• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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A Verdict By Blood

“She… she…” Bellesmith stammered between panting breaths. Her eyes darted to Pilate and the rest of the Jurists lined up beneath the trained manarifles of the collective Ledomaritans. “Rainbow Dash has… has…” Her chestnut brown eyes twitched, and she glanced up. “She’s abandoned us!”

Eagle Eye squirmed slightly, saying nothing. Ebon Mane watched with mouth agape as he embraced Props’ fallen body.

Shell stood above Belle, his eye carving a circle in the deck around her. “Has she, now?”

“We thought she was loyal!” Belle leaned up, gnashing her teeth as she spat, “But she wasn’t! She was a coward! We reached the Eastern Front, and she saw the resistance we’d be facing and she fled!”

“By wing or by hoof?”

“She fled, okay?!” Belle frowned, her eyes growing misty. “She took that heartless… b-bastard of a Searonese bounty hunter with her and the two of them flew southeast, past the front, in hopes that they could sneak quietly past Xonan territory together!”

Shell’s nostrils flared. As the horn around his neck clattered, he shuffled over, knelt down, and stared Belle face to face. The mare couldn’t help but flinch as his sullen breath cascaded across her muzzle. “Tell me, sweet sweet Doctor, would I abandon my own stallions? Even if facing the wrath of the Spark itself?”

Belle blinked, her eyes full of his scarred features and unkempt mane. She took two breaths, inhaling the rancid scent of his unbathed coat, and she whimpered, “No. No, you w-wouldn’t, would you…?”

“Then why should I believe you when you tell me that the target has done something so traitorous to her own beloveds?” Shell tilted her chin up as he hissed, “The Spark built a mirror, you see. A mirror painted with the blood of foals, and until my reflection fades…” His good eye twitched, and he almost sobbed the next few words out. “The father never yields. Never ever…” His teeth clattered, echoing the sound of the horn dangling from his neck. “I owe her that much. I owe you that much. I owe everypony… everypony who trots this world with respect and decency. The chase has to end, and only then will the blood mirror shatter.”

Belle’s brow furrowed. Her mouth opened, but she was at a lost for words. The blackness beyond Shell’s pupil was starting to consume her--

Just then, he stood up. “I gave you choices, doctor,” Shell said, his horn glowing. “And you chose the wrong one.” From beneath his uniform, a gun with a silver handle floated free. Its familiarity caused the likes of Eagle Eye and Bellesmith to gasp. “If there is nothing that I seek here, then there really shouldn’t be anything here.”

“Shell, she’s southeast with the Xonans, I swear to you!” Bellesmith exclaimed, starting to hyperventilate. Her eyes darted from the dangling horn to his face. “She’s in a giant floating stronghold run by Princess Lasairfion and they’ve captured the Lightning Bearer--”

“You’ve lied to me before. Why should I expect the truth now?” He loaded a bullet into the gun and cocked it. “Why should I desire the truth?”

“Because if the Xonans are stopped, it could end this war! Isn’t that more important than capturing Rainbow Dash--?!”

”Nothing is more important!” Shell hollered, his voice booming across the clouds. “I don’t expect you to understand! Then again, I don’t expect you to comprehend anything without a head!” He knocked Pilate aside, marched over, and shoved Belle to the floor. “Just as the target took my daughter from me…” He pressed his hoof against the back of her skull and aimed the gun barrel to her temple. “...so shall I take a beloved friend from her!”

“Belle--!” Pilate sobbed.

”Imre!” Belle shouted.

The silver gun’s trigger froze halfway. With loose magic, the weapon floated away. Shell leaned over, hissing, “What was that…?”

“I… I…” Belle gulped and glanced up at him through the corner of her eye. “I can reunite the two of you…”

Shell’s good eye narrowed.

She seethed and limped forth, “I can junction with her!” A nervous gulp. “I can open communication between the two of you. Let you hear words that she always wanted to tell her father. I… I…” She glanced at the dangling horn, shivering. “I can teach you to listen to her…”

Shell stared at her. For a moment, it looked like his eye was glistening, but one harsh blink got rid of that. “How is that even possible?” he droned. His hoof gripped the horn in a trembling gesture. “There is hardly anything left…”

“The horn is everything about a unicorn,” Belle stammered. “I should know this.” Her jaws clenched from beneath the weight of his hoof as she added, “And so should you. Even with the h-heart and the mind gone…” Her teeth gnashed together. “There is something worth salvaging.”

Shell was silent.

“Would you…. would you abandon her now, Shell?”

The stallion jerked back, his features paling. He took several heavy breaths as a cold wind blew at his mane.

An enforcer leaned towards him. “Prime Enforcer? Sir, are you--”

”Silence!” he barked, training the gun on him for a few trembling seconds. He let his face fall to the top deck as he shivered in place. After several moments, he finally calmed, and glanced up at the mare seated across from him. “What must be done? Do you need sequencing equipment?”

“What I need…” Belle glared icily as she stood up, staring fixedly at him. “...is for you to leave my friends, my beloved, and everypony on this ship alone.”

“Belle, what are you--” Pilate started.

“Do I make myself clear?!” Belle leaned forward, snarling. “If you must chase after Rainbow Dash, so be it! But if I do this for you, you leave everypony else alone!”

Shell stared at her. At last, his lips dripped. “Agreed.” He jerked aside, then motioned towards a pair of enforcers.

Two soldiers rushed up and grabbed Belle from behind. She winced as she was forced towards the skiff levitating alongside the Noble Jury’s port side.

“Belle, no!” Pilate stood up and galloped towards the sound of her scuffling hooves. “Belle, don’t do this!”

Belle leaned forward and nuzzled the zebra. “Darling, I have to. It’s the only way--”

“No, it isn’t!” he stammered, tears rolling down his striped face. “You can’t trust him! There’s gotta be another way!”

“You’re the smartest stallion in the world, beloved. But with all due respect, I thought of it first.” She smiled bitterly. She leaned forward to kiss him, but he was being yanked away by other soldiers.

“Belle…” Pilate sobbed, thrashing helplessly in the enforcers’ grasp. “Belle, I love you! Please! Don’t do this!”

“I love you too, Pilate,” she breathed, her face awash with tears. “That’s why I am…”

Ebon’s voice gasped from beyond view. Out of nowhere, Props was back on her hooves and rushing towards the mare. “Belle! Sweet, sweet Belle!” She somehow managed to reach her way through the enforcers and give the mare a tender hug. “You are so brave! So beautiful! And so… so sisterly!”

“Uhhhhh…” Belle squinted at her. “That is nice of you to say, Props--” She froze, her face blinking blankly as she felt Props’ right hoof slipping something deep into the cluster of her chestnut brown tail hairs, hidden. “Uhhh… Props?”

The enforcers forced the blonde pony away and onto the top deck. “You be a good mare, Belley Belley!” She winked through cracked goggles. “And we’ll speak again!”

“Yes…” Belle slowly nodded as she was ushered onto the floating skiff. “Yes, I think we will…”

One by one, the enforcers ditched the top deck of the awkwardly floating Jury and mounted the skiff. At last, it was Shell’s turn. He paused, staring at the injured crew members lying in separate piles across the ship. With a deep breath, he back trotted onto the miniature transport and grunted, “Back to the Steel Wing. All eyes on the doctor.”

As the skiff floated away, Belle kept her teary eyes locked on Pilate’s figure.

The zebra sat alone in the blistery high winds. As the vessel puttered away, he collapsed into a black and white heap, sobbing openly.

Belle’s eyes turned too cloudy to register anything at this point. She buried her face in a pair of quivering forelimbs. Somewhere in the midst of cold breezes and roaring manaengines, she heard Shell’s deep voice.

“Evans. This is Shell. Do you copy?” A deathly pause. “Fire when ready.”

Belle gasped, her eyes exploding wide. She spun in time to see the Prime Enforcer lowering a sound stone from his muzzle. “What… but…?!”

“We have work to do, doctor,” he said. Beyond him, the Steel Wing was pivoting so that its broad side faced the Noble Jury once again. The skiff lowered out of range. “Eyes front.”

“Shell, you monster!” Belle snarled, slapping her hooves against his muscled side. “You’ve got me for speaking with Imre! Isn’t that enough?!”

“It’s not a reunion, doctor. It’s a memorial. Nothing will bring back what the target has taken from me.”

“We had an agreement!” Belle shrieked. “We agreed that you would leave my friends alone!”

“And indeed, they will be left unbothered…” He icily turned to stare at her. “For all eternity.” He waved a hoof into the air.

Belle spun. The cannonshots masked her high-pitched scream.

All it took was two flashes. The starboard side of the Noble Jury burst into flames. The skystone buckled and the steam thrusters flew loose. Like a giant anvil, the entire ship plunged into the clouds below, falling to a burning death.

“The mirror reflects true, doctor…” Shell leaned forward, whispering into her ear as the hellish noise beyond settled. “Now you can join me and the target in the blood. We are finally equal.” He patted her shoulder lovingly. “My beloved Imre awaits us all…”

She was too busy sobbing Pilate’s name over and over, curled in a little golden ball as the skiff docked with the Steel Wing and was hoisted far away.

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