• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.


Twilight's been crushing on Rainbow Dash for a long time - months even. When she finally decides it's time to come clean, she's more than ready to, but Rainbow may have other plans. The prismatic mare has a crush of her own, and she's come to Twilight for help.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 59 )

...Have you been spying on Tim and I while we collab?



What Blunderbutt means is that we're tinkering with something that kind of follows a similar (if not exactly the same) premise. You just happen to beat us to it :derpytongue2:

I feel as though this story has way to many dislikes, so I'll do what I never do and comment about it to hopefully explain to anyone interested in reading this and is turned away by the likes to dislikes ratio.

I feel this story is well written and has a rather good idea with it though it may be typical. You managed to tell and explain a story that could be developed way farther then you could have in as little as 6000 words and still have a impact on the reader even myself feeling quite sorry for Twilight; this is definitely a good read. Good work, looking forward to your next story! :twilightsmile:

Hahahahahaha! This is like... exactly the same thing that I see Timaeus and Blundy working on in our collaboration room! Yes! Oh I'm excited alright. ^_^ Thank you, Kodeake.


This is like nothing I've seen from their collab. I call shenanigans.

I demand a sequel! LOL


Because some people have there own preferred ships, and refuse any story, no matter how well written it is that Either stands against it, or appears to speak negatively about it.

Me, While Twidash is one of my favorites, I am will to accept any ship if the story about it decently written.

and this Fic is very well written.

5249007 i concur. There really not much point of a OTP when it comes to reading fanfiction. There will definitely be stories that go against what an individual hopes to see but downvoting it based on just that is really quite shallow.

Going to go with the twidash tax
Quote from a comment bats made on a story of mine that received random downvotes as soon as it was uploaded before people even had a chance to read it

You have encountered what I refer to as 'the Twidash tax.'
Try to not take it too personally; the pairing is one that sparks a lot of strong feelings, both for and against. There's a roving pack of haters that downvote any and every Twidash story they come across.

However this story is quite good, glad I read it, I give it a thumbs up

Hahaha! After you destroyed the first one, I believe they decided to scrap it and start this new one which is pretty much just like Kod's here.


It's not scrapped, just on hold until Tim's workload shrinks down from "overbearing" to "somewhat bearable." We just decided to keep busy.


I regret nothing. I edited as few men dared to dream.

I listened to So Far Away by Staind... bad idea. :fluttercry: Really bad idea.

You almost made me cry, and that's hard to do. Nicely done.

It's really lovely one. Maybe it should have a sequel to make the ending...I don't know ...happier?

Twilight's wing would fall 'accidentally' over Rainbow's back.

Heeeeyyyy, I remember seeing something like this but it was Rainbow doing the hitting on. Something by Argodaemon.

Ahhhhh the feels! Get out of the way, AppleDash!

Ooh, I like it. My OTP is AppleDash, but a good TwiDash can sometimes be better - as much as it pains me to admit - and this is one of those times. Well done!

"toast was toasted" This is incorrect, as it is bread > toaster > toast. If you toast toast then you get burnt toast, if you toast bread, then you get toast... Understand?

Actually it's correct. You see, toast is refereed to int he present tense, where as toasted is past tense. So what I said was what is currently toast was toasted. I never made mention to what it was before it was toasted. Understand?

I'm glad you finally cleared up the Applejack is straight.

Sort of interesting thus far. Of course we know that the success of their relationship is all but guaranteed, but do take your time developing it. Interesting that Rainbow had/has? the hots for Applejack, but is pretty cool on the Twilight scene. It seems a bit sketchy that she stopped by so soon if she's really not interested.

What did Twilight not mean? That she doesn't 'love' Rainbow or?

I'm pretty sure you would say 'bread was toasted' or 'toast was made'. You wouldn't say 'pancakes were pancaked' would you? Part of the problem is that in the absence of something specific, toast generally means bread that has been toasted. You can't just fail to say anything and expects us to think that you're toasting marshmallows, especially in the context of breakfast. Of course no one asks whether you want some 'toast' when they mean to ask whether you want a 'toasted marshmallow'.

Do you like to toast your toast?

You might google 'define: toast' and note that 'toast' can be used as a noun or a verb. You are using it in both senses when you 'say' the 'toast was toasted'. Unfortunately the noun refers to something (esp. bread) which has been toasted. Unless you mean to refer to the other meaning of the noun/verb:
n. a call to a gathering of people to raise their glasses and drink together in honor of a person or thing, or an instance of drinking in this way.
v. drink to the health or in honor of (someone or something) by raising one's glass together with others.

Twilight smile even as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

I think you mean 'smiled' here.

First, I believe you have mistaken this for a longer story; it's not. It's complete, and this is as far as I'm taking it. Whether or not the relationship works out is entirely up to the reader's imagination.

Second, rainbow stopped by as soon as she did because the previous night she yelled at her best friend and made her cry. What kind of crappy friend wouldn't stop by to make sure said friend was alright?

Third, yes, it was refering to the 'love' thing when Twilight said she didn't mean it and onyl said it because she panicked.

Fourth, in regards to the comment about toast, I'm well aware. I was being a snarky ass hat because it made me giggle like a child.

I love these kinds of one-shots. I particularly like how Dash doesn't automatically love her in return or realize that she's had feelings for Twilight for a while now--this is more natural, and it gives more meaning to them actually getting together.

Beautifully done.

Oh well.

Just because someone is your best friend does not mean that you must stop by immediately. Rainbow has no reason to think that staying away from Twilight for a little while will cause any harm. It would be inconsiderate to never address the issue, but Rainbow is hardly in a normal state of mind. Her love interest didn't return her feelings and Twilight suddenly has an interest that Rainbow was unaware of. In such a situation I would expect Rainbow to avoid Twilight to a degree until she'd sorted out her own feelings. A day or two doesn't seem like enough time for that, especially given how wound up Rainbow seemed about asking Applejack out.

5255003 your profile pick must become cannon

nightmare twilight

I don't have a favorite ship or OTP, don't really see the point since the only canon pairs in the show are married (eg. Shining Armor/Cadenc Mr. and Mrs. Cake. ect...) I'm just not a big fan of romance stories. There are a few romance stories that I like on this site but those are few, this isn't one of them. While it's one of the better stories on this site, I found it to be bland.

It's not that this story is bad, It's that I've read stories like this before. This one offered nothing new, just romance tropes I've seen before, so I found it bland. Hence why I didn't like it.

I liked that alot good job.you should do another

“I didn't mean to!” The mare shouted defensively. Twilight's pupils shrunk to the size of pinpricks as
Rainbow Dash's voice reached her ears. “I was... not thinking right. I just need to talk to her, okay

One paragraph.

Adorable story. Not much else to say, but it was a touching short fic.

I've read several of your stories. This story and "Four is greater" have made me want to follow you.

Just when I realized that there wasn't many good Twidash stories lately, I found this in the new stories list. And just like always, it was very well done. :twilightsmile:

Loved the idea Twilight would help Rainbow, even when it meant sacrificing her own desires just so Dash could be happy. I'm glad Tim and Blundy are supposedly writing a longer version of this, because I really do like the idea. Also appreciated the ending confrontation, it feels like something I would write in my own stories, as I love those type of scenes.

So this was great! Doesn't deserve all the dislikes it's gotten, don't let that get to you! :twilightsmile:


Bit of formatting/readability advice:

Centering and bolding stuff like "Two Weeks Ago" would make it stand out more. Adding a [ hr ] (without the spaces) immediately after it would also help, I think. It would look like this:

Two Weeks Ago

Where you put the -_-_-_- later, I'd use [ hr ] (again, without the spaces).

The centering thing is actually something I normally do, I just forgot to this time. I also forgot to italicize some things I meant to, one of the problems writing in a word doc and then just copy/pasting onto the site.

I generally use -_-_-_- as a page break because the formatting system in the word possessor I use is stupid and it's easier to do that, and most of the time when I transfer it to the site I only give it a bref glance to make sure everything copied over before posting so I never really gave it much thought. Still, now that I know how to add an actual break on here, I should probably do that, so thanks.

RD you bitch, Twi is better!

PS: Why is this complete?


Maybe this song would fit well:

It should start playing at the very end of your story, I think. The camera would slowly zoom out, and they'd smile and look at each other...


:fluttercry: This is actually closely related to what goes on in my love life. Very Similar indeed.

This story was so beautiful that you almost had me in tears. So close. Definitely favoriting this story and reading it again.:rainbowkiss:

I really
Hate appledash .-.

I'm in love with my best friend and she has a boyfriend. I told her how I feel.
Weeks later she asked me for advice because she was fighting with him.

It was one of the few times when giving good advice actually made me feel like buck.
Unrequited love is hell.

Poor Twilight.

This song fits perfectly.

Edit: I linked the wrong video because I'm dumb. Fixed it.

Hmm....another possibly appropriate song (unfortunately this is in relation to the sad aspect as opposed to the love aspect)

Great story, I seem to enjoy the sad, long, drawn out romance more than the short, sweet and to the point ones.

This, this has been a very, very well written book, as I had feelings to someone who hadn't got feelings for me I was relieved to see that it was a good ending but this book though, it brought up some memories, really liked it!

Catharsis, thank you for the cry

...Crush Twi's dreams huh?

You better not make me cry Kodeake... or summer camp's off... :duck:

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5963201 you have no new reactions.

6078949 glad to make you smile, even if I don't feel like it!:pinkiehappy:

I feel like this could've been made into a 2-shot but whatever

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