Sunset Shimmer 4,951 members · 6,830 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Alright, figured I'd just go ahead and rewrite the group rules to make things easier. (The old ones were here.)

First off, this group is about Sunset Shimmer, so any stories you add should involve her, and anything you are posting should be about her. Things will drift off topic occasionally, but try to keep things on topic.

We've got some threads you can post in for various things:
The Story Idea and Writing Help thread: If you have a story idea or want help with a story, post here!
The Art Thread: Someplace you can post all those pictures of Sunset Shimmer you've been stashing away. Er, the safe for work ones, that is. No more than 3 images per post (or 1 video), and link your sources.
Story Promotion Thread: A place to promote your stories! Only promote them there once, don't bash others stories, and don't reply to everyone there. Also, mature stories should be embedded, not linked, though embedding's a good idea for all stories, really.
Looking for a Story: You can post here for help finding a story.

You could also check out the Shimmer Nexus for old threads about various Sunset Shimmer related topics.

While posting in these threads is recommended, I'm not going to worry about it if you make a new thread, instead. Don't spam the group, though.

Also, no trolling, flame wars, harassing people, and all the usual things. Obey site rules, and, you know, be nice to each other.

These rules are subject to change if I think of things I missed or need to revise things. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

I agree.
Sunset is cute and she’s my fave character

While posting in these threads is recommended, I'm not going to worry about it if you make a new thread, instead. Don't spam the group, though.

I much prefer it that way, before they would lock everything and saw the forums as an archive. I just liked talking about Sunset Shimmer with other people. I'd get warnings for replying to posts that appeared in my feed that didn't follow the rules so I just stopped commenting in this group. :fluttershysad:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

You know, when I was asked to take over the group, I explicitly said this was going to be a change I made, to make sure it wasn't an issue, because I do agree. Opening things up like this makes people more likely to post and comment, which is something I always want to encourage, especially with how dead the site is these days. It also feels friendlier and less authoritarian, and, as a bonus, is less work for me! :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

With looking for story thread area, a see many post they are looking for certain stories and not all them get answered. Is this where we still have to go to look for certain stories or has that changed?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

These days, it's recommended but not required. That is the spot for it, but I'd rather have more conversation in the group rather than less, so as long as you aren't spamming or breaking other group rules, it's fine in other places too...

--Sweetie Belle

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