• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 15,265 Views, 813 Comments

Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

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Chapter 33 - Disharmonized

Naruto ran away as fast as his hooves could carry him, not looking back even once. “Home… I want to go home! I want to go where nopony can ever find me! Where they can never find out!” he thought, his eyes shut tight in fear.

It wasn’t long after Naruto had abandoned his friends that he made it back to Ponyville. But when he had arrived, more than a few strange occurrences were taking place; the ground was now covered either in tiled or polka dotted floor, the creek turned to fruit punch and chocolate milk was raining here and there.

Many ponies were wandering outside, trying in vain to make sense of what was happening to their previously peaceful town, when Naruto came running through the street, taking the quickest way he knew to Carousel Boutique.

“Hey, Naruto!” a black Pegasus flew down at him, floating beside Naruto in a speed matching his gallop. “My house is literally upside down, and—”

“Gah! I don’t know anything!” Naruto cried, before speeding up even further and surpassing him.

Thunderlane scratched his head in confusion as he came to a stop and landed on the ground. “Huh, wonder what’s with him. And did he seem a little grayer than usual, or was it just me?”


Trying to make his way to Carousel Boutique as fast as he could, Naruto had to avoid more than a few strange occurrences.

“Gah! Pies!” Naruto cried as pies suddenly appeared on the ground and rose up to the sky.

“Gah! Bison in tutus!” he then cried when a group of tutu-wearing bison danced across the street in the opposite direction.

“Gah! Mini-mes!” Naruto cried when he saw a group of mini purple cowboy clones riding on deer-bunnies across the street.

“Gah! Dark!” Naruto cried when day suddenly turned into night, and he found himself running half-blind in the dark street.

“Gah! Soap!” Naruto cried as the road was suddenly covered with a slippery, fragrant substance. Naruto lost his balance and slipped, sending him on a straight collision course with… “Gah! Library!” he cried as he crashed right through Twilight’s Library’s front door, and slammed head first into one of the bookshelves.

“Ow, ow, ow… My head…” Naruto groaned, rubbing his aching head.

“Look at yourself,” the nine-tailed fox spoke in Naruto’s mind. “You’re pathetic, letting that clown turn you into… this.”

“Don’t talk to me! You’re not real!” Naruto cried in response, covering his ears with his hooves and shutting his eyes as if it would help. “I’m not a monster!”

“If this wasn’t so sad, I’d laugh,” the fox said.

“Shut up! Don’t talk to me anymore!” Naruto yelled again.

“Whatever, you’re boring me anyway… Have fun being a pathetic little coward,” the fox replied.

Naruto hesitantly looked around, his eyes widening when he noticed the room’s other occupant — Spike. The baby dragon was sleeping on the ground holding a wet mop. Next to him was a bucket filled with water.

“Crap! I should hide somewhere he won’t find me…” Naruto thought as he looked around. A few moments later, Naruto spotted a bookshelf with a large enough gap for himself, and began tip-trotting towards it.

Just as Naruto passed by the sleeping spike, the baby dragon suddenly turned around, flinging the mop towards Naruto.

“GYAH!” Naruto cried, before quickly covering his muzzle with a hoof. He nervously looked back at Spike, who was thankfully still sleeping peacefully.

Naruto then climbed into the bookcase, hiding himself within its shadow. “If nopony finds me, they’ll never know the truth,” he said to himself. “They’ll never hate me, and I won’t ever be alone again…”

“Maybe I should just stay here… forever…” Naruto sighed, as a wave of dim light washed him from tail to head, turning him completely colorless.


A while later, after the sun rose, sank and rose again, the library’s front door suddenly slammed open, causing a surprised and frightened Naruto to look from his hiding place at the new arrivals.

Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all came inside one by one, their colors now completely gone as well.

“Oh no, I hope they don’t find me…” Naruto thought as he squeezed to the bookshelf’s back as much as he could.

Pinkie looked around, angry and uninterested in anything, Applejack simply let out a bored yawn, and Fluttershy looked straight at the sleeping Spike for a few moments, before a sly smirk crossed her face.

The gray Pegasus flew down and grabbed the bucket next to Spike, before flying back up and dumping half of its content on the little dragon. Spike woke up with a frightened gasp, soaked from head to tail. Naruto let out a surprised yelp as well, causing Applejack to look straight at him.

“Crap! She found me!” Naruto shuddered, but dared not move. Applejack, however, turned away after a few moments without saying a word.

Spike quickly shook himself dry and turned his gaze up to Fluttershy, who was still holding the half-full bucket. “What did you do that for, Fluttershy?!” he cried.

“Cause you just looked so peaceful,” Fluttershy smirked.

“I… Uh… Huh?” was all the confused dragon could reply to that, after squeezing the remaining water out of his tail.

Suddenly, the front door and the wall surrounding it shattered as Rarity’s huge rock burst through it. The mare galloped inside and stroked the rock lovingly. “Careful, Twilight! You’ll ruin its beautiful finish!” Rarity cried out at the single colorful mare in the area, who stood just outside the library.

“Oh, for the love of…” Twilight muttered in annoyance.

“Twilight, what’s going on?!” Spike asked as he ran up to the Unicorn’s side. “Why does everypony look so… gray?” he looked at the four mares, who returned gazes of varying degrees between indifferent and angry.

“Don’t ask,” Twilight frowned. “I need you to help me find something,” she said as she entered the library, Spike following her closely.

“If you’re looking for Naruto, I sure haven’t seen him hiding inside that bookshelf!” Applejack commented, pointing at the bookshelf Naruto was in.

“Phew, I was sure she’d seen me…” Naruto thought in relief.

“Great…” Twilight muttered, and began making her way to said bookshelf.

“Hey, Twilight,” Fluttershy said. “What’s soaking wet and clueless?”

Twilight groaned as she was about to reach the bookcase. “Fluttershy, I’ve had just about enough—”

Twilight was cut off as Fluttershy emptied the remaining water in the bucket on her head. “Your face!” the Pegasus called, slamming the bucket on Twilight’s head.

“What’s happened to everypony?!” Spike cried.

“I guess you just bring out the worst in us, Spike,” Applejack commented as she trotted past him.

Twilight removed the bucket from her head and shook herself dry, before making her way to the bookshelves again. “No time to explain,” she said with a groan. “We’ve got to find the reference guide to the Elements of Harmony before somepony does something she’ll regret!” she hissed, looking back at the four gray mares in the room.

“The Elements of Harmony?” Spike asked. “Oh! I know exactly where that book is!” he called as he ran towards one of the bookshelves’ ladders, behind which was the bookshelf that Naruto was hiding in.

“Phew, they forgot about me…” Naruto thought in relief.

“And help me get Naruto out of that bookshelf while you’re at it!” Twilight added, causing Naruto’s eyes to widen in fright.

“N—no! You can’t make me!” Naruto cried as he squeezed back as much as he could.

“Get out of there, will you? It’s not like you at all, Naruto!” Spike pleaded as he began climbing the ladder, looking between the steps to see Naruto’s cowering silhouette between the books.

Twilight, however, took a more direct approach, and simply levitated Naruto outside with her magic. “Gah! No! Don’t look at me!” the orange pony cried as he hid his face with his hooves.

“Found it!” Spike announced as he waved the book, still on the ladder.

Suddenly, a scroll was tossed in Spike’s face, causing the surprised dragon to drop it straight into Fluttershy’s hooves, who was floating just next to him. “Ha!” she exclaimed triumphantly, smirking.

Twilight ceased her spell, dropping Naruto onto the ground, as she trotted towards Fluttershy with a furious expression. Naruto used the chance to squeeze back against the wall as much as he could.

“Fluttershy… You’d better give me that book!” Twilight demanded, stomping the ground.

“Keep away!” Fluttershy called in reply, tossing the book towards Applejack, who skillfully balanced it on her muzzle.

“Hey!” Twilight called as she ran up to her. “Applejack, give me that book!”

“I don’t have any book,” Applejack replied as she bounced the book towards Pinkie Pie.

The formerly pink pony caught it on her back and then bounced off towards Naruto. “Pinkie!” Twilight cried in protest, before racing off to Naruto.

“No! Stay way!” Naruto cried when he saw Twilight galloping towards him, and instinctively kicked with his back hooves the book up to the air. It soon landed back in Fluttershy’s hooves.

“Naruto!” Twilight shouted, before turning back to Fluttershy.

“Gah! I’m sorry!” Naruto cried, once again hiding his face with his hooves.

“You guys!” Twilight called as she began chasing after the book, which kept being thrown from one gray pony to another. “Stop it right now!”

Eventually, just as the book was about to reach Fluttershy, Spike tackled her. The book fell down onto the floor.

Twilight galloped towards it and was about to pick it up, when it was levitated by blue aura and flew off. “Mine!” cried Rarity as she galloped away with it.

“Hey!” Twilight called and started giving chase. “Do you even know what you just stole?!”

“No, but if you want it, I want it!” Rarity replied. Twilight tried to get the jump on her but missed, and instead face-planted into the floor.

“GIVE ME THAT BOOK!” Twilight screamed as she continued to give chase.

Rarity jumped on the small table at the middle of the library and kicked back a decorative statue that stood on it in an attempt to trip Twilight. The lavender Unicorn, however, skillfully jumped over it.

Twilight was just about to catch up to Rarity, when Fluttershy lifted her up to the air along with the book. The librarian was caught by surprised and failed to dodge Rarity’s boulder just in front of her, and now had her face planted on it.

“Where is she?!” the dazed Twilight demanded, as she shook off the stars she was seeing. “Where’s Rarity?!” she asked Applejack and Pinkie, who were standing behind her.

“Beats me,” Applejack replied indifferently.

“LIES!” Twilight screamed as she jumped at the two gray mares, starting a messy scuffle of kicks, punches and bites. Fluttershy smirked deviously as she dropped Rarity and the book into the mess, and then joined in herself.

“Those ponies… they’re all crazy!” the horrified Naruto thought as he watched the fight from a safe distance. “I’ve gotta get out of here!” he thought. Noticing the unguarded staircase to the upper floor, he began tip-trotting towards it.

Before long, Twilight jumped out of the scuffle with the book safely in her hooves.

“Get back! All of you!” Twilight shouted to her gray friends, who still had their sights on the book. “This is my book! And I’m going to READ IT!”

Spike stood guard between Twilight and the others, with a scroll as his trusty weapon. It didn’t make him look any more intimidating whatsoever.

Twilight used her magic to open the book, soon letting out a surprised, yet happy gasp. “The Elements! They were here all along!” she called as her eyes were met by the golden glow of the Elements of Harmony. The book was hollowed out to make room for the seven magic artifacts.

“This is great!” Spike called as ran towards the book and looked the Elements. “Now you guys can defeat Discord and put everything back to normal!”

“See girls? We did it!” Twilight called as she ran to her four friends. “We found the Elements of Harmony! Together!”

Rarity was polishing her rock, Applejack laid against the bust Rarity knocked over earlier and Fluttershy swung Pinkie’s mane from side to side in attempt to get an annoyed reaction from her, but the former party pony simply sat with her hooves crossed, a spiteful look on her face. None of the mares showed any reaction to what Twilight said, save for Applejack who let out a yawn.

“You don’t even care, do you?” Twilight deadpanned.

“Nope!” the four mares replied simultaneously.

“I never thought it would happen…” Twilight sighed. “My friends… have turned into complete JERKS!” she snapped.

“Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! Necklace!” Twilight yelled as she used her magic to attach the matching necklace to each of the four mares. “And… big crown thingy!” she placed the Element of Magic on her head.

“Come on, everypony! Let’s go!” Twilight called as she began trotting outside.

“But Twilight, aren’t you missing somepony?!” Spike asked as he joined up with her.

“Nope. We’ve got the liar, the grump, the hoarder and the brute,” Twilight replied, looking over Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Wait a second…” she remembered. “Where’s the coward?!” she demanded, looking around for any sign of Naruto.

“Sure haven’t seen him sneaking upstairs,” Applejack said.

Twilight groaned in annoyance, her horn lighting up.

“No! You can’t make me!” Naruto could be heard whining from upstairs. “I don’t wanna go!”

In a few moments, Naruto came floating downstairs, encased by a purple aura. He was running in mid-air, attempting in vain to run away again. Twilight then dropped him on the floor.

“Now put on that headband!” Twilight yelled as she tied the Element of Bravery around Naruto’s head with her magic.

“It’s the Old Man’s artifact!” the nine-tailed fox thought. “But… something feels wrong. Is the chakra blocked?”

“Twilight, we’re still missing Rainbow Dash!” Spike reminded her.

Twilight pondered for a second, before smiling. “Congratulations, Spike,” she said as she levitated the Element of Loyalty towards him, placing it around his neck. “You’re the new Rainbow Dash. Now let’s go!”

“Me?!” Spike cried, attempting to catch up with Twilight, who was racing to the now smashed front door. “B-b-but what if she finds out I've been impersonating her?” he shuddered. “That won't end well…”

“Too bad, you're Rainbow Dash,” Twilight replied as she continued pacing forward. “Now let's go defeat Discord so we don't ever have to talk to each other again!”

“Yeah! Woohoo!” cheered Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack as they galloped after her, trampling Spike in the process.

“And you too, Naruto!” Twilight yelled back at the gray stallion, who was busy trying to stuff himself back into the bookshelf. Twilight promptly levitated him outside, placing him beside Pinkie. The previously pink pony frowned at him when buried his head inside her tail.

“Look out! Here comes Tom!” Twilight yelled a few moments later. Suddenly, Rarity’s boulder burst through the window and fell down. Pinkie moved aside and Naruto jumped on her back in the nick of time. The formerly pink mare shot him another angry gaze before shaking him off her.

Not much later, Twilight, Rarity and Spike came outside as well and joined up with the others.

“Well, well, well…” a familiar voice spoke in an irreverent tone. “I see you found the Elements of Harmony! How terrifying!”

“Gah! Discord!” Naruto cried and dove behind Tom, before taking a peek at him. The spirit of chaos was levitating not far ahead of them, a mocking grin on his face.

“Discord!” Twilight called, taking a few steps forward. “I've figured out your lame riddle. You're in for it now!” Twilight threatened.

“I certainly am,” Discord conceded and landed on the tiled floor. “You've clearly out-dueled me, and now it's time to meet my fate,” he called dramatically, putting on a pair of fashionable red sunglasses.

“I'm prepared to be defeated now, ponies,” Discord said, a large bullseye appearing on his torso. “Fire when ready.”

“Formation! Now!” Twilight ordered. Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack paced forth to form a half circle around Discord, although they rolled their eyes indifferently.

“Naruto! Rainbow Dash! Get over here!” Twilight called out in Tom’s direction.

A doubtful Spike peeked out from behind Tom, before running ahead to join the mares.

“Now!” Twilight yelled, upon seeing that Naruto didn’t join him. The stallion jumped in fright and slowly paced forth, keeping his eyes off Discord. He gulped very audibly on his way.

“Alright,” Twilight said as the group was united. “Let’s get this over with!”

The Element of Magic began glowing, causing magical breeze to whistle among the group. The ponies, all wearing indifferent expressions—or frightened, in Naruto’s case—began glowing in a magical aura and levitated upwards.

“Something’s not right… This isn't anywhere near what I felt the last time...” thought the nine-tailed fox, who had been keeping a close watch ever since Twilight found the Elements in the book.

Discord looked out of the sunglasses with a surprised look, as the light from the ponies grew brighter and brighter… before vanishing completely, the ponies falling down on the ground.

“What’s going on?” the baffled Twilight asked.

“Mine’s working,” Applejack said. “There must be something wrong with yours,” she pointed a blaming hoof at Twilight.

“I hate the Elements of Harmony!” Pinkie yelled.

Fluttershy tossed her Element aside. “Hmph, garbage.”

“Mine!” screamed Rarity, who quickly snatched Fluttershy’s Element.

“Well, glad we tried. Bye!” Naruto quickly called before speeding off. “I’ve got to get out of here, or Discord might tell them about me!”

Looking around for the nearest safe haven, Naruto remembered that he was right next to Twilight’s library, and immediately rushed back inside. “I really hope Twilight won’t be back until she takes care of Discord. Maybe then this nightmare will be over…”


Sometime later...

“Ahahahaha! This is wonderful!” cheered Discord. He was sitting on a red throne balanced on the top of Ponyville square’s fountain, now remodeled as Discord wearing a crown and a cape, and was spewing orange juice from the staff, horns and mouth.

Discord snapped his fingers and a glass with wings appeared next to him. The cup flew down towards the staff and started to be filled with cola, instead of juice. The cup then flew back up towards Discord, who grabbed it and took a large, satisfying sip.

“Finally, after all these years, it’s about time I had some fun!” he exclaimed as he looked down at Ponyville, smirking to see the many ponies slipping down the soapy streets, caught up in cotton candy clowns or attempting to enter or leave their upside-down houses.

Discord snapped his fingers, causing a nearby tan-colored Earth pony to scream in surprise as she floated above the ground upside-down. A nearby mint-colored Unicorn simply stared at her, slack-jawed.

“Oh, this is just the best!” Discord cheered, before taking another sip of cola. “And this time around, those pesky Elements won’t be around to get in my way! Not to mention those idiots from—”

“Having fun, Dissssssscord?”

Discord performed a spit-take, spewing out milk everywhere, before turning around and looking up. Up there, was a large, pitch-black bat floating in the sky, its eyes locked on Discord.

“Oh, it’s just you,” Discord smirked. “Did you and the others have fun spending the last few hundred years down that hole?”

“Don’t think we don’t know how you’ve fared up until now,” an echoing voice replied from the bat’s direction. “If it weren’t for Fear freeing you, you’d still serve as an ornament in Celestia’s little garden.”

“Oh please,” Discord dismissed. “At least I had a charming view of Canterlot while I was a statue.”

“If you won’t end your foolery, I can ensure you that you will have a charming view of Tartarosssssss for the next millennium,” the bat hissed.

“Are you threatening me?! Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony?!” Discord demanded as he flew up towards the bat. “Don’t forget that you’re the ones who need me! If it weren’t for me, you all wouldn’t even have a chance of—”

“DISCORD!!!” another, much deeper voice roared from the bat. Discord’s eyes widened in horror as he began shrinking more and more, until he was even smaller than the bat.

“Oh, uh…” Discord muttered. “I didn’t know you were back. How was your… uh… vacation, Sir Hatred Hex?”

“Cut the crap, Discord!” the voice roared. “Your foalish little games had cost us our freedom a thousand years ago!”

“Well, in my defense,” Discord spoke, “none of us had anticipated that the Sage would—”

“If you hadn’t chosen to play games with those foalish Princesses, it wouldn’t have mattered what he’d done!”

“Y-yes, you’re right,” Discord muttered.

“Now get out there and destroy those damn Elements! And if you make even one more mistake, I will make you wish that you were never made!” Hatred threatened.

“R-right. Of course,” Discord replied, looking down. He slowly grew back to his normal size and descended down to the floor.

“And when you come across the heiress,” Hatred continued. Discord turned back to look at the bat.

“Eliminate her.”

Author's Note:

Finally an update! It's about time too...

Honestly, it wasn't a very fun chapter to write since it was mostly pre-written dialogue and scenes. At least i got through with it.
Make sure to comment down below, and tell me what you liked or hated!

I hope we'll all get to see the next chapter soon!

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