• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.


When the perfect series of events all conspire against the sleepy little town of Ponyville, disaster strikes in the form of a massive flood that completely swallows the small town. However, this cloud may have a silver lining for at least one Ponyville citizen. The resident Princess, Twilight Sparkle, needs a place to stay until the water recedes, and there just so happens to be a pony she's been meaning to spend more time with that lives in the sky, safe from the water below.

My entry for the Twidash Army's second writing contest.

Cover art generously provided by the amazing Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her out!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

Don't you hate it when worthless haters instantly downvote a fic upon its being approved? Also, you used the Normal Twilight Tag instead of the Princess one when the description clearly says she is a Princess in the fic.

4672578 There's always going to be that one guy who just has a genuine desire to be a jackass. What can you do?

Very well done!

I enjoyed the way you wrote Twilight dealing with her crush, and I was kinda dreading that there would be the same cut-and-dry confession scene at the end when Twilight would admit her feelings and Rainbow would return them and etc. I was pleasantly surprised by the different route you took with it, and I found myself greatly enjoying the whole ending especially. Best of luck in the contest!

On another note, I can't help but wonder what inspired you with the flooding~

Seriously though, I had some flashbacks to last year with the big houses down by the river bank flooded up to the third floor. It was surreal and I re-experienced some of that today.

Now, the meaningful comment.

but form what I'd read it could


three days for you two pony up and get it done


Great story, though!

It's a shame that you had a time limit. This could easily have been stretched over a couple of chapters and benefited from it. Not to say that this wasn't enjoyable, certainly not! The premise was interesting, the execution was great, but the pacing felt a bit too quick... which leads back to the bemoaning the time limit thing lol.

Anyway, I certainly enjoyed it, it's a bit of a breath of fresh air from the stock standard get-together fics that we've been experiencing lately. I definitely liked Rainbow beating Twi to the punch with the confession, not something you see too often, and when it is, it's not as well executed, usually. Best of luck with the contest.

Heh, turns out I had longer than I thought I did today. Oh well, thanks a ton for putting this in... everything for me.

Yeah, luckily I wasn't in the flood area, but I took a drive around town and it's a very odd sight to see roads just drive into essentially a lake. This story was specifically inspired by one of my friends who was in a flood warning area and came to stay with me for a couple days. Luckily his house was undamaged and he went home once the water stopped rising, but for a while we weren't sure.

:facehoof: I don't write Princess Twi much. Thanks; I'll go fix it. And yeah, every ship has those kinds of people. I've learned to ignore it.

If I had time I'd have liked to write a chapter for every day or two, and make it so the final confrontation didn't happen until the last day. It'd boost this fic past 10K words but, alas, time restraints. Still, I'm happy with what I managed to get done with everything else that was going on for me while this story was being written.

You know one pony brought their dresser?

It was Rarity wasn't it?

“I know I am,” Rainbow boasted as we descended the sitars.

Rainbow's stairs became musical instruments?:rainbowhuh:

“I didn't know I could do that to a mare!”

Do what? Get her absolutely soaking wet? :raritywink:

This was very cute, Twilight and Dash felt quite nicely in character.

It saddens me to see such neg-bombing on a story, but I'm sure the up/down vote ratio will shift to a normal ratio as more people read this.

Man, I can't wait to read this once I get off work today, but just glancing through my feed, I noticed a typo in the long description that I just felt I should point out.

When the a perfect

Hah, I never read a fellow contestant's entry before the deadline. Yet you got me interested :rainbowwild:

I particularly liked Twilight trying to deal with the pressure Rainbow puts on her. Also, Rainbow's turnaround was a refreshing change of pace compared to so many confession fics. Only complaint would be that Rainbow seemed a bit harsh in some places, but I'm willing to interpret it as the kind of tough love scaredy-Twilight needed.

Good luck in the contest :rainbowdetermined2:

I almost cried when Tim told me you put a new fic up; readable TwiDash appeara to be a rarity these days.

It was a fun read, Kod. Thank you.

Oh my Celestia! I loved this--it's so sweet :) just so you know, you have a few spelling errors. But awesome job keeping the characters IC :pinkiehappy: I also think that the time limit could have been stretched out over more chapters, but I still think this is really good anyways. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day! !

“It was pretty cheep; you'd be surprised how hard it is to sell a cloud house outside of Cloudsdale. Most of the time pegasi who leave the city left to stay on the ground for one reason or another, like Fluttershy. So houses like these are really cheep just so they'll sell at all,” Rainbow explained, glancing back at the almost blindingly white structure.

:pinkiehappy: - You know, you could argue that using that form of the word is Pegasi slang! You can't be a cheap-skate with creativity, after all. :pinkiesmile:

A nice little story. Enjoyed it. A few spelling errors here and there, but still good.

Another solid contest entry! I love seeing common sense triumph over awkwardness. Including others of the Mane Six in Rainbow's investigation made a ridiculous amount of sense as well. You turned the confession trope on its head and made a great story out of it.

Awesome story. I love Twilight falling through the clouds. It's pretty funny.

I don't know why but I feel like something is missing, like tension evaporated very fast without warning...

XD I noticed I on accident hit k instead of m and got kissing like this

I don't know why but I feel like something is kissing, like tension evaporated very fast without warning...

I agree that it was a nice take on the extremely overdone confession scene here where Rainbow Dash more or less forces Twilight to confess and Twilight sucks at it. Honestly, though, Rainbow Dash has to like her a lot to put up with that... not very romantic. More anti-romantic really. Gotta go for it! Seize the day! That's what Dash does, so you gotta if you wanna do Dash!

That's really the only thing that REALLY bothered me about the story... it didn't really feel like Rainbow Dash SHOULD say yes there, if Twilight can't spit it out.

That being said, one other somewhat bothersome thing was that... well, while going into the architecture of the cloud house was reasonable and all, it kind of felt a little bit weird. Like, it made sense in the story, and yet at the same time felt like it kind of was taking up time...

I dunno. It wasn't a problem - like, I didn't want to stop reading the story - but while it was interesting, I dunno if it really quite fit in. It wasn't bad by any means, but we didn't really see a whole lot of development between the pair.

It worked. It was fine. I liked the twist on the confession scene. But it didn't knock my socks off. My socks are still on my feet, keeping my toes warm. I want cold toes, man. Cold ones!

That... is actually not a bad premise. Not sure ANYONE has used a flood before, so I'll give this a read later.

Great fic, love it.

TwiDash is by far my favorite pairing! Great job!


The confession scene was a bit more rushed than I'd have liked it. it was written the day before I left for a vacation and I didn't have time to expand it as much as I would have liked. I was planning on something a little less... forced on Rainbow's part, and I wanted Twilight to snap out of it sooner and actually do the "right" thing, but that would have been an extra thousand words by the end had I included everything, so half way through I had to cut it off, which is why it feels like it wasn't quite as large of a payoff as it should have been. At least to me.

As for the architecture bit... ah-heh... yeah.. I realized half way through writing this I spent the first couple thousand words expanding my own headcanon on Dash's house and... was too lazy to go back and change it, honestly. It drags on a bit longer than I'd have liked and I wanted to add a few more snippets like when they were walking up the stairs to give a few more hints at what was really going on. But at the time, I got so wrapped up in the house I never got around to it and by time I realized it the contest was almost over and I had to finish it off. Luckily, as you said, it doesn't hurt the story too much, it's just... there for no real reason and doesn't actually add anything.

Yet another great story from one of my favorite Twidash authors! :twilightsmile: And a premise that hasn't been seen before, at least to my knowledge! :rainbowkiss: This gets a favorite and a like from me! Oh, and a few things I noticed: You used


instead of


. Oh, and you made a little mistake while typing;

int he

should be

in the

Just wanted to point that out to you! And again a great story! :twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

“Non-ficiton,” I explained as we walked into her living room.

ficiton, I found a typo, I believe it's meant to be fiction

I've always loved a good TwiDash story! :pinkiehappy: and this is one of the better ones I've read! :twilightsheepish:

Apart from some easy typos that spell checker would have caught, this was a very nice story. I loved the tour of Rainbow Dash's home and the quirk you added to Twilight's pegasus magic. Normally I prefer unicorn Twilight but about half the Twidash fics out there feature Twilacorn and usually she's just as cute. I can't believe the fanbase were so scared that she'd really have to leave Ponyville after Season 3.

As to the story itself I have to say I enjoyed the beginning and the leadup to the confession alot more than the confession itself. I agree with the comments that suggested spending more time on the story, since you had such a good setup. The best Twidash fics have a justifiable excuse for putting the two ponies close to one another and in private. This one did that and part of me wanted to see how the whole week played out, rather than just being reduced to a time-skip straight to the confrontation. I get that Rainbow Dash wanted to let Twilight get over her nerves and she was only playing the bad guy to get it over with, but I prefer it when it turns out Rainbow Dash can be more sensitive than that.

Still, the confession was cute and funny in its own way and it was a nice change of pace from the overly emotional dramatic conclusions you grow used to when you read shipfics.

I'm kinda new to this site; been reading lots of different stories, and I have to say that this one is one of my favorites. I love all that I've read that involves twilight, either alicorn or unicorn, but my favorite ships are cute twidash, twiluna, and a few of twilestia.

Now, i'm not one to judge a story based on it's mistakes (nopony's perfect, after all), and content to just enjoy what's been written without criticizing it. I may offer opinions, but I won't criticize something I'm not into.

I love that you really got into how the Pegasus powers work in relation to how twilight has to actually concentrate to access them.

As far as the whole story goes, I think i almost died of sugar overload a few times. Seems to me that twilight would be more into dashie than any of the other mane 6. I admit to a few tears reading the story.

I have an idea for my own fic, so do you think you could PM me with some advice? It's not got dashie, but plenty of twiluna, as well as a bit of rarilestia; haven't seen much of that. I just need pointers on how the formatting works (gonna have to read the faq i guess :P)


Very nice story. Dash seemed kind of...Really rude there however... Maybe ive just been reading too much fluffy fics lately.

Good that Rainbow finally understood that Twilight had been fully expecting to be turned down the whole time. It paints her fears in a different light. It isn't positive, mind you, but it's still better than just not bringing oneself to confess from indecision.

From what Twilight was saying about Rainbow Dash looking like she was trying to put the wrong puzzle piece into a puzzle, I spent most of that section of the story trying to imagine Rainbow Dash looking at all the clues she gathered and putting together something entirely unrelated. I determined that I have no idea what she could possibly have thought up. I was mildly disappointed to see Rainbow Dash being actually insightful, but it was great enough that said disappointment was immediately washed away.

Dash did come off as rather harsh, though.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. You are a blessing onto everyone who likes TwiDash.

As the cloud settled what I saw made my jaw drop open.

Rainbow Dash had a library.

DUN DUN DUUUUN :pinkiegasp:

“B... books...” Was all I could say as I stood in the center of the massive room, spinning in circles and taking in the sights all around me. “R... Rainbow Dash has... books...”

I love how freaked out Twilight is about Rainbow having books :rainbowlaugh:

You know, when I read your comment, somewhere in my mind I heard twilight say “books”.
*start at 0:05*

Sighing irritably, I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind and channelled my magic into my horn, the flow coming much easier than the pegasus magic that had been forced inside my body when I ascended. A simple flash of light later and I'd cast a heat spell, instantly evaporating the water from my fur and mane, as well as sapping away the lingering chill from the water. In an instant I went from soaked to perfectly try, and with a couple quick spells my mane and tail were once again brushed into their familiar shapes.

Uhmmmm, do you mean perfectly dry? Or did you purposly write it like that?

“Ya know,” she said, smacking her lips thoughtfully. “I could get used to that. Though it'd be better if you weren't soaking wet...”

Would it, Rainbow? Would it?

Not a bad story. I agree with another commenter that Dash must also have been crushing on Twilight to tolerate that much dithering about. And yes, it was VERY presumptuous of Twilight to ask Dash to be her marefriend right out of the gate. Rather than taking it in stride, I think Dash should have declined - for the moment at least - and suggested they date first. You basically made that same joke, but I don’t think the appropriate response is for Dash to just agree.

Man, I wish you’d turned your considerable talent to more RariDash. Rainbow is a shipping requirement - I think that much is obvious, but Rarity is so much better than Twilight as a character. Her motivations make way more sense, at least to me, and she wasn’t Mary-Sued. Besides, she and Dash are both alike and different in really fun ways, and it’s endlessly entertaining to read about Rainbow’s reaction to clothing, not to mention Rarity’s reaction to Rainbow IN clothing.

I have to admit, it's been a lot of fun watching you comment your way through my library.

You for sure aren't wrong about this one. It was a nightmare to write, on a time crunch for the contest and suffering through a block, I dragged out certain things waaaaay too much, and rushed an overly-sappy payoff that falls a bit flat.

In regards to Raridash though, unfortunately that's not really in the cards. I've got nothing against the ship, and it's undoubtedly a fun character dynamic, but Twidash is the only ship I've ever personally enjoyed. Couldn't say why, really, but this one speaks to me where other ships - and most romance in general - just doesn't.

Oops, I feel seen. In real-time, and in more of an embarrassing way. Oh well. What can I say - you’re a good writer, particularly about relationships. I get that TwiDash is your things and that’s cool.

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