• Published 13th Feb 2014
  • 12,630 Views, 1,208 Comments

The Unity Pact - Truthseeker

This is the story of the efforts of a group of stranded Humans to find equilibrium, balance, and a promise of tomorrow in a world seemingly out to get them.

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Chapter 31: Baby Steps In Magic

I heard the door to my hospital room open. I was already awake. It was a lovely clear day with the sun shining brightly into my room and I had been keeping myself busy making shadow puppets. I turned my head toward the door and smiled brightly. I was actually feeling happy. Razor Wit entered the room wearing her saddlebags and closed the door behind herself.

"Good morning Razor." I greeted her.

She smiled back at me, "Good morning. I brought your clothes."

I scratched my head, "Clothes?"

She levitated the clothes that Rarity had made for me out of her saddle bags, "Yes." she set them neatly out on the foot of my bed, on top of the sheet covering my feet, "Today is the funeral for those who died in The Battle For New Humansville. It's also the day that we're supposed to have the big meeting about laws."

My happy mood completely evaporated, I placed my hands over my eyes and groaned, "Fuuuuuck." I heaved a sigh and shook my head, "I haven't even eaten breakfast yet."

Even as the words left my mouth, a nurse entered my room with a tray of food in her teeth. She set the tray down on my lap then turned and left. I looked down at the tray and examined my breakfast. Two pieces of buttered toast, half a grapefruit, eggs, a bowl of cream of wheat and a trio of thick carrots with a cup of orange juice on the side. I chowed down with gusto while Razor laid down on the couch.

"So," I began biting into one of the carrots, they were really good today, "Do we need to stop by the library for my notes on laws and so forth?"

Razor shook her head and patted her right saddlebag, "Nope, I have them right here."

I finished off the carrot and picked up the fork to dig into the eggs, "So, how are we getting there?"

"Princess Twilight, you, and I will be picked up in the Royal Carriage. We'll be riding with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Prince Shining Armor."

I looked up from my eggs and arched my right eyebrow, "That sounds awfully cramped to me. How big is this carriage?"

"I don't know." Razor admitted, "I've never ridden in it before." her horn lit up and my notes on laws floated out of her saddle bags, "Did you want to go over your notes again? Maybe make a revision somewhere?"

I nodded as I sliced into the grapefruit, "Yeah, that's probably not a bad idea. Let's start with the first item."

Razor nodded and read aloud, "Item one: The duties, responsibilities, and restrictions of the Community Welfare Guardians. Pros and Cons to Limited and Unlimited Autonomy, Equipment and Armaments." she looked up at me, "Was there anything you wanted me to change or alter?"

I thought about it while I chewed on the cream of wheat, "No. I think that one will be a long enough debate all on its own."

Razor nodded, "Alright, next Civilian Right To Be Armed. Reference points of contention and list incidents of validity. Extent of technology in regard to weapons."

"That one is probably going to take at least half the day. I'm not adding anything to it, there's going to be enough people talking about it." I said between bites.

"Alright then," Razor looked back down at my notes, "Code of personal conduct and the laws thereof." she read down the laundry list of different things I had written down and whistled, "Wow, you sure did put some thought into this didn't you."

I grunted in affirmative as I chowed down on the toast, "Yeah, need to be sure everything is covered." I swallowed my mouthful, "Especially ones involving magic. It's a whole new area to cover and while you Kavim grew up with it, Humans don't know the first thing about it. Here is one of the areas I need to add something." I wiped my hands on the napkin from the tray, "Would you be willing to write down what I say?"

Razor nodded, "Sure thing." she levitated a pencil out of her saddle bag and held it up to the paper, "Ready."

I cleared my throat, "Laws involving the prohibition of magic being used on others and the limits and punishments thereof."

Razor scribbled down on the paper, "Got it." she said cheerfully, "Anything else?"

I shook my head, "Naw, what's next?"

She looked at the paper and blanched, "Eeh, abortion."

I nodded, "Yep, hot topic, nuf said, next."

"Human and Pony Relationships." she read.

I cringed, "Ooh, that one's liable to spark a riot. Hot topic, next."

"Religious Freedom." she lowered the paper, "You think that one will be a, so-called 'hot topic'?"

"Nope." I said assuredly, "We will have the freedom to worship in any way we want so long as it doesn't involve any sort of persecution to others. End of story. Next."

"Racism, sexism, specism and laws regarding persecution, oppression, and unequal treatment." Razor quirked her left eyebrow, "Do you think this one is even necessary?"

"Absolutely necessary in every possible way. Hot topic, next." I responded.

"Citizenship?" Razor asked.

I nodded, "Oh yeah, big one. Citizenship entails additional responsibilities and privileges. I looked it up. That one is a keeper for sure."

"Medical Science and Practices of burials?" she looked at the paper strangely, "Why are those two linked?"

"Human dies, Kavim doctor wants to learn about Human anatomy. Kavim doctors only available do do procedure on a Human or vice versa. Definitely one to keep."

"Open-Floor Discussion for all at the end." Razor said, "Hmm, not a bad idea. I may bring up one or two of my own."

I smiled at the tan mare as I finished off the orange juice, "That's the idea."

I set the tray aside and pulled back the sheet that was covering me. My legs were still in casts. I decided to try wiggling my toes again. My toes wiggled with very little pain.

"Huh," I said, "That's odd. Two days ago it hurt like all hell to wiggle my toes."

Razor looked at my feet and her eyebrows knitted together when I wiggled my toes for her, "That IS odd, very odd. Let me go get a doctor."

She had left the room before I could say anything, I pressed my lips together, "Thanks Razor."

I was slipping my fancy shirt on when Razor Wit returned with the Unicorn mare doctor, "Ah Artex," the brown mare greeted, "How are we feeling today?"

I finished pulling the shirt over my head, "Pretty good actually. I can wiggle my toes with very little pain."

The doctor looked puzzled, "Yes, that's what Razor was telling me." she trotted over to me, "May I examine your legs?"

I shrugged, "Knock yourself out."

The mare looked irritated, "You could have just said 'no'."

I blinked twice and face-palmed, "It's a Human expression which means 'you have my permission'."

The mare blinked and shook her head, horn lighting up, "Let's see here." she peered at my casts as though she could see right through them.

I pulled my underwear and my pants toward me, they were sure to be tricky to put on while wearing casts, "You're healed." the doctor said, looking up sharply, "I gave specific instructions that none of the doctors were to administer healing spells since we didn't know how extreme your body's changes would be and I didn't want any problems exacerbated by magic." she looked me square in the eye, "Who healed you?"

I blinked in confusion, "Nopony healed me, unless they came in while I was sleeping. But if I'm healed, why does it hurt a little when I flex my toes?"

"Your muscles are stiff. I saw that when I examined your legs. As far as I can tell, you're free to leave but please come back in a week so we can monitor any changes to your body, and come back immediately if you feel anything that could be attributed to more changes." she stepped back and nodded, "I'll go get your discharge papers." she left the room promptly thereafter.

"Um Razor, may I have some privacy?" I asked, holding up the underwear.

Razor's ears stood up straight and her face turned bright red, "O . . . of course. Just call when you're decent, I'll be right outside." she turned and left the room, closing the door behind herself.

I grumbled as I maneuvered my cast encased legs into the leg holes of the underwear and pants, 'Thank you Rarity for wide legs and drawstrings.' I pulled up the pants and reached over and pulled my belt and pouches. I put on the belt and slipped on each pouch between the belt loops. I debated putting on the holster for my hatchet and decided to go with it.

"Well I'm never decent but I am clothed." I yelled at the door.

Razor came back into the room and the doctor followed right behind her, "I have your discharge papers here and I can take off those casts for you."

She set the papers on the bed and I turned and dangled my legs off the side then lifted my pants legs to give her access to my legs. Her horn lit up and a cut formed at the very top of the cast on my right leg then worked its way down to my foot and the cast slipped off. I wiggled my toes again while she cut off the other cast. I stood up and groaned as my legs readjusted and stretched out a bit. I bent double and touched my toes, it felt good.

The doctor levitated over my discharge papers and I signed them and took my copy. The doctor left and I slipped on the gold trimmed robe Rarity gave me. This was official but the fancy robe didn't quite feel right. I was going to a funeral I needed to dress like it. I took the robe off and folded it neatly.

"I'll bring it but only for the meeting, it's not appropriate for a funeral. Let's stop by the library so I can grab my cloak." I said.

Razor looked sad, "I'm sorry there has to be a funeral at all." she looked up at me, "Fifty-eight people. I'm so sorry."

I bit my bottom lip and nodded, "So am I." I stepped up to her and scratched her mane, "Come on, let's get to the library."

* * *

In the depths of Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns a black coated Unicorn mare with fiery red mane and tail entered a packed auditorium. The auditorium was filled to bursting with students, faculty, and even staff, Unicorns all. Every voice fell absolutely silent as the black mare took the stage. She wore a robe in the same colors as Princess Celestia's ever billowing mane and tail. The hem of the robe moved about, as if catching the tiniest whisper of a breeze. The mare looked young, barely old enough to be considered an adult. Every Pony knew who this mare was, and it was not only the fact that she was nearly one hundred years old and still looked to be barely an adult mare, that made them respect her. This was one of only eleven Ponies in history, including the Princesses, who had passed the Trial Solar. This mare had, with permission, moved the sun on her own.

Arch Magister Catalyst walked up to the podium and cleared her throat, "Alright everypony, we have a unique, new, and unusual job to do." she held up her right fore hoof to forestall any words, "I know full well how excited you are, but this matter is much more complex than anything we've done before and I'm afraid I have to ask that anypony who is not a senior student, faculty, or staff member to please leave the auditorium now."

There were hundreds of disappointed faces as Ponies began rising from their seats and slowly departing the auditorium. Arch Magister Catalyst looked on neutrally, 'I'm sorry to disappoint so many of you but I'm afraid the disappointment must continue.'

Once the first group, the vast majority of the Ponies in the auditorium, departed, Catalyst continued, "Any and all Ponies uncomfortable with the idea of keeping secrets from your families and friends for a couple of months, I ask that you depart as well. This matter is to be kept quiet."

A second, much smaller group left the auditorium, this time a greater portion of the faculty and staff went with them. Catalyst maintained her neutral expression as she watched them leave, 'Many more are leaving than I would have liked, but I have to ensure silence for a little while yet.'

As the auditorium doors closed behind the last Pony, Catalyst's horn lit up and she sealed the doors, "Very well, those of you who have decided to stay, are you prepared to undergo an assignment, under the direct supervision of Princess Luna, to discover and document a brand new type of magic? If you are not, rise to you hooves and I'll unlock the doors so you may leave."

Not a single Pony stood and Catalyst smiled, "Excellent!" she leaped down from the stage and levitated a scroll out from under her robe, "This is for all of us!" she cleared her throat and unrolled the scroll, "Come on down here, while I read. Ahem,
Dear Arch Magister Catalyst and all volunteers,
I thank you for your decision to participate in this and I am honored that all of you chose to dedicate your time and efforts. The assignment is to be kept secret but is in no way harmful to anypony or Equestria. Do not be alarmed at the need for secrecy, for the reason and focus of this assignment will be revealed to all of Equestria in time. There live, in our nation, an entire species who have only recently arrived. They have never before been seen by Pony-kind and it has recently come to light that they have developed screfula and their bodies are now infused with magic and have even developed Mageriums. To this end, I wish to lead a cadre of Unicorns into their midst and perform complete readings of each and every one of their Mageriums to determine their capabilities. By hearing or reading these words you have sworn yourself to secrecy until such a time as the new species is revealed to all of Equestria. Be prepared to depart within one week for an extended stay in an area that is not entirely settled yet. You are to give the Arch Magister your names and arrive at the Royal Palace by no later than midnight on the fifteenth of this month.
Thank you for your efforts in this exciting time,
Princess Luna"

* * *

Razor and I reached the library fairly quickly and I held the door for her then entered behind her and closed it. During my time in Ponyville the library had begun to feel like home. I looked and saw the couch with my pillow and sheet neatly folded on top of it. The couch had more or less become my bed and that was fine by me. It was comfortable and cushy, but it didn't 'swallow' me like some. Next to the couch was my shoulder bag, my khopesh, my hatchet/hammer, and the four books I had bought in Ponyville. Underneath my shoulder bag was my shower bag, and the garment bag I had paid Rarity to make during my second week. My bit purse was sitting next to my shoulder bag and it looked suspiciously more full than I remembered.

I took a deep breath and exhaled, "Even though its only been three days, it's always good to get home." the word slipped out before I realized it.

'Home' I thought, 'That's what this place feels like now. In a way, I guess it is.' I knew I wouldn't be there forever but it actually had begun to feel like home to me, 'What I really want is to go to New Humansville and live there. That's where I belong, with my own kind. I'm a Human and I belong with Humans. I'm an outsider here, an invader. The Kavim have been nice enough and the Apple family especially but this isn't where I belong.'

"Hello?" Razor called.

A shuffle of hooves from the second floor, Twilight's room, signaled that somepony knew we had arrived. There were a lot of hooves clopping against the floor and I guessed that Twilight had the girls visiting. Twilight came first, next came Rarity, then Fluttershy carrying a small bundle that looked like a baby, then Applejack, then Rainbow Dash, and finally Pinkie Pie brought up the rear of the procession. Each of them wore saddlebags and Fluttershy's wrapped bundle moved around a bit. The custard yellow Pegasus mare shushed the thing in her fore hooves and rocked it back and forth like a Human would a baby.

I nodded politely to each of them in turn, "Ladies, I wasn't expecting to see all of you today."

Applejack tipped her hat back with her right fore hoof, "Well we weren't exactly expectin' to be seein' yall up an' about Artex."

I shrugged and Razor made with the explanation, "The doctor said his legs and feet were all healed so she took the casts off. She seemed very concerned that a Unicorn had come in and performed a healing spell on him."

Twilight cocked her head to the left and flicked her right ear, "Oops, I must have neglected to tell her about your magic Artex."

My attention was on Twilight like ugly on an ape, "My magic?" I asked, "What magic?"

"You have a screfula, Artex. The doctors found it when they took a look at your insides. It was hidden behind your stomach. That's why nopony found one before, even with the Humans in New Humansville. I meant to tell you about it earlier but you were so upset I just never managed to bring the subject up." Twilight explained.

I spread my arms and looked around, "Well, I'm not busy right now." I walked over to the couch and sat down, "I get the feeling this may take a little while."

Razor hopped up on the couch next to me and I picked up my pillow, offering it to the girls, "Would one of you like to lay on my pillow?"

Rarity's horn lit up and I tossed the pillow to her. She caught it and set it down on the ground then knelt down and laid on top of it. Rainbow Dash flew up to the top of one of the book shelves and made herself comfortable. Applejack simply plopped down on the floor. Pinkie bounced around the library, as I had come to expect from the bubbly mare. Fluttershy nestled down on the ground very gently, careful of her mysterious bundle. And Twilight levitated her own pillow down from the second floor.

"Now, before we begin, are you familiar with Unicorn Magic Nouns and Verbs?" the lavender Princess asked.

I nodded attentively, "Yes. There are seven Verbs and twelve Nouns."

"That's right. Well your Magerium is very similar to that of a Unicorn, in that you also have Nouns and Verbs. There is a significant difference though." her face fell before she spoke the next part, "I'm very sorry Artex but you seem to be 'blind' to some Nouns and Verbs." Twilight said.

I heard the girls gasp and Razor more loudly than the others, "What does that mean?" I asked.

Razor turned her head to me, her expression was sad, "To be 'blind' means that you cannot ever use a Noun or Verb."

"Eee," I groaned, "So which ones can I use and which ones am I 'blind' to?"

"Not only do you have certain Nouns and Verbs that you can use, but also the ones you do have are rather powerful. You also seem to have some Noun and Verb combinations that are passive." Twilight shook her head, "I'm getting ahead of myself though. Do you know how Pony magic works?"

To that, I shook my head, "I have no idea."

Twilight opened her mouth to answer but Rarity placed her hoof over Twilight's own and stopped her, "Perhaps it would be best if the rest of us explain it darling. You tend to be a little scientific with your explanations and poor Artex doesn't have any background knowledge with magic." she turned her head to Razor, "Razor darling, would you be willing to help us in some places if it seems like we are having trouble with the explanation?"

Razor nodded, "Sure. Actually why don't I start?"

Rarity nodded so Razor began, "Alright so magic is literally Thamaturgic Energy that has been broken down for use, but to fully understand it we have to go back to its origin. Every thing in the world has some measure of magic in it. Every rock, every blade of grass, every breath of air, and every living creature. This is magic in its raw state. It is unrefined and completely unusable by most. We call this Natural Unrefined Latent Thamaturgic Energy. Now the more raw the state of the magic in any thing, object or creature, the more difficult it is to affect with magic that we wield. Wielded magic is called Activated Thamaturgic Energy. When we breathe, or eat, or drink we take in the Natural Unrefined Latent Thamaturgic Energy. Out bodies take it in and it enters our blood stream through breathing, eating, and drinking. When it is in our blood stream it is called Ingested Unrefined Latent Thamaturgic Energy. Now the screfula is a very important organ. It functions in a similar manner to your liver in that it filters your blood. Do you understand so far?" Razor asked.

I nodded my head, "I think so."

She smiled and continued, "Well this is where the different species types of magic come into focus. For most beings, their screfula is always active. For Pegasi and Earth Ponies their screfula is constantly filtering the Ingested Unrefined Latent Thamaturgic Energy and turning it into a usable form which is called Refined Unactivated Thamaturgic Energy or R.U.T.E for short. In that state, the R.U.T.E. is flowing all through your body and is ready to be used. For Pegasi and Earth Ponies it is almost always happening. Their flight or strength comes from the R.U.T.E. flowing through their bodies. Now every sentient creature has three categories of Magical Abilities. Each Magical Ability is connected to a part of a creature's body. The three parts are: muscles, bones, and brain. It is always those three. Now . . . um," she turned to Rarity, "I lost my thoughts. Would you please take over?"

Rarity nodded in a lady like manner, "Certainly darling." she turned to me, "Now since Earth Ponies and Pegasi use their R.U.T.E. almost constantly by simply moving about, their Magical Abilities tend to be very strong. Rainbow Dash for example has a Wing Power of, uh thirteen, I believe."

Dash shrugged, "Something like that. More than enough to be awesome."

Rarity gave the cyan mare a deadpan expression, "Indeed. Anyway, the rules are the same for Unicorns. We use our muscles for the Verbs and our bones for the Nouns. Now our third part is our Finesse, that is channeled through our brains. So with than knowledge, how do you think Unicorns use magic?"

I gave the matter some serious thought, 'Hmm, their horns light up and they're linked to their minds but the Nouns and Verbs are connected to blood and bone. The horn is hard so probably bone, that's one part. Their mind controls it through Finesse so that's part two. Well then their horn must be filled with muscle.' I looked up at Rarity and smirked.

"The horn is bone, there is muscle inside the horn and it's controlled with the mind so when you're casting a spell all you're really doing is flexing the muscle within the horn. Am I right?" I asked.

"Yepperooni!" Pinkie Pie cheered, "That's how all magic works. When anypony gets low on magic they pant so their body can take in more raw magic."

I made a connection, "That's why you're always jumping, isn't it." I guessed, "Your muscles and bones are working all the time so your Magical Abilities are always active."

Pinkie winked at me, "You're forgetting one more teensy little thing." she bounced particularly high, "My Pinkie Sense duh!" she landed and resumed smaller hops, "My Pinkie Sense is always going but it takes a lot of magic to keep it going."

I couldn't believe it, there was a method to her madness, "That also explains everypony else. Applejack is strong as can be because she's always working on the farm. Rainbow Dash is a great flier because she's always in the air. But Rarity, you use magic all the time, you should be super powerful."

Rarity blushed but shook her head, "Oh not at all darling. You see Twilight and I are near perfect polar opposites. I use my magic for small things and Twilight is much more capable with lifting larger and heavier objects. My Finesse with my spells is far above hers, but Twilight's Nouns and Verbs are very strong, incredibly strong in fact but my own Nouns and Verbs are only at a one, where as hers are closer to a four."

"Five." Twilight corrected her.

Rarity turned to Twilight with an expression I thought meant admiration,
"Good heavens! A FIVE . . . in . . . EVERYTHING?"

Twilight nodded, "Yep. I had myself checked earlier this year."

Rarity whistled and I took advantage of the silence, "I assume that's a lot?" I asked.

Razor spoke up next, "Most Unicorns are a one in their Nouns and Verbs. I practice a lot so I'm unusually high in my Nouns and Verbs."

Twilight nodded, "I'm surprised you never tried out for Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns. You're a two in everything, right?"

The girls' eyes all turned to Razor, my tan friend blushed and lowered her head, "I'm not certain. I haven't been checked in a while."

"I can do it." Twilight offered.

Razor nodded and Twilight's horn lit up, a matching auro surrounded Razor's whole body. They both held perfectly still for more than a minute before Twilight's horn dimmed.

"You're a two in everything except Spirit. You are a three in Spirit." Twilight said.

Razor looked surprised, "I didn't think it was that high yet."

I was feeling kind of excited, "Can you do that to me too?" I asked.

Twilight nodded, "I performed it once before but I was so surprised at the results I forgot, so hold very still please. This will only take a moment."

I sat back and relaxed as Twilight's horn lit up. It was a strange sensation. It felt like someone was massaging my muscles and bones and brain with a very tender touch. It would have been relaxing had I not been both nervous and excited.

Twilight's horn dimmed after a minute and her expression was very sober, "You are completely blind to some Nouns and Verbs. In Nouns you have: Change, Comprehend, and Control, all at a one. That also means you're 'blind' to Create and Sustain. Your Destruction and your Repair are the odd ones here. They're always always active and your Destruction is centered around your hands while your Repair is body wide. Your Repair is a one, but as for your Destruction . . . it's a four."

"FOUR!" Razor yelled.
"Are yall serious!?"
"That's wicked cool!"
"Good gracious darling!"
"Oh my! Please be quiet everypony." Fluttershy said quietly, then again she said everything quietly, "You'll wake her."

"So," I said curiously, "What about my Nouns?"

Twilight looked almost nervous, "The vast majority of your Nouns are 'blind' but the ones you do have are impressive. I'll start with your passive ones. They're linked to your passive Verbs and it finally gives us the reason you're capable of canceling magic with your hands. The passive Noun is Magic and it's a . . . five."

The girls were silent and their normally large eyes were absolutely massive.

"Equal with you?" I asked, "Are you sure?"

Twilight nodded,
"You could cancel out any of my spells with your hands. Your other passive is a three in Flesh and it's linked with Repair so you constantly heal as if there were a healing spell active on you at all times. Your other Nouns and their powers are a three in Earth, a four in Plants, and a one in Spirit." Twilight took a breath, "You may not have much but what you do have is impressive."

"So what does that mean for me then? How do I cast spells?" I asked.

Twilight rubbed her chin with her left fore hoof, "Well your R.U.T.E. is pooled at your hands and we already know that spells are cast using muscles, bones, and mind. I'll bet that flexing your fingers in different ways would cast your spells and that the different positions of your fingers determine the Nouns and Verbs used. As of right now, it's all guesswork but because of the changes in your body we should avoid testing anything right now so we don't make any potential problems worse."

"Well Ah for one, think it's time we gave you what we got for ya as a parting gift." Applejack reached her head into her saddle bags and removed what looked to be a leather harness of some kind, "Blah," she licked her lips in a disgusted manner, "That has got to be the worst taste ever. Anyway, Big Mac an' Ah went back to Heavy Hitter's shop an' had 'im make ya a carryin' case for yer kermapesh thingy."

She tossed the mass of leather to me and I caught it easily, "Khopesh." I said quietly, "Thank you Applejack."

It took me more than ten minutes to figure out how it fit and another five to put it on. One piece, on the bottom, had a belt loop on it so I unbuckled my belt and slipped it into the loop then refastened my belt. A second piece was obviously a shoulder strap so I slipped it on my right shoulder, but it didn't seem right. I switched it to my left shoulder and it fit much better. It took me a minute or two to fit the khopesh into the slot but eventually I figured it out.

It was a very nice sheath. The handle of my khopesh stuck upward, over my left shoulder but because of the curve of the blade when it was sitting in its sheath, the outside of the curve was at the left side of my back. I had to reach my right hand behind my head and pull the handle toward my right shoulder to get it out. It was very nice indeed, even if it did make me feel like a scrawny version of Conan the Barbarian.

Pinkie Pie was next, "Ooh ooh!" she reached into her saddle bags and withdrew a piece of paper and a thick, heavy brown loaf, "I came up with this recipe myself. I call it 'Banana, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Apple Bread' and I even included the recipe so you can make it yourself!"

She bounced over to me and plopped the loaf into my arms. Good God it was heavy. That one damn, twenty-one inch long loaf had to weight all of a quarter of a Stone. I set it on the couch next to me and it started to sink into the cushions so I placed it carefully on the floor.

Rarity was next, "When Twilight told us the entire story about you, I thought about what you would need if you do decide to become an emissary, so I ordered a book for you." Rarity levitated a thick tome out of her saddle bags and left it on my lap, "It details how negotiations work around the world and it also describes different cultures and past negotiated treaties."

I lifted the heavy book onto the floor, "I still haven't decided what I'm going to do, but thank you Rarity."

Rainbow Dash glided down from the too of the book shelf and landed right in front of me, "I'm not much for gift giving, I like to get them instead, but for you," she shrugged, "Meh, I made an exception." she reached her head into her saddle bag and pulled out a thin book.

She set it down on my lap, "It's a dietary manual. It'll tell you what foods to eat and what foods not to. It'll help you stay in shape. Besides, I think my training speaks for itself. You almost got away from those Timber Wolves. Keep it up and next time you'll make it for sure."

"I'm honestly hoping there won't BE a next time, but I'll definitely try to stay in shape. Thanks Dash." I said.

A second, much heavier book plopped down onto my lap, "It's a Young Unicorn's Magical Guide and Spell Manual. I included a few more advanced spells too. Just so you have something to practice."

"Girls." I said, "You do realize that I might die soon. You'll have done all this for nothing if I pass away here in the next few months. And Twilight, I'm coming back here as soon as the burials and meeting are over, so why give me the book?"

"We're hoping that all this might just give you the incentive you need to fight through whatever happens." Twilight said.

I turned as Fluttershy gently lifted off the floor with her little bundle.

She hoovered in front of me and spoke softly, "Applejack mentioned you really like pigs, right?"

I nodded and she continued, "Well, I hope you don't mind but I found this little poor little thing on the edge of the Everfree Forest and I just felt so bad for her. She was trying to nurse from her Mother, but her Mother was... was... " I knew what Fluttershy was trying to say so I motioned for her to continue, "Well she was very weak when I found her but she's gotten a lot stronger since I started bottle feeding her and after I heard what happened with the Timber Wolves, I thought you could use a friend. Animals are known to help sick Ponies recover and you like pigs, so... "

She offered me the little bundle. I took it and it was rather weighty. I held it with my left arm and unwrapped its head. There, inside the bundle of cloth was a little brown snout poking out. I unwrapped it more and I saw it was the most odd pig I had ever seen. It was obviously still a piglet, but it had tusks protruding out from under its jowls and not just one pair, but two. One larger pair in the back and one smaller pair in the front. It also had hard, bony ridges on its snout, head and neck as far back as I could see.

"Fluttershy, I don't recognize this breed of pig. What is it?" I asked truly puzzled.

"Oh, she's a she, and she's a Great Pig. They're very smart. Nopony knows exactly how smart they are because they always hide and nopony sees them most of the time, but they've been known to fight off Timber Wolves. In ancient times, it's said that whole Villages used to raise one Great Pig to help defend them. According to legend, one Great Pig fought off a Hydra all by itself. It died in the fight but the legend says it scared the Hydra away."

"Exactly how big will she get?" I asked in near disbelief.

Fluttershy put her right fore hoof to her chin and tilted her head upward in thought,
"Um, as far as I know, about as tall as my house."


"Fluttershy," I began, "Your house is more than four Fathoms tall!" I said, voice strained, "Are you telling me you gave me a Great Pig, piglet, that's going to grow to be twelve feet tall?"

Fluttershy looked hurt, "Um, I'm sorry." she said, demeanor sad, "I thought you'd like a little friend. Not that Razor Wit isn't good enough or anything, but we all have pets and I thought you'd like one." she seemed close to tears.

"Fluttershy, you've given me an incredible pet!" a small grunt in my arms made me look down.

Two little brown eyes stared up at me from the cutest little pig face I had ever seen and it absolutely melted my heart, "IT'S A PIGGY!" I said in my best baby voice.

I couldn't be certain, but I almost swore I saw the little pig try to smile. She nestled down into my arms and closed her eyes. She was incredibly cute and I never wanted to put her down.

"So, um, what are you going to name her, if you don't mind me asking that is." Fluttershy asked.

"Suey." I replied easily, "Her name is Suey."

A loud knock on the library door startled me, "I guess that's our ride." I looked around and noticed something for the first time, "Hey Twilight, where's Spike?"

"Oh he's upstairs sleeping again. He's a growing dragon after all." Twilight answered.

"Um, could I ask him to watch Suey while we're gone?" I asked.

Twilight giggled and nodded, "I'll go ask him."

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