• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
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Nameless Narrator

Reading order/list is on the profile page or here.


  • THorn And Wings
    A patient is admitted to Ponyville Mental Asylum with nothing known about him and the only clue is a batpony who arrived shortly after. They don't seem suspicious or dangerous but the small town of Ponyville has bad experience with newcomers.
    Nameless Narrator · 43k words  ·  83  1 · 1.5k views
  • TDiplomatic Relations
    After the events in Guardian princess Luna has trouble dealing with the death of her bodyguard and wants to make sure nothing threatens Equestria like last time. Her sister is also worried about the ongoing peace with changelings and takes measures.
    Nameless Narrator · 46k words  ·  43  1 · 907 views

Woo, Featured!
And new cover by ProjectRabbid

Choices, and our ability to stick to them, are what makes us ponies. It doesn't matter whether they are right or wrong, the important thing is that they had to be made. When a barely adult unicorn with an ambitious name Blazing Light leaves his home to start a new life his steps lead him to a company in which he is rightfully nervous - princess Luna's guards.

Also, a direct sequel.

Chapters (84)
Comments ( 425 )

Meh, close enough


there be a shit storm a brewn:ajbemused:

3869120 Not really, we all know how it ended .)

3869180 that don't mean its not fun to say


wow so that happend

Royal Guard here on official business. Open the door or I will be authorized to use force!

well shit....good luck

3890433 NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL Imba: Blaze jumps out of the window, moves to Appleloosa and becomes a farmer.

What can possibly go wrong?

you just screwed your self

My laptop is screwed so while I'm waiting for new cooler I can't really post updates so I'll put up next week's chapters up tomorrow.

It's that it? Or is there more in the future?

3920430 Would you like more? .)

Just ask yourself: Is there a chance for a peaceful rest for Blaze?

I'm not sure. But I am curious as to what happened to choking though.

3920996 Well, there is more. I'll post it when I get my laptop working again. Next ep starts with Choking and Void together plotting revenge against Celestia... or something similar.

If things go right then I should resume the standard updating schedule in about a week.

It's been grueling six days but finally the patient is healthy. Updates resume next monday, if anyone cares :P

Despite the grammar, this is one of my most favorite stories ever.:raritydespair: Sad, hopeful, then completely sad again the story is a tasteful roller coaster of emotion and action with a death that kept me up at night. Great work! :yay:
Wish he hadn't though, he reminded me of myself a lot :ajsleepy:

3974105 Feel free to point out the most painful grammar mistakes I repeat, on can't learn much if someone else doesn't kick him in the butt :)

Besides that, this is still story about one very unlucky bronze ex-unicorn.

Reading would flow more smoothly and clearly if at line 4;
'good idea. I had two damn years.'
Is changed to;
'good idea, after two damn years of bottling up emotions.'
'opening up two years of emotion was a good thing.'
While excluding 'I had two damn years'

Should add in the beginning how another match of hoof wrestling began

Make it more clear that Void addressed Choking when he returns the maid outfit

'The glow from torches, firefly lamps and even electric ones makes the city feel like a campfire which just burst out with the sparks represented by pegasi carrying their own light sources around...'
Change '..., firefly lamps and even electric ones...' to ',,,street lamps...'
Change 'makes' to 'make'
Change '... campfire which just burst out with the sparks represented by pegasi carrying their own light sources around' to '... campfire with sparks of pegasi carrying their own light sources, bursting off into the air in waves of chaotic harmony...'

3985338 interested in becoming a proofreader?.)

While I don't really have any comments here I'm not sure this is the way to go.

I gotta admit, for the lack of attention this fic has recieved, it's actually pretty good. Could use some polish, but definitely worth a read. Good work so far!

4003585 *sob* That's the nicest thing anyone- *sob*.

Just kidding. Thanks and hope you enjoy the rest .)

Repeating what DocImpossible said! It was well worth the read and I quite enjoyed it. The characterization and the journal entries sealed it for me. Brought a lot of grins to my face.

Great story, would read again. Looking forward to more if your prolific updating schedule is anything to go by.

By the by, is your avatar our reluctant hero at a pivotal scene of his, heh, life? I ask because before I read the story, I saw your avatar and was greatly amused by it. Now that I've read the whole thing, I took another look at your avatar and the colors match his and it's a pony being hanged soooooo.

4027573 It is and it is not .) I was just browsing, enjoying the secrets of internet one day and found the picture which fit almost perfectly with the colors, the stuck out tongue and the little X_X on his face. Unfortunately it wasn't a unicorn and my drawing skills are absolutely awful so I'll just have to make Blaze lose his horn at some point in time :D

TLDR: Thanks for commenting (it always makes me feel better and write one of the more funnier chapters) have fun and enjoy the highs, lows and the changing of growing-up unicorn's outlook on life.

4069904 Laugh while you can, the heavy stuff is coming back soon. *insert evil laughter here*

Imba is done, will be updating daily from now on.

The twists just keep on coming!

4127987 Blaze makes Sombra his loveslave and becomes the ultimate final evil boss? :derpyderp2:

im confused... is blazing a changeling? has he always been one? or did that bar lady turn him into one? i'm so bucking lost here

4128111 I could actually see that happening right now. :trixieshiftright:

4130995 I hate to be spoilerish but yes, it's a curse. Blazing is/was a normal unicorn.

why is the alicorn amulet not locked up in the canterlot vault? that necklace is a disaster waiting to happen

finished all i can read on this story for now... I can't wait to find out how he deals with spike...:moustache:

4134178 Damn... I hate disappointing people.

Note to self: Make a sequel, somehow (will need bigger broom). Then give Spike a bigger role than a distraction.

4142133 Because it's not the one from original world but the mirror one. Didn't really want to spoil stuff when I saw under which chapter the comment was posted.

Ooh, that was fast. On one hoof, I didn't really want to slog through a lot more chapters with little happening just to get to the parts I wanted to see. On the other hoof, it was kinda sudden. Still very much enjoyed it though! The switch with the journal entry was somewhat unexpected, but I suppose it makes sense you didn't want to give the ending away at the beginning. I can't wait for the exciting conclusion. It's been a joy ride!

And I still don't know if Blazing made Sombra his loveslave or not.

4147354 Well, the chapters that serve mostly to emphasize some detail are short so it's probably no big deal although the feeling that there are chapters which seem meaningless is somewhat *sobbing engaged*. I JUST LOVE WRITING RANDOM DIALOGUE:scootangel:

As for Sombra and Blazing:
I can't write clop, never tried. Maybe I'll try just to see how horrible it turns out :trixieshiftright:

Oh well, the end is coming sometime next week, no spoilerino when.

grumble grumble, very little happening grumble grumble double chapter today grumble

... Wow. Well, he'll remember that for the rest of his life.

The twists never stop! It's like a rollercoaster ride. And, ah, the mundane and versatile uses of ancient relics. (Now I wonder if his mechanical hand has a vibrate function.) And a fragment of an ancient god? Hmm. :trixieshiftright:

But the real question is, how does Blazing know Big Mac's dong size?

4173215 Arena ehm ehm. Just an observation, nothing kinky.

I have to say it's very risky killing off the character your audience will be most interested in. I'm going to give you a few chapters but I was mainly interested in Blazing's story, so I hope I can keep up my momentum or interest.

All I can say is wow. You've really out done yourself and I don't really compliment as such often. From day one I knew the story would grow prosperous when I stumbled in looking for bat ponies and found such a peculiar attraction. From day one, when the writing was a bit off, I now sit proudly in front of your creation, finished with the beginning becoming a far away memory and yet written in a flash. I cannot express the awesomeness I feel and I bow to you in respect of great story telling, as you bow to the audience ending the preformance.
-With Celestia's Great Seal of Approval:trollestia:, Franky

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