• Published 19th Feb 2012
  • 7,901 Views, 101 Comments

Egghead Tales - RazedRainbow

A series of TwiDash drabbles that follow the two mares though their relationship

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How many times have I said that phrase?

It has to number in the thousands, if not the millions.

It is a stock phrase I used to say to Princess Celestia each time I finished an after-class tutoring session. It is a simple statement I’ll quickly utter over my shoulder to Spike before I leave to go to the store. I always say it to Pinkie Pie at the end of every party. I always say it to Fluttershy after we’ve spent the entire day hunting for a missing bunny. I’ll always say it to Applejack after helping her with yet another harvest of apples at Sweet Apple Acres. I’ll even say it to Rarity after one of our spa dates. I said it to my parents after I had gotten accepted to Celestia’s School of the Magical Arts, and I say it to them at the end of every visit. I’ve said it an innumerable amount of times to an innumerable quantity of faces: Enunciating it should be a breeze, but the word just keeps getting caught up in my throat. The syllables burn and the letters choke.


It is a feathery word

It is crushing my diaphragm.

I knew that this moment was coming, but that doesn't make it any easier to swallow. It’s a well-known fact that nopony can stand ground against the eternal, relentless waves of time forever: Not even the fastest pegasus in Equestria. The forces of time and gravity are laws that even Princess Celestia cannot repeal, and the sands of the infernal hourglass are constantly falling, grain-by-grain, slowly inching towards an unavoidable denouement. Every book has a last page, every cake has a final piece and every rainbow has an end.




I have grown too attached to her: I have grown to expect too much. Rainbow Dash is not the type of pony to slow down for anything. No matter how much I long for it to be so, Rainbow will never, under any circumstances, surrender to the simple life. She lives on the edge—she is the edge—and no amount of pleading from a silly little bookworm like me could make her bat an eyelash; let alone slow her down. No amount of embraces will confine a brash mare like her to a four-walled room. Rainbow, like her namesake, needs the open sky: She needs freedom.

And I need her.


“What’cha writing there, Twilight?”

Purple hooves immediately covered the scrawled ramblings.

“Nothing, Rainbow. Just some notes on an experiment.”

As always, Rainbow raised an eyebrow; Twilight had always been a terrible liar, and it was evident that she was lying at the moment, but it was also clear that Twilight was uncomfortable. A year or two ago, Rainbow would have persistently pressured the unicorn into spilling her guts, or just stolen the scroll when she wasn’t looking. However, relationships have a way of swaying even the most unswayable of mares, and Rainbow decided to let Twilight keep whatever she had written down a secret.

‘Although I may sneak a peek when I get back...Just in case.’

“Alright... Well, I’ve gotta go, Twi. Mayor wants a big storm, but I should be back in a few hours.”

The two mares shared a quick hug, and Rainbow began to head out the door.

“Be careful, Rainbow.”

“I’ll be fine... It’s just a storm. I can form those babies in my sleep

The pegasus took to the skies and flew towards the center of town. Rainbow looked over her shoulder at the forlorn unicorn standing on the doorstep of the old tree.

“Bye, Twi. See ya in a bit.”


Once the pegasus was out of sight, Twilight shuffled back into the library. She sat down at the desk and stared the various papers that were still lying upon it: Various articles, graphs and books—all related to one subject.

The Dangers of Weather Control...

Equestrian Weather Service: Casualties and Fatalities...

A Guide to Work-Related Injuries...

How to Take Care of an Injured Loved One...

Overcoming Loss..

Her eyes shifted to the window and then back to the desk; settling on the journal she had been writing earlier. She grabbed a quill and began to write once more.


There’s such a finality to that word.

I try to hide my fears, but they are there: They are evident.
I just pray that they never come true.

A/N: Samskeyti is the alternative name for this song. This was the song I listened to while writing this piece and thought it was a fitting title.

Comments ( 31 )

Sorry this took so long. This whole past week has just been filled with papers and tests.

Anyway, I decided to go for something more serious here. Hopefully it isn't too bad.

The statistics... yeah, that sounds like something Twi would do.

A good and serious update!

That song is fitting for this chapter:eeyup:
you should have it at the beginning of it not the end:eeyup:
just so everypony that reads this will be crying by the end comes around:raritycry:

Okay, so I'll start by doing that annoying thing so many of us do: I'm not really a TwiDasher, at all. I say that not to slam TwiDash (all ships are Best Ship!) but to offer some background. I'm not super keen on TwiDash, but I am REALLY, really enjoying this story. (Whereas I'll read just about any scrap of RainbowPie I can get my hands on ... so the fact that a TwiDash story has made it onto my tracks, I figure, really means something.)

I love the layers here, in both the story-telling and the characters. Both Rainbow and Twilight feel so rich and so real, yet still very themselves. I love how things go from awkward to funny to sweet to sad, then back 'round again. I totally loved Rainbow's internal tricameral legislature comprised of the houses of coolness, awesomeness, and radicalness. And then I felt that ache in my chest reading your most recent chapter, at Twilight's anxieties and fears. In particular, this was highly poetic and, I think, very moving imagery:

"It is a feathery word
It is crushing my diaphragm."

Thank you for writing this and sharing it. I look forward to future chapters.

I finally got around to reading this, after following it for a bit... and I like it.

*thumbs up*

now this is a nice TwiDash fic, no out of character moments, no rushing, and no obvious breaking of canon.
tracked, hoping for more to come :moustache:

This is just Twilight shipfic night for me, isn't it? Second one I've found tonight that grabbed my interest, and I have a third open while I contemplate actually reading it.

I actually love the format here. Like an episodic look into the relationship. Brilliant.

FINALLY FOUND THIS! arg you changed the name and I could not find it anymore you sir are a pain in the flank!

@.@ back to reading.

Wow fast reply and of course I was being over dramatic :D awesome story. need to read more faster.

Good News, Everypony

I've finally gotten over my writer's block with this story. Expect a new chapter in the next week.

That song... is perfect...

can you please un-hiatus this?

This was really a pleasure to read. It was different.

are, are you gonna kill RD?:fluttercry:

This comment reminds me of those couple times in films where a line is spoken and then reverberates as the scene shifts to much time later

That being said, a week was four weeks ago from here.

Also,...Dat Setup: I see a crisis on the horizon, but we shan't know the conclusion to it unless you write moar!!!

Expect a new chapter in the next week.

Posted 17 weeks ago.


Ugh, don't remind me :facehoof:

aaaaaw please! We need a buckin' continuation! :raritycry:

Excellent job.

I like this chapter :D:rainbowkiss:

LOL! Twilight is always preparing for the worst, isnt she? I love those books she had out. lolzers

700060 yes.... yes i did

What happened to this? People said something about awaiting new chapters, someone said something about it being on-hiatus, and right now it's complete? Well it's not complete...that can't be the end of the story...I sad bro :(

I decided to mark it as "complete" because it's a series of short vignettes—short stories not related to each other besides the fact that they all are TwiDash. In a way, this story has always been "complete." It might still receive a few more short stories, but really it's not a continuing story; rather, it's a collection of shorts.

As for what happened to it? Really, it's the simple fact that I fell out of love with TwiDash for a good while. I've done a turn and "like" the pairing again, but now I have so many other incomplete fics that this one has simply been pushed aside.

Yeah but there actually seemed to be a story that was happening throughout the little snippets

I can see how you could see it that way, but that wasn't my intention.


This just made my day. :trollestia:

I'm totally giving this story a special bookshelf when the feature is released.

(Specifically for the Samskeyti chapter.)

Love it! ':3

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