• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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Hell in the Heavens

The ponies carrying Pilate’s shrieking figure plunged into the streets of the upper industrial district. Their bodies soared past smokestacks, chemical tanks, and silos of all shapes and sizes as they barreled down a curved road filled with hovercraft, trams, and bustling ponies. Various equines gasped and ducked as the gliders soared low through the streets, followed by the air-splitting figures of Rainbow Dash and Roarke.

“Rainbow!” Pilate’s voice could be heard warbling.

“Just hang on, Stripesy!” Rainbow’s voice cracked as she weaved her way through a traffic jam of wagons carrying aircraft scrap. “We got ya!”

“They’re trying to lose us in all this mess,” Roarke’s voice broadcasted through her helmet.

“Not half a bad idea, actually!” Rainbow Dash’s pendant glinted as she flung a glance to her left. “Stay on their tails! I’m gonna do something badflank!”

“You can’t be serious…”

“Just watch me!” Rainbow Dash held her breath, hooked her right hoof out, grabbed a metal pole, and swung around it twice before propelling her down an avenue to the left. She shot off like a blue bullet, shouting back at Roarke. “Don’t let them out of your sight!”

“I wouldn’t think of it,” Roarke grumbled. She flattened her legs by her side and fired her thrusters even harder. The air around her heated up, causing various guild banners and window awnings on either sight of her flight to catch fire. Ponies collapsed, dropping their wagons and wares as they retreated from the living Searonese missile. “I just refueled too, for Goddess’ sake…”

The three kidnappers turned left and glided down a straightaway. One of them kept holding Pilate while the other two rolled around in mid-flight and fired multiple steambolt rounds back at the bounty hunter.

Roarke flung her forelimbs ahead of her. She decelerated slightly, but managed to deflect the projectiles with her horseshoes. “You’re making it awfully hard not to want to skin you creeps alive!” Roarke hissed through the thunderous air.

“Stay back, Searonese fool!” One of them shouted as they protected the lead abductor. “Our business is with the Harbinger!”

”You want her?” A voice echoed from a side alley. ”You got her.”

With a shower of glass, Rainbow Dash smashed through the window of a factory to the ponies’ left. She hurled herself into the two attackers at a perpendicular angle.

They looked aside, barely affording the time to shriek.

Rainbow slammed her rear hooves across the cheek of one equine, snapping his jaw off its hinges. As he plummeted into the streets, she flew into the body of the second, clutching his glider and yanking hard. With a loud crack, she ripped the left wing off his flying machine and kicked off his body like a trampoline. He went sailing--and screaming--into a shattering market vendor with a splash of engine parts. Propelling forward, Rainbow Dash barreled towards the zebra-napper.

The pony looked back, her hooded eyes reflecting a pair of blue pegasi swinging the leathery glider wing like a softball bat. She spat blood as Rainbow’s bludgeon slammed across her muzzle. As she plummeted, Rainbow dropped the bent wing, grabbed Pilate, and leapt off the attacker’s limp figure. The pony fell into the street and rolled noisily into a row of canned garbage.

As the noise of the pursuit died down, Rainbow Dash fluttered her wings, hovered, and landed herself and the stallion in the middle of the street. Several ponies trotted nervously out of hiding, gawking at the mess made.

“Hah!” Rainbow panted and wiped her sweaty brow. “All the prophetic mumbo jumbo ain’t got nothin’ on a pony who can fly faster than the speed of buck-it-all!”

“Rainbow, what are you d-doing?!” Pilate sputtered, reeling on dizzy hooves. “Don’t you see? This was all a distraction!”

“Jee, you’re welcome,” Rainbow Dash muttered. With a roar of thunder, Roarke touched down beside the two. “Would you like it back in the forelimbs of the Church of Stinkheads?”

“Rainbow, I’m serious!” Pilate exclaimed. “Khao and the others are after the Relic! The Noble Jury is in trouble! I just know it!”

“Pilate, Khao just got a lesson in Steampunk Humility 101!” Rainbow Dash tilted her head up. “She’d be a total idiot to try and stage something now after what we just--”

Pilate suddenly grimaced, his ears twitching.

Roarke tilted her helmet aside. “What is it?”

As if to answer her, a projectile whizzed down and embedded into the cobblestone of the industrial district below them. They all glanced down to see a pineapple shaped object attached to a dart. With a clicking sound, it started to vent steam.

“Grenade!” Roarke shouted. She shot cables out of her suit and used them to knock Pilate and Rainbow Dash away.



The street exploded with fire and rubble flung sky-high. Gray Smoke residents galloped every which way in panic. As the debris settled, Roarke sat up, her armor scuffed up and smoking in several places. “Unnngh…”

“Pilate?” Rainbow Dash panted, sorting through the mess. “Pilate! You okay?!”

“I’m right here, R-Rainbow…” The blind stallion coughed as Rainbow pulled him out of a mound of sediment.

“Whew! Thank Luna! Belle would kill me if I let something bad happen to you!”

“Mmmf…” Roarke picked herself up, grumbling. “I’m fine, thanks.”

“Roarke…” Rainbow calmly turned around. “Any idea where that bomb came from--?”

She was answered by a gray body flying into her.


Pilate gasped and Roarke spun about. They watched as Khao and three other ponies glided down, shoving Rainbow Dash towards the western edge of the Industrial District.

Roarke hissed, dragged her metal hooves, and grunted aside, “Find some place to hide, breeder.”


“I can sense where you are! We’ll come back for you!” Roarke galloped off. “It’s about time all these distractions ended!” She jumped, fired her thrusters, and billowed westward. “Rainbow! We gotta throw them off! This is leading us nowhere!”

Pilate shivered, using O.A.S.I.S. to guide him as he retreated into the shadows of a nearby warehouse.

“Rrrrrgh!” Rainbow Dash fought and wrestled with Khao as the two spun in mid-flight. “Learn a new tune, lady!”

“You care for these so-called ‘companions’ of yours…” Khao grumbled as the two flew low, whizzed through a hangar, and burst out the other side with a shower of debris. “It will be your undoing.”

“Oh yeah?!” Rainbow Dash tried headbutting her.

Khao expected the move. She caught Rainbow’s neck in her forelimb and snaked around her body until she gripped her from behind. She extended her wings further and hissed into the pegasus’ ears. “You are courageous, Harbinger, but misguided. It is my task to steer you along the right path.”

“Yeah…” Rainbow grunted as the two sailed off the edge of the platform and through careening air traffic. “Some p-path!” She shot her wings at an angle, spun, and tried throwing Khao off.

But Khao fired a steam-propelled hook into a nearby zeppelin. It embedded, and once the cable pulled tight, she swung herself and Rainbow until they landed into the hull, with Khao’s weight pressing Rainbow to the wooden surface.

“Ooof!” Rainbow grunted.

“Right now, the Relic falls into our possession,” the Herald’s leader said. “Don’t make me take what you foolishly value from you as well.”

“What… wh-what…?!” Rainbow sputtered.

Khao’s amber eyes narrowed. “You will grasp your truth path, Harbinger, even if I must clear every friend of yours from it like an errant weed.”

Rainbow’s teeth grinded against one another. She sneered, “You just made the wrong threat.” Her eyes flickered red on yellow, and a bolt of energy pulsed out from her pendant.

“Augh!” Khao’s face flinched as she jerked back from the ruby blast.

“Rrrrrrgh--” Rainbow gave her a savage right hook, then a left hoof to the gut.

“Ooomph!” Khao dropped her grip of the hook and fell back.

But Rainbow wasn’t done. “Yaaaaugh!” She dove off the zeppelin’s hull, plunged through the criss-crossing aicraft, and came into contact with Khao’s body, repeatedly punching and smacking her with every limb available. “You… will not… hurt… my… friends!”

The three other ponies dove after their leader. They extended dart guns from their forelimbs and took aim at the offending pegasus.

A single concussive missile flew in and exploded between them.

They gasped, their bodies spreading apart from the vaporous blast. Roarke dove in, knocking one side, kicking another, and grabbing the steam components of a third. With a grunt, she ripped the hapless stallion’s glider apart and tossed the rig backwards. It exploded with a wave of shrapnel, reducing one of the ponies to a bloody mess. Roarke tossed her screaming victim, forcing the third to dive after his fallen companion.

Panting, Roarke pivoted her helmet towards Rainbow Dash’s angry fight. “Rainbow!” she shouted, growling beneath her gear. “Damn it! Enough!” She dove heavily. “Didn’t you hear the zebra?! We have to get to the Jury! Rainbow?! Rainbow!”

Inside the engine room to the Noble Jury, one zealot stirred on the floor. With a groan, he stood up, shifting his muscles, still sore from electrocution. He crawled towards the collapsed cage that he and his cohorts had assembled before carrying it down there.

With a shuffle of hoofsteps, two disheveled ponies trotted down from above.

“Is the relic intact?!” one of them asked.

“We… were attacked…” The bruised pony stood up, shaking his head and readjusting his hood. “That explosion j-just now. What…?”

“We ran into a formidable fighter. We’ve lost several brothers and sisters.”

The pony on the floor nodded. “It’ll all be for not if we do not claim the Relic for the Host.”

“Here…” The two recruits carried the cage over. “Can you open this infernal contraption?”

“Already on it.” The pony pulled an elaborate tool from beneath his cloak. Attaching hydraulic cables from the steam rig attached to his body, he powered the device and used it to unlatched the container holding the floating tome in the center of the Engine Room. In less than a few minutes, the ponies opened the container. Rivets fell to the floor, followed by a metal panel that collapsed with a loud ringing clang. At last, they reached in and grasped the book.

Once it was freed from its restraints, the runes across the pages flickered. A bright lavender aura rippled across the room, enchanting the air with sparkling magic.

“Do you hear me?!” Rainbow Dash snarled, her muzzle taking on an animalistic expression as her hooves found their way to Khao’s neck. “Leave us alone! I don’t want a replacement Eljunbyro! I don’t want anymore crazy ponies trying to kill us! I don’t… don’t…” Her eyelids grew heavy as an intense shudder ran through her system. “No… n-no, don’t…” She whimpered and shivered. “Celestia…”

Khao flinched, only to feel Rainbow’s hooves slip away. She looked through the whipping winds to spot Rainbow Dash falling like a dead bird towards the distant earth below. Before she could angle about with her glider, however, a metal body plowed to her in the pegasus’ place.

“This attack ends now!” Roarke hissed. “Remove your troops before I remove your skull!”

“I am simply a mortal,” Khao wheezed, albeit her face remained calm and confident. She spoke above the howling winds, “I serve the Angels of the Ancient Ages. Even if I die, my brothers and sisters are already accomplishing the will of the Host.”

“How do I know you’re not bluffing?!” Roarke shouted.

“The same way I know that you will not let the Harbinger perish anymore than I would,” Khao said, pointing straight down.

Roarke’s helmet twitched. She tilted her head down.

Rainbow’s body was a blue speck, plunging ever faster towards the bosom of the world.

“Oh for Goddess’ sake…” Roarke grunted. She shoved Khao away, backflipped, and fired her rockets in a vicious, earthbound plunge. Soon, she was simply a black dot burning after Rainbow’s limp form.

Khao fired her steam thrusters, angling about. Several ponies flew to her side. She signaled to them, and they rocketed off in formation. Giving Rainbow’s plight one last look, Khao took a deep breath, murmured a mute prayer, and joined her fellow acolytes as they flew into obscurity beyond the clouds.

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