• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Adda le Blue

Occasional author, overbearing aunt, and live-action horsewife.


They say everypony has a soul mate, one being they are destined to find and connect with. If that soul mate is lost it is up to the survivor of the pair to find ways to cope. Some never do.

[ 'True Love' tied for second place in Surry's Eggcellent Egghead Competition! Congratulations to the winner, The DJ Rainbow Dash. ~Adda ]

[ Preread by three of my favorite ponies ever - Wolfcape, Specimen021, and Razzle Dazzle. Thanks for putting up with me! :heart: Cover art by Antiander. ]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 127 )

This is so sad but that D'awwwww at the end though xD


I was hoping my entry in the contest would be original. Ah, well, c'est la vie. This was a nice read. The flying scene in particular was really well done. I've tried writing flying before, and you smoked me.

I did notice one problem though:


was doing great. Twilight was panting for breath and her wing joints were on fire, but she soon found herself wearing a goofy grin as she stared down at the treetops whizzing by. “I'm doing it!” she crowed.

Good luck in the contest!

you beautiful fucking genius.......

Nicely done. Good luck in the contest!

Then I did my job. :pinkiehappy: Thanks, mochi!

Oh, look who it is! I haven't read 'Shattered Dreams' yet, but I have to say it's the one that interests me most out of the other contest entries. I'll let you know what I think of it when I'm done!
Thanks for the kind words. :twilightsmile: How is yours not original anymore, though? Hay, why am I asking you? I'll just read it and find out. :rainbowlaugh:

I did notice one problem though:

Is it the lack of italics on 'was'? That was for emphasis. If it hadn't been a dream sequence, it would have been 'She was doing great'.

Love you too, BronyPonyMan. I'm glad to see you here!

Thanks, Shadow_Wolf! I haven't read the other submissions yet, but I'm optimistic about this one. :twilightsmile:

Welp, I'm interested. :derpytongue2:

Uh, no, it looks to me like there was a paragraph break mid sentence. "She" was hanging by itself, and the rest had its own paragraph with an empty line between them.

Just so you know... You're dead. Tough day, am I right?

4301437 wouldn't miss it for the world. can't wait to see what else you come up with!

Glad to hear it, Surry! I can't ask for more of an opinion until the contest is over, but I'm sure you'll give me your thoughts when the time comes.

That's odd; it looks fine to me. Does anypony else see a line break there?

At least she took it rather well. :rainbowlaugh:

Nor can I, haha. I think my main priority now will be 'That Which I Hold Dear', but if the inspiration doesn't strike then I don't know what I'll do in the meantime.

Ava approves! I know I'm not supposed to give my opinion, being a judge, but hell! I don't even know if I'm still a judge! Being cooped up in this hospital bed has a way of screwing over all coordination and plans. I don't know, what do you think 4301441?

Curious. I second that question, can anyone else see it?


was doing great. Twilight was panting for breath and her wing joints were on fire, but she soon found herself wearing a goofy grin as she stared down at the treetops whizzing by. “I'm doing it!” she crowed."

That's exactly what I see in the first comment I left, and I see it in the story itself. Is Cthulu living in my computer?

4302003 Of course. I'll leave thoughts on all the entries. :pinkiesmile:

4302203 Sorry, judges can't be in hospital beds. :applejackunsure: (Just shitting you) Lol, of course you're still a judge! :rainbowlaugh:

I'm sure you're fine, hon. You know better than I do that Surry wouldn't let a minor setback like blunt force trauma to the head hold you back!
That said, I'm glad you enjoyed the story... And 'Miss Sparkle' too, if I remember correctly. :pinkiehappy: I'm sure I've seen you in my feed before. Maybe I'll see more of you around the Army's message boards!

Even worse... It might be Pinkie Pie! :pinkiegasp:

This is going to feel like an eternity. We still haven't gotten the results of Blundy's contest over at the TwiDash group either! I can't handle this much anticipation! Oh well... Take your time and have fun with the entries. :twilightsmile:


Adda, if there's one thing you are really, really good at it's coming up with unique stories and telling them in a very magnificent fashion. That, and you certainly aren't afraid of creating conflict, which is quite refreshing to see happen. Most writers (i.e. me) are too frightened to tread that far, and I genuinely respect you for pushing the TwiDash-literary envelope.

I'm not sure if I should be sad or happy for how things ended for Twilight. On the one hand, she's dead and has left all of her friends and family behind until they, well, die. And even then would they find Twilight and Rainbow in the afterlife? Bah, too early for metaphysical philosophical questions. But on the other hand, Twilight is reunited with Rainbow. So... yay?

Best of luck in the contest!

Aww! :heart: Thanks, Timaeus! You give me too much credit, you really do. I don't know how I'd have pushed the envelope with this one, unless you mean the way I forced a moment of Twijack down a bunch of Twidashers' throats, haha.

I'm not sure if I should be sad or happy for how things ended for Twilight...

Nor do I, but since Twilight is happy I'll be happy for her; I'm sure her friends will too. :twilightsmile:


What I meant by "pushing the envelope" here was that, in most sad fics where one or the other dies, there isn't really a happy ending. Though I suppose "happy" should be quotation marks here :derpytongue2: Or, I suppose, it kinda challenges the normal set-up for sad/tragic fics in which Twilight or Rainbow dies.

And yeah, the TwiJack moment was a part of it. As a TwiJack shipper, I'll admit part of my shipping-heart bled a little. But then there was TwiDash so it's okay.


As a TwiJack shipper, I'll admit part of my shipping-heart bled a little.

Mine too, Timaeus. :ajsleepy: Best Pony deserves better.

4304566 Miss Sparkle was an amazing story. It was well-written, perfect length (in my opinion) and regularly updated. That's more than can be said for a lot of stories out there (including mine). But then, there's Surry, Bassie, and TDF. I must learn their ways...

4304047 Oh good, I was worried that a little concussion would remove my judge privileges. :pinkiecrazy:

I haven't read many of their works yet, but I dream of the day I write something as moving as The Amethyst!

4305705 Sounds like your brain is perfectly functional to me. :twilightsmile:

4306489 While I'm very honored you think my story was good, I think you give me a little too much credit. :twilightsheepish:

Perfect. Absolutely perfect!!! :rainbowkiss:

Another one. Good job!!! Luv, Luv, LOVED it!!!


I love this fic, but, my brain hurts, and somebody explain how RD died in case i missed it, im just a bit confused is all, my mind tells me she died during the flying sequence, but... im not so sure.

Author Interviewer

I'm being premature in saying this, because I still have to read Infinite and it sounds good, but this is my favorite entry in the contest and I hope it wins. :D

I suppose I can come on a bit strong, haha. I'll try to tone it down. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop throwing the link to your story at anypony who's looking for sweet Twidash, though! :pinkiehappy:

Hi, Melody! It's good to see you again. I'm glad you liked this one as much as the last! I don't think I'd call it perfect, but tenouttaten hearts isn't bad! :twilightsmile:

You didn't hear it from me :raritywink: but Rainbow died three years before Twilight started dating Applejack. She went out violently, if that new scar is any indication. Twi's flight with Rainbow Dash was just a dream of a memory. Sorry to confuse you, Rainbooms - can I call you Rainbooms? - but I'm glad you liked the story anyway!

Thanks, presentperfect! I haven't read any of the other entries of the Twidash Army's contest and I've only read a few from the other contest I'm currently taking part in - Blundy's challenge over at the TwiDash group. Most of my free time is spent visiting with friends, working around the house or editing a story for a friend. I suppose I'd better make some time for that before the contests are over. :twilightsheepish: No time like the present, eh? First 'Shattered Dreams', then 'Regicide Squares', then the rest of the Army's entries. I think I'm in for a treat!
Edit: Just from the first impression, I think I'm going to enjoy 'Fall Down'. The style is quite unique, and that could be either very good or very bad depending on how this goes. I'll let you know when I get to it!

thank you for answering my question, i loved the story either way, i followed you so i could read more, though i am somewhat surprised that you answered me, i normally get answers from people just floating around. i also cant wait to see more things you, you're a great writer, stuff like this is the reason i think people judge this fandom too hard, of course i cant talk, i was once an oblivious moron too :twilightsheepish:.

4323884 Well, I thank you anyway then. :twilightblush:

No problem! Hey, if you can take the time to voice your thoughts on a story of mine, then surely I can take the time to respond. After all, I wouldn't be here if not for you guys. :rainbowkiss:

I was once an oblivious moron too. :twilightsheepish:

Who here wasn't? :rainbowlaugh:
As for reading more of my stories... Well, I think I did a good job on 'Miss Sparkle' and I hope to get back to 'That Which I Hold Dear' eventually, but 'Folksong' needs a lot of work and I don't think 'Somepony Like Star Swirl' is going anywhere. I have plenty of other stories to tell, though! I hope to see you around when they come together.

4324384 Yeah! I'll make sure to read them, haven't had a chance quite yet. I'm actually planning a story of my own, but i have to write it in my free time. Which, granted, i have a lot of, but school is kinda frustrating when your teachers are putting you in special ed. classes 'cause of a bad history. but now I'm just rambling. But what i meant about the moron part, and I'm ashamed to say this, but until i watched MLP i was a HUGE jerk, hating on something I'd never seen, i wasn't even a Brony until, like, January.

Author Interviewer

It's probably bad. :V

Spoilers: This is my favorite entry after all. V:

If they're worried about your past, then prove to them that your future will be better. :twilightsmile: It might take a while but if you really do change for the better, they'll catch on eventually.
Most of us were there at one point or another. I didn't hate MLP, per se, but I didn't give it a chance either for the longest time. I'm glad you found something that makes you happy, and a group to share it with. In the words of Patrick Kindlon, "better a child should die than live bereft of subculture!"

Oh, I don't know about that. My reading was interrupted by the landlord, but I should be able to get through the rest tonight. I'll let you know what I think of yours in its comments section as soon as I get to it. I'm saving it for next-to-last, haha. 'Infinite' is last because featured stories make me nervous. :twilightsheepish:
Speaking of which, is 'True Love' really your favorite? :pinkiehappy: I don't know what to say! I only spent a week on it and 'Infinite' got featured and everything... Well, to be honest I'm losing my faith in the feature box. I guess I'll just have to give it a read.

4324559 Yeah, thanks, its nice to know theres a forgiving place on the internet, even though it has its moments, i can't imagine living without mlp at this point, sorry about grammar compared to my previous comments, im actually writing my story now, first chapter should be up tonight, i wanted to write before my ideas left me, as usual it comes to my head while im taking a shower, lol, im not the only one who gets a lot of ideas from walks and showers right? when its up, i would really appreciate it if you could read through it and give me some pointers, more of my writing experience is from rushing stuff in english, so im not very good, of course i would completely understand if you dont want to or don't have time, i just need some help, just like i needed a boost to admit to my friends i was a brony :twilightsheepish:

Author Interviewer

Lost my faith in the featured box long ago. :B

But I didn't write a crowd-pleaser in the least. (I just checked, and my fic has the worst up/down ratio of the lot. :B)

I get a lot of my inspiration from warm baths with cold birch beer. :twilightsmile: Scaring myself awake from a nightmare works too, as does working with my hooves.
Just keep me in mind and drop me a line when it's finished. I'll see what I can do. Just so I know, how far through school are you?

Yeah... The amount of uninspired crossovers and tasteless porn flooding it these days is simply disheartening. I can't really deal with clop, but I have to leave the mature filter on because one of my stories is tagged mature. There are times when I regret it, though. The one that ruined it for me was called 'Busting a Nut in Babs' Filly Butt'. Clop? I can ignore that. Fucking pedo stories? I almost cried.
But on a lighter note, your story is wonderful and don't let anypony tell you otherwise!

4325563 lucky for you i just finished it a little while ago, and believe it or not, im actually only in eighth grade, not even in high school yet, :twilightsheepish: but i still did my best to keep my grammar in check...

In that case I'll have to take a rain check, because I have to wake up for work in three and a half hours and I want to catch at least some sleep before then. Well, PM me the link and I'll see what I can do for you tomorrow! G'night, Rainbooms.

4325613 k the link will be in ur inbox tomorrow :twilightsmile:

Oh wow this was published a week ago? Jesus, I am out of it.

I had to read this again. There was so much that I missed the first two times I tried to read all of it. I still cried halfway through the breakup and I don't think I stopped until I got to the end. But with what you and I talked about in the PM... It feels better now. I feel like I can move on now.

Things make more sense now.

That cover image too... That cover image just tugs at my heart every time I see it. It's so gorgeous, so perfect for this story. It just hurts, in a good way now, to look at it.

I wanted to say something in your comment section. I didn't feel like the PM conversation we had was enough to... Maybe it was. Sorry. I'm being rambly again.

Cheers and long dreams to us all, even unto the end of time.

Sorry about that. Apparently I got a little too excited and forgot to message the three of you after I posted it. :twilightsmile:

I made Spider-Man cry and I feel no shame. I'm a bad pony. :rainbowlaugh:
I'd call that high praise. Thanks, Surry!

You went through that kind of punishment three times? Wow... You must really enjoy the story. I'm glad you've found your way through the bitterness and into the sweet. Thank you so much, Noble.
The cover image is part of a series of six portraits by Antiander; all six of them are absolutely breathtaking. I found this one by chance on Google Images and by a stroke of luck it matched the story perfectly, from the background's color scheme to Rainbow's longer mane!

Cheers and long dreams to us all, even unto the end of time.



Wow... You must really enjoy the story.

It's a beautiful, ultimately heartwarming story about love and eternity. How could I not enjoy it?

I just had to get out of the dark place I was in to feel the warmth. It's helping me to write the next chapter of Mare in the Moon, wherein heartwarming things start to happen.

4338462 Don't thank me.

I thank you for entering my contest.

I'm sure that writing happiness will help it reach your heart as well. I should be able to start 'Mare in the Moon' tomorrow; I planned to read it today but I've been unable to do anything but respond to notifications since I logged in!

:pinkiehappy: I hope the rest of the Army enjoys it as much as you did.

4338670 For the ones that haven't read it yet, I'm sure they will. If I had been drinking or something, I probably would have been sobbing like a baby.


My emotions seem to be dead. The closest I can come is feels. I'm glad everyone else is getting misty-eyed, though.

I'll consider that a victory. :twilightsmile:

Good enough for now! Maybe someday soon we can bridge that gap between feels and emotion.

4339719 You should. (or shouldn't, depending on how you feel about the story as a whole)

sorry it took me so long to comment on this, I normally read on the way to and from school, making impossible to comment right after i read it, any way, it's good... I'm not that good at expressing how i feel about something.:twilightblush:

Pardon my French, but... connerie sainte! (holy shit) :pinkiegasp:

This is amazing! :raritystarry::heart::heart::heart:

I do sort of want a spin-off of some sort from Luna's perspective. It seemed like Rainbow wanted to tell her something important about her death, but she kept cutting her off. I would be very interested in the aftermath. :pinkiehappy::heart:

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