• Published 2nd Dec 2014
  • 35,380 Views, 3,113 Comments

What I've Done - Knight Breeze

Though no longer plagued with a face that would give Slender nightmares, Alex continues to struggle against a monster far worse than the one he was...

  • ...

Chapter V

Chapter V

I tossed my keys onto my table, just glad to be home after such a demanding day at work. It's too late to call Valerie, she'll be asleep by now. Not to mention that she has work in the morning, I thought as I slumped down in front of my computer, pressing the power button as I did so.

I put on my headset as I waited for the device to boot up, my mind moving sluggishly as I tried to decide what to play. Not Minecraft, I don't really want to deal with that right now. Especially not after falling into the lava and losing all those diamonds, I thought as my computer finished booting.

However, as I brought up my Steam account, I couldn't help but feel that something was off. Thinking that it was probably a problem with my computer, I closed Steam and began to run a virus scan, not even noticing the many-legged footsteps that were inching closer behind me.

A loud humming noise was my only warning before my entire body exploded in pain. I tried to get up from my chair, but all that I managed to do was roll from it and slump to the ground, whimpering pathetically as I did so. As my sight slowly filled with darkness, I saw a single, thick, insect-like leg enter my field of vision. Then everything went black...

* * *

I'm not sure when I became aware of my surroundings again, but as you can assume, I was understandably freaked out when I did. I seemed to be floating in a large transparent tank of some kind, the viscous liquid all around me making movement slow and sluggish. There was something metallic clamped down over my nose and mouth, feeding me precious, life giving oxygen, yet at the same time making me feel as if I couldn't breath. I also seemed to be completely naked, only adding to the growing panic that was spreading through my mind.

Outside of the glass, I could see a number of insectoid creatures, as well as a large number of glass tanks that were identical to the one that I was floating in. Inside each of these tanks I could see a single human, all of them were of various different races, with there being a seemingly random assortment of genders.

The insectoids were all dressed in white, zippered jumpsuits, many also holding what appeared to be a tablet computer of some kind. They all appeared to be busy, either taking notes on their tablets, or working at the panels in front of each of the tanks.

Is... is this really happening? I thought as I put my hands up to the glass, wonder and horror shooting through my brain. As I watched, several of the insects became aware of the fact that I was awake, one of which moved to the panel that stood in front of my tank. I had seen enough Star Trek, so I was fairly certain that the panel was some sort of control device for the tank I was suspended in.

I was also fairly certain that I didn't want to know what they were doing to me. “Hey! Let me out!” I tried to say through my mask, futilely beating at the glass in front of me as I did so. All that came out of my mouth, though, was a faint mumbling sound, which the aliens in front of me promptly ignored.

“Please! I didn't do anything! Let me out!” I said as I continued to pound at the walls of the glass tank. However, as I continued to try to force my way out of the tank, I started to feel drowsy, my strikes becoming less and less powerful with each passing second.

“Please... Why...?” I said, as darkness took me once again.

* * *

“They just took you from your home? You didn't even see your attackers?” Silver Back asked incredulously.

“No, I never see. They take when busy, not even hear approach,” ~Alex~ said with a shake of his head.

“And they ignored your cries for help as well...” Gustaf said thoughtfully as he stroked a talon underneath his beak.

“No, ignore what say, ignore what do. They turn eye blind, monsters to center,” ~Alex~ said as he took another bite of the food in front of him.

“What happened next?” Celestia asked, unsure if she wanted to hear more, but unable to turn away.

“I... not remember everything. Drugged, poisoned, mostly through time, but...”

* * *

The next time I awoke was on a large metal slab. Where am I now? I thought as I tried to look around. However, I seemed to be paralyzed, unable to even move an eyeball. Despite being unable to voluntarily move a muscle, I could still feel the world around me, and what I felt was pain.

Judging from the shear amount of pain, and the locations of that pain, I guessed that they had removed my arms and legs sometime while I was asleep. I tried to scream in horror, but was unable to do so much as whimper in pain due to my paralysis. That being said, I could only watch as a collection of blades slowly made their way to my face, inching ever closer with each passing second. They suddenly lunged forward, and I felt a sharp, stabbing pain in my eyes, followed almost instantly with darkness.

Luckily for me, the sheer amount of pain that the blades had caused forced me to pass out, allowing me to sink into the merciful arms of unconsciousness.

* * *

When I woke up next, I seemed to be floating in that tank again, though I couldn't really be sure of that, seeing as how I was still paralyzed and unable to even open my eyelids under my own power. I also distinctly remember them removing my eyes, but for some reason I was able to see light through my closed eyelids.

I also seemed to have my arms and legs again, but that was of little comfort, due mainly to my inability to use them. There were also several new pains, most of them centered on my stomach, though one was in the back of my skull. On top of all these new sensations, I also noted that I was wearing something around my neck. However, since I was unable to even open my eyes, much less reach up with my hands, whatever I was wearing had to remain a mystery at this point.

What... What did they do to me? Why are they doing this? I thought as I peacefully floated in the viscous fluid around me.

I... I don't know, an unbidden thought came back, but not in my voice. The voice in my head was one that I have never heard before, though it seemed to be female in nature.

What the heck was that? I thought, shocked that my inner most thoughts had been answered.

Don't yell, we can hear you just fine, another voice said, though this one was male.

Who are you? I asked, a little afraid at what sort of answer I was going to get.

I'm Stacy, the female responded.

And I'm Eduardo, the other voice said, his thoughts coming through loud and clear.

...Am I just imagining this? I asked after a couple of seconds of uncomfortable silence. I'm going crazy, I knew it...

I don't think you're going crazy, kid. I think that whatever those aliens did to us, it somehow linked us all together. Stacy and I have been awake for what we've guessed is about an hour now, just comparing notes and pasts. We don't know, it's kind of hard to tell time like this. Anyway, I don't think you're imagining us, or us imagining you, Eduardo said quickly.

Okay, let's say that I buy that explanation for now. Not like I have much choice in the matter... I muttered in disbelief.

What's your name? Stacy asked timidly.

I'm Alex, but shouldn't you already know that? I asked sarcastically, still thinking that she was just a fragment of my fracturing personality.

Before she could answer that, however, another voice joined the conversation, followed by another, and another, and another. Soon there was a cacophony of voices, some screaming in pain, some crying, some yelling, but all demanding answers. Well, that answers that question... I thought painfully to myself.

QUIET! I thought as loudly as I could, over and over again. Since I had no way to tell the passing of time, I probably spent an hour trying to get everybody's attention. I faintly became aware of Stacy and Eduardo thinking the word quiet in time with my mental shouts, and slowly others joined in our call for order.

Eventually the noise was silenced, and everybody was shouting along, calling for order. I then stopped, keeping my thoughts to myself as I waited patiently for everybody to follow suite. This took a while, but eventually everybody caught on, and soon silence reigned.

Now, that I have everybody's attention, I'd like to start by stating that, no, we are not all going crazy. At least, not that I can tell. Also, we are all in this together, so please do not shout over others, since it appears that we are all sharing the same thinking space, I thought to the assembled voices.

Where are we?

Why are they doing this?

What are they going to do to us?

HOLD IT! Let's not start that up again people, a voice I didn't recognize piped up. Let's start by introducing ourselves one by one, to see how many of us these monsters have taken. Please state your name, and where you were abducted from.

Thank you, Stacy said with a sigh of relief. My name's Stacy, and I'm from a little town in northern Oregon...

* * *

“We introduce selves. I admit that didn't know each name perfect first, but days we forced together turn weeks, I remember each voice by heart. I know each name, I know each family, I know each job. We not start family, but we become family. Family through together,” ~Alex~ said slowly as he put down the silverware he was holding.

“How... How many of you were there?” Celestia asked hesitantly.

“We fifty strong. Half girl, half boy, we random mix countries. Not all speak same tongue, but somehow understand same tongue. Not know how, probably same way monsters tell way orders, without understand,” Alex said quietly.

Luna nodded at this, while gently draping a wing over the ~human's~ shoulder. “You don't have to continue if you don't want to,” she said gently.

~Alex~ just shook his head at that. “No, they important, their story told. They suffer and die, while one survives. Must tell story, each one important. One was drunk. Three were drugs. Five were thieves. Seven were no home. All were important. They brothers, sisters, though not agree with life choices, though of different life walks. Yet brothers, sisters in suffering. We come together, we laugh to relieve others pain. We cry to share others burdens. We live each others heads,” ~Alex~ said, straightening his head proudly. “When make escape, each fight honor. We fight, we kill, we win freedom. We agree, even if one survive, others live on inside one. We promise to remember fallen, to tell story if got home, to remember each other, to die before forget. I keep promise, I tell of fallen.”

At this statement, Gustaf looked at Silver Back with a knowing expression. If Silver Back noticed this, he did not show it. “Please continue with your story. What happened next?” Gustaf asked as he turned back to face the human.

“We have nothing do. Think alien leave us finish growing, yet still awake even though. We assign jobs, start doing things with minds. Find out can think to self, not tell others. Find can think to others, not tell everybody. Exclusion at first, but time went on, and we find exclusion not happen. Bright Fame, take job, counter. He count, to tell us time. Soft-Haired, Peaceful Child, sing in mind. Keep spirit up. We find ways to entertain, tell stories, tell lives, until day come when finished growing...”

* * *

What's happening? Stacy asked suddenly, her thoughts filled with panic. Just like that, Julia's singing stopped, and we all went quiet as we desperately listened for Stacy's voice.

What is going on at your end, Stacy? We can't help you unless you tell us what is going on, Eduardo thought calmly.

I... I can see... Oh heaven above, they've turned us into monsters... she said, horror creeping into her thoughts.

I was going to ask her to describe for us what we looked like, but that question was answered almost immediately when my own eyes snapped open, allowing me to see the horrors that we've all become. We... We look like a cross between the Rake, a Hunger from The Elder Scrolls, and Slender, I thought as my tank began to empty.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, my body started moving on its own, pulling off the mask at my face and standing at attention. Guys, we're not paralyzed. We're being controlled, I thought in horror.

I heard several of us gasp in horror. Bob even stopped counting, shocked at what he heard. What are they making you do? Kazuko asked quietly.

They're making us follow them, Stacy said. But they're only taking four of us. Who are the other three?

I'm one, I'm second in line, I thought as I fell in line behind another twisted human.

I'm another, and I'm behind Alex. hey Alex, I heard Kazimir say.

I must be taking up the front then, Amelia said.

Well, you four keep us apprised as long as possible, Eduardo said as we marched behind the two alien scientists in front of us.

That's odd. How are they issuing orders? I don't think they've said a single word to us... Kazimir said thoughtfully.

Probably have us all wired to a central computer somewhere, do you see that remote in the left one's claw? He's probably able to select us individually and give us orders either individually or as a group, I thought back.

Like Starcraft? Amelia asked.

Precisely. I bet if we can get our hands on that remote, we'll be able to get free! I thought excitedly.

Except we can't move a muscle without their say so, Alex, Bob cut in. Where are you now?

We seem to be in a long narrow tube. Our bodies are putting on what looks like combat armor and are picking up Star Trek-style ray guns, Stacy said with alarm.

And so it all comes together. We're weapons, you guys. These sick freaks turned us into living weapons, Eduardo said with disgust.

Does that... does that mean they're going to... Stacy said, her voice sounding suddenly very tiny and fragile.

It does. They're going to make you kill someone, Eduardo said grimly.

But... I don't want to kill anyone! I'm a flowershop owner! I've never even thought about carrying a weapon! Stacy said in distress.

Calm down Stacy, its alright, we're right here with you. They're forcing you to kill. Its not your fault, Julia thought, just as I took my seat in some sort of narrow tube.

Yeah, you guys aren't in this alone, we'll be with you every step of the- I heard Kazuko say, but she was cut off as the tube around us jerked ahead.

Kazuko? Eduardo? GUYS! I shouted in alarm.


I... I think we're out of range... Kazimir thought uncomfortably.

Yeah... I think so... I said with a sigh.

Do you think we'll hear from them again? That we'll survive whatever these monsters have planned for us? Amelia thought uneasily.

I don't know, I really don't know... I thought.

We waited in that tube for probably an hour. None of us really wanted to say anything, simply because there was nothing to say. At one point, Amelia started to sing 'Amazing Grace', though none of us felt the desire to sing along with her.

Finally, the tube bumped roughly against something, and the wall in the back opened up to reveal actual sunlight.

I... I almost forgot what that looks like... I heard Stacy say in awe.

Me too Stacy, me too, Amelia thought.

What do you think we're here to do Kazimir? I asked, a little scared at what was about to happen. Before he could answer, however, a voice suddenly cut through our thoughts, driving deep into our brains and flooding our minds with information.

Greetings Subjects 3, 27, 38 and 50. On the provided maps is your target, a small Jeminal fortress. You are to go there, and kill every single soldier that you find, find the fortress's main computer core, and get back to the shuttle. Are these orders understood? The voice said, it's tone robotic and unfeeling.

Four voices, completely separate from us, yet still ours, answered in agreement to the horrible demands that were given to us. We were then forcibly marched deeper into the forest, our minds becoming increasingly panicked as plans for how best to assault this fortress danced in our heads.

What in the blue blazes is happening? I asked as part of my mind was hijacked and used to plot and scheme the best way to murder innocents.

I don't know! It's like someone has access to my brain. Try to fight them! We have to help these Jeminal guys as much as possible! Kazimir said, his voice filled with distress.

This... this is so much worse... Stacy sobbed as I watched an image of where to attack from come from her. It's like we're planning on killing these people. Like we're taking part in the slaughter...

That thought alone made us redouble our efforts to regain control of our own minds. However, nothing we tried or thought seemed to make any difference as we watched our bodies swiftly march into the unknown jungle ahead of us.

* * *

“You... You could see everything that was happening to you?” Gustaf asked in horror.

“I feel everything happen. Every strength move, every eye move, every sick plan in head. We try fight, but not work,” ~Alex~ said, staring down at his thumbs as he spoke. “Long time not make screams any less fearful. Still see blood on claws when sleep.”

The room was silent after that. Everybody there just looked at him with a strange mix of horror and disgust written on their faces. After a few moments of this, ~Alex~ shuffled with his hands uncomfortably, unable to take the pressure. “I understand, am murderer. Not choice be murderer, but blood still on hands. I feel mind plan death, not want thoughts in head. Feel what like kill, such evil, exist. You don't want murderer here, understand. No shield me, not want more death on hands. If monsters come claim me, let them have me. Will not let you die, because me,” ~Alex~ said as he brought his legs up and began to hug his knees, tears coming to his eyes at the memories that they had dug up.

“~Alex~, you don't-” Celestia said, but was interrupted as Silver Back's booming voice filled the room.

“~Alex~, you have nothing to feel guilty for," the burly minotaur said, his eyes boring into the tiny looking human in front of him. "Does the sword feel guilty for the slaughter? Is the spear at fault for the death of an innocent? No. The blame lies solely on those who cast the spear or swung the sword. The fact that they took innocents like you and turned them into weapons only furthers their guilt. ~Alex~, after what I've heard today, you may rest assured that the entire Corthon Minotaur clan is at your side. The entire kingdom of Minos will protect you if I were king, but I am not. All I can do is speak for my clan, and apprise my king of this situation.”

~Alex~ perked up at this. “You not know what mean! They strong! They kill!” he said in distress.

The burly minotaur just shook his head at this, a smile on his face. “Then we die with honor, and we'll take as many of the dung-heaps as we can with us. I've heard enough,” Silver Back said as he left the room.

Celestia shook her head in disbelief. “Always the impulsive one there,” she said, marveling at the minotaur's sudden change of attitude.

“He also could never sit in the same room for very long. It makes you wonder why his uncle ever decided on him as a diplomat,” Gustaf wondered as he watched the impulsive young minotaur leave the room. He then turned back towards the shocked ~human~ and cleared his throat. “I would still hear the rest of your story, if it isn't too much to ask for.”

~Alex~ nodded his head at that, apparently too shocked to say anything. After a couple of minutes of thinking, he cleared his throat and dove back into his story.

Author's Note:

Well, out a little sooner then I expected, here's part one of Alex's back story!

Boy was this dark...

Anyway, there is still more to come, I just felt a little guilty at leaving you guys with such a cliff hanger last time, and so little to go on. Here's part of the promised back story, I hope you like it!

Also, I've done some editing myself, but yet again, not nearly as much as I should. I just thought you guys would want this ASAP.

Also, if he knew the others personally, then why didn't he say anything before? Because its been six months since then. He's been trying to live for the future, trying to survive. I've actually had very little time to actually let Alex reminisce about the past. This is the first time he's been able to do it.

Also, you can now add survivor's guilt to his list of mental problems. Ouch.

As for the minotaurs, the first time that Iron Will reached the stage in 'putting you hoof down', the first thought that went through my mind was 'KLINGON!'

So that was what first inspired me for the character of Silver Back. Not all minotaur are like that, mind you. Just those who have been brought up in 'the old ways'. And boy was Silver brought up like that.