• Published 13th Feb 2014
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The Unity Pact - Truthseeker

This is the story of the efforts of a group of stranded Humans to find equilibrium, balance, and a promise of tomorrow in a world seemingly out to get them.

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Chapter 6: Decisions, Decisions

The Pegasi Regiment of the Royal Guard flew in vast numbers around the Royal Carriage. Each Guard, save the ones pulling the carriage, was linked to a team of four, each team carrying a large, heavy wooden crate. The Unicorn and Earth Pony Regiments had already set out for the far side of the mountain and the Pegasi would link up with the main force in the large, open field the Princess had specified.

Princess Luna yawned hugely as she and her sister rode side by side in their Royal Carriage,
"What happened that was so vitally important that you woke me in the middle of the day sister?"

"I apologize sister, but the situation is completely unprecedented and I wanted you to be there. It actually started yesterday morning but I was so caught up making preparations that I completely forgot to tell you." Celestia informed her younger sister, "A new species has somehow come to our world and decided to make contact."

Princess Luna's head snapped toward her elder sister, ears erect and alert,
"New species?" she asked, unsure, "Are you certain?"

"Beyond any doubt." Celestia's tone was flat, "They sent an Emissary to request aid from us, but are prepared to steal, murder, and even eat us if they need to." Celestia drew silent for a moment, "They don't seem like they want to resort to theft or murder but they are already prepared to do so. They are not an invading army. They are mostly young adults who were trying to improve their education when they seem to have been pulled, by no choice or fault of their own, into our world. They do not SEEM to be of a hostile mindset but one of them has already murdered another. They have the potential to be extremely dangerous."

Luna's ears laid back,
"I take it this Emissary already informed you of this? It sounds . . . rather unusual to offer an ultimatum to the ones you are begging for help."

"He didn't say anything. I haven't had the chance to speak to him yet. I hold every one of his memories though . . . "

"You read his memories!?" Luna asked aghast, "That is unlike you sister, you made that law and I have never known you to arbitrarily break it. You despise using magic to solve every problem, what caused you to make such a decision?"

"A young, traumatized filly." Celestia answered, "When the Emissary made contact, he met not with myself or any representatives, but with a family taking a hike; two fillies and their parents. He tried to communicate by drawing in the dirt and managed to get his point across but the husband and wife began arguing. One of the fillies took it upon herself to try to help the Emissary communicate. She cast a mind-reading spell but ended up with every one of the Emissary's memories. The process was mentally traumatizing and the filly's father, thinking she was being hurt, kicked the Emissary in the head. I had to break the law to repair the damage to the filly's mind and so I saw everything she saw. I was not going to let one of my subjects continue suffering like that. Besides the law allows for the use of mind-reading spells if a life is in jeopardy or if a serious crime must be dealt with. That filly's life was in jeopardy and no mistake. I never meant to intrude on the Emissary's mind but it happened." Celestia sighed, "I am conflicted sister. I know what he knows and I don't feel right about using it against his people, but the things they have done are . . . monstrous beyond my wildest, most twisted nightmares. Yet, there are a few wholesome examples of what they can accomplish, deeds which would humble some of our greatest heroes and legends. They are a dichotomy of polar opposite extremes."

Luna watched her sister pensively,
"What do you plan to do sister?"

"I have called into action all of the Royal Guard. They will act as our support. The new species is omnivorous. They obviously can't be allowed to hunt animals but they can eat fish. The Pegasi Regiment is already burdened, so I sent fishing nets with the Unicorns and Earth Pony Regiments. I woke you up so you could aid me Luna. This situation is balanced on a razor's edge and could tip either way in the blink of an eye. These beings, these Humans they call themselves, are too different from Kavim for me to try to handle on my own. I've learned my lesson, two heads, especially ours, are better than one. Tell me, what would you do?"

"A difficult question." Luna said plainly, "An unbalanced one as well, for I do not share your knowledge of these beings. However after hearing what you've said about them, I would rally the entire Guard and have them in full battle raiment but also transporting necessary goods for this new species. I would be willing to meet with them and see if there could be some sort of understanding reached. If an understanding was reached, they would receive the supplies and we would begin attempting to learn about them. If an understanding was not reached however, they would still receive the supplies but be escorted to the border of our nation and told not to return on pain of imprisonment."

Celestia nodded solemnly, but grinned slightly,
"We think alike sister. I've already prepared everything for that exact scenario. I don't relish the thought of putting any species out like that but after the Changeling attack we have to be more strict and stern."

Luna nodded,
"Verily, it was a bitter lesson indeed." Princess Luna lapsed into silence for several seconds before speaking once more, "Do you think there is any hope for these Humans, sister?"

"There is hope for all sentient beings Luna. Discord is proof of that. There is hope for the Changelings and I believe there is hope for these Humans as well. It will be up to them, whatever happens. They will decide their own fate, we will only be the ones to follow through with their own decision." Celestia said gazing off toward the distant horizon.

"I am disappointed in you sister, and hurt as well." Princess Luna's face and posture showed open emotion, "I would have thought you would have come to me immediately for council instead if making the preparations yourself when they might not have been wise. We are supposed to rule together and I will have it be so."

Celestia laid her ears back and her posture slumped subtly,
"It was never my intention to exclude you Luna but old habits are difficult to break. I apologize for neglecting to have you in the decision making process."

"I forgive thee . . . you, Celestia but be more mindful in the future. I do not wish for us to quarrel, but I will not be overlooked for the sake of convenience or expediency."

"I understand." Princess Celestia said nuzzling her sister, "I was thinking that perhaps you might be better able to deal with the Humans."

Luna's ears turned toward her sister,

"I fear I have grown somewhat distant in my time ruling alone. You, though, are very much in touch with your feelings and might be able to sympathize with the Humans, they tend to be frequently at the mercy of their emotions. Also it would give you a chance to work with a group who have no knowledge of the Nightmare incident to taint their opinions. It is your decision of course."

"This has the feel of a ploy to misdirect my focus so you can rule as you have grown accustomed." Princess Luna said, her tone emotionless.

"Never!" Celestia whispered, deeply wounded, "I would never do such a thing!" she softly nuzzled her sister for several long minutes.

Luna's face remained impassive as Celestia looked at her,
"You're still hurt aren't you Luna." it was no question, "I'm so sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way."

"My bitterness is waning but some still remains. I apologize for my harsh accusation." Luna apologized.

"No, I should have thought of how you might interperate it." Princess Celestia said quietly.

"We are both at fault sister. We were likewise both at fault for the Nightmare incident. Let us focus on making the right decision, since it appears we have arrived."

Looking down, both Alicorns could see a wide field with several, what looked to be, grave sites of fresh dirt,
"This does not bode well Tia." Luna said turning to her sister, "It seems that either some of our Guards have slain several of the Humans, or they have done so to each other."

"No, all but a few of those are from Humans who were injured by large hail before they came here and died." Princess Celestia informed her younger sister, "Can you see them, Luna?"

* * * * * * * *

Standing on a plateau with a crystal clear stream running through it stood seven people,
"We gotta go Joyner!" Jewel hissed nervously, "Everyone else is already gone."

Jewel was wearing a blanket tied around his middle and had a set of straps hanging over each shoulder which joined to a saddlebag on his chest and back. There were two filled canteens hanging off hooks attached to the saddlebags.

"I don't like this." Joyner said sourly gazing out over the field below, "What we've done . . . I don't like it."

"It's the only thing we could do. No relief effort comes carrying armor, weapons, and nets. They meant to catch or kill us. It's the only explanation that makes sense." Vacca said sourly.

"Yeah, and I think our response was perfect." Hord said, "It will send the message we want without unnecessary bloodshed."

"I thought Marines were killers." Kaneesha said.

"We are capable of it and we're good at it, but that doesn't mean we're bloodthirsty barbarians. We kill when we have to, that's all." Hord said, slightly offended.

"Have the weapons, nets, and equipment we stole, been secured and distributed? I know the injured are secured, right Jewel?" Joyner asked.

"Done and done." Jewel said fingering the long dagger hanging on a baldric at his waist.

Joyner hefted the trident he had liberated. Its net counterpart hung on the bag on his chest
"Then let's just settle down and watch what happens." he turned his eyes to Kaneesha, "Are you certain you saw more of them on the wing?"

Kaneesha nodded,
"Yeah. They was flyin' a bunch of big crates."

"Crates large enough to be filled with captured humans?" Vacca asked.

"Easily." Kaneesha confirmed.

"If they're flying we should be making tracks. They'll be able to spot us from the air for sure." Masonete said calmly.

"I need to see their reaction to the message we left in the field." Joyner said peering down to the field.

* * * * * * * *

Princess Celestia stared at the armored earth pony standing in front of her with disbelief,
"You were robbed Barricade?" she asked, "How? How did anything get past your sentries? What was taken?"

"Almost everything. All weapons, many medical supplies, almost all the tools, and every scrap of food except for hay. It happened last night. None of the sentries we posted ever heard or saw anything unusual." Barricade answered angrily.

"Weapons?" Princess Luna asked, "Were any of your Guard injured?"

"No, Princess, none at all." Barricade said shifting his stance in agitation, "None killed either. The thieves left a large number of weapons right here in the field. They're taunting us."

"Thank you for the information Commander Barricade. I need to speak with my sister." Princess Celestia said.

The two Alicorns turned and strode away from the gathering of their embarrassed Royal Guard, heading toward the distant pile of weaponry, as they chatted quietly,
"It had to have been the Humans. There is no other explanation." Luna said evenly.

"I agree, they were sending a message." she raised her head toward Canterlot mountain, "It seems crystal clear to me, our Guards though, are allowing personal feelings to taint their vision. The Humans mean to send a very specific message."

"They're telling us they have the capability of getting in close and taking what they want. They could have murdered a great number of our ponies, they had the ability and opportunity. They left weapons here for all to see. They could have caused great mayhem but they did not." Luna said, "I wonder what it was that caused them to react in this fashion. To be willing to risk open conflict against a military force with superior numbers? It is puzzling."

A moment of clarity struck Celestia like a lightning bolt,
"The nets!" Celestia hissed angrily, scoring the ground deeply with her right fore hoof in frustration, "That must have been it. I should have consulted the Emissary's memories. We could have avoided this." her eyes roamed the field and forest, "They think we meant to do them harm." Celestia said out loud.

Luna narrowed her eyes,
"This makes the situation much more complex . . . and tenuous. We must tread carefully."

* * * * * * * *

"That's enough." Joyner said, "Let's make tracks."

"What did you see?" Hord asked.

"There were two of them and they were much larger, King and Queen maybe. They looked angry. The big one scuffed the ground several times. That's a sign of aggression. We need to go, now. They may well come after us. Spread the word. These creatures are to be avoided at all costs."

"Was Pering there?" Masonete asked concerned.

"No. He wasn't, not that I could see." Joyner said sadly, "He's lost to us now. If you encounter one of these creatures, run."

"What if we can't run?" Kaneesha asked.

"Fight." Joyner said darkly, "At that point it's either them or you. It's the law of nature, kill or be killed." he turned his eyes to Kaneesha, "Defend yourself . . . kill."

Author's Note:

This chapter is completed, edited, and formatted.

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