• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 26,418 Views, 1,038 Comments

The Princess and the Human - Ausbrony

When an Alicorn Princess suddenly appears out of thin air, Will one lone human be able to deal with such an event? Well, he has nothing better do do.

  • ...

This day just keeps getting better.

Kai wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he stumbled into that bakery. Maybe more of that Cheery Leaf pony, that was her name right? Whatever, maybe something along the lines of what happened when he and Twilight first met?

When he finished taking a few awkward steps, he turned to shoot a glare at Twilight and Rainbow Dash before turning to take a look at his new surroundings. First was the decorations, which reminded him of every stereotyped children's party ever. Balloons, streamers and enough sweets to give a diabetic an attack just by looking at them.

Then he saw a lot of ponies that were staring at him with various states of terror. Hmm, maybe their vision was movement based? Don’t move and they can’t see you.

It only took one pony to scream, before most of the herd charged from the bakery, desperate to hide in their homes and away from the strange creature.

“Shoulda brought the damned dog suit,” Kai muttered as he sighed. Well, that went well. Twilight and Rainbow Dash entered, wondering what had caused the panic, only to see their friend looking just a little downtrodden.

Pinkie Pie… wasn’t sure what to think. One one hoof, she was super mad at her friends for running off like that, but at the same time, she could kinda see their point. Aside from her friends that had remained, the only other ponies there were Sweetie, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

“So uh… who...or what,” Apple Bloom started as she pointed at Kai. “Is this?”

“My friend from another dimension,” Twilight stated as plainly as possible. “When I got into a little bit of trouble, he somehow came all the way to Equestria to save me.”

“Aww, how romantic,” Sweetie Belle cooed, earning a blush from the two of them.

“Eh, whatever,” Scootaloo said. She walked closer and held out a hoof. “The name’s Scootaloo, best damn stunt pony this side of the Crystal Empire. And probably the other side as well.”

Kai bumped her hoof with his fist and looked at Rainbow Dash. “She related to you?” he asked, earning a shrug from the cyan Pegasus, and a small squee from Scoots.

“Eh, I think of her as a sister, so… close enough.” Rainbow waved a hoof as Scootaloo swooned and almost fainted from giddy happiness.

“Well, I’m Sweetie Belle and this is Apple Bloom,” the adorable little marshmallow horse spoke up. Kai had to bite his lip over how damned cute she was.

“Nice ta meetcha!” Apple Bloom nodded, shaking his hand and Kai winced after. For a little pony, she was hella strong. Another thing he noticed was that they all seemed to share a similar Cutie Mark. What was up with that?

Twilight giggled and looked at the girls. “You’ve actually met him already,” she said. “Remember the station?”

All three fillies blinked as their mouths made a small ‘o’ shape.

“That was you!?” Sweetie Belle said in a slightly high-pitched tone.

“Yep, and that was because a certain somebody felt like getting some revenge,” he said, shooting a glance at Twilight. She would get hers later. And sweet, sweet vengeance would be his. “Still…” he looked at Pinkie. “Sorry about ruining your party…”

“No! It’s okay!” Pinkie said, a wide smile on her face. “It could be a party even if it was just two of us!”

Kai’s mind went places… he quickly banished those thoughts and nodded. “Well, I guess. I was never one for parties anyway.” he looked at the table of food, it seemed to be an interesting mix of sweets and the like, then something a little fancier, like hors d'oeuvres and salads. “Seems like a bit of a waste though…”

“Hmm, you obviously have not been in a room with these ponies,” Rarity chuckled. “Trust me darling, between Rainbow, Twilight and my dear Pinkie, none of this food will survive the night.”

Kai raised an eyebrow at the three ponies in question, the pinkest of the three already attacking the sweets table like a shark at a swimming carnival. She was even wearing a shark fin and humming the Jaws theme as she snuck up on a particularly large cake.

Watching its destruction was both beautiful and terrible…

“And I’d hoped you’d be able to make more friends as well,” Twilight sighed as she sat on a nearby chair. “Well, there goes that plan. Good to see Ponyville’s ‘new things frighten the hay out of me’ prerogative is still in full swing.”

“Hey, I made a friend in Canterlot,” Kai protested. “So, we’d only have to take a long ass train ride to see her.”

“Well, as long as most of my research remains in Canterlot, I am going to have to make frequent visits,” Twilight replied and sipped a glass of punch that she floated over to herself. “Still, total panic would have been nice to avoid today.”

“It’s like Zecora all over again,” Apple Bloom nodded. “Or when that Diamond Dog moved in a few months back… and that Changeling...and—”

“Yeah, I think they get it,” Scootaloo cut her off and waved a hoof. “So now what? Just sit here and eat all this food?”

“Why not?” Pinkie asked, as two cream-coloured blurs attached themselves to her. “Oohh, hey Pound. Hey Pumpkin!”

“Pinkie!” the two young foals giggled and hugged her. Their parents walked in a moment later, only to pause when they saw Kai.

“Um, Pinkie,” the gangly stallion asked in a shaky voice. “What is that?”

“His name is Kai and he’s our friend!” Pinkie said, wanting to shut this down as soon as possible. “And he’s had a super rough day already and despite what he looks like, he’s super nice and friends with TwiTwi!”

The two earth ponies looked at the princess, who offered a friendly wave. “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cake,” she said. Both ponies smiled in response.

“Well now, there’s a face we haven’t seen in a while,” the portly mare walked over and pulled Twilight into a bone-crushing hug. “I’m glad to have you back dear.”

“Glad...to hear it,” she gasped, ohh, there goes a rib.

The two foals had removed themselves from Pinkie’s barrel and waddled over to Kai, looking up at him with inquisitive eyes. Kai made the fatal mistake of looking back… Sweet jebus, he had just stared into the abyss… and the abyss was adorable.

“Whoah yu?” the little unicorn asked.

“Puppy?” the pegasus inquired.

That tore it, almost everypony in the room completely lost it as they roared with laughter, though, Twilight and her five friends found it far funnier for a totally different reason.

“Hilarious,” Kai deadpanned as he knelt down and looked at the tiny ponies. “If anything, it’s you who look like puppies.”

“Not puppy, pony!” the pegasus said with a small huff.

“Imma kitty… meow!” the unicorn giggled.

Oh God. Too. Cute… light fading, heart stopping… gah! Kai fell back and clutched his chest as the two foals giggled happily.

Twilight was… certainly intrigued. She had no idea that he liked kids. She watched him laugh as Pound and Pumpkin clambered all over him, like a living jungle gym. Cup and Carrot looked just a little concerned for their foals, but having Pinkie and Twilight present helped their stress levels.

Plus, they looked like they were having fun.

“Well ain’t that just the sweetest thang!” Applejack smiled and then ate an apple so fast that teleporting it straight into her gullet might have been slower. “Ah reckon he ain’t so bad. Now if only we could get Ponyville to see it.”

“They will eventually,” Twilight said and a small smile. “I think this just might take time is all.”

The small group just continued to hang out for a while, but as long as Kai was there, nopony else would dare enter the bakery, so he and Twilight eventually returned to the library.

"Well, that was a complete and total bust," Kai sighed as they entered the tree house. "Still, I guess you were pretty much under house arrest back on Earth, so I guess it's my turn now huh?"

"You shouldn’t have to though," Twilight remarked as she and Spike followed him inside. "I'm sorry Kai..."

"It's alright, I pretty much expected it anyhow," the human responded as he sat down on the rather small couch in Twilight's living area. "It sucks, but at least some of you ponies aren't all that bad." When Twilight giggled, Kai raised an eyebrow. "Okay, what's so funny?"

"I'm sorry," she said, wiping a tear from her eye. "It's just, you've come so far since we first met. You hated the idea of really interacting with others, and now...?"

"Don't get me wrong,"Kai said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I still hate the thought of making friends with other people. But... you ponies are different." He sighed as he folded his arms and tilted his head in thought. "I dunno, I guess that you guys don't bullshit anyone. What you see is what you get, and I like that."

"Well, crass language aside, thank you for the compliment,"Twilight giggled. She moved over next to him and nuzzled him, causing him to roll his eyes and push her head away.

"Not in front of the kids dear," he said, motioning to Spike.

"Don't really care," Spike shrugged. "Oh? Do you guys have any preferences for dinner?"

"I really want steak," Kai said, but he knew that was impossible.

"I can get fish, since it's a pegasi cuisine," Spike offered and the human turned his head towards him so fast he almost got whiplash.

"Make it so Number One!" he declared and Spike saluted before heading out to do some shopping.

"So... what do we do while he's out?" Twilight asked, her tail wagging slightly as she sat down next to him. The look in her eyes gave the human a few thoughts that may not have been entirely PG, but...

"W-Well... um," Kai stammered and blushed profusely. Twilight giggled at his sudden bashfulness and moved closer to him, her lips parted slightly as she went to find purchase against his own.

“Perhaps we could investigate human/pony relations?” she purred, leaning a little closer, her soft fuzzy lips brushing lightly against his… before she pulled back and wrinkled her nose. “Uh, try not to take this the wrong way but…”

“I need a shower?” Kai guessed.

“You need a shower,” she echoed with a small nod. “Do you want me to wash your clothes?”

“Well, considering that they’re the only ones I have.” He paused and smirked. “Unless you want me walking around naked like the rest of you?”

“If you want to,” Twilight shrugged. Kai paused again, this time out of surprise over her being so nonchalant about it.

“Uh, yeah, no thanks,” Kai said, quickly backpedaling on that idea. “Do you have a robe or something I could use while my clothes dry?”

"You can use a towel if you like,” Twilight replied. “I’ll wash your clothes and use a drying spell on them before you get out. Should only take a few seconds.”

“Well, that sounds convenient,” Kai called back. He kinda wished he could use magic. Twilight showed him where the bathroom was, the human a little depressed that the shower wasn’t as extravagant as the one in Canterlot.

That was a nice shower…

He opened the door slightly and dropped his clothes outside for Twilight before climbing into the slightly too small tub and turned on the shower. He yelped when the water came out freezing, stepping back until it warmed up. He found himself wondering how it was heated. He never saw anything to show they used gas or electrical heating. Maybe steam?

Magic was also a possible answer as well.

“Probably why the gaps in their technology is so skewed,” he said to himself as he got back into the shower, sighing contently at the warm water massaging his skin. “Another question for Twilight I suppose.”

Speaking of the alicorn princess. He found himself touching his lips, his thoughts drifting to what might have been should he not have needed a shower. That night at the castle was still at the forefront of his mind.

He’d known Twilight for what… two or three weeks? It felt longer than that. He wasn’t sure what it was that he felt for her. It wasn’t love… not yet anyway. But, he did like her. He liked talking with her, he liked it when she smiled. And… he wasn’t really bothered by the fact she wasn’t human. No, that was a lie. It did bother him a little, but then, this wasn’t a typical situation was it?

“I’m so fucking confused,” he muttered as he placed a hand against the wall.

Downstairs, Twilight went to see who it was that felt like interrupting her snuggle time. Kai had a rather poor introduction to Ponyville, so she wanted to make him feel better. But then, that look of… apprehension in his eyes bothered her. She figured he needed some time to think, so the knock at the door probably came at the right time.

When she opened it, she saw Mayor Mare standing there.

“Oh, hello,” Twilight nodded and sighed when the mayor bowed before her.

“Welcome back Princess Twilight,” Miss Mare said. “It’s been quite a while.”

“Please, just Twilight is fine,” the alicorn said. Even since ascending, she’d never really felt like much of a princess anyhow. “What can I do for you mayor? Though, I think I can hazard a guess…”

“Well, you’re arrival was quite unexpected,” the mare said as Twilight invited her in. “But I hear you also brought a… unique guest with you as well.”

“Yes, and I can assure you that he’s harmless,” Twilight said as she started to fix a pot of tea. “He may be… unusual-looking to a lot of ponies. But he’s friendly enough.”

“The way I heard it,” Mayor Mare said. “Is that there was quite the panic at Sugarcube Corner..”

“I swear, this is like the Zecora incident all over again,” Twilight said, a hint of irritation in her voice. “Look Mayor. I can assure you that Kai is perfectly harmless. It’s no different to having a griffon here, or even Spike. A dragon half our size is still a greater threat than him.”

“Yes, we all saw that when he hoarded that one time…”

“One. Time!” Twilight resisted the urge to slap the mare in front of her. To this day, Spike still had the occasional nightmare about that day. “And Kai can collect all the things he wants, he won’t grow a single inch. He doesn’t have wings, magic, claws or fire.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear it,” Mayor Mare said with a soft smile. “But, that isn’t the main reason I’m here.” That caused the young princess to pause and blink in confusion.

“Wait… it’s not?”

“Well, it’s only one of the reasons,” Mayor Mare said. “The other regards you living here in Golden Oaks Library.”

“What about it?” Twilight asked.

“Well you have been gone for a long time,” the mare said as she pulled out a document. “When you were staying here before, it was by the permission of Princess Celestia.”

“Well yes, but—”

The mayor presented her with the text, which Twilight read over.

Section 4, Article 32. In the event that one [Twilight Sparkle] deems the residence [Golden Oaks Library] no longer suitable, unfit for residence or no longer requires the residence. Then the residence [Golden Oaks Library] will return to being property of the city/town/province of [Ponyville].

She re-read the standardized a few times, along with all the fine print underneath and sighed. “So… this is no longer my home?”

“I’m afraid not, and until we get word from Princess Celestia reinstating your residence…”

“But… I’m a prin—” she paused before finishing that. She couldn’t throw her title around, just to get her own way. Even if it was to continue living here…

“So, what do I do until then?”

“While you may remain here during the day, I cannot legally allow you to stay here during the evening any longer,” Mayor Mare tapped her chin and hummed. “Is there anywhere else you might be able to stay until this is sorted? I really am sorry Princess Twilight, but royalty or not. The law is the law.”

“I understand,” Twilight nodded. “Well, I’ll see what I can do. If worse comes to worse, I can always return to Canterlot for the time being…” That caused a sharp pain in her heart. It felt like she was going to take a giant step back if she did that. Slip back into old habits and return to her studies.

“I really am sorry Twilight,” the mayor nodded. “I’ll get word out about your friend as well. He shouldn’t have too much trouble integrating into Ponyville society.”

“That would be appreciated,” Twilight smiled, though it was a terse one. Still, one thing was bugging her. “The library was pretty clean when we arrived. Has somepony been keeping it that way?” She paused and added. "Also, the door was unlocked when we first arrived."

“Our new librarian,” Mayor Mare informed her. “She’s exuberant, but she’s doing a well enough job. The foals seem to like her anyway.”

“Oh…” Twilight a little disheartened. She had honestly expected it, but to actually hear it was…

“So, who is this new librarian?”

“Ah, well her name is—”

Kai was enjoying his shower, despite it being too small…

Wait, what was that high pitched noise? It sounded like someone screaming.

“Alright, so lemme get this straight,” Kai paused as he, Spike and Twilight walked into Ponyville, dragging some bags behind them. “You home was given to someone else, all because you moved out for a bit. And now some red-tape BS is preventing you from moving back in?”

“Pretty much,” Twilight sighed,

“And to top it off, some girl that caused you trouble a while back has become the new librarian?”

“Right again, you're two for two so far,” Twilight snarked.

“Oh don’t give me that crap,” Kai retorted and glared at her. “It’s not my fault.”

Twilight stopped and sighed dejectedly. “No… no it’s not. You’re right… sorry…” Aw dammit, now she looked like she was about to cry…

“Hey, it’s alright,” Kai said, kneeling down and hugging her. “You said so yourself, one of your friends might be able to help right?”

“Yes, I mean, maybe?” Twilight sniffed as she burying her face into his chest. “I don’t know. Maybe they might still be mad at me. I know I wouldn’t help me…”

Kai frowned and gave her horn a flick, causing Twilight to yelp and rub the appendage. “Ow! What the hay was that for?”

“For being me,” Kai said. “I’m the brooding anti-social one. You’re the Princess of Friendship and crap right? So act like it Sparkle!”

That was something she noticed, he only seemed to call her Sparkle when he was annoyed or mad at her. Interesting.

The trio headed back to Sugarcube Corner, mostly because of Kai saying that depressed girls need chocolate. Twilight found it difficult to say no to that.

The bell tinkled softly as they walked in, and as usual, nopony seemed to be around, well, save for Mrs. Cake.

“Oh, hello dears,” the mare greeted them. But upon seeing their frowns, her chipper tone turned to concern. “Oh, what’s the matter?”

“We got kicked out of our house because of bureaucracy BS,” Kai explained. “So now we are homeless vagabonds, going wherever the wind and the scent of adventure takes us.” What? He might as well make the most of this.

Mrs. Cake raised an eyebrow and looked at Twilight.

“He’s not wrong on the ‘getting kicked out’ aspect,” Twilight confirmed as she sat down at a table. “Apparently there’s a new librarian!” The amount of snark in her tone could have choked a Hydra.

“Oh yes, did nopony mention that to you?” Mrs cake was then on the receiving end of three very unamused glares. “Okie Doke, I’ll take that as a no. Three Triple Chocolate muffins and salted caramel milkshakes coming up.”

Kai found himself swallowing at the mention of that. Okay, that sounded pretty damned tasty.

“So, any idea who we could turn to for help?” Spike asked as they waited.

“I’ve been thinking of that,” Twilight replied as she tapped her hooves on the table. “But it’s been so long, I don’t know what anypony’s living conditions are like… plus, I feel kind of guilty. I ignored everypony for over a year, and now I need to ask one of them if we can live there for a while?”

“I guess…” Spike sighed now, his hopes dashed.

“Well moping isn’t gonna solve anything,” Kai said as he placed a hand over Twilight’s hoof. “All your friends already forgave you right. They all came running when they heard you were missing, despite that fact.”

“Yeah,” Twilight’s mood improved somewhat.

“And it won’t hurt to ask right? And if they can’t help, I’m sure there’s a hotel or something right? Worst case is that we go back to Canterlot for a few days until all this is sorted out.”

“But that feels like a massive step back,” Twilight groaned and thunked her head against the table.

A few moments later, Mrs. Cake returned with their food and drinks, Kai’s mouth watered as he drank the sight in.

“Here you go dearies,” Cup Cake smiled. “On the house okay? I hope you can find a solution. It’s nice having you back Twilight. Our little town feels complete again.”

“Thanks Cup,” Twilight smiled, an earnest one this time. “And this looks delicious. I forgot how amazing your baking was.”

“Ehehe,” Cup blushed and rubbed the back of her head. “Well enjoy dears. I’ll be here if you need anything.”

The three thanked the mare before she headed off, and they wasted no time in sinking their teeth into the delicious treats.

“Oh bloody hell,” Kai moaned. “This is amazing!”

“I know right?” Twilight smiled as she filled her face with chocolate. “The only thing that could be better is if she added a little mint…”

Kai swallowed and stared at Twilight. “You… like mint-chocolate?”

“Yes…?” Twilight was a little confused. Did he hate mint or something?

“I think I love you,” the human said, eliciting a squeak and a furious blush from the mare. “If you said you liked licorice as well…”

"I don’t mind it,” Twilight managed to get out, her face still red as her heart pounded in her chest.

“Yup, now you’re perfect,” Kai smiled as he devoured the rest of his cupcake and took a loud slurp from his milkshake. The sweetness of the cake and the salty caramel made the perfect combination.

Twilight was too stunned to continue eating, she just stared with wide eyes and a flushed face as Kai ate, oblivious to her reaction.

“Unbelievable,” Spike sighed and shook his head.

The three ate in relative silence, until the door chimed and two ponies walked in, well, one walked, the other bounced perpetually alongside her.

“Hiya guys!” Pinkie chirped happily. “Watcha doin’ here so early?”

“We went by the library to check on you,” Rarity added with hint of concern in her voice before Pinkie chimed in again.

“Yeah! But we found it locked up tighter than Dashie’s Daring Do fanfiction collection.”

“Ignoring that, why didn't any of you tell me?” Twilight asked, finally snapping out of her stupor.

“Tell you what darling?” Rarity took a seat beside her and placed a hoof on hers.

“The new librarian?” Twilight reminded her. Rarity and Pinkie both fell silent, as their mouths opened in an ‘o’ of realisation.

“Well,” Rarity gave a dainty cough and looked away. “We were so worried about you disappearing, we completely forgot that little detail.”

Little. Detail?” Twilight’s right eye twitched and a lock of her mane sprung up in a small curl. Kai tilted his head and looked to Spike.

“Uh, is there a reason Twi looks a little… unhinged?”

The dragon sighed and reached across the table. He extended a talon and gave Twilight’s nose a sharp flick. The mare yelped and her hooves shot to her nose as she gave Spike an indignant glare.

“She’s fine,” the dragon added. “Twilight just has a tendency to over-react to things.”

Kai folded his arms and nodded. He remembered the trouble he’d had getting her out of the library back home. When he first said it, she’d acted like he asked her to cut of her leg or something.

“So, whatever are you all doing her so early?” Rarity asked and then saw their bags. “With… all your things?”

“Because the Mayor said I couldn’t live in the library anymore,” Twilight sighed and stared at her remaining meal. “So now we have to find somewhere else—”

“Well naturally, you’ll be staying with us,” Rarity nodded without a second thought. “Granted I don’t know if you could handle living with this one here—” She rubbed Pinkie’s head, the earth mare… purred? “—But our home is open to you darlings. We certainly have the room at least. Sweetie Belle doesn’t stay over much anymore, so you can use her room.”

“Rarity, I can’t—” Twilight started to argue before Kai reached over and clamped her muzzle shut with his hand.

“This one was about to say. ‘No, we can’t because I abandoned you and shouldn't take advantage of your generosity.’ That about sum it up Sparkle?”

The alicorn pouted and remained silent, even after Kai removed his hand. Rarity blinked and turned her attention to Twilight, giving her an admonished look.

“Why ever would you think that?” the unicorn said and hugged Twilight. “Despite our recent… separations. I would never think of you as a bother. And even if I did, Pinkie Pie here would never allow me any respite until I said yes.”

“Yupper-deppers!” Pinkie giggled. “Rari-bear knows better than that anyway. We can’t leave you by yourself Twi-pie. And Kai-Kai as well~”

Kai blinked and shook his head. There was something wrong with that pink pony, and yet, he couldn’t help but smile. Dammit ponies, stop being so adorable!

“What about me?” Spike mock-pouted and Rarity giggled, nuzzling him.

“Of course, you as well Spikey-Wikey. I’ve missed having my favourite dragon assistant around.”

Spike blushed, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Kai. Yup, that dragon totally had the hots for a married woman.

Dream big little dragon bro. Dream big.

“Well, I’d say that’s settled then,” Kai nodded, but flinched along with everyone else when Twilight smacked her hooves on the table.

“No, it’s far from settled,” the mare almost shouted. If anyone else had been in the restaurant, they’d probably be staring now. “Do I even get a say in this?”

Rarity went to say something, but Kai muzzled her with a hand as well. “Well Sparkle. Go on.”

“I…” Twilight’s argument never made it out. It stuck in her throat and vanished like a wisp in the wind. She… she had no real argument. Not one that wouldn’t make her look petty or stubborn anyway.

“Look Twi,” Kai said and placed his hand on her hoof again. “If it makes you that uncomfortable, there’s always the option of a hotel or Canterlot. But—” He spared a glance at Rarity and Pinkie. “—You were trying to get me to make friends back home. Don’t you think this would be a good opportunity to reconnect with yours?”

Twilight blinked as something stung the corners of her eyes. “Pfft,” she wiped the tears from her eyes and giggled lightly. “Since when did you get so good at friendship?”

“One, ouch,” Kai said, pouting. It did not suit him at all. “And two, I guess I learned from the best huh?”

Twilight blushed as Rarity cooed. Oh yes, this would do very nicely. With them staying at her house. She could interfer— *ahem* assist with their blossoming love. The unicorn loved it when a plan came together.

What? Plans made in the last thirty seconds could work!

This one did~

“Well, thank you Pinkie, Rarity,” Twilight said and bowed her head politely. “We’ll try not to intrude on you for too long.”

“Nonsense darling, take all the time you need,” Rarity waved a hoof. “Just remember that I do run a business, so please don’t clutter up the shop.”

“I’ll make sure it stays relatively book-free,” Spike said as he wolfed down the rest of his food and drink, Kai doing to same.

Once he’d finished and the group started heading back to Carousel Boutique, the human got to questioning Rarity about her business.

“So what is it that you do?” he started with.

“Oh? Ah, I don’t suppose I’ve told you that, have I?” Rarity dainty cleared her throat. “I make—”

“Rari-bear totally makes the bestest and prettiest clothes in aaaaallll of Equestria!!” Pinkie declared, somehow sitting on Kai’s shoulders.

“PINKIEEEEE~” Rarity whined. “You interrupted me.”

“Whoops!” Pinkie giggled and leaned down, kissing the mare on the head, somehow not leaving the tall humans shoulders to do so. “Sorry Rari-bear~”

The unicorn huffed and flicked her mane. “Yes, well. As Pinkie so colourfully put it. I am a fashion designer. I have my home and Boutique here in Ponyville, and I am looking to expand to Canterlot as well.” She smiled and winked at Kai. “Between you and I, the store I have my eye on is going to get a price drop soon, and then I shall pounce!”

“Well, good luck then,” Kai nodded. That said… a clothing store huh? Well… “You know, I’ve worked retail a long time back home. I could lend a hand if you want?”

“Hmm…? Is that so…” Rarity looked him over. His attire was a tad strange, though not all too different from pony fashion. Just, tailored to fit his form. And, his exotic nature might bring around some customers.

“Ideeaaa~” she cheered. “You wish to get on more friendly terms with Ponyville, yes?”

“Might be a nice change from wandering the empty streets,” Kai nodded. “Plus I hate just sitting around. You don’t have to pay me or anything. I’d appreciate just having something I know how to do.”

“I appreciate the thought,” Rarity chuckled as they neared their home. “And, I suppose you don’t have any other clothes with you?”

“Just the ones I’m wearing,” Kai nodded.

“Well I’ll tell you what,” Rarity paused and turned to face him. “You shall assist me in my shop, and in return, I’ll make you a few articles. You’re unique shape will make for an interesting challenge.”

“Sure,” Kai nodded and held out his hand. Rarity placed her hoof in it and shook gently.

“Then we have an accord,” the mare smiled and released his hand. “Alright everypony. Here’s to an interesting new venture together.”

Pinkie cheered the loudest, along with Spike. Twilight just smiled as Kai remained his usual indifferent self.

A mare unlocked the door to Golden Oaks Library. It was good to be home after all that time on the road. And it seems her cleaning service had been quite efficient. She'd send Ditzy a muffin basket to thank her.

She dumped her bags near the door and trotted upstairs. She was looking forward to a nice, long sleep after travelling.

She nudged the bathroom open and stared into the mirror as she levitated her toothbrush out from the cabinet. Dark violet eyes, a blue coat and a silvery-blue maned mare stared back at her. Goddess did she look exhausted.

She brushed her teeth and tossed her toothbrush into a cup before teleporting into her bedroom, flopping unceremoniously on the bed…
Odd… why did her bed smell faintly of lavender?

“Oh well,” she yawned, Luna’s realm already starting to claim her. “Trixie will worry about it… to...morrow…” The rest of her sentence was punctuated by snores as she drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

An update?

What, this thing?

Yeah okay, you caught me. Writing and uploading this using a tablet though? It was a pain.

Anyway, hope you enjoy~