• Published 5th Jun 2014
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Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

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Chapter 7- I’m Naruto Uzumaki!

Chapter 7- I’m Naruto Uzumaki!

“Do you see now, foalish human!? You do not have a chance against the queen of the night! Just give it up, the numbers are against you!” Nightmare Moon called, laughing evilly.

However, Naruto grinned at her. “Sorry, but if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s not giving up!” he retorted and raised his hands for a seal. “And besides…”

“Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!” he yelled, and within a moment, the room was filled with a hundred duplicates of the blonde-haired ninja, many of whom standing on the walls and ceiling. Nightmare Moon and her clones stared around at the room all around them, completely stunned. “NoPONY outnumbers Naruto Uzumaki!”

“Uzumaki Shuriken Barrage!” Naruto called, and in unison all of the clones starting throwing metal stars down at the group of black mares.

“Gaaah!” the multiple voices of Nightmare Moon cried, as the metal collided with their flesh. Three of the clones were hit by enough throwing stars that they dissipated into fog and vanished. The other four flew around the room, firing their magical lasers at the Naruto crowd. Only ten seconds into their attack, half of the clones had been hit and dispelled.

But then, two Naruto’s jumped down at them from the ceiling, two of their palms holding together an enlarged version of the blue sphere from before just millimeters from their palms. Two of the mare clones were too late to see the mass of chakra descending upon them.

“Big Ball Rasengan!” the two Naruto clones yelled as it made contact with them, then promptly exploded, disintegrating them into mist. The Naruto clones landed down on the marble floor and high-fived, only to be immediately kicked away and vanished by Nightmare Moon.

She looked to the other side of the room, nearby the entrance, and saw a Naruto clone taking out her last clone with a kunai, after a short match of kicks by the black pony and punches by the blonde ninja.

Furious, she shot a beam from her long horn at the clone, and then turned the ray behind her at the last pair of clones, whom were in the middle of conjuring up another Rasengan.

The real Naruto walked up in front of her, a grave expression on his face. “I won’t ask you again—where’s Princess Celestia?”

But Nightmare Moon wasn’t about to comply with the Konoha ninja. “I have had enough of this foalish game! Prepare to witness the full prowess of the ruler of the night!” she roared, as her eyes started glowing white, and her horn black.


With every pace the group took, the forest grew darker and darker, until at one point, even Naruto began to suspect that this wasn’t just an ordinary forest after all, not counting the Manticore they encountered earlier.

“Ugh. My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck,” Rarity soon vocalized her opinion. And as much as he’d hate to admit it, Naruto silently agreed with her.

Soon enough, the trees’ canopy grew so thick, even the full moon’s light wasn’t able to pierce through it any longer. That’s when it finally hit Naruto. “Wasn’t it supposed to be day already? That Nightmare Moon can really control the moon and sun!?”

“Ahhh!!!” Fluttershy’s scream soon hit his ears and he broke out of his daze. He stared forward to see one of the creepiest-looking trees he’d ever seen. Its weird bark made it look like a giant scary face, with big piercing eyes and pointy teeth. He let out a sigh of relief. “So it was nothing after all.”

But then he noticed the rest of the group all frozen in fear. They looked all around them, staring in shock at all the trees around them, which were just as creepy as the one up ahead. Soon enough they began to scream in panic.

“Are you serious? These are just trees!” he exclaimed in disbelief. However, the mares all seemed too stunned and fearful to even listen. “And they wanted to fight Nightmare Moon?” he thought, disappointed.

A cute laughter suddenly broke the girls’ screams. They all looked ahead to see Pinkie giggling at one of the trees, making funny faces at it. Naruto stared at her, bewildered. Even after getting to know her for a while, he couldn’t believe her optimism held through even in here, when the others went into a fearful paralysis.

“Pinkie, what are you doing!? Run!” Twilight cried out to the pink mare.

Pinkie's Laughter Song

Naruto couldn’t help himself but join and laugh with the girls. He was too taken in by the laughs and too happy to notice that with each fit of laughter the trees magically went back to normal one by one, and the darkness diminished, until suddenly he found that everything around looked normal again.

The group walked ahead happily, still giggling and enjoying their victory over their fears.

Pinkie stayed back and smiled at the orange colt. “I don’t know how you deal with fears back home, Naruto, but I think laughter is the best cure ever!” she exclaimed with a beaming grin.

Naruto chuckled. “Yeah, I sometimes wish we were all like you.” He decided to just leave it at that and not tell her just how much conflict and pain his world was really in. Save for the Nightmare Moon incident, he couldn’t help but think that this place was almost too good to be true, and didn’t want to depress her by involving her in his own problems. Though… He doubted that anything could depress this pink ball of joy.


The group soon found itself in front of a raging river. “So how are we gonna cross this?” Pinkie asked.

As if in answer to the question, a loud sobbing could be heard to their right.

The seven ponies walked a short distance next to the river to find a huge, purple sea serpent, which was responsible for both the cries and the raging water, by flicking his tail all around in his literal ‘storm of emotions’.

Naruto rubbed his eyes, refusing to acknowledge that the serpent had very well kept orange hair, neat and tidy eyebrows and a long, straight mustache. That is, it only had the left side of his mustache.

“Oh… What a world, what a world!” the serpent lamented, hitting the water with his front hands (Naruto forgot to even question their existence) in frustration.

“Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?” Twilight asked him.

“Well, I don’t know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whizzed past me, and tore my beloved mustache clean off! And now, I look simply horrid!”

Naruto frowned. “This must have been Nightmare Moon! But what’s the point in doing this…?”

The sea serpent fell back into the raging river, crying uncontrollably. This made him splash all over the group of ponies. Naruto was getting annoyed at the melodrama. “Look, we feel really bad about your mustache, but we have to get across! So if you’ll just…”

“Naruto!” Rarity yelled, her eyes widened at him with disbelief. She made him jump slightly and he stared at her. “How can you simply stand there, and not offer some help to this poor fashion crime victim!? How can you live with yourself!? How can you be so insensitive!?”

“Well, what can we even do?” Naruto retorted, but Rarity simply walked ahead to the serpent, who laid his head on the river bank ahead of them.

“Oh, would you look at him! Such lovely, luminescent scales,” she complimented.

“I know!” the purple creature answered, his sobbing finally ceased.

“And that expertly combed mane!” the white mare continued.

“Oh, I know! I know!” he replied happily, brushing it with his right hand.

“And your fabulous manicure!”

“Oh, it’s so true!”

Naruto rolled his eyes. Only Rarity could possibly comment on every such trivial matters as peoples’ fingernails.

“All ruined without your beautiful mustache!”

“It’s true! I’m hideous!” the serpent cried.

“I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulousity go uncorrected!” Rarity said gravely, as she bit down and took off one of the serpent’s scales, who then screamed at the sudden, slight pain.

“What did you do that for!?” he cried out as he wiped a tear of pain from his left eye.

Rarity raised the scale up, revealing its sharp end, and to the shock of everyone around, took most of her own tail clean off.

The serpent cried out in overly dramatic shock and dropped his head on the river bank again.

Rarity’s purple, curly tail was then raised to the air by her magic, and was attached to the stump of the serpent’s right mustache.

“Oh, my mustache! How wonderful!” the serpent cried in sheer delight, when he saw the patchwork done on it.

“You look smashing!” Rarity complimented, smiling from ear to ear.

“Oh, Rarity! Your beautiful tail!” Twilight cried out.

“Oh, it’s fine, dear. Short tails are in this season!” Rarity replied nonchalantly. Naruto, however, didn’t buy it. And he was confident that no one else did either.

“Besides, it will grow back,” the white mare added with a half-smile. Naruto chuckled at this. Now she sounded a bit more truthful.

Everyone smiled at her, and Rainbow Dash commented “So will the mustache…”

“Oh! We can cross now!” Twilight said happily when she noticed the river was now calm.

“Please allow me!” the serpent called with a wide smile, and made small, scaly ‘islands’ with its long body to jump on across the river.

As they landed on the other side, Naruto smiled at Rarity. “You know, you’ve really surprised me.”

“Hmm? Whatever do you mean, darling?”

“It takes some real guts to do something like that to yourself. A friend of mine once did that to her hair to save me.” He recalled how Sakura did that in order to protect him and Sasuke during the chunin exams.

“She cut her hair… To save you?” Rarity asked, baffled.

“Oh!” the orange colt exclaimed, realizing he said something he shouldn’t have. He smiled at her, scratching the back of his head. “I’ll tell ya later.”

“Hey! Are you guys done flirting!?” Rainbow’s impatient voice reached them from further up the trail.

Rarity immediately took on a shade of red deeper by at least three levels. “W-We’re doing nothing of the sort!” she exclaimed as she ran ahead, giving a quick gaze back at Naruto.

He tilted his head at her, confused with her reaction, and ran after her shortly afterwards.


The group made it out of the thick part of the forest, and could finally clearly see the ruins of the castle. “There it is! The ruins that hold the Elements of Harmony! We made it!” Twilight announced promptly, and dashed forward, her spirit renewed, and the rest of the group shortly behind her

However, her renewed spirit didn’t let her see the chasm that was cutting the path, a fallen bridge hanging on its’ side, and she shot her eyes open in astonishment when she finally did see it, barely managing to not fall down the cliff.

Rainbow dragged her backwards to safety by the tail. “What’s with you and falling off cliffs today?” she smirked.

“So now what?” Pinkie asked aloud.

“Let’s just jump across,” Naruto bluntly suggested. While it didn’t look like much of a jump for him, it earned him stunned gazes from his companions. It was then that he remembered he was probably the only ninja amongst them. “Ehehe, just kidding?” he muttered, blushing.

“While I do simply adore this shade of red, Naruto, this is no time for jokes! Only Equestria Games-level athletes could make a jump like THIS!” Rarity cried out.

“So do you have any other ideas?” Naruto asked grumpily.

“Uhh, duh!” Rainbow called as she flapped her wings.

Everyone looked at her as she flew down to grab the end of the dangling bridge, and then flew with it to the other side of the chasm to tie it up.

However, Naruto had a nagging feeling he should try to get across as quickly as possible. “I’m gonna look for a safer way across. Stay here and watch Rainbow!” he ordered as he raced on the sideways of the chasm, away from the group. They eyed him questioningly, but didn’t go after him.

“Be careful, Naruto!” Fluttershy yelled as loudly as she could. It was more like a vocal whisper.

After he got far away enough, Naruto had gotten himself a running start, and jumped cleanly across the thirty feet wide abyss, landing just behind trees next to Rainbow Dash, who was talking with a strange group of Pegasi. They all wore matching dark blue bodysuits and dark yellow sunglasses.

“…We want you to join us. The Shadowbolts!” Naruto heard. “We are the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria! But first… We’ll need a captain.” This made Rainbow’s eyes sparkle.

Naruto gasped quietly. They felt as sinister as Nightmare Moon. “I’d get in there now, but it could put Rainbow in danger,” he thought. “I’ll wait until there’s no choice.”

“The most magnificent…” one of the Pegasi said as she started flying around Rainbow.

“Yep!” the light blue pony answered enthusiastically.

“Swiftest…” she continued.

“Yes!” Rainbow answered.

“Bravest flier in all the land!”

“Yes! It’s all true!” Rainbow laughed.

“We need… You,” she whispered the last word.

Rainbow jumped six feet into the air, hovering and letting out a cry of happiness. “Sign me up!”

Naruto didn’t need to hear the last few words to know that the suspicious Pegasi appealed right to Rainbow’s ego and to her dream.

Rainbow flew down towards the bridge. “Just let me tie this bridge real quick, and then we have a deal.”

The dark Pegasus flew immediately right up to Rainbow’s face. “No! It’s them or us!”

Naruto squinted his eyes angrily at them. “What’s Nightmare Moon up to? Is that her way of stopping us from reaching the castle?”

“Rainbow! What’s taking so long?” Twilight’s voice was heard from the other side of the chasm. “Rainbow!”

The dark Pegasus turned towards the chasm with an evil glint. The light fog around the chasm suddenly thickened, blocking the rest of the group from seeing or hearing what was going on.

“Well?” the Pegasus exhorted.

Naruto stared closely at Rainbow. “If she makes the wrong choice here I’ll have to stop her. I really don’t want to believe she’ll betray us, though…”

“…You,” Rainbow said. The Pegasus grinned evilly. Naruto was about to jump out to confront them when…

“Thank you, for the offer, I mean,” Rainbow said aloud.

Naruto let out a deep sigh of relief and slumped on the ground. He watched as Rainbow tied the bridge, the Pegasi staring at her, completely stunned.

“But I’m afraid I have to say ‘no’,” the rainbow-maned mare said as she flew back to the other side of the chasm to get her friends.

Naruto smiled and got up, when the group of Pegasi suddenly turned into purple fog. This made him go wide-eye and he jumped out of the bushes towards it.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going, Nightmare Moon!?” he demanded.

“And who are you, foal!?” a voice echoed from around the purple mist.

“Naruto Uzumaki!” the orange pony answered.

“I see… So back in the castle what I saw was your real form… Are you a clone?”

“I could ask you the same!” he yelled back at her. “Why are you doing all this!?”

“Funny. Our originals had this conversation a while ago back in the castle. So, I am not going to answer this again.”

“I went there to try to convince you to stop this. Why aren’t you listening!?”

“You young foal! You cannot even hope to understand the anger and bitterness that stem from a millennium of banishment in the Moon!”

“It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through! If you don’t stop hurting others this cycle will never—“

“Silence!” the voice roared. “I’ve heard this little speech of yours already. Be it once, or ten times more, none can convince me to stop from taking my revenge! And you’ve interfered with my plans far too much… Taste some of the despair I felt in my exile!”

The fog suddenly split into ten pieces, and each piece grew and grew… Until they’ve grown to about ten times his size. On each appeared a pair of yellow glowing eyes, all glinting with evil.

“Naruto!” Twilight’s voice called from behind him. The group heard what happened and rushed to his aid.

“No! Stand back! It’s too dangerous!” Naruto yelled he turned his head back in front of him. There he saw a pack of vicious, huge, wooden wolves growling at him, their sharp fangs exposed.

“T-T-Timberwolves!” five mares cried.

“Now, now, girls,” Fluttershy said calmly as she hovered to the nearest one, and smiled at his eyes. “I’m sure these puppies are just scared, or hungry, or lost…”

However, she was promptly cut short by a roar from the wooden wolf. “There’s no need to be so rude,” the yellow Pegasus replied softly.

“Fluttershy, those aren’t normal wolves! It’s Nightmare Moon!” Naruto exclaimed.

She looked at him in surprise, then turned back to the wolf. “Oh, I see,” she nodded. “Run!!!” she then suddenly yelled and flew away.

The others wordlessly complied, and turned back towards the bridge. “Naruto, let’s get going! This is too much for us to handle!” Twilight pleaded. “We need to regroup and—.”

But the orange colt stayed in place. “No,” he replied flatly.

“Naruto, don’cha be reckless! Timberwolves ain’t no joke!” Applejack said.

“All what we’ve been through today is what Nightmare Moon threw at us to make us give up! But together, you all faced every single obstacle we faced. And if you think that Naruto Uzumaki is gonna let you give up after we made it this far, then you couldn’t be more wrong!” he called out passionately.

“But it’s ten huge Timberwolves against us seven ponies! What could we possibly do, Naruto!?” Rarity asked.

“Let me correct those numbers,” Naruto answered as he crossed his front hooves.

“Ooh! This is gonna be so awesome!” Pinkie exclaimed, completely exhilarated, and jumped up and down. The others looked at either Pinkie or Naruto questioningly.

“Transformation Jutsu, Release!” the orange Earth pony yelled. A large cloud of smoke suddenly enveloped the area, and then slowly dissipated to reveal…

Every single pony (including Pinkie, who seemed to just enjoy doing it), stared at the strange creature that was now standing at twice their height, their jaws to the ground. Twilight was the first one to find her voice. “What… Are you?” she asked in pure astonishment.

“A human, and a ninja of the Village Hidden in the Leaves,” he answered proudly as he pointed with the strangest pair of hooves she’d ever seen at the metal plate headband shrouding his forehead. “I’m Naruto Uzumaki!”

“Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto called as he performed the seal. Everypony’s jaws fell even lower than before as they were now surrounded by duplicates of Naruto. “So now it’s ten Timberwolves against six ponies and a hundred ninjas. Still think we can’t win?” Naruto asked as he smirked towards the group.

“Ninety-nine, actually!” Pinkie corrected as she smacked the leg of one of the clones near her.

“Yowch!” the clone cried and vanished. Naruto gave her an angered look.

“Sorry, but it’s just so much fun! Oh, incoming!” she alerted him.

Naruto turned back to the wooden wolves to see them lunging for an attack, but the clones all produced small, metal daggers from pouches on their thighs, prepared for the attack.

The six ponies gasped as the wolves pounced on many of the clones at once, but were then promptly kicked up to the air by clones, who quickly jumped after them in groups and hurled the daggers at them.

The wolves all let out furious roars and crumbled into wooden pieces, which dropped on the ground.

“Yeah! Woohoo!” the ponies cheered as the Naruto clones landed on the ground.

The ‘original’ Naruto turned and smiled at them. “That was nothing, we didn’t even break a sweat!” he laughed, and suddenly realized that the ponies weren’t anymore.

“Sorry to rain on the parade, Naruto… But you really should look back,” Rainbow said as she pointed to behind him.

Naruto turned around, and his eyes widened as far as they could go. “What the he—,” he yelled when he saw the broken wooden pieces magically rising up to the air, forming another Timberwolf. However, this one was so humongous, it towered far above the trees, and with every step it took it shook the entire forest and the ground, crushing most of the stunned clones after just three.

Author's Note:

First of all, I apologize, but I couldn't find a way around Pinkie's song. I seriously doubt it will ever happen again. (Or maybe you liked it?)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this. The next chapter is halfway through. Again, hopefully it will be up in a week. I still have lots of work to do so I can't guarantee it.

If you have some episodes you'd like me to redo with Naruto included, please PM me! (Preferrably ones that are early in the series, seasons 1 and 2)

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