• Published 2nd Dec 2014
  • 35,379 Views, 3,113 Comments

What I've Done - Knight Breeze

Though no longer plagued with a face that would give Slender nightmares, Alex continues to struggle against a monster far worse than the one he was...

  • ...

Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII

Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly from the chariot, leaving the craft moments before it even touched the Canterlot airdock. “Pinkie! Be careful!” Fluttershy called out nervously.

Pinkie giggled at that, but did not otherwise show that she had heard the shy pegasus. “I wonder why Princess Celestia needed us here so badly,” she said, hopping just a little bit higher as she spoke.

“I don't know,” Twilight said as the chariot she was riding in gently set down. “But whatever it is must be important if it involves an armed escort.”

“Ah reckon it must be, Ah just hope it doesn't take too long ta fix. Harvest time is comin up, and Ah can't leave Big Mac ta take care of it himself,” Applejack said as she hopped out of the chariot and stood next to Pinkie. “The big galoot would just do it too, no questions asked. It's almost as if he's ask'n ta throw his back out.”

The others all nodded in the affirmative, though Spike had a thoughtful look on his face as he rode on Twilight's back. “I wonder if it has anything to do with the monster everypony in town was talking about?” he wondered out loud.

Twilight just glared at him as they made their way to the castle. “Spike, he isn't a monster. I already explained all of this to you.”

“Yeah, but Bon Bon said that it tried to eat Lyra when she went into the woods yesterday,” Spike pointed out.

“Spike, Lyra claimed that she got abducted by yetis last Heart's Warming Eve, despite the fact that yetis have been extinct for over three thousand years. Do you honestly believe every story out of that mare's mouth?” she asked pointedly.

Spike just shook his head at this. “No, but the fact is that it's not just her telling them. Everypony in town seems to be buzzing with rumor, and where there's rumor, there is at least a hint of truth,” Spike deduced stubbornly. “Even if they all are lies, something caused those rumors in the first place.”

“That would be his appearance, darling,” Rarity said as she trotted next to the pair. “Defender's hideous visage alone is enough to launch a full fledged monster hunt, though he has done nothing to deserve it. The Princesses trust him enough to allow him to stay where he is, so you should too.”

“Yeah...” Spike said, grudgingly giving the point to her. “But that doesn't mean that Princess Celestia didn't ask us here because of the mon- because of Defender,” Spike said, barely catching himself.

Twilight just shook her head at this. “Spike, while your reasoning is sound, I'm actually pretty sure I already know what we're being called in for,” Twilight said. “I don't want to say it right now, just in case I'm wrong, but it isn't because of Defender, though it would involve him.”

The others just looked at her curiously, but held their questions. Since they had just arrived at the castle gates, they'd be finding out from the princesses themselves soon enough.

* * *

Shining Armor stood at attention outside the throne room. Years of military conditioning had instilled the classic guard discipline into him, allowing him to exude an aura of calm, despite the knot of nerves that had built in his chest. He had just arrived this morning, having received an urgent missive from the Sun Princess several days ago.

It wasn't everyday that he received such a note. The last one had been when he had been summoned six months ago, when that odd alien object had fallen from the sky. Since then, he had kept a pretty close eye on each and every report that passed through his desk, though there had been nothing new as of late.

This message made him believe something had changed, however. Celestia hadn't revealed too much in her letter, but he had grown to expect that. The Princess usually liked to give out important information in person, especially with something as sensitive as an alien crash.

As he was mulling over all of this in his head, his thinking was interrupted when he heard a very familiar gasp to his right.

“Shiny? I didn't know you were going to be in Canterlot!” Twilight said as she galloped up to her brother.

Shining Armor's face broke into a grin as his baby sister charged up to him. “Twily! How are you doing?” he said as Twilight wrapped her hooves around his neck. “I only found out I was going to be here a few days ago. Celestia had sent me a letter, saying something important was going down.”

As his sister hugged him, however, Shining couldn't help but notice her friends behind her, nor could he fail to notice the guard detail that came to attention when they noticed the Crown Prince of the Crystal Empire.

“Sir! The Element Bearers have been delivered to Canterlot safely, as ordered,” the sergeant in charge said.

“At ease, soldier. I didn't know about your orders, so you're not delivering them to me,” Shining said as he broke his hug with his sister. He frowned a little, though, as he looked over the assembled ponies. “Celestia must be really worried to call in the Elements of Harmony. As much as I love seeing you sis, I still don't like this, not one bit.”

Before anypony else could say anything else, however, the door to the throne room opened, allowing Princess Celestia's steward to poke his head out and look around. “The Princesses are ready to see you all,” the wizened pony said with a nod of his head.

Shining looked at him in confusion. “Don't they need to see us separately?”

The steward just shook his head at that. “No, what they need to say, they needs to tell you all. They will later meet with each of you individually to further explain, but from what I understand, the reasons you are all here are the same,” the gray unicorn said, opening the door wide.

The assembled ponies took this in stride, despite their lack of information, and entered without any further fuss. A few of the assembled mares shot each other questioning glances, however, which Shining quickly picked up on.

It was clear that they were nervous.

Well, most of them were nervous. The pink one acted as if she hadn't a care in the world, bouncing into the room as if she owned the place, almost causing a smile to grace his lips. Shining was trained better than that, though, so he kept his stern demeanor as he approached the dual throne of the Sun and the Moon.

The assembled ponies bowed respectfully as they approached the thrones, though Princess Celestia was quick to motion them to rise. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” she said with a nod. “I'm sure you're all wondering why we called you all here, and rest assured, it is a matter of grave importance to Equestria, and even the whole world.”

“Did some sort of evil crawl out of the depths of Tartarus, and you want us to use the Elements to kick its sorry flank back?” Rainbow said, taking a heroic stance from where she hovered over the others.

Princess Luna just shook her head at this, amazed at the Element of Loyalty's zeal. “No, and at the same time, yes. Recent events have led us to believe that we are all in grave danger. Some of you know many of the events that has led us to this point, while others are completely in the dark,” she said, her voice taking on a tense edge that the others easily picked up on. “Six months ago, an object crashed into the White Tail mountain range.”

“Ah remember that. The newspapers said it was some kinda rock from space, but that didn't sit right with me,” Applejack said gruffly.

“Very astute, noble Applejack. It indeed wasn't anything of the sort,” Princess Luna said.

“Indeed. The object was, in fact, a spacecraft of some sort. Similar to those found in the science fiction novels that grace the shelves of the libraries in town from time to time, but far different than anything we could imagine," Princess Celestia said with a frown.

At this, Rainbow Dash immediately keeled over laughing. “You... You expect us to believe that aliens crash landed here?” she asked as she tried to get her laughter under control.

“Rainbow, she isn't joking. I was asked to go and help the researchers study it,” Twilight reproved the chortling pegasus.

This sobered her up quick. “Wait, you're dead serious. A spaceship seriously crash landed here? What did the aliens look like?” she asked quickly.

“You've already met one, Rainbow,” Twilight said smugly. “After all, you did accuse him of being a monster.”

There was a moment of silence as Rainbow tried to make sense this information. However, Rarity was slightly faster on the uptake. “Wait, so Defender is an alien?” she asked in shock.

“One of them survived?” Shining asked in disbelief.

“Actually, that makes sense," Applejack said, ignoring Shining Armor's comment. "I ain't ever seen a critter like him afore, though how he ended up here's a mystery ta me.”

“Rest assured, he did not come here of his own volition. The ship he crash landed in was not his own, rather, it belonged to those that were controlling him. He and several of his kin were abducted from their home world, changed, enslaved, and brought here under extreme duress. He managed to escape, though at the cost of the lives of his fellow prisoners,” Princess Luna said, shaking her head sadly.

This brought down the mood of the room immensely. Even Pinkie's perpetually poofy hair seemed to deflate at these harrowing words. One, however, didn't seem to pick up on this as fast as the others did. Or at least, if he did, he didn't show it. “Wait, is this Defender one of those bug-like things? Or one of those lanky, spiked monstrosities?” Shining asked, having lost the thread of the conversation.

“He is the latter. Trust me when I say that never have you met a soul who's appearance belies the true nature underneath as much as Defender's does,” Princess Celestia said, spreading her wings a little for emphasis. “However, that is a little off topic. Needless to say, the danger we brought you here for is not Defender, rather it is those that seek to take him back.”

This grabbed everypony's attention, and they all looked to the Princesses with fear in their eyes. “Does... Does that mean what I think it means?” Spike asked, a tremor in his voice.

Celestia just nodded at this. “Hostile aliens have come to Equestria, and have attempted to reclaim Defender. He managed to fight them off, but we know that they will be back, and in larger numbers. We are unsure of their intentions towards us, but after what they have done to their ex-slave, we are somewhat sure that they mean us nothing but harm, regardless of whether or not we hand him over,” she said, rising from her throne, her sister rising with her. “Right now, we are preparing for war.”

* * *

Captain Hazalk straightened up as he passed through the doorway, his face carefully arranged in a neutral expression. As he walked down the hallway, he took note of how bleak and depressing this part of the ship was.

That was to be expected, though. This was the brig, and its designers had gone with an appearance that would not only wear upon the mind, but break the soul. In fact, previous versions of these places came fully equipped with a Cranial Ravager, though those devices had been outlawed after the loss of the last war.

Memories of that horrid machine danced in Hazalk's mind as he punched in the code that would open the cell in front of him, forcing him to suppress a shudder. As he typed the last digit, however, he heard a hum from the other side of the door, followed closely by four loud clanking sounds, followed even closer by the sound of someone swearing up a storm.

This made him forget about his previous discomfort, causing him to wiggle his antenna in pleasure as the door opened, revealing a very uncomfortable Ilisk prostrate on the floor, his wrists glued to the deck by the brightly glowing bands wrapped around his wrists.

That never gets old... the captain thought to himself, swaggering a little as he entered the room. “I hope you aren't busy, because I thought you might be ready to answer some questions for me,” he said, barely keeping the amusement out of his voice.

Ilisk didn't respond, choosing instead to turn his head away and look at the opposite wall.

“Aw, what's the matter? Frustrated that things didn't go your way?” Hazalk baited the restrained traitor. Ilisk just continued to give him a stony silence in response, acting as if he hadn't heard the captain speak.

“Well, don't worry about it. In a few months, you're going to be in Githock prison, along with the rest of the old guard that you work for, and you'll have a lot more things to worry about than little old me. That is, if you survive that long,” Hazalk said, kneeling down in front of the other Krin.

Again, he was treated with silence, though Hazalk thought he detected just the slightest hint of fear in those eyes. Silently congratulating himself on this minor victory, he moved closer to the traitor, and put a single, four clawed hand on his back. “You see, your little stunt earlier cost four of my soldiers their lives. Those four had a lot of friends aboard this ship. Especially Sergeant Inaz. He was really well liked, and from what I gathered, he had gathered quite a few girlfriends on board as well. I think it is only a matter of time before either his friends, or his mates, find you and silence you permanently,” Hazalk said ominously.


Hazalk just shook his head at the failed agent's determination. “I can make sure that doesn't happen, though. If you give me the names of those that are really responsible, I might be able to find a place to hide you. Hey, I have some pull with the Hiarch, so I may even be able to ease your sentence a little. You have to work with me a little, though.”

Hazalk just stayed there for the longest time, but finally rose to his feet, brushing off his suit top in the process. “Well, it's something to think about. Who knows? Maybe the crew will be able to control themselves long enough to get you to Githock. Then the only thing you would have to worry about is a shanking from one of the old Cranial Ravager victims that still haunt that place. If I remember correctly, a few of those cases were deemed incurable, even with Quzin aid. You're just lucky they outlawed that beastly practice.”

And there it was. There was no fear, but instead there was the slightest glimmer of resentment twinkling in those eyes. Hazalk knew he had struck a nerve. “Oh, but you don't like the Quzin Empire, do you? They meddled in things they couldn't understand. They interfered. What sort of gall does it take to reduce the mighty Krin people to nothing but a puppet race?” he asked, trying to press his advantage. “Nothing but a bunch of witches, what with their self-righteous attitudes and reality warping Void Knights. It must irk you to no end, knowing that the Hiarch is nothing but a puppet to their will.”

However, as much as Hazalk dug, he just couldn't get Ilisk to show any more emotion than he already had. Sighing in frustration, Hazalk turned and left the room. “I hope you enjoy your shanking, whether it is from Githock inmates, or from my crew, I could care less. Call me if that is something that you want to avoid.”

And with that, Hazalk left, sealing the cell behind him.

As soon as he had left, Ilisk got to his feet, his wrists having become free the moment the door sealed itself behind the captain. He moved back to his bunk and lied down, grunting in frustration.

What is taking them so long? he thought to himself.

* * *

Captain Hazalk sighed in frustration as he entered the bridge, his mind dancing with ideas on how to get the reluctant Ilisk to talk. However, the more he thought, the less he was sure of anything. “Please tell me you have something for me lieutenant,” he said with a sigh.

“Yes sir. We received a message from the Hiarch himself while you were interrogating Ilisk,” she said with a salute. "I've already sent it to your personal datapad, just waiting for your review."

Finally, Hazalk thought with relief. "Thank you, lieutenant. I'm expecting Commander Yvtil later, so if she comes to the bridge, tell her that I'm in my ready room."

"Yes sir," Talian said, saluting again as the Captain left the bridge.

Author's Note:

Welp, after a large amount of waiting, it's back with a vengeance! Hope you like it!

Sorry about the short recap to Shining and the girls. It had to be done, though. Shining needed to know because he's still Captain of the Guard, and as such, it is his job to plan the defense of the nation (notwithstanding his less than stellar portrayal in the show). The Elements needed to know, because, well, their the Elements of Harmony. They're pretty much a super weapon at this point, and will be integral in any defensive strategy that the Equestrians come up with.

I'm not going to spell everything out again, though, I'm just going to leave that it was implied that Celestia and Luna told them a lot more behind the scenes.

Anyway, up next, defensive preparations, language lessons and cake! (muahahahah!) Not to mention some much needed shenanigans from Pinkie (hehe).

Honestly, though, I feel like there is something missing from this chapter. Sure we got to see some development from the krin, but I really wasn't happy with everything here. Mostly with what happened in the throne room. However, this was the only thing I could come up with, so think of it as more of a connecting piece, to drive the story forward, especially since the last several chapters were packed with stuff. There will be more interesting stuff later, rest assured, just needed a chapter that was a bit more calm then the ones before it. You can't have a story that is constant action all the time. Things get boring if that happens.

Last thing, I published this before my editor got to see it, so don't judge it too harshly. I honestly just wanted to get past this boring bit, and straight back into the more important parts of the story. Have fun anyway!

(Urg, should have waited until tomorrow to post this, instead of jumping the gun like this. I'll sleep on it, hopefully get some inspiration on how to fix this mess.)