• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 13,881 Views, 514 Comments

Twilight Falls, Sunset Dawns - DrakeyC

Sunset Shimmer casts a spell to switch bodies with Twilight. She embraces the royal lifestyle she's always wanted, but the reality falls short of the dream.

  • ...

Chapter 15

Twilight Falls, Sunset Dawns

Chapter 15

"Zecora explained to me what Waljiru Stones are and how to use them, and I came into the castle to switch us back. We fought and talked, and… well, you were there to see what happened when we finished."

As Twilight ended her tale, Celestia’s frown that she had worn without a word since Twilight began it deepened. She shook her head and let out a long sigh. "Unthinkable. After all I have seen, to believe Sunset Shimmer would resort to this…" Celestia bowed her head. "Twilight, you have my deepest and sincerest apologies. I should have known better. Of all ponies to recognize what she had done, it ought to have been me."

Sitting on the balcony beside her, Twilight put a hoof over Celestia’s. "Princess, it wasn’t your fault. You only ever did what you thought was best."

"Yes. I do that often; rely on my own best judgment to make decisions. My heart is foolish and my head more so for listening to it. When I heed the former over the latter, it only leads to disaster."

Twilight frowned. "It didn’t for me."

Celestia looked at her. Twilight looked back and Celestia smiled. "Yes. You are the only thing I’ve gotten right, Twilight. I can only attribute this to being your virtues proving stronger than my vices."

Twilight bit her lip. This isn’t the time. We need to decide what to do about Sunset, but… "She said…" Twilight took a breath. "She said you once told her that you would make me a princess instead of her. Is that true?"

Celestia hesitated and closed her eyes. She breathed deeply. "Yes, I said the words, but I did not mean them. Not the way she took them. You must understand, Twilight. I love you dearly. You are the greatest student any pony could ever hope to teach. But Sunset was not merely my student. She was my daughter. The closest thing I believe I will ever come to my own foal to raise. Even as she grew ambitious and prideful, I loved her. It was that love that destroyed her, that I blinded myself to her flaws until it was too late to save her."

"What did you say?" Twilight asked.

"She said that if you were superior to her, as I oft led her to believe, then you should be a princess instead of her. I replied that the thought had crossed my mind. It was those words that finally shattered her. The pony I loved died that day. In her place rose a being of jealousy and hate, who fled from me into another world because I had spurned her efforts to earn my love."

"But you didn’t mean those words," Twilight said.

"I had indeed spent much time contemplating my intentions for Sunset. She did not have the heart for the ritual that would transform her, and her personality was entirely ill-suited to be a princess. You, however, had all the virtues and nobility that I would expect of someone who was qualified. I realized that you were more worthy of a crown than Sunset."

Celestia moved to the edge of the balcony and looked over it. "Yet, Sunset was entirely devoted to me and this goal. How could I tell her no after so many years of her wanting it and me telling her it was waiting for her?" Celestia shook her head. "In my heart, I had no intent to make you a princess over her, no matter how long I would wait for her to be ready for it. But deep down I already suspected it could not be this way, and that it was your destiny to receive the crown I had already promised to her. My words that day were misspoken, but they were true in their own way."

Twilight nodded and stepped up beside her. "She heard them and didn’t care for an explanation. She left because she thought you didn’t want her anymore."

"Yes. I believed she would return to me and I waited for her, apologies and pleas for forgiveness ready to fall from my lips when she came back. She did not. And for it I have spent five years cursing myself for my weak heart. I could have followed her, I should have. I could have done any number of things to keep her and save us both, but I did not. I failed her, and I failed myself."

Twilight sighed. "Celestia…" Celestia looked down at her. "You each carry burdens that have weighed you down for so long. Can’t you two make amends?"

Celestia’s face hardened. "To what end, Twilight? What can we do with Sunset? She attempted to kill you, and twice has assaulted you with dire consequence. Apologies and hugs will not mend this. There is no more bitter hatred than that which spawns from love spurned, and it is this type of hatred for the two of us that Sunset let consume her. Her complexes will not be easily solved simply by extending a hoof of friendship."

"You’re talking to the wrong pony if you want me to agree with that. Or have you forgotten the title you bestowed on me?" Twilight replied. "No pony is beyond hope. Not even her. We reformed Discord, and nothing Sunset Shimmer did reached the levels of what Discord did."

"You are not wrong, but you are not right, either. Yes, Sunset’s crimes pale in comparison to Discord’s at a glance. But Discord was never hateful or spiteful in his deeds. He is a being of chaos, Twilight. He merely does what he exists to do. Not so with Sunset. She betrayed me, betrayed Rosen, and sought to use what we had taught her in magic to usurp your position."

Twilight nodded. "Put that way, yes, Sunset is the worse of the two. But I stand by what I just said nonetheless. We reformed Discord. We can reform Sunset."

"You thought so before, did you not?" Celestia asked, stepping up to the edge of the balcony. "You left her in the other world in the company of friends, and still she failed. What will be different this time?"

"She’ll have you."

"I have already failed her once before." Celestia sighed. "Truly, Twilight, if she could be reformed it would be a glorious day. Yet it would still be a risk. How can I turn a blind eye to her past when she has repeatedly proven herself unworthy of trust? What if she betrays me again and attempts to harm you?" Celestia looked back at Twilight. "You are asking me to choose between Sunset’s redemption and your safety. Given that choice, I will not put you at risk."

"Then let me," Twilight said, stepping up beside her. "I’ll carry out her punishment as I see fit, and take full responsibility for anything she does for it."

Celestia looked at Twilight evenly and did not speak for several seconds. "And is this meant to absolve my fears, that you would shoulder responsibility for her in my place?"


Celestia turned away. "You are truly too virtuous for your own good, Twilight. Do you fully realize what you are asking?"

Twilight nodded. "I do. I know she’s done terrible things, and she will be punished for them, but I can’t condemn her too harshly in spite of her crimes. And if you knew what I do about her, now, I don’t think you could, either."

"So you have previously indicated," Celestia said. "Her journal clearly contains the secret to some great wisdom that I lack. But, very well. What punishment do you suggest?"

"What would you have me do?"

"Exile from Equestria is the most merciful option. Once upon a time, we delivered death to one who committed such crimes as hers against nobility, but I know none of us here would support that or be the one to say the word. Exile is all that is left. She shall leave Equestria forever to wander the world beyond. Perhaps, someday, she will find happiness of a sort."

Twilight shook her head. "Or, alone and too socially maladjusted to live a normal life, she will die forgotten in the middle of nowhere."

"I admit it is likely, and if so it is the fate she has led herself to."

Twilight scowled and looked over the balcony. She’s right. I hate to accept it, but she’s completely right. Sunset is too dangerous to let her go free. But it isn’t right to exile her, either. One way or the other, we’d be killing her. "There must be another way."

"I have had five years to contemplate her fate, and have yet to find one. If you succeed where I have failed, let me know."

Twilight shook her head. "I’m sorry. But I can’t take your side in this."

"Do not apologize. You only speak the truth. I’ll not deny what you have said of me, Twilight. I only ask that you show the same insight and wisdom when dealing with my daughter."

Twilight padded down the steps to the basement of her castle and headed down the hall. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked up from their posts at a closed wooden door as she neared.

"Anything?" Twilight said, looking between them.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "She hasn’t even moved. She’s awake as far as that goes. We left her food and water like you told us but I’m not even sure she noticed."

Twilight sighed. "Go upstairs. I want to talk to her alone."

"Are you sure?" Applejack turned her eyes Rainbow’s way. Rainbow shook her head.

Twilight nodded. "She has an anti-magic charm on, remember?"

"So did you."

"I’ll be fine. Trust me." Twilight looked between the two, pleading.

Applejack rolled her eyes and gestured Rainbow forward, then glanced back at Twilight. "We’ll be at the top of the stairs. If something happens we’re coming right away." Rainbow Dash gave Twilight a knowing look before following. Twilight waited until their hooves vanished from her sight up the stairs before turning to the door. She cast the unsealing spell and the magical wards on it faded. Twilight pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The room had once been just one of several in the castle Twilight never used. She had no reason to. It was small with no windows, only a magical gem in the ceiling for light, and had no features worth noting.

Now a metal spike had been driven into the floor to hold a chain running to a cuff. The cuff ran around the front-left hoof of a unicorn mare lying on her side facing away from Twilight, a black anti-magic stone set into the metal. Twilight closed the door behind her, leaving her in the room alone with Sunset Shimmer.

"Hello." Twilight spoke so Sunset would know who it was. "I came to see how you’re doing." The only response she got was the continued rise and fall of Sunset’s stomach as she breathed in and out. Twilight looked at the bowl of daisy petals and glass of water nearby. "You haven’t eaten. You should. I think it’s been about two days since you ate last." No response. "You’re hungry. I know you are. Anypony would be. You didn’t eat yesterday either."


Twilight sighed and came forward, stepping around Sunset to look at her face. Her eyes were puffy and half-open, staring blankly at the wall in front of her. Her face was weary, her flesh sagging and her mane falling limp on the floor around her. Twilight’s eyes scanned Sunset’s body, two of her hooves bandaged from where Sunset had attacked Twilight in her body.

Twilight leaned down. "We’ve been discussing what to do with you up there. It’s a tough situation and everypony is disagreeing. I thought it couldn’t hurt to see what you think should be done." Sunset continued to stare at the wall, not moving but to slowly blink after several seconds. Twilight waited to see if it was a sign she was going to answer. Many more seconds passed before Twilight gave up on that hope. She stood up and shook her head.

"Sunset… I know we aren’t close. It’s silly to even need to say that. But I’ve read about what you’ve been through, heard about how much you worked and how long. And I understand why being a princess meant so much to you." Twilight hesitated before continuing. "You’ve done bad things. Awful things. But you could have wreaked havoc with my life and you didn’t, and I heard from my friends about what you were doing. I think there’s still a good pony inside you somewhere." Twilight knelt in front of Sunset. "I want to help you. But I can’t help you if you just lay on the floor staring at the wall."

Twilight waited for her to answer. The only sound in the room was the hissing of Sunset inhaling and exhaling, her eyes looking through Twilight at nothing. Twilight put a hoof under her head and tilted it until she was looking into Sunset’s eyes. Even then she gave no reaction. Her face continued to be blank, eyes lidded and empty. Twilight grunted and stood up, Sunset’s head dropping back to the floor with a dead thump.

"Answer me! Say something! Curse me, hate me, apologize, beg for mercy, anything! For the love of Celestia, Luna and Cadance, just say something!"

Twilight stopped her rant and glared. She waited what seemed an eternity, watching Sunset’s face. Her head was sideways on the floor, a single aqua eye visible. There was a twitch, and Twilight’s face softened. Slowly, Sunset’s mouth cracked open.

"… Why?"

The voice that shattered the silence of the room was weak and hoarse. Twilight wouldn’t have recognized it as Sunset’s voice if she hadn’t seen her speak.

"Why what?" Twilight pushed further. Sunset shook slightly before answering.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I do."

"… That’s a bad reason."

"It’s mine to have." Twilight paused to let Sunset respond. When she didn’t, Twilight spoke again. "Can you move? Sit up and face me. Come on." Sunset didn’t respond verbally, but Twilight saw her body shift. Slowly she moved onto her stomach until she was mirroring Twilight’s position, with her head low and her eyes downcast. Twilight turned her head and her horn glowed. The glass of water and bowl of petals floated in front of her. "Will you eat?"

Sunset’s eyes darted up at the food, then back to the ground. "I don’t deserve your kindness."

"Sometimes we all need to be shown a little kindness." Twilight set the bowl and glass down. "You’ve read my journal. Do you remember who said that?" Sunset nodded. "Then you also know what she did for Discord. Fluttershy showed kindness and friendship to a spirit of chaos and disharmony and it changed him. He became our friend." Twilight lowered her head to look up into Sunset’s eyes. "If Discord can find redemption, why can’t you?"

Staring at the floor, Sunset didn’t answer. Twilight saw her head begin to shake though, and pulled back. Sunset hiccupped, her mouth falling open.

"Because I don’t deserve it." She lifted her head, watery eyes boring into Twilight’s. "I would have killed you if you hadn’t gotten the stone in time. You know that, don’t you?" Sunset swallowed and stopped her sniffling. "I would have done anything to be a princess. I said that all the time. But I never realized I really meant it."

"You wouldn’t have killed me."

"Yes I would have!" Sunset’s hoarse voice rose into a raspy screech and she pushed herself up, her hooves shaking. Tears streamed down her face as she yelled. "I tried to beat you to death with your own hooves! You should hate my guts, you should be banishing me to Tartarus or turning me to stone, not trying to feed me!" Sunset’s rant ceased and her bandaged hooves shook. She collapsed to the floor, crying out as she hit on her side.

Twilight moved to check on her. Sunset’s face was stretched in pain, her breathing laboured. Twilight carefully untangled Sunset’s hooves and unwrapped one of the bandages. The burnt fur had been shaved off so a healing salve could be applied, and the smell of the healing flesh made Twilight recoil. She carefully wrapped the bandage back around and looked at the other. It had already been stained with blood, but she kept it concealed in case it was bleeding again.

"You’re right. I should hate you. But I can’t."

Sunset looked up at her and swallowed, her breathing coming under control. "Why not? And don’t say ‘just because’."

Twilight’s face darkened and she turned away, closing her eyes. "Because…"

"Because what?"

"… Because it could have been me."

Sunset’s eyes widened slightly. "What?"

Twilight opened her eyes. "Celestia was everything to you. I read your journal, I know how deeply you loved her. Then she brought me on as her student. I don’t know why she started spending more time with me than you, but believe me when I say that there’s a place in Celestia’s heart for you I can never touch." Twilight looked back at Sunset. "If I had known about you back then, what she had planned for you. If I’d seen how much more she cared for you… it might have been me plotting to take your life."

"No." Sunset shook her head. "You’re a better pony than I ever was. That’s the point. I was too greedy, too ambitious. I never could have been an alicorn. You’re nothing like me. You’re a true princess, Twilight. You’re everything a pony should aspire to be."

"Are you kidding me?" Twilight gave a short laugh. "I’m obsessive, I’m neurotic, I have panic attacks, and I schedule my life to the point of absurdity! I once stayed up all night worrying about not scheduling enough time next month to make a schedule for the month after!"

"I know. I read it."

Twilight shook her head. "Princesses are not perfect, Sunset. Not me, not Celestia, not Luna or Cadance, and if you had been made a princess it wouldn’t have magically absolved all your flaws either." Twilight leaned closer. "You’ve spent your entire life trying to be something you’re not, for yourself and for Celestia. All you’ve ever needed to be is you. Celestia didn’t adopt a princess. She adopted you."

"Yeah, well, don’t forget ‘me’ is the pony that stole your body. I’m not just imperfect, I’m terrible. The best thing that could happen to you right now is for me to be out of your life forever."

"I don’t think so. You could have banished me to the other world, but you let me stay. I think deep down you couldn’t bring yourself to do that to me."

Sunset snorted. "That doesn’t sound like something I’d do."

"You don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re not the monster you think you are, Sunset. There’s good in you. It may be buried deep beneath hate and despair, but it’s there. And if there is, I can’t give up on you, no matter what anypony else says. That’s why I’m here. Help me help you."

Sunset looked at her for a moment. Then she turned her head away, staring into space. "I’ve had a lot of time to myself in here. Done a lot of thinking. It’s helped. Everything seems clearer, now."

"I know. It was the stone’s magic, it distorts the mind. You weren’t yourself. I had the same effects."

"No. Not the stone, me. Living your life, seeing your friends treat me the way they treat you every day… a lot of things make sense now. That wasn’t the stone’s doing, it was me. And, thinking it all over, Celestia is right. Exile is the best for all of us. I’m a waste of your time otherwise."

"Don’t say that."

"It’s the truth. I can’t go back to the other world, and even if I could there’s nothing for me there. And if I stay here, I’m a threat to you and Celestia. You have to get rid of me, one way or the other."

Twilight thought for a moment. "There must be something in this world that drives you."

"You." The answer was quick and sharp. Twilight tilted her head as Sunset lowered hers. "All I’ve ever thought about since that day I went through the mirror was one-upping you. The only thing that mattered was proving I was just as good a pony as you. Well, I see now that was a waste of time and effort. So, what else is there for me?"

Sunset shook her head. "All I know, Twilight, all I’ve ever been, is an aspirant to the crown. I have nothing else worth living for, never have. So, be done with it. Exile me, banish me to Tartarus, turn me to stone. Whatever you choose, just get it over with. I’ve run my life into the ground two or three times over. What’s left of it isn’t worth trying to salvage." Sunset looked up at Twilight. "Don’t feel guilty for doing what you need to. Like you said back in the throne room, I’ve brought all this on myself."

The room fell into mutual silence again, Twilight watching Sunset lay on the ground. Eventually, Twilight stood. "I’m going now."

"Sorry I can’t give you the answers you want."

"Actually, you did." Sunset looked up at Twilight’s words but the alicorn was facing away from her to approach the door. "Promise me you’ll eat." Twilight looked back at her and Sunset nodded.

"… Sure."

"Is there anything else you want to say to me?" Twilight asked.

Sunset lowered her eyes. "I… I know it doesn’t make anything right, and it may not mean much to you. But… I’m sorry."

"I know. I believe you."

Twilight left the room and shut the door behind her. Sunset turned her head forward, staring at the ground. She lifted her eyes to the bowl of flower petals in front of her and raised a hoof, the chain and cuff clinking as she reached out to the bowl and pulled it towards her.

Twilight ascended the stairs from the basement, her head low and her mind lost in thought. With her eyes down she didn’t see as she walked into Princess Luna and stumbled back. She looked up and blushed. "Oh! Princess Luna, forgive me."

"Not at all, Twilight Sparkle." Luna smiled and bowed her head.

Twilight stood. "Where is everypony?"

"Gathered in the primary library. I dismissed Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I am keeping watch myself now."

"I see. Thank you." Twilight smiled and turned to head to the stairs, but Luna extended a wing in front of her. Twilight looked up at her. "Yes?"

"What is the current state of Sunset Shimmer?"

Twilight sighed. "She’s going to try eating, I think. And I got her talking. She gave me a lot to think about."

Luna nodded. "I would expect so. She dreamed last night, the details of which, for her privacy’s sake, I will not divulge. She is a broken pony, to say the least. Whatever comes of her when this is over, she’ll not be the same, for better or worse."

"I would prefer it be for the better, but I don’t know how." Twilight thought, her eyes looking at a painting of her Sunset had hung up in the hall. "When I switched us back that day, she was… terrible. There was so much anger in her, so much hatred and bitterness."

Luna hummed to herself and looked away. "If there is but one pony that does not need hate explained to her, it is I. Hatred is not easy to let go of, and the longer it takes to do so, the more it festers. Sunset Shimmer’s hate for you took root long years ago and it has taken until now for it to catch fire and burn itself out. The pony she truly hates now is herself."


"Because of what she did to those that cared for her: Celestia, Rosen Cross, and you. In your own ways you all tried to give her guidance, to make her a better pony. She betrayed all of you, you more than the others. The flaw was in her, but she could not accept this. Now that her delusions have broken down, she must come to terms with herself on these new grounds and begin to rebuild her own psyche. It will not be easy, but that is what must come for her."

Twilight looked at Luna curiously. "How do you know this?"

Luna closed her eyes. "I have seen her dreams. The longer she lived your life, the deeper her self-loathing became for stealing that life from another. And the more she hated herself, the more she tried to immerse herself in her new life to distance herself from the old. She perpetuated a vicious cycle that would not have ended well for her in any feasible outcome. Her plot was doomed to failure even without your return."

Something about the way Luna spoke stuck in Twilight’s head. As Luna continued to speak, Twilight pondered her words and realized something. "You knew." Luna stopped and looked down at her. The expression on her face said it all. Twilight gaped. "You knew?"

"That would depend on one’s definition of the word," Luna replied, tilting her head up. "I had no idea what she had done the day she departed the castle. Then the first dream came, and her soul was laid bare to me. She did not directly dream of what she had done, but it did not take much speculation on my part to deduce the truth." Luna tilted her head and gave a murmur. "And, as I discovered the day after, she is not as convincing a liar as she likes to think. I half-expected her to blurt out the truth in casual conversation."

Twilight stepped away and shook her head. "You knew for how many days, and you did nothing? You could have told somepony! You could have switched us back!"

"To what end, Twilight Sparkle?" Luna said. "Tell my sister her daughter has returned and attacked you again? Switch the two of you back and then do what with Sunset Shimmer? I assure you, I spent the rest of that evening carefully considering what to do. My intervention would have accomplished little besides a swifter end to this ordeal. I saw more benefit to all involved if I took a more subtle approach."

"Subtle? What if she went berserk and attacked Ponyville? What if something happened to me?"

"You think you were endangered in Rosen Cross’ care? To the contrary, you were safe, and easily accessible to me should I need to retrieve you. And I would expect Rosen Cross’ lessons held a particular appeal for a student such as you. As for Sunset Shimmer harming Ponyville, I promise you, I would never have let it come to that. I kept my eye on her from afar, true, but if the circumstances arose I was ready to combat her myself and subdue her."

Luna paused, frowned, and bowed her head. "However, I do apologize for the harm inflicted on you in the confrontation. I did not expect your return or your actions, and was careless in my observations of Sunset Shimmer to let it go beneath notice. Spike's letter chilled me greatly when I realized I had let things get out of hoof. I hope I do not need to assure you that I was relieved to find you safe on our arrival."

Twilight groaned and slapped a hoof to her head. "I can’t believe you stood back and let her do all this…"

Luna nodded. "I did what I thought was best, Twilight Sparkle. We could spent much more time arguing if my judgements were correct or not, but please believe I was not as careless as you may think. In hindsight, I concede my handling of Sunset Shimmer was flawed. I overestimated her strength of character and underestimated the magic she was meddling with. Yet, we have not suffered all that greatly for my oversights. Things have worked out now, have they not?"

"Things worked out?" Twilight replied. "How can you say that after she stole my body?"

"She did, yes. And you have now taken it back. What damage has been done from her time with it?"

Twilight thought. "Well… she…" She mentally ran over what her friends had told her of the last week.

"She has done nothing of lasting harm. Talking to your friends will reveal as much. Sunset Shimmer took your body, true, but she did nothing more with it than attempt to live her life. And what of you during this? You retrieved her journal, so I heard, and read of her life. As you learned of Sunset Shimmer’s life, so has she learned of yours. I left you each to your own devices so that you two would be free to reach your own conclusions about the other. Now, I would imagine the two of you each have a new perspective on yourselves and each other. And for it, you are in a unique position, Twilight Sparkle."

"What position is that?"

"You know her better than any of us, better perhaps than she knows herself. Where Celestia and Rosen Cross failed, you may yet succeed."


"That I cannot answer. If I could, I would indeed have brought this to a prompt close and carried out judgment myself. Yet you and I are in agreement on one matter, that she is not beyond salvation. But I do not know the path that can lead her there." Twilight waited for a further explanation, but none came. Luna stepped away. "Come. I would expect they are waiting for us."

Twilight followed Luna to the second floor. They entered the library, where Celestia and Twilight’s friends were gathered. Celestia turned to her. "I was asking your friends if Sunset caused much trouble in your body. Thankfully, all seems well."

The other mares nodded and mumbled among themselves. Twilight looked over them. I can’t decide alone. I have my idea, but I have to be sure. And I’ll need their help for this. "Celestia, if you please, I’ll make this decision alone."

"Oh?" Twilight thought she saw Celestia’s eyes narrow slightly.

"Yes. I’ll discuss it with my friends and decide what is to be done."

Celestia bowed her head. "As you will, Twilight. Contact me when you have reached a decision." She lit up in golden light and vanished.

Twilight looked at Luna as she also began to glow. "Wait." Luna stopped and looked at her. "Do you plan to tell her?"

Luna looked at her for a moment, and slowly closed her eyes. "My sister has her burdens to bear, and I have mine. She lives knowing she did what she must. Now I will do the same. As will you, shortly." She teleported away.

"So, Twilight." She turned to see Rainbow talking. "What’s the plan for Sunset Shimmer?"

Twilight nodded. "I have an idea, but I don’t want to share it yet. I want to hear from you all. You spent a week with her. You saw what she was like, and know her in a way I don’t. What do you think of her?" She looked between the six, waiting.

Spike spoke first. "She was a grump, and she didn’t have much of anything to do with herself. But she wasn’t that bad. Not to me, anyway."

"She seemed pretty fun when we went flying together," Rainbow said. "But then she got moody and ran off."

Rarity nodded. "She was quite personable at the spa, and grateful to me for the day."

"Even if she was unhappy, she appreciated the party we threw for her," Fluttershy added.

"And she didn’t hurt anypony or do anything really mean," Pinkie said.

Applejack looked over them. "Yeah, maybe. But how much o’ that was Sunset bein’ Sunset, and Sunset bein’ Twilight? She had to keep up the act, remember."

"Right…" Pinkie made a face. "I guess that does make it hard to tell…"

"I don’t think she was faking all of it," Fluttershy said. "Sometimes, maybe, but I think she was actually enjoying herself sometimes."

"Even when she was obviously being self-indulgent, she was bearable." Rarity shrugged. "I mean, who hasn’t entertained fantasies of a house covered in paintings and sculptures of themselves." Applejack and Rainbow Dash rolled their eyes. "Oh, don’t pretend you’re any better, Rainbow Dash!"

"Okay, yeah, when we went flying she was a show-off. And she cheated to win the race. But I can get behind that. Not as much with the cheating, but overall, she was okay." Rainbow shook her head. "Still, Applejack is right. After everything we know she did, how can we believe any of it was real?"

"I spent more time with her than any of you," Spike said. "She isn’t the evil mastermind you all think she is. She just has no patience and a short temper."

Twilight stood silently listening to the argument. They’re all right in their own ways. How am I supposed to reconcile all of this? "So what do we do with her?" Twilight spoke, bringing their attention back to her. "The only punishments that everypony brings up are banishment and execution. We obviously can’t execute her, but I feel like banishment is the same fate."

"And why is that a problem?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight looked between her friends in turn as she spoke. "I can’t give up on her. I know it’s silly, and I know what happened to her isn’t my fault, but I still feel I have to help her. I can’t just cast her out of my life forever and pretend it’s over and done. She’s been cast aside before, or feels she has, anyway. I won’t do that to her again. I want to help her."

"Well, how?" Applejack asked.

"I have one idea. It’s a long shot, but… it might work out best for everypony." Twilight smiled.

Rainbow gestured for her to continue. "And that would be?"

Twilight bit her lip. "Well…" she began laying out her plan, taking care to explain the fine details she had asked herself about. Nopony interrupted her as she spoke, and when she looked at them for a response, she only received nods. When Twilight finished, she paused. Several seconds passed without anypony saying anything. She looked at Applejack first. "What do you think?"

Applejack sighed. "Sugarcube, Ah get you wanna help ‘er, and that’s right decent of ya. But Ah can’t say Ah’m on-board with this. Sunset is a rotten apple, and sure there might be some good left inside ‘er, but that don’t mean you keep the apple."

"Your plan stinks," Rainbow Dash said. "And it’s dangerous. I say no."

"Well, I’m saying yes." Fluttershy held her head up. "Twilight’s right. We can’t give up on Sunset, not if there’s hope for her. If anypony can do this, it’s Twilight."

"Ditto for me," Pinkie said, nodding. "Twilight knows what she’s doing! If she’s okay with this, so am I."

"I must abstain." Rarity stepped back and gave Twilight a sheepish smile. "I’m sorry, darling, I truly am. But there’s no good way about this. I can’t support what you intend to do, but you’re right in that the alternatives are equally unsatisfying. Do what you feel is best either way and consider me neutral on this mess."

"Spike, you’re the deciding vote." Twilight looked at him. Spike stepped away from the group and gulped. He tapped his claws together and raised his head.

"I… well… okay, see…"

"Spike, just tell me what you think I should do," Twilight said.

Spike nodded. "Well, I think… look at it this way. I think if we all did something bad, but we were really sorry, we’d expect to be punished, right? And sometimes, yeah, we should be. Especially if we do something really, really bad like she did. But we’d also want to be forgiven. I know I’ve done things that maybe I shouldn’t have been forgiven for, and so have you, Twilight. We all have. But we forgive each other anyway."

Spike looked at the other five mares. "That’s what friends do. They forgive and help, no matter what. That’s the idea of friendship, that you have ponies you can rely on to help you through the tough times, and pick you up when you fall, even if you don’t deserve the help. And right now, I think Sunset Shimmer could use the help of a friend most of anyone we know."

When he finished, the five looked between themselves. Twilight smiled and stepped forward to hug him. "You’re right, Spike. Thank you." She looked at the ponies behind him. "It’s settled, then. I need to get some things ready, but I think this will work out. Trust me."

The door of the room opened, and Sunset looked up. Twilight stood in the doorway.

"It’s time."

Sunset nodded and stood. Her wounded hooves shook under her, but she stayed upright. I can do this. I can at least face my fate with some shred of dignity.

Twilight floated something into her field of vision, and she recognized it as a new anti-magic charm. The bauble fell over her neck, and then the chain around her hoof clicked apart. Twilight turned around and Sunset obediently followed her into the basement hall. The two mares climbed the stairs to the ground floor, Sunset taking her time. When they reached the ground floor, Sunset saw five familiar mares standing at the side and she lowered her head to stare at the floor. Twilight led her through the castle, Sunset keeping the lavender hooves in front of her in view.

It’ll probably be banishment. Wonder where I'm going. Not like it matters. I have as much chance of survival with zebras as with griffons or dragons.

After a few more moments of walking, Twilight stopped. Sunset heard a door creak open and she could tell from the lighting and the sound that they were not at the entrance of the castle.

"We’re here."

Twilight stepped aside and Sunset took a few steps forward. She inhaled and raised her head to behold her fate.

A white gemstone in the ceiling illuminated a bed with a pale pink spread, an empty bookshelf against the wall, and a desk. Sunset took a step deeper into the room to make sure she was seeing all there was to see. There was nothing more.

"What… what is this?"

"It’s your room."

Sunset turned her head. "What?"

Twilight looked at her firmly. "I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, am issuing a royal edict. Sunset Shimmer, you are confined to house arrest under my care, where I will carry out what I have deemed the most fitting and deserving punishment I can devise for you."

Sunset gulped. "And what punishment is that?"

"You will study under me as my student."

Sunset backed away into the room and shook her head. "No. No. This is a trick. Bad joke, Twilight, bad joke."

"It’s not a joke or a trick." Twilight came deeper into the room, but stayed blocking the doorway. "You will live here with Spike and I, and I will tutor you in the magic of friendship."

"Student? Living in the same castle as you? I tried to kill you, Twilight! I’m unstable, I’m impulsive, I’m arrogant, I’m deceptive, I’m manipulative…"

"You will keep that charm on at all times, and it has been anchored to barriers I’ve erected around the castle." Twilight spoke loudly to drown out Sunset’s protests and Sunset fell silent and listened. "Approach the entrance or the stairs to the second floor without my escort, and my friends and I will be alerted to your trespass and your exact location. Further, the charm will grow heavier if you pass these areas, restricting your movement. You will only be allowed to move about the ground floor on your own. Any attempted removal of the charm or magic cast on it other than my own will activate the same alarms."

"You think that’ll stop me? It didn’t stop you." Sunset shook her head. "No, I’m too dangerous. You can’t keep me around."

Twilight came closer and took hold of Sunset’s head in her magic, forcing her to look forward at her. "You’ve already given up on yourself. I get it. You’re not fully wrong about what you’re saying. You’re dangerous. If I let you go, I may regret it. Either for you meeting a terrible fate or coming back to cause trouble again. That’s why I’m not doing that. You’ll be here, under supervision, and locked behind barriers and alarms. I’m going to personally ensure you don’t cause trouble for anypony ever again. And at the same time, you’re going to learn the lessons you need to rebuild your life, from a pony that had to learn them herself."

"Celestia and Rosen tried to teach me. What makes you think you can succeed where they failed?"

"Nothing." Twilight shook her head. "I can’t promise I’ll succeed. Years may pass and you’ll be the same terrible pony as you were last week. But I can promise you, I’ll still be trying. You may have given up on yourself, Sunset, but I won’t."

Sunset sat down and took a shaky breath. "I…" She hung her head. "I still don’t… why?"

Twilight smiled softly and stepped closer. "Because hate only begets hate." Sunset looked up at her words, her eyes widening. "It’s only going to end when one of us dies, or when one of us stops it. And I’m not in the business of condemning friends to death."

Sunset shook her head. "You’re insane. I’m not your friend."

"No, you’re not. But we could be, if you make an effort at it. There’s still hope for you, and if you’re willing to try, so am I." Twilight held out a hoof. "That’s a lesson my friends and I have all had to learn: accepting help and friendship when it’s offered to you. And that’s the first lesson you can work on learning." Sunset looked down at the extended hoof.

"I’ll fail."

"I’ll let you try again."

"I won’t listen, I’ll ignore, I’ll misunderstand."

"Then I’ll repeat myself."

"I’ll make you hate me."

"You haven’t yet. What more can you do?"

Sunset stared at the hoof stretched out to her, her eyes tearing. She swallowed and raised her own hoof, the bandages stretching with her movements. Slowly, she pressed her hoof forward. When Twilight felt Sunset’s hoof touch hers, she gently shook it. Sunset winced but didn’t pull away. Twilight smiled at her.

"There. The first step."

"I have a lot more to go. A lot."

"I know. You won’t be facing them alone."