• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 18,400 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Meets Texas - xd77

A 5-year-old boy is brought into Equestria through a portal while he is asleep.

  • ...

Chapter 10

At the Lone Star Orphanage back in Texas, the nuns were getting adoption papers ready for Shining Armor and Princess Cadance to sign back at the Crystal Empire, meanwhile, Nathan was upstairs taking down his Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon posters, removing all his shirts, socks, pants, underwear, and shoes from his closet and drawers, and packing up everything in his nightstand, and his fiddle he had been playing before he was brought into Equestria as he was packing up his room, he heard the sound of his bedroom door slowly opening, he turned around and saw that it was his best friends, Lucas (Luke for short) and Kyle, who were in the verge of wanting to cry, but trying to hold it back.

"Luke, Kyle, what are ya'll doin' in here?" Nathan asked them, but the only response he got from them was a friendly embrace.

"We're really going to miss you Nathan, what with you living on another world n' all." Luke said

"Yeah, it's just not going to be the same without you Nate." Kyle said, Nathan just smiled at them.

"Now guys, ah' know ah'm going to live in a far away world, but hey maybe my new parents will let me keep that portal and ah' could come back for visits, you all are still mah' best friends no matter what." Nathan said being courteous.

For Luke and Kyle this was really talk from a true friend that cared about them and always put their needs ahead of his.

"Of course, we still find it cool that she gave you bat wings, we had always said you were the toughest Lone Star boy." Kyle said

"And ah' owe it all to you." Nathan said giving Kyle and Luke all the credit.

"Thanks Nathan." Luke said embracing him along with Kyle.

"NATHAN, TIME TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Lucy from downstairs.

"Will ya'll help me carry mah' stuff?" Nathan asked his friends.

"Sure pal." Luke said.

Soon after, they were downstairs with Nathan's belongings, and the nuns had all the adoption paperwork ready for Shining Armor and Cadence, as they exited the orphanage, Luke and Kyle waved good-bye to their best friend, along with the other kids and nuns that lived at the orphanage.

Pretty soon Nathan and the main nuns were silhouetted as the portal began to life them up, as Nathan was being lifeted along with the nuns, he looked down and saw everybody waving good-bye to him, Nathan waved good-bye to them as well.


They were back at The Crystal Empire, where crystal pony guards were there waiting for them to put his stuff up in his new bedroom.

"Say kid that's a lot of stuff for your age, and I didn't even know a kid your age would play fiddle." One guard said.

"Yeah, ah've been playing it for over a year now, I'm wanting to do country music when ah' grow up." Nathan said

"Yeah, well come on let's get your stuff ready for your new bedroom." the guard said helping Nathan with his stuff, while Nathan and the crystal guards were getting his stuff into his new bedroom, the nuns were met by Cadence and Shining Armor, adoption paperwork printed and ready, quill pen levitated by Princess Cadance, she and Shining Armor started signing at least 30 to 40 adoption papers.

At just the right time, Nathan had finished unpacking the last box and came downstairs to see his new parents signing the last of the adoption papers, once the last one was signed, Lucy gave the now signed papers to Amber, then turned to see Nathan walking up towards them.

"Nathan, sweetie, aren't you going to come and give us a good-bye hug before we leave, because this may be the last time you'll see us."

"Hey, when have ah' not hugged ya'll?" Nathan asked, walking up to them and giving them one final embrace.

"We're really going to miss you Nathan."

"Ah'm going to miss ya'll too." Nathan said.

Just then the portal opened back up and Amber and Lucy stepped back into it. Nathan, on the verge of tears, watched as the two nuns whom he was very close to depart back to Texas and dissolved in a flash of light then the portal dissolved and was gone for good, Cadance and Shining Armor, who saw Nathan crying because of the fact that he might never be able to see his world again, walked over to him and comforted him.

"Ah'...(sniff)...Ah'll...never...(sniff)...see...T-Texas.... or...mah'....f-friends...a-a-again!" Nathan said crying, Cadance wrapped her forhoof around him.

"Now Nathan, I know it's hard saying good-bye to the ones you love most, but sometimes you got to move on, staying in one life won't give you any new experiences, but starting a new life will."

Nathan started to control his sad face, "Ah...Ah had no idea."

"Besides, you're going to love Equestria, it'll just take some time." Shining Armor said

"Where's Twilight, uh, I mean Aunt Twilight at?" Nathan asked

"She went back to Ponyville with Spike to go fix up another portal for you that way you can go back to Texas for visits."

"Wow, Mom is that true?" Nathan asked

"Yes, she's wanting to do it so that way you won't be stuck here forever, Princess Luna and Celestia are also going down to Ponyville to help her with it, because they knew that when you came back you would be like this, so I told them to go down there and see what they can do." Shining Armor said

Nathan had never thought about this, they really do care about him."

"Dad?" Nathan asked

"One question?"

"What is it?"

"Are they going to be up all night doing it?"

Shining Armor chuckled, "I guess, I don't know."

Suddenly Nathan found himself being levitated and saw that it was his Mom fixing to put him on her back.

"Enough chit-chat for tonight young man, it's time for bed." Cadance said

"But MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nathan whined, already starting to become a typical whiny little family boy.

"No 'buts' young man." Cadance said, starting her role as a mother.

Nathan yawned, for him it was getting time for beddie byes.

After taking his bath and brushing his teeth, in his new bedroom, Nathan put on his pajamas then crawled up into his new bed but not until Princess Cadance came into the room with his teddy bear.

"Thanks Mom." Nathan said

"Sure thing sweetie, good night." Cadance said walking out the door and closing it. Just as Nathan was about to go to sleep, he suddenly forgot to do something.

"Eddie, we almost forgot to say our prayers again." he said talking to his teddy bear, Nathan got out of his bed kneeled down on the side put his hands together and started to pray.

"Dear Lord"

"Thank you for helpin' me find a family, it has been much of a blessing for me to know that no matter how long things take, you never break a promise. But ah' now pray that you would help my best friends Kyle and Luke find families as well so that they can be happy too, please bless the nuns at the orphanage, and bless me God."


After Nathan had finished saying his prayers he climbed back into his bed along with his bear and snuggled himself up under his cover and clenched Eddie by his side.

"Eddie, ain't it cool we're finally part of a family?" Nathan asked his bear

'Eddie' just sat there like a typical stuffed toy and was just facing Nathan, but in Nathan's imagination 'Eddie' was real and was talking to him.

"Yeah, it's cool ain't it?" Nathan said imagining, "Well good night Eddie." and thus Nathan drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Sorry guys, but I have to write a Chapter 11, and in that one Pinkie Pie and the other will throw him a 'Welcome to Equestria' party, so I have to start new.