• Published 6th May 2014
  • 11,726 Views, 680 Comments

Shades of Night - Sketchy Changeling

When a friend tells you that they have a secret, your gut reaction is to say that it's no big deal, but what if it turns out to be just that? A big deal. A REALLY big deal. How does that affect the friendship?

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Chapter Eight - Hints and Insinuations

I was pretty exhausted when I got home from Chemistry class that day. As one would imagine, having to listen to a three-hour lecture on the different types of bonds is really draining, especially when I already knew a good chunk of the material.

“Today was a long day…” I thought as I took my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. “Well, at least I can finally relax in the comfort of my apartment. I’ll fix myself a nice dinner, watch an episode of ‘How It’s Made’, read that comic book I’ve been trying to finish, and then have a good night’s re-”

“NOAH!” A cheerful voice yelled as I was assaulted by a large force, said force being Moon pulling me in for an overwhelmingly tight hug. “You’re home! I’ve been waiting for you!”

“I see that…” I gasped, the air quickly escaping my lungs. Moon then let me go and I was able to breathe again. “How was your time with Maud?”

“Oh, it was fine,” she answered with a wave of her hand. “We just had random girl chatter for a while, and then she had to go to another one of her classes, so I just came back here. I’ve been waiting for a long time for you.”

“How long?”

“Thirty minutes.”

“That isn’t really a long time, you know.”

Moon then pulled me into another, less constricting hug. “A half hour can feel like a year without my closest friend with me!”

“Is that so?” I nervously chuckled. She said that I was her closest friend, but I suspected that there was more to it than that. In fact, there was a lot that I suspected about her actions that day, but I didn’t act on my suspicions just yet. It had only been two days since the party, so I decided to wait and see what Moon’s behavior towards me would be like over the course of the week.

As I had expected, she asked to sleep with me again that night. What I didn’t expect was for her to sleep with me every night after that. It got to the point where she didn’t even ask; she’d just hop into bed with me and make herself comfortable. Every night, she’d pull me close to her and whisper goodnight to me as my head rested against her warm and comfy chest with her heartbeat barely audible to me, and every night she’d visit me in my dreams. Whenever we were alone, Moon was very affectionate with me, and in my dreams, she was even more so.

Especially on one particular night.

They say that most people barely remember the dreams they have, and it’s true. It’s difficult to recollect what goes on in your dreams, unless the dream you had was either very scary, or very shocking.

I’m not quite sure which category I would put this particular dream in.

It was a Wednesday night when I had that dream, and it started with me waking up in a large bed with silk sheets.

You could imagine how confused I was.

I groggily got out of the bed and left the large bedroom, only to find myself in an even larger living room. The walls were painted white, there was a fireplace in the center, and there was a set of sliding glass doors to a balcony with a view of the south Florida coast.

I stared at the room in awe and confusion. “What in the-”

“There he is!” a jubilant voice sang as the mare it belonged to approached me with a skip in her step.

“Moon?” I said. “I guess I’m dreaming again.” Moon’s visits to my subconscious were so routine that I automatically assumed that I was dreaming whenever I found myself in an unfamiliar situation and she was around.

“Do you like what I’ve done with the place?”

“What you’ve done with the place? What do you mean?”

“Well, after three nights of visiting your dreams, I got the idea that I could make your dreams as pleasant as possible so that you can sleep well!”

“Um… thanks?” I said as I looked at the alicorn. She was wearing an apron and a red house dress with pinstriped white sleeves. Jeez! All that was missing was a 50s hairstyle! “What’s with the housewife getup?”

“I’m just going with the theme that I set up for this dream.”


“Yeah! See, you’re a bigshot making a ton of money, you have a house with a beautiful view,” she then pulled me closer to her, holding my head to her chest, “and you have a lovely wife to come home to after a long day at work.”

“Wait… WIFE!?” I exclaimed, that four letter word echoing in my head.

“Oh relax, Noah. Like I said, I’m just fitting with the theme,” she laughed, “although the thought of having you as my husband is rather intriguing.”


“Oh, nothing?”

Nothing? Really? You don’t just drop a bomb like that and just act like you didn’t say it. What was up with her?

“You really should relax, Noah. No need to get worked up over something that isn’t even real,” Moon giggled.

I suppose she was right about that, but still, she was the one that made this dream for me. She didn’t have to make it so that we were married. I found it very hard to take her advice and relax, and just endured as much as I could.

This wasn’t the first instance where Moon’s actions and words have been a little… questionable, for lack of a better word. The very next day, I was free for the morning and I planned to swing by the comic book store to get the newest issue of my favorite series. It was supposed to be a quick trip, and Moon was taking a nap when I left the apartment, so I left a note on the fridge for her so she’d know where I was.

To this day, I wonder if doing that was a good idea.

It was a short bus ride to the comic book store, and I picked up the issue that I wanted.

“Hey there, Noah!” the clerk said as I walked up to her.

“Hey, Cecile,” I said back as I placed the comic on the table.

“I had a feeling you’d be here to pick that up. It’s an awesome issue, by the way. You’ll totally freak when you see the end-”

“Ah! Don’t spoil it!” I yelled, covering my ears.

“Oh, relax. I wasn’t gonna do that to you. I know how much you hate spoilers. Anyway, that’ll be three dollars and ninety-nine cents, please.”

“Sure,” I told Cecile as I got my wallet out. Just then, the store’s door flung open, and a flustered unicorn rushed inside.

“Noah!” she exclaimed as she rushed over to me. “Why did you leave the house without me!?”

“I left a note on the fridge, Nightshade. I said that I’d be back soon. I was just picking up a comic.”

“But you know I don’t like being alone!”

“I thought you’d still be asleep by the time I got back…” I tried to calm her down so that she wouldn’t make a scene, and thankfully, there wasn’t anyone else in the store besides Cecile.

The unicorn looked at the woman behind the counter, and then looked at me. “Who’s this?” she asked in a disarmingly accusatory tone.

“This is Cecile. She owns this store.”

“’Sup,” she said with a smile.

“Cecile, this is Nightshade. She’s my roommate.” I explained.

“Roommate?” she asked curiously. “I don’t remember you having a roommate.”

“I moved in a week ago,” Nightshade told her as she got closer to me. “We’re really close friends.”

“Is that so?” Cecile laughed. “I guess you two go way back, then.”

“Not neces-”

“Oh yeah, we go WAY back. We know practically everything about each other.”

“I wouldn’t say-”

“You’d think that we’ve been living together for years,” Nightshade finished. It really bothered me, the way she was talking. It was as if she was trying to make a point, like Cecile had crossed some nonexistent line and had to be put in her place.

“You don’t say,” Cecile smiled as she handed me my comic. “Well, you two take care, alright?”

“Sure,” I answered. “Say hi to Julian for me, okay?”

“You got it!”

Nightshade and I left the store, the unicorn still walking uncomfortably close to me. “Who’s Julian?” she asked in a bitter voice.

“Cecile’s fiancé,” I answered.

“Oh!” she said, her tone suddenly turning more pleasant. “I guess I had nothing to worry about, then!”

“Nothing to worry about?”

“Oh, forget it. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

I gave the mare a look. “Well, what does matter is the fact that you freaked out over me leaving the house for ten minutes.”

“Well, it’s not like I had any way to contact you in case something happened. My magic isn’t strong enough to defend myself, and I can’t perform telepathic spells yet, so I just teleported here to get you.”

As ridiculous as that excuse was, she did have one point: she had no way of contacting me if we were ever separated.

Not that she’d ever separate herself from me lately.

“I suppose you’re right about not being able to keep in touch with me…” I admitted with a sigh. “Since we’re here, why don’t I get you a prepaid phone?”

“That would be nice,” Nightshade smiled. “You don’t have to get me anything too expensive, though. You’ve spent enough on me already.”

Well, she may have been clingy with me, but at least she wasn’t clingy with my wallet.

After I had gotten Nightshade a phone for her to use, I could tell that she was more comfortable with me being away from her, but she still preferred for us to be together as much as possible, which still made me uneasy, as I liked to have at least some time to myself.

It was Friday night, I had no classes, and Moon and I were talking to Klaus and Maud on the phone while we sat on the couch. The phone laid on the coffee table on speakerphone, and we were all discussing our plans to see Mary’s Comet.

“The drive is about a half hour, so if we leave at seven, we’ll be able to get there, set up, and relax a little before the comet passes at eight.” I said.

“And I was able to get in touch with my sister, and she said that she’ll be able to fly in from Texas and come see the comet with us. That wouldn’t be a problem would it?” Klaus asked.

“No,” Maud answered.

“I suppose not,” Moon said in Nightshade’s voice.

“It’s no problem, Klaus,” I told him, “but is she really gonna pay for a plane to Florida just so she could see the comet with us.”

“Hell no!” the griffon exclaimed. “She’s flying here on her own!”

“On her own?” I asked in disbelief. “But it takes almost twenty hours to get from Texas to Florida by car! You’re telling me that she’s gonna fly that far for that long?”

“Not only can she do that, but she can fly faster than the average car’s top speed. She used to be a police officer in the Griffon Kingdom before she transferred to Earth, and they go hard with their police training.”

“The police force in the Griffon Kingdom does have rather high standards for their officers,” Moon told me with a matter-of-fact tone.

“So, I assume we’re using Noah’s telescope, then?” Maud asked.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I just need to get it out of my closet and assemble it when we get to the beach.”

“And we’ll take my car to get there,” Klaus added.

“So it’s settled then,” I smiled. “Everything’s planned out for Mary’s Comet.”

“Man, this is gonna be so cool!” the griffon yelled.

“I am looking forward to it, as well,” Maud deadpanned.

“Yeah, it’ll be fun,” Moon said with content.

“Well, I gotta let you guys go. I’m about to go make dinner,” I told them.

“Later!” Klaus answered.

“Goodbye,” said Maud.

Moon and I hung up the phone and I made my way into the kitchen to get dinner started. Since I started living with her, I had to watch what I ate more often than usual. Since she didn’t eat meat, I didn’t eat any around her out of respect for her.

“Hm… some rice sounds good for tonight,” I thought as I took out a pack and prepared it. I was pretty lucky that I had the knowledge to cook, and I had my mother to thank for that. She was so worried about my ability to feed myself that she gave me a crash course in cooking the week before I left for college.

She had the right to be worried, though. Prior to college, I couldn’t cook for shit.

“Did I ever tell you that I was always impressed by your ability to cook?” Moon asked me as she approached me in the kitchen.

“I don’t think so,” I answered. “Is she hitting on me now?” I thought. “She’s been dropping hints more and more often.”

Moon kept standing next to me as we waited for the rice to cook, but thankfully it finished cooking before the silence could get to me.

“Alright, dinner’s ready. I’ll fix you a plate.”

“Thanks, Noah,” Moon smiled as she happily pranced over into the living room and sat on the couch. When I brought her plate over to her, she happily took it and I took a seat next to her. “Mmm~ This rice is good!” she said as she had her first taste.

“Glad you like it,” I told her.

“I’m surprised that you don’t have a girlfriend with how good you are at taking care of a lady,” she chuckled. “If it were me, I’d jump at the chance to have a nice guy taking care of me.”

I nearly choked on my food when I heard that, and Moon looked gave me a surprised and concerned look. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just tried to swallow too much food at once.”

“You really should be more careful,” the alicorn said, and she softly rubbed my chest with one hand, while the other was on my shoulder. For a moment, I felt a little apprehensive, but there was a soothing feeling that her touch was giving me. It was like she knew how to calm me down. “Just slow down. Your food isn’t going anywhere, you know. No need to gulp it all down.”

“Uh… sure.” I said, and she removed her hand from my chest, part of me wanting her to continue. I ate the rest of my dinner and put my plate away. “I’ll be in my room,” I told Moon as I walked into the hallway.

“Okay,” she answered as she turned on the TV.

When I went into my room, I let out a long sigh and slumped onto my bed. I looked over to my nightstand; the comic that I bought yesterday was lying right next to my alarm clock, and I hadn’t even read it yet. My mind was too focused on Moon.

“By now, there’s no doubt in my mind that Moon has feelings for me. I’m sure of it,” I thought, “but do I feel the same about her? I mean, she’s a nice mare and all, I do care about her, and we’re definitely closer than best friends, but I don’t know if I really like her in a romantic kind of way.”

Just then, I heard a knock on my bedroom door, and I let out a sigh. “Come in,” I called out, and Moon opened the door and walked in. “You don’t normally knock before coming in here. You usually just come in.”

“You seemed to be pretty occupied when you left the living room, so I thought it’d be better if I knocked this time,” she explained.

“Well, thanks…” I sat there in silence while she approached the bed and climbed in next to me.

“Is something the matter?”

“Not really. I’m just… thinking…”


I didn’t respond.

“What is it, Noah? You know you can tell me anything. When you promised to look out for me, I promised to do the same for you.”

I looked up for a moment, and then I decided to tell her what was on my mind. “Moon, there’s something that I’ve wanted to know about you.”

“Like what?”

“Well, lately you’ve been acting… differently towards me, to put it lightly. You’ve been wanting to spend more time with me, and you’ve been showing more attachment towards me too, and I have to ask: is this because I helped you at that party, or is it because you have feelings for me?”

Despite how much I thought it was the latter, I needed to hear it from her.

Moon’s eyes widened and a blush appeared on her black-coated face. She turned away from me and didn’t answer.

“Sorry for bringing it up so suddenly,” I told her, “It’s just that with what you’ve been doing lately, I can’t help but wonder if there was something more behind it.”

Moon continued to face away from me, her wing hiding her face.

“There was.”

I gave her a confused look, not hearing what she said. “What?”

“I said that there was something more behind it,” she admitted. “I wanted to tell you, but I wasn’t really prepared for it. This was the first time that I’ve… felt something like this for someone else, and I wasn’t really sure how to go about telling you, so I just tried dropping hints so you’d ask me yourself.”

“So you wanted me to be the one to bring it up?”

Moon shook her head and sat up, turning to face me. “I was hoping you would. Instead of just telling you, I wanted you to put the pieces together yourself. It was so much easier for me to just drop hints and make it so that you’d figure it out.”


“Because if I tried to simply tell you, it’d put me in a position of vulnerability… and I don’t like being vulnerable. I thought that if you were the one to ask me, then it’d be easier for me to tell you, but now… it only feels more difficult.”

“So you do have feelings for me, then?” I pointlessly asked.

Moon opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She then looked down and gripped the bedsheets harshly, trying to say at least something, but she ended up lunging towards me with the tightest hug she had ever given me, and the momentum pushed me onto my back.

Thankfully, I wasn’t impaled by her horn.

With me on my back and her body on top of mine, Moon pushed herself up with her arms and looked down at me with eyes that looked almost desperate.

“I do,” she told me. “I do have feelings for you.”

There it was. She had said it, but… why was I surprised? I mean, I saw the signs, and I expected her to say yes, but for some reason, it was still a shock to me.

“It was so difficult…” said Moon.

“What was?”

“Trying to figure out how I felt. I felt that you were different from the other friendships I felt. It was so unfamiliar to me, and I hated not knowing what it was, but when you saved me, I knew what made you different. You’d always be there for me, even when I first revealed myself to you, even though you were terrified of me at first, you still protected me. You kept saying that that’s what friends do, but with all that you’ve done for me, there’s no way that I could think of you as just a friend.” The alicorn lowered her face and gave me an affectionate nuzzle. “I love you, Noah,” she whispered, and she raised her head and looked me in the eyes again, only her gaze was much more passionate. “Do you love me?”

Now I was the one being put into a vulnerable position. I still didn’t know how I felt about her, and here she was, spilling her heart out to me. All her hinting was just a façade to hide how scared she was to really tell me how she felt. Did I really have the heart to disappoint her after she put herself through such a personal trial?

“I…” I struggled to say. Should I lie and keep her happy, or tell her the truth and potentially crush her?

“It’s okay, you don’t have to answer,” she stopped me. “Just let me do this.”

“Do what?”

Moon didn’t answer. She merely lowered her face towards me again, this time to place her soft lips upon mine, my eyes widening when our lips made contact. Her mane cascaded down onto my face, its soft strands caressing my cheeks. I felt her wings and arms slip underneath me and pull me up closer to her, leaving me unable to move in the slightest. That velvety melting feeling came back again, but it was stronger this time, and I was like putty in her hands. Soon, she finally removed her lips from mine, and she looked at me with the same passionate gaze that she gave me before the kiss.

“Was that good?” she asked.

I was nearly speechless. As unsure as I was about how I felt about her, there was no denying that her kiss felt amazing. I felt the same soothing sensation that I felt when she had massaged my chest not ten minutes ago, only this time it was multiplied tenfold.

“Yeah, it was,” I admitted with a nod.

The alicorn let out a sigh. “That’s a relief. I thought that you wouldn’t like it.” She smiled in content and laid down on top of me, minding her horn as she nuzzled me again. “I’m really glad I got this of my chest.”

Yeah, she got that off her chest, but I still didn’t know how I felt. I still wasn’t sure if I felt the same for her. Even so, I decided not to say anything. She didn’t need to hear that at the moment. I feared what her reaction would be if I told her something like that after she had just exposed her feelings to me.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me, and she let out a satisfied hum.

“I should just keep her happy while I try and figure my feelings out,” I thought. “I hope I’m making the right choice here…”

Author's Note:

So, it turns out that Moon does like Noah, and she's convinced that he feels the same, but does he? Not even Noah himself knows the answer! Hopefully he can figure it out soon, for his sake.

Let me know what you guys thought of Moon's confession, I tried not to make it too cheesy, and I'm not too sure how well I did here. Look out for the next chapter soon, and I'll see you guys then.

I'm gone!