• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Adda le Blue

Occasional author, overbearing aunt, and live-action horsewife.


The first of what I hope will be weekly entries to the Word of the Week Quickfic Challenge group! This week's Word is castellated.

Princesses talk, and some have grown worried about Luna's seclusion. They make an effort to rectify this. Luna, of course, is displeased.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

uhhhh that is the most funny story ever!! :rainbowlaugh:

Yussssss! :yay:

whelp, now I'm embarrassed :twilightblush:

This is great :rainbowlaugh:
I don't know how you played so perfectly to my sense of humor but I love it. Also, I loved that twist at the end. It was surprising, though in retrospect it shouldn't have been. And also adorable.

Well done.

That was really good! There are a couple + signs randomly about for some reason, might wanna nix those.

Wonder what Twilight felt about her marefriend calling her basically a filly. :duck: Maybe it was some slight self-deprecation about being a cougar.

Liked it.

I really like this story hote to read a sequel maybe one were Celestia and Cadence want to try and set Twilight up with some pony and drage Luna to help who is olny hleping because she wants pay back from what happen in this story as well as hopeing that Twilight might just tell Celestia and Cadence that Twilight and Luna have been dateing for some time now.:twilightsmile:

"We are wed to the land." = Most in character Luna line ever lol. :rainbowlaugh: Cute, I liked it! And the TwiLuna came along at just the right time--I was waiting for it lol.

"Oh, don't be so old-fashioned, Luna!" Celestia said with a smile. "It's not healthy to spend your days and nights alone."

"We like being alone!"

Me and my family. Right here.

Cadance just stared at her, grinning like a sugar addict in a life-sized gingerbread house.

Pinkie Pie hath poss'd th' Princess!

I found this fairly entertaining. I can take or leave the twist at the end, though. The story works with and without it. Still, an enjoyable read deserves a thumbs up.

This ship is accepted. The twist at the end was perfect, and I loved the ' We are wed to the land' line

Also congrats, you won the contest for this week! :twilightsmile:

To be bested by a story this good is almost as sweet as winning.

Well met, stranger. Have a like.

This short fic managed to be both silly and touching, without jarring from one to the other. Well writ!

Ah, that was fun. Though I'm kind of wondering how many whirlwind romances of limitless passion Celestia's guilty of...

Here's to respecting other peoples' privacy!

Oh dear... I sure let that get out of hoof.

Really? I must admit I'm surprised... I barely put any effort into this one. :twilightsheepish: Thank you so much for your kind words.

Looks like somepony's a Twiluna shipper. :rainbowkiss:

I'm glad you liked it. Adorable is the best compliment I could hope for! Forgive me for the :twistnerd:; the characters write themselves.

Fixed! Thank you for pointing them out.

Well, one must wonder if the thought was entirely sincere. On the other hoof, one must wonder how an alicorn who has seen an eternity would view somepony barely, if even, twenty. I'll leave that up to you! And wouldn't all ageless alicorns who don't date other ageless alicorns be cougars? :raritywink:

Perhaps I like ponemotes too much. No apologies!

Got hype!!!

A sequel? I can't see it happening, but I wouldn't say it's out of the question... I suppose we'll have to see what inspiration future challenges bring!

I'm glad you thought my characterization was alright. Honestly, it's been months since I watched the though so I was worried I'd have misrepresented the characters somehow. Season six is already on the way and I'm still half a season behind! :raritydespair:

Ha! :pinkiehappy: I was wondering who'd bring Pinkie up. She's the best kind of comic relief.

I'm with you there, to be honest; I don't dislike the ship, but I'm yet to be convinced that it works. I'm glad you liked it anyway!

Um... Care to suggest something to convince me to accept the ship? I'm open to it, but I don't really... support it... Iunno. :twilightblush:

N'awww... That's sweet of you. Thanks, Chillbook.

Yay! I can't believe I pulled off a rom-com. I usually dislike rom-coms, haha. Or do I just dislike Ryan Reynolds? :scootangel:

I bet Noble knows... Hear hear! I'll raise a birch beer to that.

Yep, I really need to cut back on ponemotes. I have a serious problem. But! Last but not least:

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yay! See you in the thread!

Rather heartwarming and silly.:3 Yaysong~

7003621 That's ok. I will send you random twiluna ship flics till you can see why we like it. Ship it like fedex:pinkiecrazy:

7003621 okay thanks for letting me know

good story, is huge fan of luna and tiwlight being togeather.......

Hang in there, Boss. Your sister may be an idiot, but she's family!

Heartwarming and silly? Two of my favorite things! I'll call that a win.

And I will read them at a rate of once a blue moon, haha. Faster than that, I hope.

I'm glad you liked it. Maybe i'll write some more about them in the weeks to come.

That sums up every sibling relationship ever. :twilightsmile:

7004341 should mkae few more chapter because why not make it awakerd with the other princess try to set twilight up, as well....

Then I'm happy for you.:yay:

Thank you, random policemen! :rainbowkiss:

As I told sakuralovelight, I don't see that happening. I can't rule it out but it's not on the agenda. Sorry, hon!


Hey, my OTP is Twilestia so I'm no stranger to the cougar sisters. :rainbowlaugh:

And yeah, when you're several thousand years old, you get to choose between cradle-robbing or other god-like beings for dating, and one is just way less of a headache than the other.

Okay, the twist made this one.

Heh~ the dialogue between characters is what really made this shine to me, it had good conflicting chemistry. Thank you, this was fun to read!

Good, fun story with a heartwarming ending. Perfect evening reading to relax after a long day. :twilightsmile:

"Wonderful," she interrupted with a sigh. "An overbearing sister, the Princess of Love, and a filly barely old enough to be called a mare have decided that We lack companionship in the night."


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