• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
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Nameless Narrator

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  • TThe Third Diary
    Gods play games with mortals and those who defy them are driven to insanity. What about those who help them though? As it turns out, their fate is no different as Blazing Light learns when he's once again forcefully thrown into the world of living.
    Nameless Narrator · 48k words  ·  58  1 · 856 views

This story is a sequel to No Rest For The Traitor

It's been a long ride, it really has, and even heroes need a break from time to time. Unfortunately, some heroes are just so hated by fate that even the most innocent of days have to turn into an experience leaving lasting wounds.

After the events in Manehattan Mistake has to get used to a life of blindess and the reliance on the help of his friends who decide to make things more bearable by leaving Equestrian winter and visiting a sunny beach in the Griffon Empire with all expenses paid by the crown.

NOTE: Readable as a sequel or a single story with a reeeeeally long prologue summarizing what has happened until now.

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 175 )

5390945 Totally not completely spoiled in To The Skies!, no sireeee.

Damn... true to form from start to finish.
I won't lie, I was hoping for something a little different, but that wouldn't be the choice of a guy who chose to live a life under the name "Mistake". Honestly, he deserves a little R&R. Crawling through waist deep shit really takes it outta a guy.
Anyway, loved the story, shall be keeping an eye out for further horse words.

5631791 Don't worry. Peaceful rest is something my little punchhorse will have to work for.

5631853 I'm guessing that he will have to fight for it.

5631857 There will be some fighting, mostly of the catbird variety. Also, massive minotaur mammaries and a loooot of introspection.

Near the end you start calling Mistake, Blazing again confusing things slightly, when Heavy, Cromach and Chokey go to the mirror world you put Blazing, Cromach and Chokey instead, there's also no mention of the linked journals but that's not exactly necessary so it's fine and you also don't mention Chokey getting her memories back.

Just thought I'd help out a bit here, other then those points and maybe a few I've forgotten, really like this recap and loving these stories. :twilightsmile:

Fixed some minor issues you pointed out and I noticed. Hopefully, I didn't make it even more confusing.

I screwed myself over with that one... Welp, see you in an hour... or a week.

Unfortunately, Choking, drunk as a skunk, tried to kiss Blaze which brought the attention of Valiant Charge, a staff combat guard teacher...

Correction, Drill Sergeant. They only split up the Sergeants into specific specialties after the invasion...

Maybe you'll find some more holes in this changeling of a storyline.
This is a recap, not an accurate depiction of events. The accurate depiction of events, in fact, are the stories themselves depicting the events... somewhat accurately.

Blaze woke up in a magical body mimicking the abilities of his old one created by a different alicorn. Scream, the alicorn of Lust, summoned Blaze's soul before departing the world forever and let him out of her pocket dimension back to the world without telling him what she wanted. The only thing Blaze wanted though was to see Blueblood suffer and he found the prince after an evening dinner in a resturant, leaving him heavily wounded and yelling about ghosts. After getting heavily drunk to stop his mind screaming at him for willingly torturing another pony he found out Choking was seen with Void. Knowing about Void's hate for Celestia Blaze supposed he was using Choking to do his bidding which was broadly correct. In order to find a weapon capable of harming a demonic being Blaze returned home to the base of the Order of the Silver Sun in Manehattan, a place where one of the pair of blades capable of breaking spells was kept. Blaze lost the fight with his father Blinding Light, but his new body stopped him from dying. Unfortunately the killing blow meant for Blinding was blocked by Blaze's mother who got killed. Blinding, paralyzed by the sight of his dead wife, told Blaze where the second Blade of Balance of the pair was kept and told him never to return home again.

Should probably mention how Blinding is the leader of the order of the Silver Sun... I can see how that bit is going to be confusing without some more clarificagion.

•Heh, I don't think I want to... Plot hole infestations are serious business, barely escaped from the library in one piece the last time.

•Shouldn't a recap be accurate too?

Blaze's suicide attempt failed as before the Blades could kill him completely a group of changelings running away from a hydra hid in his cave. They took the Blades pinning him to the floor, letting his body recover and help them kill the beast. The changelings proved to be Chrysalis and a group of her guards who died in the process of defending her. Chrysalis recognized Blaze and tried to kill him, failing miserably as the Blades of Balance stopped all her magic. Tired and helpless, Chrysalis was ready for death but Blaze spared her because he didn't see her as a monster, remembering how ponies looked at him after the invasion and not wanting to kill anypony ever again. Chrysalis used his soft heart and hard dic- nevermind to make him protect her while returning to her hive through the forest. Blaze saw the carefree face of the changeling queen and their travels persuaded him Chrysalis' attack on Canterlot was more a desperate rather than malevolent act. Back in the hive, which was an abandoned city near the old Castle of Two Sisters, Blaze recognized a statue of Scream who, as Chrysalis told him, was a patron of changelings in a similar way Celestia was a patron of ponies, not the ruling kind though.

Okay, here's a plothole... I thought the hive was originally in the badlands, and they just moved to the Everfree... maybe to get closer to their prey as they were starving to death, or something, but I do remember it being said that the hive was in the Badlands when Blaze escorted Chrysalis... let me check...

...I guess not. Well, I know the hive at least used to be in the Badlands, due to Management, but that was pre-failed-changeling-invasion. Must have mixed the two up somewhere along the line...

Unfortunately, Blaze's natural ability to distort magic made the spell unstable and he ended up jumping through multiple dimensions for a year before landing in the current one. On the plus side, he still had Betty to talk to. One of the realities was one where the Elements of Harmony didn't awaken for Twilight and Nightmare Moon won, shrouding the world in darkness and slowly wiping out everything. Blaze, landing in a summoning circle of Trixie, Nightmare's apprentice, drew Nightmare Moon's attention and she used him to breed a killer species of changelings feeding on fear instead of love (her little touch), having no wings (mirroring Blaze's crippling fear of heights), and capable of transforming into only one form (a remnant of Blaze's hate for lies and deceit). Those Nightmare changelings eventually devoured all life. Trixie, seeing the Nightmare's true desire, helped Blaze continue with his dimension jumping.

Oh. All this time I thought the lack of wings and only being able to turn only into one form was due to Blaze only being a half changeling, so his daughters only had half of the ability 'normal' changelings had.

Heh, learn something new every day, I guess...


•Heh, I don't think I want to... Plot hole infestations are serious business, barely escaped from the library in one piece the last time.

Pff, I fixed that immediately by making it worse but less plotty!

•Shouldn't a recap be accurate too?

In what happened? Yes. In how many freckles were on the face of the moon that time? Not really. It's a quick recap, not a history book.
No, no, you're right on this one. But for once this isn't my fault, I thnk. You see, at the time the series hadn't said where the hive was yet, that was revealed years later. This weill need a revision along with the relevant Imbalanced chapters. Rewrite list on this one.
EDIT: It wasn't that bad. Few changes to "an abandoned outpost near the hive" did the job, both in Imbalanced and the recap.
I'll have a look at this one if I don't forget. It won't take too much effort, and is somewhat relevant.
EDIT: Easy, done.
Same principle applies much later for The Corrupted, only with a different and somewhat less successful god.

•Mhm... Problem is this library will never pass a saftey inspection in this state...


•You could just say the Hive in the Everfree was a backup hive, one that Chrysalis&co retreated to being far closer than the main hive, especially in their weakened state after the invasion...

Kind of like how some rich people have a summer home to go to nearby some fancy beach resort that they own... Except instead of a summer retreat, it's either a backup hive, or what used to be a hive for some different changelings, before its inhabitants fled... or something. See? I can come up with semi-credible bullshit too...


•Guess I will have to see that bit for myself... when I get to it.

Thus the first mirror invasion was successfully averted. Unfortunately, fate has a thing for kicking Blaze in the nuts.

You don't say...

While all this was going on, a fight was going on in Blaze's mind between the soul of Sombra and shards of Blaze's personalities. Uniting the pieces of his mind, Blaze won but was too weak to surface and so a new personality with amnesia appeared in Blaze's body. Choking tried to rebuild the relationship but the new Blaze had no idea who she was and her forceful approach only made things worse.

This wasn't happening during Nightmare's second attack on Ponyville. This happened near when Icy Gaze was sent out. Though you aren't giving that impression by implying that when Nightmare attacked Ponyville is when Blazing with amnesia woke up...

That came out longer than expected.

...now all you have to do is rewrite a new, completely accurate recap which details all the events in all the stories you have ever written... just to keep up to date.

"What were you doing here anyway?" I try not to laugh at the disgruntled alicorn princess wearing a lab coat and the black unicorn whose coat is really nicely contrasting with the pink socks and a scarf he's wearing. He spent his first night blind at Darky's place so she had the honor of putting something to protect him from winter on and this is how it ended. Not that he looks bad in it, pink just doesn't fit his... personality.

I just wonder... did anyone ever tell him he was wearing pink?

Whom could that voice be... Nightmare perhaps, wearing down Mistake so he will be easier to possess... My theory comes to mind as well, Blaze's alternate personality...

Or I could be wrong.

"-I've got a moustache."


Okay... What the Frank did I just read..?


*gasps in shock*

You wouldn't!

"You wouldn't!"

...I swear I didn't read that until after I made my last comment...

Oh, does Mistake still have his tongue? Or did the tentacles replace it?

Shocking revelation, I know.
Once again, I'd blame this on the recap, which is supposed to give an overall picture, although you do have a point. The mental battle happens overall during HaW, not exactly during the real time of the chapters they are in. There are only few points where the events are close. The Second Diary (the 3 stories) is a rewrite candidate, I know.
Oh yes, I will definitely postpone all ongoing updates and lose everyone waiting for the finale of Management for that. I'll lose them anyway once I get back to updating only Legacy of Light, so at least give me my last 2 weeks of success. :D
I'm not gonna read ahead so that I can't answer correctly, because I genuinely can't remember. Or more accurately, I don't recall exact timings for certain future events.
It's important to have fun in whatever little moments of peace you're allowed.
I spilled alphabet soup and uploaded the result.

"I made enough wrong choices in the past, Cromach, and I will do and say what I think is right. Blazing lies about his name because he believes anything he does will end up a failure. I've known him much longer than you and I know he is wrong. That's why I will NEVER use the name Mistake."

Haha! You just did!

What did you expect, a plot advancement?

...Honestly, with your stories, I never know what to expect.

Welp, I'ma go on a couple chapters of Skies.

That could have been an interesting response leading to more cute and sexy times.
As I always say - horrible sex jokes and depression, there's not much more to it.
And for me it's "To the workplace!"

•Why, it's so shocking! Who knew!? Why, I must spread this gossip at once!

•Okay... nothing more to say on this subject.

•No! You musr suffer as you rewrite the recap! SSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUFFFFEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!

•You are evil.


•Rule #32; Enjoy the little things.

•Ehh... maybe you should stick with making sandwiches...


•Well... the combination of which can vary from time to time...

•Which will later be, "To the money!"

"That little voice who kept bugging that piece of crap," he pointed at Blazing, "and kicking him until he became the outstanding member of society he's now. You can call me Mistake."

Caaaaallllleeeeeed iiiiiit!!!

"The alicorn of Hope. That doesn't sound bad at all."


"Ya're gonna get fat and then Blaze won't sleep with ya ever again!" Darky makes various puking noises while watching me eat a bucket of spicy grilled chicken wings, "Plus, the entire room smells like a funeral pyre."

Chicken wings... griffons are half bird... is this cannibalism?


Piss off, ghost!

"Hehehe... perhaps I can fix at least some things I screwed up in the past."

You didn't screw that one up... It was the element of suffering whom cut her wings off.

That pirate attack... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Nothing can possibly go wrong.

MurphysLaw.exe activated

BEEP BOO– Oh, wait, wrong story.

...you shouldn't have thought that...

You know... for once I have to agree with the creepy voice.

"I apologize deeply," Wilson bows, "I assumed from the longer fangs your preference was different and I was wrong."

Longer fangs..?

...am I the only one thinking something is off here?

"She's a blood drinker. She's been filing her teeth short all this time. The reason for her sleeping around every few days wasn't just her sex addiction but the easy access to blood. She admitted to cheating on me when we lived together."

...you know, I should be shocked... I should say something about it... but the only thing I can think of... is how this creates a plot-hole for the scene in 'Tirek's rampage'... Why wouldn't he have had the power to drink blood, if he really should've been able to...

In other words, what was the line "Tirek the mango craving" about then?

...not to mention how this was never hinted at up until this chapter...

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