• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 18,438 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Meets Texas - xd77

A 5-year-old boy is brought into Equestria through a portal while he is asleep.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Nathan, along with Twilight and Spike were now back at the Crystal Empire, walking to the Crystal Castle, Nathan was still too puzzled to understand why Ms. Cadance and Mr. Shining would need Twilight and Spike to come back with him. Pretty soon the were at the entrance, where Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were there waiting for them.

"Hey sweetie." Cadance said to Nathan, "How was Ponyville, did you like it?"

"Yes." Nathan said

Cadance and Shining Armor then took notice of his bat wings.

"Hey Nathan, how did you get wings and why aren't they alicorn?" Cadance asked

"Yeah, why are they bat wings?" Shining Armor asked

"Well, Twilight gave 'em to me, 'cause she was proud of me for standing up to a bully, ah' saw a filly bein' picked on by two other fillies and ah' managed to fight them, then they ran off in fear of me, so she gave me these wings as a reward, ah' still haven't tested them yet, though."

"Well, I'm so very proud of you Nathan, that was a very brave thing to do." Cadance said

"I have to agree Nathan, that was righteous!" Shining Armor said, "Oh I wish you were our son, but it's too bad we have to send you back soon." Nathan started to get the feeling of being crestfallen, but tried to fight it off again.

"Oh, ah' would love to go back but ah'......ah'....can't." He said with his eyes becoming moist and runny.

"Why?" Cadance asked, but instead of getting an answer, what she got out of Nathan was the sudden flow of tears and then crying, Nathan couldn't fight his hurtful feelings anymore, Cadance and Shining Armor tried to comfort him.

"Nathan, what's wrong dear?" Cadance asked, Nathan just continued to cry and then retreated upstairs leaving behind the sound of him crying, along with his bags and teddy bear. Everypony now had suddenly figured out something was bothering the poor kid, then they stared at Shining Armor because they thought he might've had something to do with it.

"What, was it something I said?" Shining Armor asked.

"Maybe." Cadance said cocking an eyebrow.

As they were just about to argue, another flash of light appeared in the sky (the same light that Nathan gently plummeted from last night.), Shining Armor, Cadance, Twilight, and Spike looked out from the balcony and saw two older female humans screaming as they were about to crash land, Shining Armor and Cadance ran out into the entrance, ran out the door, and went out to inspect them, they were definitely female alright, but they were wearing black and white dresses and caps, and were each wearing a necklace with a symbol of what appeared to be a cross.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Nathan heard the crash and went downstairs to investigate as well, he followed where the crash happened, but who he saw crash in front of the castle shocked him it was the nuns from The Lone Star Orphanage.


The female humans woke up only to see three unicorns two with wings and one with no wings, they also had different colors of skin and manes plus marks on their flanks, the pink one and purple one appeared to be female, while the larger one with the blue mane and tail appeared to be male, the female humans were just as surprised as Nathan was when he first encountered them.

"You all seemed to have taken a bad crash." The pink one said

"Lucy, do you see what I see, a talking unicorn?!" the first one said.

"Unicorn, no way, I'm an alicorn, and so is she." the pink one said pointing to the purple one next to her.

"Well anyway I don't believed we've been introduced, My name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadance for short, this is Twilight Sparkle, and my husband Shining Armor, he and I rule the Crystal Empire together, Twilight Sparkle here is a student of my Aunt Celestia who lives in Canterlot."

The nuns were impressed so they introduced themselves as well, "My name is Lucy Fanning this my friend Amber Brown, we are the lead nuns of The Lone Star Orphanage in Dallas, Texas, we were looking for a boy named Nathan, we managed to enter his bedroom, but then we were blinded by a flash of light and somehow we were sucked into a portal, and that's how we got here, um anyway we were wondering, have you seen him?"

Suddenly these sentences came into Cadance's mind

Lone Star Orphanage?
Dallas, Texas?

It all finally became clear now, Cadance had figured out why Nathan was sad and crying, he didn't have a family!

"Now ya'll know!" Said a familiar voice out of nowhere, they turned around and saw that was none other than Nathan with tears trickling down his face.

"Ah' know the question the you've been trying to ask me, if ah' had a family or someone to take care of me, truth is ah' don't." his sobbing was soon cut off by the nuns hugging him and giving sighed reliefs.

"Nathan, don't ever scare us like that again." Lucy said, but she soon felt something rough on his back she looked and saw he had bat wings, real bat wings.

"Nathan how did you get wings?" Lucy asked

"Yeah, we need to know dear." Amber said backing Lucy up.

"Well, Twilight gave them to me as a reward, 'cause ah' stood up to a bully, and ya'll always told me that God hasn't given us a spirit of fear."

"Well you need to come back to the orphanage with us sweetie." Amber said

"But ah' wanna stay here with these ponies, they love me more than anything." Nathan whined, Amber and Lucy suddenly took notice and felt from his heart that this strange world that they were on felt like a new home to Nathan, and that these ponies had a heart for him whether he was human or pony.

"Nathan, sweetie, do these ponies really mean much to you?" Lucy asked

"Yes, ah' love them more than life itself." Nathan said, this brought tears of joy to Twilight, but as for Cadance and Shining Armor, it could mean one thing.

"What if Shining Armor and I adopted Nathan?" Cadance thought, when she looked at her husband, she could tell he was thinking the same thing too.

"Listen," Shining Armor said to the nuns, "My wife and I have been married for over a year now, and we've been talking a lot lately about getting a head start on parenthood."

At first the nuns thought it was a joke, because they had never thought that two talking unicorns would be willing enough to adopt a human boy, but their quick laugh turned into a serious matter when they saw that Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were actually serious about it.

The nuns looked down at Nathan and saw that he really wanted to make Equestria his home.

"Well then may I propose that you Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are hereby in rule of adoption of Nathan." Lucy said.

Nathan, overhearing everything, was starting to charter up in his heart, did he really hear this or was it just him?

"Adopted by royal ponies?" He thought, "This could probably be cool maybe ah'll get to keep my wings and Twilight could teach me how to fly."

"All right," Amber said, "If you can send us and Nathan back to our world we'll get the paperwork and forms ready for you to sign."

"Why do ah' have to go back with you?" Nathan asked

"To get your things packed, sweetie, this 'Crystal Empire' place is going to be your new home." Amber said

Pretty soon Twilight, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance used their magic powers to re-open the portal, and soon Nathan, and the nuns were just about to zap back to their world.

"We'll be back shortly." Amber said loudly because of the sound of the portal being fired up. Soon they were up in the air and going back to their world.

After they had left to get everything ready, Cadance had an idea.

"Spike I need you to take two letters."

Spike took out a scroll and a quill pen, "What do you want to say to Princess Celestia?" he asked

"Write this down."

Dear Aunt Celestia

Remember when Nathan first came to Equestria and was nervous and distraught?, well we have finally figured out why, Nathan is an orphan and doesn't have a family, so Shining Armor and I have taken the liberty of making the decision of adopting him as our son, we had just met two older female humans, known as nuns, who run the orphanage that he lived at in his land of 'Texas', and we would like if you approve our decision, we are planning to throw a welcome party for him, and yes there will be cake, LOL.

Your Niece

Princess Cadance

Spike rolled up the scrolled letter and blew it off with a whiff of his green fire breath, then took out another scroll paper and used the same quill pen.

"And what do you want this one to say?" Spike asked

"This one is going to Pinkie Pie." Cadance said

Spike knew why it was going to her and starting writing.

Dear Pinkie Pie

We figured out why Nathan was so sad when he first came to Equestria, he's an orphan and doesn't have anypony to take care of him, so Shining Armor and I have decided to adopt him as our son, he has gone back to his land of 'Texas' to get his stuff ready, with two older female humans that we met who run the orphanage that he lived at, but since my husband and I are adopting him, we have decided to throw him a 'Welcome To Equestria, Your New Home Party' for him and we would like you to come here with all the party supplies and entertainment, because we want to make him use to living here in Equestria, and bring Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash here, plus bring the three fillies here too tomorrow.

Yours Truly

Princess Cadance

Pretty soon that letter was scrolled up and blown off as well.

About two seconds after Spike blew away the letter to Pinkie Pie, he suddenly belched out green fire and out came a scroll letter from Celestia.

"Well that was quick." Twilight said

Spike unrolled it, "Well what does it say?" Shining Armor asked

Dear Princess Cadance

I have officially decided to approve your decision of adopting Nathan as your son, therefore he is now to be under the full name of 'Nathan Cadenza', it's a good idea for you to throw a party for him as a welcome sign, I will be there for some cake.


Princess Celestia

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were now a very happy couple, after only a year of marriage they were going to get a head start on parenthood, and Nathan was going to be a good start.

Author's Note:

How the portal managed to get to Nathan's bedroom is going to be kept a mystery, not even Luna or Twilight knows how the portal developed.