• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 13,881 Views, 514 Comments

Twilight Falls, Sunset Dawns - DrakeyC

Sunset Shimmer casts a spell to switch bodies with Twilight. She embraces the royal lifestyle she's always wanted, but the reality falls short of the dream.

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Chapter 2

Twilight Falls, Sunset Dawns

Chapter 2

Sunlight streamed through the curtains, reaching up the pristine white blankets to shine on the face of the sleeping​ alicorn. She frowned and blinked her eyes open, raising a hoof to shield them. The curtains lit up in a magic aura and drew shut. The light blocked, the alicorn smiled and snuggled deeper into the pillows with a small sigh.

A bed… I haven't slept on a real bed in months…

Sunset Shimmer's eyes popped open as memories of the previous night came back to her. She threw off the covers and jumped out of bed, rushing to the mirror. As before, the body of Twilight Sparkle stared back at her. Sunset let out a small laugh, tilting her head a few times to watch her new body mimic her. She really had done it after all – it wasn't a dream. She sat in a more poised manner and cleared her throat, remembering her lessons on proper speech.

"Greetings. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, of Ponyville." Her new voice sounded strange. She ran her tongue around in her mouth and tried again. "My name is Twilight Sparkle… Twilight…" Sunset tried the name out a bit more. "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle." She grinned. With the title attached, the name suddenly seemed much more appealing. Sunset looked over her new body, now that day had come and she could see it. Fit and healthy, a well-groomed coat in a nice-enough shade of violet. The hair was passable in colour as well, though the style was embarrassing. She wondered if it would raise too many eyebrows if she styled it like her original body's mane.

"My original body…" This is a two-way switch. Now Twilight is in my body. She frowned. I should have made sure she was being taken somewhere safe. After the guards had left the previous night, the adrenaline wore off and exhaustion caught up to her, and Sunset had practically fallen into the bed. Well, now I'm awake and active. And soon everypony else will be, too. The second Celestia sees her, they'll talk, and it will all be spoiled. There are countless ways Twilight could prove what I've done to somepony who knows her.

Sunset looked up at the mirror, sticking her tongue out at Twilight's reflection. "Your last owner was smart – I'll give her that. Unfortunately for her, I'm smarter." She had control of the situation; now she had to keep it. The first priority was making sure Twilight didn't tell anypony what had happened. Guards likely wouldn't believe her if she approached them, and wouldn't bother Celestia to tell her, but Celestia would know if she saw Twilight herself. Twilight was no fool; she could easily prove her identity to somepony that knew her.

Twilight telling them what happened isn't the only problem. I have to avoid giving them any hints. Sunset didn't have much to go on for impersonating Twilight, but she'd have to try to avoid arousing suspicion. If she acted oddly, somepony might begin to suspect something. Shouldn't be too difficult to pull off. Twilight doesn't seem that difficult to copy. Just be a goody-goody perfect student.

Sunset Shimmer decided she'd had enough pondering the next steps of the plan for the moment and glanced back at her wings. She grinned again, turning in the mirror to look over herself. I really am a princess at last. The destiny I've been waiting for, and it's finally mine. Well, okay, I had to steal it from somepony… She scowled. Bah, she stole it from me in the first place! If she had never come around, I would have become princess years ago. Now I've got what I deserve, and she has what she deserves.

A thought drifted into her mind and she brushed it off. Sunset turned away from the mirror and looked around the room. She walked over to Twilight's saddlebags by the night stand and looked through them, pulling items out with her magic to lay them on the bed. Ink, quills, and books of dimensional and teleportation magic. Sunset picked up a journal and flipped it open. The first several pages were full of hastily scratched notes and equations, and she recognized their subject. So, she was here studying the mirror. Should have kept a closer eye on it. She smirked and tossed the book on the bed.

Sunset tensed at the sound of a knock at her door and turned her head to look. The door opened and a grey unicorn mare wheeled a cart laden with covered silver dishes into the room. "Good morning, Princess. I trust you slept well?"

Sunset relaxed. "Yes, quite." She moved closer. "What is this?"

The unicorn's horn glowed pale blue and she lifted the covers off the dishes. "Your breakfast, Princess. We have a fruit salad with strawberries and blueberries alongside white roses and tulips, milk sweetened with honey, toast with honey or jam as you wish, and freshly-cracked walnuts. I trust this is to your liking? If not, I'd be happy to retrieve any substitutions you wish."

As the mare waited for an answer, Sunset stared at the cart of food and felt her mouth water. The only thing she'd had before her return to Equestria was a chocolate bar. A spread like this was beyond anything she had eaten since… Since I left Equestria. Realizing the attendant was watching her, Sunset remembered her composure and gave a short nod. "It looks delicious, thank you. That will be all."

"Very good, Princess." The mare bowed her head and turned to leave, gently clicking the door shut behind her. Sunset waited for her hoofsteps to grow distant before pulling the cart over to the balcony to sit in the light. She looked over the bowl of fruit salad, and her hunger got the better of her. Sunset bit into the mass of flowers and fruit and chewed eagerly, abandoning any pretense of poise or regality now that she was alone again. She moaned through the food and almost melted to the floor, her eyes rolling back.

It was the most delicious thing she could ever remember tasting.

The fruit salad didn't last long. By the time she finished, Sunset had sated her appetite enough to let her take her time and enjoy the rest. Sipping her milk and finishing the last bit of her toast, Sunset looked out the window at the morning sun. Of all the mornings I've ever woken up to, this is about the best. Even when she had been a foal here, she couldn't remember feeling this energized and refreshed. She supposed the last two years – rather, the last five years – had something to do with that. It was like she had lived in some awful nightmare where she'd had her destiny stolen and was thrust into a foreign world where she had to resort to thievery and manipulation to survive alone. But, now she was awake, and the world was as it should be.

Well, except for the fact the hooves she kept seeing as she ate were purple. And the glass had the wrong colour magic aura over it as she levitated it to her mouth for another drink. Sunset looked down at her hooves. I wonder if dying my coat orange would raise too many eyebrows. Eh, probably wouldn't work anyway, this is too vibrant a colour. More likely I'd end up some blotchy green-brown mess. Sunset pictured presenting herself to a crowd of ponies, her new body unevenly coloured purple, orange, green, and every colour and shade in-between. Greetings. I am Princess Patchwork. She snickered, coughing slightly on her milk. A thought she didn't care to have entered her head, and she removed it as quickly as it had come.

Draining the glass and popping a walnut in her mouth, Sunset crossed to the door beside the window, knowing what lay beyond. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the pristine white and lavender bathroom that stretched before her. Oh, I have missed this. She trotted over to the tub, dropped in the stopper, and twisted the taps on. She hummed as the tub filled, lifting a glass vial from a tray of bath oils near the tabs and pouring it in. When the water was high enough and the scent of rose petals filled the air, she shut the taps off and slid in. Sunset smiled happily and leaned her head against the edge.

Maybe after dealing with Celestia, I'll come back and just soak here and have a nap. She fought off the temptation to do so now. The longer she delayed, the more likely Celestia would find out what had happened. Lunch will do. I'll bathe, then look over Twilight's belongings to pass the time and make sure there are no surprises waiting, and come noon I'll eat with Celestia and tell her. Satisfied with her plan, she returned her attention to enjoying the bath.

Throughout the morning, a thought had kept circling her mind, buzzing around like a fly. She had swatted it away and ignored it, but now as she tried to relax, it kept coming to her.

I wonder what Twilight Sparkle is doing?

Weary aqua eyes opened to slits, just enough to confirm the beam of light that illuminated the cell had changed from moon to sun. Twilight Sparkle sat up on the cot, red and orange mane rustling in her ears, and looked up at the window over her head. Morning. I've been awake all night. After how I ended up here, not surprising.

Twilight opened her eyes and groaned. Her head throbbed in pain, and her vision was blurred. “Hello?” She rose from her bed, and her hooves touched a cold floor. She looked down to see dull grey stone beneath her hooves. Her orange hooves. Twilight tried to cast a spell, but she felt her magic fizzle out and realized there was an anti-magic field over her. She lifted a hoof to her mane and pulled it forward to look at it. Red streaked with yellow. Her mind cleared, and she remembered the sight of a familiar mare tackling her out of bed. And then, a pony that looked like her thrusting her hoof.

Sunset Shimmer… she… she… Twilight looked forward and now recognized her location as the dungeons beneath Canterlot. She ran to the bars and caught sight of her distorted reflection in them. She shrieked and fell on her back, an orange body laid out before her eyes. No… no, nonono. She can’t have, it’s not possible. Twilight crept forward and looked at the bars again. Light blue eyes looked back at her from below a red and yellow mane.

Sunset… what have you done?

Twilight had spent the night after that pacing in her cell. She ran over every possibility and ruled them out one by one, leaving her to conclude Sunset had switched bodies with her. Forced to sit and wait until somepony came to see her, she realized that her current situation was only temporary and took solace in that. There's no way Sunset can get away with this. She might have my body for a few hours, but once Celestia finds out what she's done, she'll put it right. Sunset couldn't possibly keep this secret, not after the guards had seen her. Celestia would surely be on her way to see Twilight after she heard ‘Sunset’ was back, and Twilight could easily prove her identity once they spoke.

The sound of hoofsteps came from the hall outside and Twilight turned. A guard pony clad in the same golden armour stepped up to her cell. A glass of water and a bowl of grass hovered in the air beside him. “Breakfast." With only the single word for explanation, he pulled open a metal slot in the bars and floated the bowl and glass to the floor of the cell.

Twilight nodded. "Thank you." If the guard cared for her courtesy he didn't show it, turning and leaving without even a nod back. Twilight approached the offered meal. The meal was simple grass, though at least lush and cleaned of dirt. Twilight gulped down the water first: her mouth was dry and she felt dehydrated. Picking the glass up in her hooves took a couple attempts before she got it right, and she gulped down the water at once. She ate the grass with less enthusiasm; it nourished her but wasn't very appetizing. Twilight chewed the last mouthful and swallowed with a grimace, and then sat back to look out the narrow field of view she had of the rest of the dungeon.

It'll be over soon. Once Celestia visits, I can explain everything, and tomorrow it'll seem like a bad dream. She composed herself, picking out one or two personal anecdotes to prove her identity and considering how to best explain what happened. Not that I know myself. I thought body-swapping magic was outlawed in Equestria. Only the zebra tribes study those sort of spells, and they keep it to themselves. However Sunset had gotten her hooves on that power, though, surely Celestia would be able to contact the zebra kingdom for aid once she found out the truth.

"Yes. It'll be fine. Celestia will know what to do. She always does." Twilight took a few calming breaths. Her voice sounded strange to her ears as she thought aloud, but she could deal with it for another hour or two. "I just need to wait for her to come and see me, and this will be over. Once I explain things I can get back into my normal body and put Sunset Shim—" Twilight gasped. She couldn't believe she had forgotten. Oh no. Sunset Shimmer is in my body! She's loose up there, free to wander anywhere she wants, free access to the mirror, free access to… everything!

"Guard!" Twilight ran to the bars and waved a hoof into the passage. "Guard!" She heard nothing, and ran to the far side of the cell, straining to see as far down the corridor outside as she could. She saw rows of more cells and stairs going down, but no guards. "Hello? Anyone?" Twilight yelled as loud as she could, but the only response was her own voice echoing off the stone walls. She moved to the other wall to look the other way, and saw the same as before. She was alone in the dungeon, and wherever the guard had gone when he had left, he was out of earshot.

Twilight slumped and returned to her cot. Standing on it, she was barely able to see out the window, giving her a view of Equestria stretching below the castle's mountain foundations.

"Hurry and see me, Celestia." She sent a mental wish to her mentor. "There's no telling what chaos Sunset Shimmer could be up to."

Sunset Shimmer hummed happily as the hairbrush wove through her mane, freshly dried with a quick blast of warm air courtesy of her magic. With the tangles and knots from her bath pulled out, she set the brush down and turned her head to the side to look at herself. Still need to get used to this face… Well, I'll have the time to adjust. Content with her appearance, she stepped over to the door and pulled it open, trotting past the two guards. They called out to her again using that delightful title she was sure she would never tire of hearing directed at her. It was nearly noon and she had a plan to keep to. Down the hall, left, down a flight of stairs, left, down the hall, right…

Sunset approached a set of wooden double doors and paused. She had rehearsed this conversation in her head at least three times, but she still could not be sure she was completely ready. Just stay calm, think before you respond, and don't get nervous. She took a breath and opened the doors, trotting inside.

A ceiling almost entirely formed of crystal clear glass tiles allowed natural sunlight to filter down into the sitting room, while a far wall had a balcony overlooking the civilian district of Canterlot beyond the castle walls. Sitting at a table calmly eating a banana, Princess Celestia was reading a parchment that Kibitz was floating in front of her. A pair of guard ponies stood against the doors to the balcony, and a door to the kitchens was swinging slightly as if somepony had just left. Sunset approached the table, laden with fruit bowls and pitchers of milk and juice. She lifted an apple in her magic, floating it over to her.

"Good morning, Princess." She started off with a perfectly normal greeting and bit into the fruit.

Celestia glanced up from the parchment and smiled. "Good morning, Twilight. I hope you slept well."

Sunset gave an exaggerated sigh and looked away from the table. "Um… about that… there's something you need to know." Celestia lifted her head, Kibitz looking over at her as well. Sunset closed her eyes. "Sunset Shimmer returned last night. She attacked me."

"What!?" Before Sunset could react, Celestia had galloped around the table to stand next to her. Her eyes were wide. "Are you all right? What did she do?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. She surprised me in bed, but the guards took care of her." Sunset repeated the words she had memorized. "I don't think—" she stopped suddenly as Celestia leaned down and wrapped her hooves around her. "Um…"

"Thank goodness you're safe," Celestia said behind her head.

Sunset fidgeted, unsure what to do. The last time she hugged me like this… Images of a bright summer morning and a gorgeous view of Equestria filled her head. She pushed them aside. Not the time, focus! She cleared her throat and motioned as if she wanted to pull away. Celestia got the hint and let her go. A part of Sunset's mind protested the hug ending. She told it to shut up.

Celestia bowed her head slightly, assuming a more familiar and controlled expression. "I'm relieved to hear it, considering what happened the last time she came here."

Sunset nodded. "Me too. I don't think she had much of a plan in mind this time. She was alone, and she had nothing with her."

Celestia sighed and shook her head. "I must confess, a part of me was hoping she might return in peace when the portal opened again. You said she was in the company of friends when you left her in the other world. I hoped this meant she would find happiness, in this world or the other. Apparently, I was too idealistic about her."

Twilight left me with friends? Yeah, right. What other lies did she spin for you? Sunset had to strain to not sneer at the memory of the five she had left beyond the mirror. Aloud she said, "I thought so as well, but apparently she didn't learn her lesson." She closed her eyes and forced herself to look sad. "I tried, Celestia. I really did… I guess some ponies just don't want help."

"Unfortunately, that is one of the saddest truths of life, my student. One that I regret you had to learn like this." Sunset looked up at Celestia's words, but the older princess was staring into space beside her. "I tried as you did, but perhaps I was wrong about Sunset Shimmer all along…"

Yes, you were. Not in the way you're thinking, but yes. "At least we tried. That is all we can do. If a pony will not let us help them, we must accept it and move on, or the guilt will destroy us." Sunset smiled and reached out a hoof to Celestia's. "What she did is on her hooves, not yours. Nopony else blames you for it, so don't blame yourself."

Celestia looked down at the hoof extending to her own, then up at Sunset. She slowly smiled and nodded. "Wisdom worthy of a princess. Thank you, Twilight. I merely wish it were as simple as you say."

It's your own fault you're in this situation, so stop crying about it. Sunset was finding it more difficult than she expected to pretend she cared how Celestia felt. Snarky retorts kept coming to mind and she kept pushing them down. Self-control had never been her strong suit, but she had to hold her tongue here, now more than ever. Not gonna happen if she keeps blubbering like a foal. I'm the one who was cast aside, what's she so miserable about? Time for a change of subject, before her mouth got the better of her. "I think the guards took her to the dungeons. She's probably awake by now."

Celestia turned to the door. "I suppose I must deal with her…"

Showtime. Sunset walked up beside Celestia, feigning concern. "Are you sure that's a good idea? She's already caused you so much pain. To see her again after all this time, locked up in a cell? Can you handle it?"

"I must. I am the princess of this castle, and she attacked my student under my guard. It is my place to dispense justice." Though she spoke the words, Sunset could tell Celestia didn't mean them as much as she tried to appear.

"I guess… but, you're not the only Princess here, right?" Celestia turned to her. "I was the one who went to the other world and saw what happened to her. And I was the pony she attacked."

"You would pass judgment on her in my place?" Celestia asked, her eyes stern. "What would you recommend, then?"

Sunset almost clapped her hooves in glee. She couldn't have played this conversation better if she had given Celestia cue cards. "We cannot let her return to the other world, she's proven untrustworthy of that. We keep her here, under watch."

"You suggest life imprisonment?"

"That's a possibility. However, I don't think she's beyond hope." Sunset had spent a lot of time that morning wondering what to say when Celestia asked this question. She had considered leaving Twilight in her cell, but that wasn't reliable, sooner or later somepony would go to see her. Sunset needed a plan to ensure her isolation on a long-term basis, and it hadn't taken long to think of one. She took a breath before continuing. "Sunset Shimmer has closed her heart to friendship. I doubt we can change her mind on that, given our respective history with her. But, she still thinks she's worthy of being a princess. I think she needs to remember what that really means, and maybe we can get through to her that way."


"I suggest we send her to live in service to Magistrate Rosen Cross."

Sunset saw Celestia's expression shift as she said the name. "Twilight, are you aware of who that is to me? To Sunset?"

Sunset tilted her head. "I've heard rumours. That's why I'm suggesting it. If she reconnects with his teachings, perhaps she may come around." Or maybe he'll work her to the bone studying outdated nonsense and cleaning his library four times a day. Either way works fine for me.

Celestia's eyes darted back and forth as she pondered the idea. "If you and I cannot get through to her… Perhaps you are right. If there is truly goodness left in Sunset's heart, I would choose none other than Rosen Cross to succeed where we have failed." She looked back at Sunset and assumed a more regal posture. "Very well. Princess Twilight, I instill within you the royal right to carry out this order on my behalf, and to bring word of it to Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset bowed her head to the ground, finally letting a grin show on her face now that it was hidden. "By your will, Princess Celestia." If only you listened to me this well all those years ago.

Twilight perked up at the distant sound of a door opening. She ran to the edge of her cell and looked down to the right. A guard pony was approaching her cell. He saw her and scowled.

"Stand back!" The guard barked the order at her and glared. Twilight backed away from the bars and waited until he was in view again. He stopped in front of her cell and pulled a key ring from his armour. "The Princess wishes to speak to you."

Twilight's eyes widened. She nodded, a wave of relief washing over her. Now she could tell Celestia what Sunset had done and this would all be over. The guard unlocked the cell door and slid it back along the bars to the side. He stepped aside and bowed his head. Twilight heard another set of hoofsteps approaching from the direction he was bowing. She took a breath and composed herself.

However, the princess who stepped into view was not the one she had waited for.

Twilight's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Sunset Shimmer turned to the guard. "Thank you. If you please, I'd like to speak to her privately."

"Of course, Princess." The guard walked away, leaving Sunset and Twilight alone. Twilight stared in shock and horror. She knew that this was what Sunset had done, but seeing the reality at last, it didn't seem possible. That was her. Her body, her voice, her eyes and mouth that were giving her a knowing smirk. There was the distant sound of the door to the dungeons opening and closing, and Sunset's smirk widened into a grin.

"So… sleep well?" She tilted her head from side to side. "I slept like a foal, myself." Twilight came to her senses and lunged, yelling angrily. Sunset snorted. An aura of violet magic wrapped around Twilight's body and she stilled. The aura held her suspended her in the air, her outstretched hooves floating a few inches from Sunset's face. Sunset shook her head. "Now, now, Sunset. You really don't want to attack a princess again, do you?"

"You won't get away with this!" Twilight struggled to move in the telekinetic grip. "Once Celestia finds out what you've done, she'll put it right!"

"See, now there's the first problem in that plan." Sunset lifted a hoof to her mouth and chuckled. "Celestia isn't going to find out. I just had lunch with her and she didn't suspect a thing. Impersonating you isn't all that hard. Just smile and wave." Sunset pursed her mouth and gave a sad look. "But, oh, you wicked, awful little thing! Celestia is so heartbroken that you would do this. After all she's given you, you attack her student. So ungrateful."

"Stop that!" Twilight trotted in the air trying to move forward. "I'm not you! You're not me! You're Sunset Shimmer, and that's my body!"

Sunset scoffed and rolled her eyes. "These little stories of yours won't help you where you're going."

Twilight paused. "Going?" She hadn't expected Sunset to come and deal with her. The realization her rival had something planned for her sent a wave of dread up through her.

"Yes, that's why I'm here. You're going to live with Magistrate Rosen Cross." Sunset smiled. "I'm trying to show mercy here. Celestia entrusted me to punish you, and I think living as that twit's slave is an even better punishment than leaving you here to rot."

"Rosen Cross…" Twilight thought. She recognized the name but couldn't think of a context for it.

Sunset nodded. "You two have a bit of history and not the good kind. I can't imagine what he'll do with you after all you've done. But I'm sure it'll be humiliating, exhausting, and dull."

Twilight glared. "Go ahead. Send me wherever you want. You can't keep the act up forever. Sooner or later you'll slip around Celestia, and she'll notice."

Sunset shook her head. "Strike two. I'm heading home tomorrow. They may know you well in Ponyville, but I doubt they're smart enough to catch on."

At Sunset's words, Twilight's expression twisted into one of horror again. She flattened her ears back, her voice low. "If you do anything to my friends, so help me, when I find you…"

"Oh, stop being such a drama queen," Sunset laughed and raised a hoof to knock it against Twilight's, spinning her around in the air. "I'm not going to do anything to your friends." She stopped Twilight's spin when she was upside down and grinned at her. "Don't you see? There isn't some evil plan brewing that I'm going to work on. This is the plan, and it's done. You already had everything I always wanted. Why screw it up? I'm just going to take them and enjoy them. You get to spend the rest of your life in servitude, while I go home and live the life of a princess. All is as it always should have been." Sunset's magic faded and Twilight dropped to the ground. She looked up as Sunset leaned over her, and the other mare's mouth curled into a cruel smirk.

"Get my point? It's over. You lose. Sunset Shimmer, one; Twilight Sparkle, zip."

Twilight shook, slowing standing to look back on equal terms. "I don't accept that."

"You don't have to." Sunset patted a hoof on Twilight's head. "Look on the bright side. You get to spend the rest of your life looking like me." Twilight lifted her hoof to knock Sunset's aside. Sunset's smile vanished and she narrowed her eyes. "I don't know if you've noticed yet, but I'm trying to be nice!" Sunset's horn flared up in magic. Another magic aura surrounded Twilight, her limbs pulling her to the ground in a forced bow. Sunset's wings snapped out, her shadow falling over the floor around Twilight. "I hold all the power in this little switch! If you have a problem with my arrangements, I'll just leave you locked down here forever. Or better yet, I'll hang out here for a few days until the mirror portal begins to close, and shove you through it! That ought to make sure you don't tell anypony about this. What do you think?"

Twilight struggled to stand, but her body refused to obey. She tilted her head to see Sunset glowering at her. "All right. Okay… you win." Sunset's magic faded and her expression softened slightly. Twilight collapsed to the ground. "Just… please don't hurt my friends…"

Sunset rolled her eyes. "I already told you, not planning on it." She faked a smile. "And why would I? They're my closest and dearest friends now." Twilight had no response but to lower her head. Sunset watched her. "Well? Anything else to get off your chest before you never see me again?"

Twilight didn't raise her head for her response, her voice a whisper. "You're a monster."

Sunset stood still, staring at her for a few seconds. Then she snorted. "I would have thought you figured that out last time." She turned and walked out of the cell. "The guards will be by to take you to Rosen Cross in the morning. Until then, sit tight. Wouldn't want you running off now." Her horn glowed to close the cell door behind her, the lock tumblers clicking back into place. Sunset took one more look at Twilight, then turned and proudly walked away.

Hopefully, she got the message. As long as she keeps her mouth shut from now on, this can work out perfect for me. Sunset thought back to Twilight's last words and scowled. I'm no monster. I just wanted what was promised to me, and she happened to have it. I tried to show some leniency to her, and she just glared and insulted me. Maybe I should just shove her through the mirror. The thought had crossed her mind earlier that morning, but for some reason she decided against it and now did again. Because she'd be happy there. She could tell those five what I did, and they'd help her out. She doesn't deserve that chance. She nodded to herself. Yes, that made sense.

Sunset stopped as she heard a sound. She frowned and glanced behind her. It was coming from Twilight's cell. She focused and realized what it was. Hiccups and sniffles echoed through the empty dungeons of Canterlot and filled her ears. She shook slightly, then turned forward and scowled. Pathetic. I had my life ripped away too, but I never cried about it… at least she got to enjoy it for a little while. Satisfied with her judgment, she headed to the door out of the dungeons. Behind her, the sobs from Twilight's cell grew louder and more frequent, but save for an ear twitch, nopony watching would know she heard them.