Muahahaha! You always lose and you will lose again Princess!” That was clearly Kai. Sounds of fighting could be heard. “And I am victorious one more!” Kai’s voice said as Twilight let out a scream.

Kai frowned as he searched his memories. As he did, time in the apartment seemed to wind back until a scene played out, one of him and Twilight playing Street Fighter. The scene played out, along with the exact same words that Luna had just played.

Luna just stared. “T-this… surely this cannot be true!?”

“Well, if we’re really in my head, then I don’t see how it couldn’t be…” Kai’s eyes widened as his mouth made an ‘o’ shape. “Wait! Is this why you’re all so angry at me? Because you thought I was beating up Twilight!?”

Luna just nodded meekly. And to her total surprise, Kai began to laugh, which got harder until he fell off of the couch.

“Ahhahaaa, ooh god, I can’t breatheeeaaahhhahahahaaa!”

“We do not see the amusement in this… blunder,” Luna pouted, a fierce blush adorning her cheeks.

It took a few minutes, but Kai finally calmed down enough to speak again, but a small chuckle escaped every now and then.

Luna looked like she’d eaten a lemon. “So, how did you cross the boundaries that separate our worlds? I don’t sense enough magic coming from you to teleport six inches, let alone across dimensions. Our sister seems to know something, but she will not divulge the information.”

“Hmm, well…” Kai thought about it. “No spoilers. Aren’t we going to discuss that tomorrow?”

“Y-you are insufferably infuriating… yet strangely interesting.” Luna nodded to herself. “Yes, tomorrow then, you shall reveal all.” The apartment began to fade away, Luna smiled. “But I fear that Twilight Sparkle will be quite angry with Us, perhaps you could… calm her?”

“So you want me to do you a solid?” Kai smirked and Luna suddenly felt like she’d struck a deal with Tirek himself. “Okay, but you’ll owe me~” And with that, Kai fell into a dreamless sleep.


As the morning sun rose, Kai woke to the sound of his room door knocking.

“Argh, too early…” he groaned, he had a massive headache for some reason, was it because of Luna’s little ‘visit’? The knocking persisted and he eventually gave in. “Come in!” he called out and then put a hand to his head. Yelling? Not the best idea.

Flash Step opened the door and trotted in, looking quite chipper for somepony being up all night.

“Good Mor-” Her greeting was cut off when she received a pillow to the face. “Ah, what was that for!?”

“For waking me up so damned early,” Kai grumbled, burying his face in his remaining pillow. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

“Seven thirty five,” Flash stated. “Now, you should get up and shower, the Princesses are waiting for you in the dining hall.”

“Princesses…? Oh right, I forgot where I was for a moment there.”

“And yet you’re here, throwing pillows at the Guard that kept you safe all night,” Flash Step huffed. “Some friend you are.”

“All night? You’ve been awake all night!?” Kai looked up at her. Now that he was feeling more awake, he could see that despite her chipper tone, faint rings were forming under her eyes and her posture was a little slack. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“Well, I was ordered to, so I didn’t have much of a choice really.” Flash Step yawned, which ended with a cute squeak as she put a hoof to her mouth. “You didn’t see that.”

“I did, and you should get some sleep,” Kai said as he headed into the bathroom.

“My shift ends soon,” Flash informed him. “Then I get eight hours of sleep before I go back and do this aaaaalll over again!” she yawned once more. “Night guard sucks.”

“I hear that,” Kai called out from the other room. “I worked the occasional late shift at work, I firmly believe that night brings out the crazies.”

“HAH! Until you meet Discord, you have not known crazy.” Flash shuddered slightly, remembering her first day on the job. The Mad God had taken it upon himself to prank any and all Guards on their first day… Flash Step was a proud Earth Pony, so spending the day as a Unicorn with an ice-cream cone for a horn was more than a little embarrassing. Especially when said horn spurted ice cream whenever she got flustered.

After a few minutes, Kai was showered and Flash was escorting him to the dining hall. And once they got there… well to say the atmosphere was oppressive was a bit of an understatement. Princess Celestia and Princes Luna sat at the head of the table, while the five mares from last night were also present. There was also a pink Alicorn and a white Unicorn that Kai didn’t recognise.

“That’s Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, from the Crystal Empire,” Flash whispered. “The Prince is Princess Twilight’s older brother.”

“Huh,” Kai looked, but really didn’t see the resemblance. As they got closer, the others finally noticed them and were greeted with a mixture of expressions. Both Luna and Celestia wore smiles, while the Element Bearers had what appeared to be relief?

Cadence wore an expression of curiosity, while Shining looked quite stoic, but his steeled gaze never left the human.

“Still, why does it feel so tense in… here?” Kai looked at the opposite end of the table and receive the answer to his question.

Twilight Sparkle sat there, tired-looking, but more than anything? She looked pissed!

Her back leg tapped the floor repeatedly while a fierce scowl sat staring at the other occupants of the table, all of whom refused to meet the angry Alicorns’ eyes.

But all that changed when she saw Kai walk in. The frown reversed into a smile a she got off of her cushion and ran over to him, Kai was almost knocked to the ground when he caught her, he was still a bit winded though.

“Oof! Nice to see you to,” he chuckled. He looked at the rest of the party, “So what’s up with them? You thrash them at Halo or something?”

Twilight pulled back and cleared her throat. “No, they have just been made to understand that I am rather upset at the moment.” Though her voice was still a bit scratchy, it felt so cold that Kai shivered a bit.

“Well uh, I’m glad to see that you’re alright?” he said, ruffling her mane. “You had me worried there for a while.”

Twilight nodded and led him over to the table, levitating a cushion over next to hers for him to sit on. Kai frowned and poked her head, “Hey, should you really be using magic?”

“I’ve been unconscious for three and a half days, and then woke up last night unable to feel my magic!” That last part was directed entirely at the other Alicorns.The doctors said as long as I take it easy, then I should be back to normal in a few days.”

Kai looked around the table and then back to Twilight. She really had them all quite scared.

“Okay, why are you making them feel bad Twilight? They made a mistake, no-one is perfect though.”

Twilight sighed and looked at him, “Do you know what it felt like when they opened that portal?”

Kai shook his head. His trip to Equestria had been a rather nauseous experience though.

“Well, imagine going down a series of white-water rapids wearing nothing but a pair of floaties! The spell they cast wasn’t one that would bring me home, it was one that forced me to recast the spell I used to get here, but because of the type of spell I used, I was forcefully dragged against a powerful magical current. And because I tried to resist the spell, they simply pulled harder!

Celestia’s ears folded back and her other friends looked like they were about to cry.

“I truly am sorry,” the solar Alicorn said. “I-I didn’t mean for it to happen like that. I-”

“You’re Princess Celestia!” Twilight yelled. “You’re supposed to be perfect, you don’t make mistakes like that.” Tears stung the corners of her eyes. “I-I thought that, that you’d trust that I knew what I was doing!” The purple Alicorn smacked the table with a hoof, “This is just like Cady’s and Shining’s wedding all over again! You just can’t trust me can you? Any of you!?”

Everypony present visibly cringed at the mention of that wedding.

“Twilight!” Kai said, his tone was stern but soft as he put a hand on her shoulder. “Calm down.”

“Calm down!? Why would I-” She was silenced as Kai put a finger to her lips.

“Stop and listen,” he said sternly. “I don’t know the whole story here, and I don’t know these ponies well enough to even begin to understand. But Celestia, you look up to her don’t you?”

Twilight nodded, but didn't say anything.

“Well, then I can understand that much. It’s hard when someone makes a mistake, especially when they seem infallible. But making mistakes? It happens. And that’s why forgiving is the best answer, no-one is perfect okay. I know you haven’t been on the best of terms with your friends lately either… but they care about you Twilight, just like I do.”

“I… I know that, it’s just…”

“I’m not finished,” Kai said, bopping her on the nose. “They did what they did because they thought you were in danger. I can’t say it was the right thing to do, but their heart as in the right place.”

“Yeah, we only wanted to help!” Pinkie cheered, but withered as Kai turned his glare on the rest of them.

“Oh, you’ll get your turn in just a moment.”

“Wha- What’d we do!?” Applejack replied with her own glare.

“Eager are we? Well alright, let’s start with the fact that all of you are lousy friends!”

“WHAT!?” Rainbow and Applejack yelled.

“What, too busy with your own lives to even bother visiting Twilight? Do you even have any idea how lonely she was?”

Twilight blinked, “Kai…”

“And just who do you think you are?” Rarity huffed. “You just claimed you do not know us, yet see fit to tell us what to do?”

“Well no-one seems to want to,” Kai retorted. “So, what’s your excuse? Is it because Twilight’s a Princess now?”

“Twilight’s our friend!” Pinkie said. “Being a Princess doesn’t change that!”

“So answer this,” Kai replied. “Why is it that Twilight blames herself for letting the distance between all of you grow. She blames it on working too much and not having the time to spend with her friends. She doesn’t blame any of you!!”

“Is-is that true?” Fluttershy spoke up, her tiny voice sounding deafening due to the silence that came over the room. “Twilight?”

“Well… it is,” Twilight said. “I fell back into old habits after I became Princess and Archmage. I allowed myself to become consumed with my studies again…”

“But that’s not true darling, we just… drifted apart and none of us did anything about it.” Rarity looked at her friends, who all nodded in agreement. “A lot has happened in the last few months, but it doesn’t excuse the fact that we ignored you dear. Can you ever forgive us?”

“There’s… I don’t really know what I should say here,” Twilight said, wiping a tear from her eye. “But, we’re still friends, right?”

All five mares suddenly ran over to the Alicorn, scooping her up into a group hug.

“Of course we are, we always will be!” Pinkie cheered happily. “Pony Friends Forever!”

“As cheesy as all this is,” Rainbow blushed. “We’re friends, no matter which way you cut it.”

“Eww, Dashie said she cut the cheese~” Pinkie giggled, causing the others to laugh as well.

Twilight laughed as well as she hugged her best friends. “I really missed this,” she said quietly.

Kai watched and smiled, it was great that Twilight could reconcile with her friends. He wondered if the end credits would start rolling, but instead he was approached by Shining Armor. Kai jumped when the stallion put a hoof on his arm.

“AH! Geez, don’t sneak up on people like that!”

“Heh, sorry about that.” Shining watched his sister enjoy the cuddlepile. “It’s good to see her happy again though, these last few months have been… tough.” Shining sighed, “It’s difficult to help when you have your own kingdom to run, especially one that out of date by a thousand years.”

“Well, make it up to her now then,” Kai responded. “Why don’t you have a family day or something?”

Shining nodded, “That’s a pretty good idea, uh, sorry I forgot your name.”

“Just call me Kai, and you?” Kai had admittedly forgotten his too.

“Shining Armor,” he extended a hoof which Kai shook. “And thank you for taking care of my little sister during her… vacation.”

“It was my pleasure,” Kai smiled. That smile turned into a smirk as he looked at Princess Luna.

The lunar Alicorn shuddered and wondered if she could make a break for it.

“Oh Princess Luna~” Kai sang out.

“Ponyfeathers!” she swore under her breath. “Yes human Kai, what is it?”

The human sauntered over to her. “Oh nothing much, but I believe I kept my end of our little deal. So you will be gracious enough to follow through on yours hmm?”

“Fine,” she replied through gritted teeth.

“Lulu?” Celestia asked. “Just what is all this about?”

The blue Alicorn refused to answer, so Kai answered for her. “Oh nothing much, we had a delightful conversation last night, and it led to Princess Luna having to owe me a little something.”

“Oh, and what might that something be?” Celestia giggled. Luna just growled in response.

“We~ell…” Kai paused and let the unknown threat hang in the air for a moment. “I was thinking of getting Luna to apologise for trying to kill me last night… in front of everyone.” Luna’s eyes widened and she backed up ever so slightly.

“But, that might be kinda mean,” Kai smiled. “I still want an apology, but what I want to know more is how I got here in the first place. You and Celestia seem to know something about that.”

Celestia nodded while Luna breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, I don’t have anything conclusive… just a theory really.”

“And that theory is?”

“You were brought here by the Element of Magic and when Luna and I investigated the Hall of Harmony, the room you seemed to arrive in, we discovered trace elements of Harmony Magic.”

“Well I know that the Element brought me here, that much is obvious,” Kai replied.

“Indeed, but how did it activate in the first place?” Luna responded. “The Elements will only respond to my sister and I, as well as the six mares sitting over there. But somehow, you too activated them… Tis most curious.”

“So, you’re saying that I somehow used magic?” Kai said with disbelief. “Well, that’s uh… certainly a thing that happened.”

“I thought I could sense a little magic in you when we first did a Mindlink-” Twilight spoke but was cut off when Celestia coughed into her teacup.

“Mindlink?” the Alicorn questioned with a concerned. “You performed a Mindlink with this gentlecolt?”

“Um, yes?” Twilight asked, wondering just what the problem was.

Celestia sighed as she put down her teacup. “Twilight, when I first started to teach you, I told you that three types of magic were off limits. Can you remember what they were?”

Twilight’s eyes grew wide, was Celestia giving her a test!? Well she would not fail!

“Um, let’s see, Necromancy, Time travel and…” Twilight suddenly became quiet as she remembered the third. “Mind Control…”

“And a Mindlink spell falls under that last school of magic, doesn’t it?”

Twilight sighed as her ears drooped. She’d been so focused on learning something new, something that nopony on all of Equus knew… that she’d totally forgotten that it was a forbidden spell.

Celestia nodded, “However, there are… extenuating circumstances surrounding your use of that spell, and there doesn’t appear to be any lingering side effects from it.”

“Side effects?” Kai asked, slightly concerned.

“Well, you could be under her thrall, living only to serve her every word without question, or vice-versa.”

Twilight and Kai stared wide-eyed at each other.

“But seeing as how that hasn’t happened, just… don’t do it again okay?”

“Yes Princess,” Twilight apologised. “Wait! I’m still mad at you! Why am I apologising?”

“All this nonsense aside,” Luna stated, changing the subject. “It does not explain why Human Kai was able to wield the most powerful magical artefact in Equestria! He is neither an Alicorn, nor an Element Bearer!”

Twilight closed her eyes and tilted her head side to side as she thought. “Hmm, no that’s not it. Oh… no, but it could- wait! Uhh, no….”

Kai snorted as he watched her talk out loud. “She does this often?”

“Only when she’s thinking very hard,” Celestia giggled.

“AH-HA!” Twilight’s sudden shout caused Kai and Celestia to jump. “I think I have it.”

“Well, let’s hear it,” Kai urged her.

“Well when I was inside your head, I came across several aspects of your personality… some were… strange.”

“You’re one to talk,” Kai muttered, remembering his own experiences.

“Aanyway,” Twilight chose wisely to ignore that. “When it was time to leave, I wasn’t sure how to. But then five aspects of your personality helped me.”

“Five…?” Celestia pondered, and after a second her eyes widened in realisation. “Oh?”

“’Oh?’” Luna mimicked. “Oh what Sister? What is she talking about.”

“Kindness, Loyalty, Generosity, Laughter and Honesty.” Twilight smiled at her human friend. “Though he isn’t a paragon of those aspects…”


“He still bears traits of all of them. In a way, most of us do.” Twilight looked Celestia and Luna, “It’s probably why just the two of you could wield them.”

“That… makes sense… I suppose,” Luna replied. “But how did he use Magic? It’s already been stated that he possesses very little of it. So it makes very little sense now.”

“Exactly!” A new voice rang out as everypony looked around the room. There was a bright flash and Discord appeared on the table, wearing a shirt with a picture of a kangaroo and an Akubra hat with corks hanging off of it. A single Ugg boot was covering his cloven hoof. “After all, what fun is there in making sense?”

“Discord!” Luna spat, her voice was venomous.

“Why… does it look like a tourist store threw up on him?” Kai asked.

“It’s Discord, nothing he does makes sense!” Luna replied.

“Oh, do try and be a little amicable Lulu,” Discord said. “I did bring this charming gentleman here to help Twilight after all.”

“Wait, you?” Twilight sat down. “What do you mean?”

“You were that hobo!” Kai suddenly realised. “You’re the one that told me that Twilight had left her Element behind.”

“Yes, oh, and I gave you a little magic boost too!” Discord sang gleefully. “And when you got here? Such delicious chaos!” Discord belched loudly, enough to rattle the furniture.

“How uncouth,” Rarity moaned.

Kai walked over to the Spirit of Chaos and held out his hand. Discord looked quite shocked actually, he’d expected a more… hostile reaction.

“You helped me save Twilight, so… Discord right?”

Discord nodded and held out his eagle talon, which Kai shook.

“Well, thank you Discord.”

“No-one’s ever… thanked me before,” Discord said, looking at his hand. “And meant it anyway.”

“You did something good,” Celestia smiled. “I think it’s quite a step forward Discord. I’m proud of you.”

Discord’s jaw fell to the floor, which he quickly picked back up and re-attached it with a screwdriver. He put his hat of Celestia’s head and cackled. “Well, I can’t have that now. It’d ruin my reputation…” he vanished, leaving only a disembodied voice behind. “Let’s see what happens when I turn Cloudsdale into cotton candy!”

“Don’t you dare!” Rainbow yelled. She looked back at her friends with a worried look. “He wouldn’t… would he?”

She was simply met with half-hearted nods.

“I like him,” Kai smiled. “He looks fun.”

“Can it be?” Twilight gasped. “Has… are you really Kai? Where has my surly, friendship-hating human gone?”

“He met a purple, pony Princess who showed him that friends can be worth the effort,” he smiled back, hugging the Alicorn. “But uh… how do I get home?”

Twilight blinked, “Well… guess I’d better start working on it, though I think Discord might be able to do it if you ask nicely.”

“The guy looks fun, but not someone I’d want to owe a favour to,” Kai deadpanned.

“That’s… probably a good idea actually,” Twilight replied. “So… what do we do now?”

“Our parents have been worried about you,” Shining asked. “We should probably go and see them.”

Twilight nodded, “Okay… but what about you Kai?”

“I’ll be alright here in the castle,” Kai replied. “Heh, I’m actually in a castle… and I saved the Princess…”

Twilight giggled, and everypony else just didn’t get the joke at all, save for a small smile on Luna’s face.

“I won’t be long then. Why don’t you spend some time with my friends? I’d really like it if you could all be friends too!” Something then clicked in Twilight’s mind, something she noticed a little earlier. She looked at Pinkie Pie and Rarity. “Um, can you two explain why you’ve been hugging a lot?”

“Ah, well…” Rarity started, blushing quite hard.

“That super easy~” Pinkie giggled. “It’s cause Rare-bear is my plushie-wushie marshmallow pony!”

Rainbow roared with laughter while Applejack joined her. Even Fluttershy giggled while Rarity just wanted to dig a hole and bury herself, her face aflame with embarrassment.

“Heehee! What she means…” Applejack said in between giggles. “Is that her an’ Rare’s have been dating fer about a month now.”

Twilight gasped and then a huge smile split her face. “Oh my gosh! That great!” she did a flying leap across the table and tackle-hugged the two mares. “I’m so happy for you two! But, has it really been a month?”

“Yes,” Rarity said, finally composing herself and returning Twilight’s hug. “I never thought I’d be dating Pinkie Pie of all ponies… yet here I am, and I could not be happier.”

“Aww, I love you too Rarity~” Pinkie smiled, leaning into her. “And one day, I’ll cure you of your stuffy party-itis.”

“And I’ll make you wear dress that doesn’t involve streamers,” Rarity retorted.

“Both of those sound impossible if you ask me,” Applejack murmured to Rainbow, who nodded in agreement.

Once Twilight was pried away from her friends, she and Shining left, leaving Kai at the mercy of five mares and three Princesses.

“So ah…” Kai rubbed the back of his head, not used to being the centre of attention. “Yeah?”

“Well, I guess I’ll start things off,” Cadence gave him a predatory grin. “I believe I speak for everypony here, I want to know, are you in love with Twilight?”

Kai froze and coughed. “Oh, wow… that escalated quickly.”

“And you’re stalling,” Cadence said.

“I… well… I don’t know,” Kai said honestly. “I like Twilight, she’s definitely a great friend… but love?” he wondered that himself. He’d never really been in love before, he’d never had a girlfriend and Mike’s choices in setting him up with girls were questionable at best. And Twilight was a pony? Well, was that really an issue though?

“Don’t pressure the poor boy,” Celestia chided the younger Princess. “Whether he is or isn’t is not our business… yet.”

“What’s the human world like?” Fluttershy asked suddenly, surprising everypony with her boldness. “Do you have adorable animals there?”

“Ah, an easy question,” Kai smiled, glad the topic had been derailed. “We have tons of adorable animals, and so much more… where to start?”

And so he began to tell them what he knew, from Twilight’ first arrival to everything that happened after. He spoke of all the creatures inhabiting his world and the technological marvels that humans had created. It looked like he wasn’t going home right away and the role-reversal around that made him chuckle. But he didn’t mind, Equestria looked like a nice place and he was with Twilight again… for now.

Oh, and though nopony wanted to point it out, and Kai thought it was hilarious... But Princess Celestia was still wearing the bottle cork hat~

Author's Note:

Phew! This took a lot longer to get out... it didn't help that I got Writer's Block around halfway through...

I hope you enjoyed it anyway~