• Published 6th May 2014
  • 11,725 Views, 680 Comments

Shades of Night - Sketchy Changeling

When a friend tells you that they have a secret, your gut reaction is to say that it's no big deal, but what if it turns out to be just that? A big deal. A REALLY big deal. How does that affect the friendship?

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Chapter Three - Moving In

“You guys are moving in together!?” Klaus shouted in shock.

“Could you speak up a little?” Maud asked. “I don’t think Equus heard you.”

“Sorry, but this is totally out of the blue!” said the griffin.

“It was for us, as well,” Nightshade told him.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, when I came home yesterday, I found a notice on my door saying that my building was going to be demolished and that I had a week to move out. With no other option, I called Noah and told him about my situation and that’s when he suggested that I move in with him.”

“How noble,” Maud said as she sipped her tea. “And I wasn’t being sarcastic, in case I sounded that way.”

“I believe you,” I chuckled.

“So, I guess you guys want to get this move done ASAP, then?” Klaus asked.

“For sure,” answered Nightshade. “Thankfully, I don’t have that much stuff to move, so Noah and I should be able to handle it ourselves.”

“Yeah!” I suddenly blurted out. “We can totally do it on our own, so there’s no reason for you guys to help. No reason at all!”

I nervously chucked as sweat rolled down the back of my neck. “Smooth, Noah. Real smooth,” I thought.

“Um… okay?” the griffon said as he gave me a confused look.

I really needed to stay cool, and I was not doing a good job at that so far, but after what I had been through in the past eighteen hours, could you really blame me?

When I made the offer to Nightmare last night, her face instantly brightened up, and she gave me an open-mouthed smile.

It was then that I noticed how sharp her teeth were, and I instantly started to question my decision.

“You really mean it?” she asked excitedly.

“Suuuuuuuure…” I said, wondering if my head was screwed on right.

She got up on her hooves and rushed towards me with a happy grin. I instinctively shielded myself with my arms, and the next thing I knew, Nightmare Moon’s arms were wrapped around me in a tight hug.

“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” she repeated. “You really are my best friend, Noah!”

Was I really her best friend? I wasn’t even sure anymore… Then again, was it really okay for me to simply change my opinion just because she turned out to be somepony else? If they had the same personality, it didn’t matter, right?

My train of thought was derailed when Nightmare tightened her hug, and I felt how soft her fur was. My head was resting against the trap of her shoulder, her soft, black coat caressing my cheek.

Sure… maybe letting her stay with me won’t be such a bad idea. I’ll just keep my guard up in case anything bad happens. If she was a mare of her word, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about, right?


“Do you have anything that you’ll be taking with you?” I asked as she released me, though I doubted that she had much.

As I expected, the alicorn shook her head. “No,” she answered. “I don’t really have any clothes, per-se. I just conjure up whatever I feel like with my disguise spell, although the drastic difference between my physique and Nightshade’s doesn’t help much when I change into my true form.”

“Well, how about we get you settled in tomorrow afternoon? You can stay here one more night, right?”

“Sure,” Nightmare answered. “I’ve been living here for months. One more night won’t kill me.”

I was really glad to hear that. In all honesty, since Nightmare Moon had no personal belongings of hers, she could’ve just come home with me that night, but I needed a night to gather my thoughts.

The events of that night were stressful enough; adding a move-in on top of that was not a good idea at the time.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then, Noah?” she asked.

I let out a long sigh. “Yeah, sure.”

After my last class of the day, which ended at five PM, I met up with Nightshade at the school’s main entrance. We waited for the shuttle to pass by, and as we got on, my pulse began to race, getting faster and faster with each passing second.

Nightmare Moon, THE Nightmare Moon, was gonna be living with me in my apartment!

But… she’s my friend, right? I can trust her, right?

“Are you okay, Noah?” Nightshade asked me.

“Who, me?” I asked, surprised. “I’m fine, just fine!”

The unicorn tiled her head and gave me a confused look. “You don’t look ‘just fine’ to me.”

“I dunno. It’s just… this whole ‘moving in’ thing is a lot for me to take in right now.”

“Don’t worry so much, Noah. I promise I’ll make it as comfortable for you as possible.”

“Shouldn’t I be saying that? I’m the one that’s taking you in.”

“Perhaps, but it doesn’t really matter, does it?”

I let out a sigh. “…I guess not…”

When we finally got to my apartment, I put my hand under the welcome mat and pulled something out, giving it to Nightshade.

“Here’s my spare key,” I told her. “Use it to get in and out of the house.”

“Thanks,” she said gratefully as she took it.

I unlocked the door with my own key and walked inside, Nightshade following close behind me.

“You’ve been here before, so you know where everything is, right?”


“We’re roommates, now, so what’s mine is yours. You can eat whatever food you want from the fridge, and you can use the TV if you want, too.”

“Thanks, Noah,” Nightshade said from behind me, only… her voice sounded deeper.

I turned around and jumped when I saw that Nightshade had already transformed back into Nightmare Moon.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Did I scare you?”

“No…” I answered. “It’s just that I didn’t hear you transform, is all.”

This was weird… I was usually able to see and hear minute things without even trying. It must have been my nerves distracting me.

I looked at Nightmare as she gave me another concerned look, and then I noticed something about her.

“Your clothes… they aren’t ripped,” I told her.

“I’m wearing stretch fabrics. I figured I’d give myself clothes that could fit my real form as well as my Nightshade form.”

“Oh… okay…” I said as I tried to control my breathing.

“Noah, if this is all too much for you, we don’t have to do this today. I can wait until you’re more comfortable with me.”

I shook my head. “Waiting would probably only stall things. Besides, you’re already here, anyway.”

“If you say so…”

I led Nightmare to my bathroom door, which had another, narrower door next to it.

“I keep extra towels in this closet here,” I told her as I opened the narrow door and handed her a towel. “If you need a new one, just grab one from the top of the stack.”

The alicorn nodded her head. “So, where do I sleep?” she asked.

Shit, I didn’t even think about that. Hell, that should’ve been the first thing that I thought about. I only had one bedroom, and I definitely wasn’t comfortable with her sharing a bed with me.

“Um… give me a minute,” I told her.

I walked down the hall and went into my bedroom, which was the last door on the left. I looked through my closet to see if I could find the air mattress that I would use whenever a relative visited me. I ended up finding it at the very back of the closet, hidden by my hanging clothes. With the box containing the mattress in hand, I got up and I noticed something else in my closet that could be useful. I walked out my room and handed Nightshade the item that I found.

“This is a sweater that my grandmother knitted for me last Christmas. It’s four sizes too big for me, so you can use this to sleep in.”

“Thanks,” Nightmare said as she held the sweater.

“I’m gonna go set this up in the living room and fix up something to eat. You want anything in particular?”

“No, I’ll just have whatever you’re having. I’ll be taking a shower in the meantime.”

“Okay then,” I said as I cleared a space in the living room for the mattress. I took it out of the box and laid it out, and then I started the automatic air pump. With that taken care of, I headed into the kitchen so see what I had to eat.

“I’m not particularly hungry,” I thought to myself, “so I think some ramen noodles will do for tonight.”

I took out two packs of noodles and prepared them while the mattress was being pumped. With the microwave going, I turned on the TV, and it happened to be on the local news channel.

“In other news, star watchers everywhere are already preparing for Mary’s Comet to pass by the earth in two months. This astrological wonder passes by the planet every ninety years, making it a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

Oh yeah… I remember my Physics professor mentioning that comet in class today. He seemed pretty excited about it, too. He showed the class a photo his grandfather took of the comet as it passed by, and even though it was an old picture, the comet looked pretty spectacular, to say the least.

The microwave started to beep, and I opened the door to let the noodles cool off as I carefully removed them from their hot confines. I then got two bowls from the cabinet above me and poured one box of noodles into each bowl.

“Were they just talking about Mary’s Comet on the news?” Nightmare asked from the hallway.

She was done with her shower already?

I turned around to answer her, but then my eyes widened when I saw that she was only wearing her towel.

“Um, yeah…” I struggled to say as I tried not to look at her. With her voluptuous physique, the poor towel was barely long enough to wrap around her without leaving any… open areas. Despite that, I could see some really bountiful cleavage exposed over her huge balcony. Her bountiful hourglass shape that her body possessed didn’t help much, either. Thankfully, her eyes were fixated on the TV, so she didn’t catch me staring. She just stood there, her fur matted with water and her mane and tail hanging down, the water keeping them from perpetually flowing like they usually did.

“Everyone’s really getting excited for this comet,” she said, more to herself than to me.

“Well, it’s supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime event.”

“You know, we should do something for the comet. You, me, Klaus, and Maud, I mean. We could find a nice spot to look at the comet as it flies across the night sky.”

“Sure…” I said. “Um… Nightmare?”

“Yes, Noah?”

“Okay, think. What’s a polite way to tell her to put some clothes on?” I thought as I looked at her. “Errgh… Okay, I think I got it.”

“Um, not to be rude, but you’re dripping water on the floor.”

The alicorn looked down at herself and yelped in surprise. “Oh! I’m sorry! I’ll go get changed!” she said as she took her sweater and went back into the bathroom.

“There, no feelings hurt,” I muttered to myself.

I looked at the hallway floor, and I saw that Nightmare was, in fact, dripping water on the floor. I had honestly forgotten that with all that fur, mane, and tail, ponies tended to soak up more H2O than humans. Agh! I imagined Nightmare without her towel!

I shook my head and sighed. “I guess I should clean that up…”

I set the bowls on the coffee table, turned off the mattress’s air pump, took a dry towel from the refrigerator door handle, and walked over to the trail of small puddles that the mare left behind. I sighed as I got on my knees and began to wipe the floor.

“This is really gonna take some getting used to,” I thought as I dried the last wet spot on the floor.

The next thing I heard was a door opening and the sound of hoofsteps approaching me. I then saw two black hooves in front of me.

“Sorry about the water,” said the mare above me.

I looked up at her, and my eyes widened again when I saw that Nightmare wearing the sweater I gave her, and I had a view of the black panties she was wearing underneath it! Her lower half seemed pretty snug in its lacy confines, but that was none of my business! I shook my head and got up to my feet. “D-don’t worry about it,” I told her. “It’s fine.”

The alicorn smiled and inhaled deeply. “Dinner smells good. Ramen noodles, I presume?”

“Yeah,” I chuckled nervously. “Standard college kid cuisine.”

“Well, let’s not just stand here. Let’s eat.”

“R-right…” I said as we both went into the living room and took a seat on the couch. Nightmare hummed jubilantly to herself as she sipped away at her noodles, while I sat next to her, silently sipping mine.

“This is nice,” the mare said. “It’s a lot better than that old house I had been hiding out in. In fact, I might even say that this is better than my life would’ve been in Equestria.”

“What makes you say that?”

The alicorn sighed to herself and smiled. “Because I have friends now,” she told me as she looked right at me. “I don’t have to be alone anymore.”

“Nightmare…” I said, at a loss for words.

“Could you do me a favor, Noah?”

“Yeah… What is it?”

“Could you not call me Nightmare? I’d prefer it if you called me Moon.”

“Uh, sure… Moon,” I said, trying to get used to the name.

“See? That sounds much better, and a lot less threatening, if you ask me.”

“I guess so,” I shrugged as I finished my food. “You can just put your bowl in the sink when you’re done. I’m gonna go get some blankets for you, okay?”

The mare nodded her head. “Okay.”

After putting my dish away, I went back to my room and got some blankets from the closet, I then returned to the living room to see that Moon had turned off the TV and put her bowl away.

“Here are your sheets, Moon.”

“Thanks, Noah,” she smiled as she took them from me, and I turned around to go back to my room.

“Noah,” Moon called out.

“What is it?” I asked curiously as I turned around, only to be suddenly wrapped in another hug. As the alicorn held me close to her, I could smell the aroma of soap in her coat. It was also softer than when she last hugged me.

“I know I’ve said this several times before, but thanks for letting me stay here,” she crooned. “It really means a lot to me.”

I hesitated to answer her. I didn’t really know what to say. I was still conflicted over whether or not it was a good idea for her to even be here in the first place…

But so far, Moon seemed okay.

“Don’t mention it,” I told her as she let me go.

“Goodnight, Noah,” she said to me. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

I paused for a moment, and then I smiled just a little. “Yeah… see you in the morning.”

Author's Note:

Another chapter done! So, Nightmare... I mean, Moon, has moved in with Noah, and things seem to be going smoothly. Now if only Noah can learn to trust the alicorn.

And because I have this sinking feeling that someone will make this joke, I'm gonna beat them to it: What if some of that water Nightmare was dripping wasn't just water?

Oh, and don't think too much about the comet. There's no magical or mystical thing behind it. It's just a rock.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and I'll catch you guys later!