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The day of the change

Hey, the name is Dalton. I live my life day by day, just another face out in the crowd, no different from many of the other people whom surround me. Many crazy events had have happened through my life , either being bad, good, hilarious, sad, but nobody told me that today I was going to be the craziest day of my life. Just an average, nerdy sixteen year old sophomore at my school. I do get good grades, well being a nerd can be a great advantage of getting good grades, and stuff like that. I'm about five feet, six inches tall so I'm just a tad bit taller than average I guess. I'm of a white ethnicity, I'm male of course, And my hair is short, slick, black, and shiny, just the way I like it. But enough about me, you're probably wanting to get to the story, instead of listening to me go on about how I look, but just to sum it up, today is the day my life changed when I turned into a pegasus pony named Cloudchaser.

It was going to be just another Monday, or so I thought, just like always, and with every other day. I wake up to my alarm clock buzzing a loud, never ending sound. Beep beep beep! It takes about three beeps for me to even open my eyes, and another three to process why I'm getting up at this time when it's pitch black in my room. I slowly roll over from my back to my stomach. I prop my self on my right elbow, and I reach my left hand out to complete the first mission of the day. Turning off the devilish alarm that refuses to be silenced. Beep Beep Beep!

I can just make out where the buttons are since there is a little green light emitting from the clock part of it. Beep Beep Beep! I lazily mash in the buttons, until I feel the snooze button which is broken from being slammed down on so may times, which explains why the damn thing won't shut the flup up. I push down on the button three times with my fingers when I give up. I pick the small, black plastic demon up in my hand, I turn it so the top is facing downwards. I slam it down onto the nightstand, causing it to crack, and fall apart in my hands.

I realized this, even though I couldn't see it, but who can't tell when plastic breaks? It makes that loud snap/crunching sound, plus a bit of it kinda poked my hand, causing me to pull my hand away, but that small piece refuses to leave my hand. Even i pieces, this thing continues to torment me. Well, BY THE POWER OF CHRIST, I DAMN THEE BACK TO HELL!! And with that being said, the faint green light slowly diminishes until the light completely goes out. I give myself mental cheer since I'm waaayy too tired to even sit up, which is now my next task at hand. Ugh, why must this world confound me so?! I shake my hand once, and the small piece of plastic flies off of my hand before clinking off the stand, then falling to the floor.

I groan as I sit myself up in my bed, arms wobbling from the time being too early to be lifting over one hundred pounds of my fat self. I actually only way like one thirty something so I'm about 'average', but still too early to be lifting that kind of weight. Anyway, I'm sitting up now, and surprisingly that wasn't as hard as shutting off that stupid clock which is now a mess of broken plastic, and cords, and wires, and stuff. Now that I think of this, I wonder what I can't do right now. Immediately I get to my next task, after rubbing my eyes to see. I turn, so I'm facing the edge of the bed with my legs dangling over the side, and m toes just touching the gray carpet. I take in a deep breath, then I scoot forward, and I push myself up. I get to standing, but then I begin to fall forward.

You know what? This is taking too long. Me putting a bandaid over my cut from breaking the alarm. Skip. Me bicycling to school. Skip that too. Yay we're here!! Just fast forward a little bit more, and here we are. I'm meeting up with my friends in the commons like very other morning, just like I said, expecting it to go normal like every other day. My friends Kevin, and Evin are sitting at the same spot at the same table like always, chatting about random things, until I show up.

"Hey-y-y, Well if it isn't dalton!" Evin exclaims, getting up to give me a bro hug, which I embrace a little creepily cause I'm like that. "Dude, it was just a hug, you don't have to ruin it by being weird!" He puts a hand on my shoulder, and the other over his stomach, as he leans over in laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"The shirt under your hoodie!"

"You mean this one?" I ask, unzipping my hoodie to reveal a Rainbow Dash shirt that looks like this: Rainbow Dash shirt. did I forget to mention that I'm a brony? Well, either way, you know now.

"Why do you always wear those man? That show is for girls!" He can barely speak through his fit of laughter, but he still gets the point through.

"Dude, just let the guy be okay? We all have different interests, even if they may be weird, but that's his choice, and we have to respect that." Kevin kicks in, backing me up like usual. Now that's when you know a guy is a good friend. I make a quick pitstop in the closest bathroom to check on my hair, which I'm very picky about. I want my hair to look only one way, and if just a minor detail is off, then I don't like it.

We all sit down at the table, doing nothing now, but talking about random stuff after Kevin and Evin argue a little over me being a brony and all. I've been a brony for like two years now, and I've been around Evin the whole time. Not directly. Like, when we occasionally see each other in the halls at school, or we end up at the same place at the same time, like bumping into each other at walmart or something. So it's safe to say I've gotten used to his little shenanigans. Now when I say we chat about random crap I really mean it's a long void of silence before any of us find something to talk about.

When first hour started, we all went our separate ways, and said our goodbyes. Sucks for me because I have to go all the way to the opposite side of the school to get to my first class which is english class. I walk over to the sink, and I check myself out in the mirror. So far so good! With a nod to my wonderful head of hair, I Quickly wash my hands before leaving. But upon leaving said bathroom, I find myself bumping into something, which causes my to fall to the floor, banging my head on the wall. I come to find I had walked straight into some huge dude with muscular build, which probably explains why I bounced off of him like a bouncy ball bouncing on the floor.

"Ha, sorry about that, guy." He says, with a deep tone in his voice, and he reaches his hand out to me.

"Yeah thanks." I reply, taking his hand with one hand and rubbing my throbbing skull with the other. When he pulls me up, it's as if he put no effort into it, and I find myself falling forward. Luckily I catch myself, and I'm able to stay on my feet.

"Uhh, see you around, brony." He says, with a small wave, and walks off.

"Well that wasn't awkward at all." I whisper to myself, as I make my way to my first hour class. I end up getting there a minute after the bell rings, and my teacher, who's name I can't even pronounce, gets picky with timeliness.

"Late again, Dalton? I assume you have yet another lame excuse this time too as well?" She scoff smugly, waving small circles in the air with her hand.

"Actually, I bumped into this really big dude, which made me fall over and hit my head, and now I'm kinda dizzy." I reply, putting a hand to my head, as I walk over to my desk.

"I'll put that down as another unexcused tardy for you." She says, turning to her computer, typing here and there, followed by several clicks from her mouse.

"Whatever pleases you." I reply softly. I know it was kind of a smart remark, but eh, she's been a bitch to me since I began here.

"Sass me again like that, and it's off to the principle's office for you!" She yells, pointing a blue pen in my direction.

A few minutes later, she begins with the lesson. She walks over to the green chalk board, and writes down the target of the day, and what we will be doing to achieve it. We have to learn three new vocabulary words, and to do so, we have to...read...I shudder at the thought. I just hate reading. All of those tiny black prints hurt my eyes, and I can't focus on it. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have a problem with reading one little bit. I take my non-fiction novel out of my backpack, and I turn to page forty-two where I left off, and right away, I can feel the pain, which aggravates my brain splitting migraine even more.

I place the book down on my desk, and I lay my forehead on it, and I rub the back of my head with my hands, which does help to ease the pain a bit, and...I begin...to feel...sleepy...The comfort of the pages from my book provide me with a weird smelling makeshift pillow, and closing my eyes helps to clear my mind a little, and I begin drifting off into sleep. I need to catch up on sleep anyway since I wa up until like three in the morning last night playing GTA V.

I know most of you guys might be thinking "I'd rather play Halo." But I tend to like the Grand Theft Auto games. Besides, I finally got enough money to buy the turbo upgrade for my Chyster Fusilade. It's a bright metallic purple, with an orange pearlescent coating with a carbon hood, and a set of high end rims which I got for free because you get free upgrades for your first visit to Los Santos customs when playing online. I only have one engine upgrade, and the turbo upgrade, and that car can move! Last night, I spotted another player speeding down the highway near the airport.

I was far ahead of his as he was approaching, and I stopped to squeal my tires, emitting a purple smoke. He was driving a black and blue Pegassi Zentorro, with those dollar symbol rims, with white wall tires. He/she knew what I meant by squealing my tires, and since my car was a sports car and his/hers was a super, he/she accepted my challenge. We sit, squealing for about five seconds, and eventually he went, and since I process things faster than the average human by three times, the person didn't get far, before I was passing them.

Enough of that now, and back to the real story. I hear a bell ring, and I feel myself being shaken, and I awaken to my teacher violently shaking me.

"Dalton! Dalton! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" She shouts at me, and even when I do sit up, She still remains shaking me. I slap her hand away, and I grab my book which is covered in slime known as saliva. I roll my eyes, and I try my best to dry it off, before putting it away. "D-did you just slap me?!" She asks, sounding pretty shocked.

"No, I just moved your hand off of me since you wouldn't stop shaking me even though I'm awake." I reply, swinging my backpack over my shoulders.

"Mmhhmm, sure." She scoffs, going back to her desk. I rub my eyes for a couple seconds, then I stretch my arms out, letting out a big yawn, then I make my departure. Next class, geometry.

I groggily shuffle my way through the halls, probably looking like a train wreck, so, this time, I don't even bother stooping into a bathroom to see how I look. I probably look so horrible right now, that I'd die if I saw me. Something I really want to know is WHO THE FRACK TURNED UP THE HEAT IN HERE?!?! I feel like bacon, sizzling in a pan. Wait. No I don't. Bacon doesn't have feelings, plus I've never been a bacon, so with that said, I really don't know what bacon would feel when being cooked. Mmmmmm. Bacooonnn. Oh my gawd it's so hot in here. Well, maybe that's because I'm here!! Nah. I'm a train wreck, just like I said before, and your argument in invalid because no matter how much I describe myself, you'll never know exactly what I look like. So with that said, until you know what I look like, you will never know.

Anyway, I get to class, on time this time, and I take my seat, to find a small pile of papers on my desk. I come to find it's some of my graded homework, and I failed all of them?!?! I flip through the stack, seeing a nice red 'F' in a red circle on the top right portion of each paper. Dafuq? I'm good at math, how in the sam hell did I fail all of these? Well, that's gonna hurt my grade. After the bell rings, the teacher grabs a stack of papers of of her desk, then walks up to the front of the room, and begins passing out the papers. Ya, just what I need. More tiny ink I have to read. Not only that, I still have my migraine which must be stalking me now because It's been an hour now, plus I slept so yeah. I got a stalker migraine. PLus, I actually have to think out problems via these tiny ink blobs of letters, numbers, graphs, and tables. Guess what? It's a packet too. Guess what the board says? Packet due at the end of the hour completed.

Well that just sucks. So I assume this is what we're supposed to do all hour? Ugh, I hate my life. This day just isn't going my way, now is it? No. No it's not. Stalker migraine? Check. Failed work? Check. Fell asleep in class? Check. Check, check, and check. Having a hip, happy, wonderful day? 'X'. But it gets worse. Never thought it could, but it did. The next two class periods weren't any better. I almost got a detention for falling asleep again, and I had my phone taken till after class was done during fourth period. Today just isn't my day, is it? Nah, It isn't. After class, I went to lunch, and the time? 11:30 am, lunch goes till 12:00 pm.

"Hey Dalton, what's up? You don't look to be doing so good man, something up?" Kevin asks, as I join him in the lunch line.

"Been tired as shit, man. I've been stuck in the dumps all day, and i don't know if things can get any worse for me." I reply, with a sigh, running a hand through my hair which has some how gotten greasy.

"Dude, that must suck. Evin went home early today. Guess he was sick or something." He shrugs a bit, as he grabs a spicy chicken sandwich from a heating rack. Don't know what they're called so leave meh alone. My day is bad enough as it is. Yes I said meh.

"I've been feeling all weird inside, like somethings not right." I rub my chest to show him where the feeling is at.

"Oh, so you don't say. Sounds very strange indeed." He laughs a little as we approach the check out line. I step aside so people who actually got food can get through.

"Yeah." I run my hands through my hair again, but this time I feel two strange stubby, pointy things in my hair. I feel at them, and the feel as if they're getting bigger?! "He, Kevin, I'll catch up with you later, I...I gotta go use the bathroom." I stutter, backing away as I talk, then turning around, and dashing to the bathroom. There are three bathrooms. A boy's bathroom, a girls bathroom, and a private bathroom that can be used by both genders, but only one person at a time. I always felt it was stupid to have it, but right now seems like the best time. I reach the door, and I push down the handle as fast as possible, and to my luck, it opens, and nobody's inside. Immediately I go to the mirror that goes from the floor to the ceiling, and what I see, takes my breath away, leaving me choking partially.

I see two, light purple shapes rising out of my head, and as they do so, my ears shrink into it, and at the same time, my short black hair turns a very light blue, and white color, and grows down the back of my neck. The top prt become spikes flowing backwards, and at the front, four spiky bangs fall over my eyes, as they turn from blue to a bright purple, and begin to grow in size. Also, I feel to foreign appendages sprout out of my back, and rip through my shirt, revealing two purple wings, feathers and all.

"No-no-no, this c-can't be happening to me!" I can feel myself slowly begin to hyperventilate. Then, out of all of this, the door comes to mind. I look to the handle to see the lock isn't pushed it, so a reach a hand out, and I push it, when I notice my fingers turning purple too, but with fur? "Why is this happening to me?" My mind screams for me because I barely have the ability to breathe correctly. I get this feeling of my face elongating, and a ticklish, prickly feeling, and when I turn to the mirror again, I see my head no longer looks like me, but a very familiar pony. I'm turning into Cloudchaser

I notice my hair, well, mane has gotten bigger, but seems to have stopped growing now, and some of it falls over my shoulder. My eyes are now like twenty times bigger, and I see I have grown a muzzle, and I watch as the light purple fur continues to inch it's way down my body. I bring my hands up to cover my face so I don't have to watch the nightmare that's happening before me, but nor do I feel fingers, or a palm. I pull my hands away to see that they are no longer hands, but are now purple hooves. My whole body is tingling from this, and it shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

"Please stop!" I yell out, but I no longer hear my voice, but now I hear Cloudchaser's voice.

It's been about ten minutes now, and I've given up hoping for it to stop. I sit back against the door, watching as my arms become pony arms, and my legs have begun to transform too. I feel the ball of my foot flatten out, and my toes shrink into my heel, which takes about another two minutes, the finally, my shoes fall of, with a small clop on the floor, leaving my socks to dangle. I just watch in silence as this all goes down. Now I feel my shoulders begin to move from my sides to more in front of me, and eventually my lower arm transformation meets up with the upper arm transformation giving me pony forelegs. If you saw me right now, I'd probably look like some failed science experiment.

"Why me?" I softly mutter, holding my new hooves out in front of my face in disbelief.

I feel the fur grow on me from underneath my pants an shirt, then I feel my torso getting smaller, making my Rainbow Dash shirt seem like it's getting bigger. I pull my backpack off of me, and I set it next to me. Now I stare as my legs, my human legs become pony legs, as my knee cap rises up, and begins to change shape. Throughout all of this, I'm surprised none of it has hurt. The changes in my torso have now reached my waist, and I can tell that it won't be long before I grow the tail, and I'll be finished. Now that my shirt has begun to feel uncomfortable, I slip it off, and my pants since they are too long for me now, and to my surprise I see the tail has begun to grow. It grows at a steady pace of what seems to an inch per every two seconds. Finally I'm done.

I get up, and I take a look at myself in the mirror, and I no longer see a 5'6 tall, white, nerdy boy with blue eyes, and a male package, but now I see Cloudchaser, with a purple fur coat, white, and blue mane and tail, and purple eyes, and is about 3'2, with a female equine anatomy. This is too much for me, and the thought of fainting comes to mind, so that's what happened. I fainted.

3 hours later...

"Dalton?" Are you in there?" I hear a familiar voice say, as I come back to liveliness. Ugh, at least my head doesn't hurt anymore.

"Y-yeah, I'm in here," I reply quietly.

"Is there something wrong with your voice? You sound a little off. By that, I mean way off. I grunt as i sit up, and I open my eyes to see I'm in a bathroom. How did I get in here though? I moan a little as I bring a hand up to rub my eyes, but I can't seem to feel my fingers. I feel myself go into a slight shock, as I see a purple stump where my hand once was, then I remember it. I remember sitting in here for a good half hour, slowly turning into Cloudchaser.

"Um, no, just a scratch throat." I reply, with a small cough.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get a nurse or something? Because either you passed out or something, or you got stuck in the toilet, or you're skipping class. Why don't you come out of there now?" He says firmly, standing just on the other side of the door.

"Uh...I uh...can't..." I reply, still staring at my new, furry appendages, which used to have little fingered things called hands at the ends of them, but now end in a stump. My mind is racing to find any answer as to what the buck happened to me while I was out. Did I say buck? Great. not only do I somehow turn into whatever it is I turned into, my mind has now become raped and corrupted by whatever thoughts are impossibly pushing their way in.

"And, just why can't you? And stop talking like that! It's weird." I hear him shudder as he finishes the last part by saying it's weird how I'm talking. "I don't want to have to get the principle, so come on out. All you have to do is get up from wherever you are in there, and come to the door, and walk out, then it will all be over.

I mentally, and physically sigh, for I know I'm going to have to come out sometime. I'd go out the window, but since there were a lot of breakouts, like kids breaking out of school through the bathroom windows, led the administration to bar the windows. I turn myself to get a better look at what I've become. I'm like a very, very light purple sort of pony? Dafuq?! How in the heck did I become a pony!?!? Besides the fur coat, I see a pair of wings. rested upon my sides, and a light...blue...tail...Okay this has gone way too far! And with that thought, it flicks once, in what I assume to be agreement. I also see what looks like the marking of a shooting star.

"Don't make me tell you again!" He snaps.

Think Dalton think! You were always good at getting out of tight situations! You can figure this out! Come on stupid brain work with me here! I mentally hit myself in the head as I attempt to get up. I manage to be able to stay standing somehow, even though I don't know how. maybe since I'm on all fours? Maybe I have more stability? But anyway, I catch a look at myself in the mirror, and I see the face of a pony as well. Pony ears, a pony muzzle, huge, non normal pony eyes, and large, light blue mane I guess is what it's called now, rises out of my skull. MY eyes are purple just like my fur coat, but just a slight bit darker. I-I'm Cloudchaser...

From here, I attempt walking. I put one leg in front of me, as the teacher continues to rant, and I get the whole walking thing down quite fast actually that it amazes me. I quickly head to the door, and I pry it open with a foreleg, and I use my teeth to grab onto his pant leg, and I pull him into the bathroom. Not creepy at all. Yeah just one of my students was turned into a pony, and now he's pulling me into a bathroom. Only if he knew. After I get him inside without anybody else seeing me, I step back from him, looking down, and my ears seem to move on their own, and sway so that they are flat on my head.

"D-dalton?" He stammers.

"Yeah." I nod.

"What? H-how? I...Huh?" He continues stammering, until his eyes roll back up into his skull, and he falls back against the wall, before slumping down to the floor. Here's my chance.

I peek out of the door, enough so there is just a couple sheets of paper think of room to see, and I don't see anybody there. I get the thought of waiting out here since there is most likely a few minutes until school ends, but there are a lot of people here who decide to take a last minute potty break, so if I want out, it better be now, and if anybody does so happen to see me, I could just play along as Cloudchaser, and they'd never know it was me! I take a deep breath, and I make my way out of the bathroom, still no signs of anypony. Oh god, more of those thoughts are seeping in.

I manage to go a good fifty feet before the bell rings, and people are let out. Here, even if the teacher tells you to stay for even a few seconds, everyone just gets up anyway, and within two seconds I have become the center of attention. I stand there motionless, scared out of my mind, as several kids stare at me with every possible look I've seen. I try to ignore it, as I keep pushing forwards, then something grabs me back there. not there. the other there the collection of long hairs which come to a point above the flank. MY tail. It feels as if my skin is burning clean off in that spot, and some sort of responsive protecting instinct kicks in, and makes me kick!

I hear a loud groan, followed by a grunt of pain. I quickly look back to see I've just bucked some mexican dude in his family beans. Mind the pun. Usually it's beads, or family jewels, but since he's mexican I said beans! I want to laugh so hard right now, but not a good time for that. I whip back around to keep going when I bump into Kevin.


Author's Note:

I see two, light purple shapes rising out of my head, and qas they do so, my ears shrink into it, and at the same time, my short black hair turns a very light blue, and white color, and grows down the back of my neck.
Quick hint. drop the 'q'
I cant believe I did that...:facehoof: