• ...

Barfs and kisses and unicorns.

After I had my date with the toilet, I decided it's best I go to bed. It's late, I don't feel well, and I'm tired as it is. I'd feel guilty leaving Lighting Dust out there like that, but mom's gonna take care of her I hope. Before I go to be, I at least gotta get rid of the taste of vomit in my mouth.

"Daddy, er, I mean sis, are you okay?!" The young Flitter said with a sense of worry in her sweet little tone, as she pretty much tackle hugs my right foreleg.

"Yeah, I'm okay...just need something to drink." I hug the small filly back, which gets me wondering. Cloudy and Flitter were both mares, but she's a filly, and I'm a mare. Either way, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, good! I like it that we can actually talk to each other now, Cloudy."

"Believe me, I like it too little sis." I ruffle her mane a little, and then make my way to the kitchen.

"How's Kevin doing, mom?" I ask as I pass by.

"He...or she's doing fine. Just gotta stitch this hole up." Kevin rolls her eyes upon being referee to as a female. Mom fiddles with her needle, and string, as she tries to stick the string through the hole of the needle. "Darn it! Why can't they make this easier? I don't get how old people can do this."

"Me either, mom." I smirk as I'm about to head into The kitchen when something bounces on me.

"Hi, sis!" Flitters voice is heard.

"Hey, could you not jump on me? I just threw up, okay? You can stay there but just don't jump on me again."

"Okay...sorry Cloudy." She says with a sad expression.

"I'm not mad, just letting you know, okay?" I give her a little nuzzle on the cheek and she does the same.

"Cloudy, do you like being a pony? I know I do!" Said flitter exidetly as she hugs my neck.

"I do too, just wish I could have been a stallion. Other than that, it's just fine! Just need to adjust to this a little and things will be back to normal! Well except being human. But I don't really care which species I am."

"That's good! I love you Cloudy!"

"I love you too, little sister." We nuzzle cheeks again as I finally get my drink. Well I just need to do a little mission impossible first.

As soon as you get into the kitchen, the cups are in the cupboard to the left by the fridge.

"Flit, you're gonna have to get off for a moment."

"No, you're sick, I'll get you a cup!" She jumps from my back onto the counter, then to the top of the fridge.

"Be careful!"

"I know, I am!" She says, and that's when one of her hind legs slips off. "Whoopsie! Good thing I have three other legs to hold myself up!" She giggles a little and climbs back up and successfully grabs a cup. How the f*** do you grab things with hooves!?

She then jumps down onto the counter and trots along it to the sink, turning the water on and filling the cup half way up.

"Thanks, sis!" I give her a smile as I take the cup from her. I just touched my hoof to it, and it stayed. How...just how? I stare at it, trying to figure out how it works. I give up after the first minute, and enjoy the coolness of fresh cold tap water flowing down my throat. "That was nice. Want the rest?" I hold the cup out to her with half of what was there.

"Sure! Thankies!" She smiles warmly and gulps down the rest of the water.

Jumping down from the counter, she slowly climbs to my back. "I'm tired, da- Cloudy." She yawn as she lays down.

"Me too. Wanna hit the hay?"

"Mmhmm." She curls herself into a ball, and closes her eyes.

"Okay." I can't help but smile at her adorableness. "Why am I a filly and you're a mare?" She asks.

"I was wondering that myself, but it doesn't matter, right?"

"Not really." She yawns. "Let's just go to bed."

I nod as I leave the kitchen. "Mom, me and Snow are going to bed."

"Okay, goodnight." She says, as she stitches up Lightnings wound. I see her wincing in pain since mom has no antiseptic.

With a nod I make my way towards my room. As I pass by mom and dad's room I hear dad snoring, but it sounds more high pitched, and female. Maybe it's my sleepiness getting to me, I don't know. I can barely keep my eyes open. I hardly make it to my bed without passing out just like that.

I sigh a little, as I turn my head, and grab Flitter by the scruff of her neck in my teeth, and place her on the bed. She moans slightly from the sudden movement. I climb in after her, and get nice and cozy under the covers, holding her close. "Goodnight Flitter."

"Goodnight Cloudy." She snuggles closer to me, and sighs happily with a small smile, resting her head under my chin.

"Hey, wake up!" a fimiliar voice is heard. "Come on, kid, wake up!" I get the feeling of shaking, as my eyes slowly begin to open.

With a groan, I sit up, and stretch my arms out, extending my fingers out. Wait, I thought I had hooves!
My eyes shoot open, and I see hands. I'm me again! I check my hole body, seeing how everything is the way it should be.

"Hey, we don't have all day!" The voice says, more clearer now.

I look towards the source of the voice, and I see Cloudchaser standing in front of my. She's standing in what looks like a field of long grass, and it appears to be morning. I also notice I'm sitting up against some sort of an oak tree, shading me and Cloduchaser from the sun.

"Where are we?" I ask. I can remember not going to sleep outside. Cause I know very well I went to sleep in my bed.

"In your mind...I think. I don't really know. But that's not important!"

"Then, what is?"

"Discord has gone and started his evil tricks again. Turning your race of people into us, and we get stuck in the minds of people who have, and it's boring! So, you turned into me, and now I'm stuck in my own brain! Also, your memories have merged with mine. I see you find me attractive."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You drew some picture of me as a cross of my species and your species, and Based on what I San, you were going for going for making it attractive, plus you've kept it with you." She gives me a little glare which in short time turns back to a neutral expression

"That? No I just did that cause I was bored and got stick with all my other drawings of ponies cars and dragons and stuff."

"Am I attractive?" She asks while blushing. I cant lie.

"Yeah." Goddamit! I wasn't supposed to tell anybody that! At least I don't clop.

"What about me is attractive?" She steps closer, smiling.

"Your...your mane."

"I guess that could be it. I do try to keep my mane at its best. Is there anything else?" She places her hooves on my chest, and pushes herself against me.

"Youre eyes are pretty too, and you're pretty fit. Then again you're a Pegasus. And you're kinda making me uncomfortable."

"Oh, shut up, you cuddled with my sister you can do the same for me." She lays on my chest, and nuzzles my cheek.

"Cause it was my dog who turned into your sister, and she loves cuddles. But I guess it won't do much harm to cuddle with you as well." I shrug and wrap my arms around her as she sighs with a smile.

"I think you're attractive too."

"Wanst there something you wanted to tell me?"

"I did. Plus Celestia is trying to fix this, she said."

"In my world, right?"

"No, Celestia is in Canterlot. Why would she he here?"

"The creator of your show turned into her. And from what you told me, the real Celestia is trapped in her mind."

"Then who's....

"Chrysalis!" We both say in unison.

"Attractive, and smart!" She giggles and nuzzles me again. "I like you." She smiles again, and kisses my cheek.

"I do too, but as a friend." I give her a stern expression.

"Oh, stop playing hard to get! You know you like me! How you always caressed that picture of me. Well the real thing is right here."

"Fine. I do like you, but I'm not doing that, and we're not getting into a relationship."

"Please!? You're single anyway!"

"No. From what I see here, you're just gonna use me for sex, which I'm not doing."

"No I wouldn't! I just wanna get to know you, then maybe move towards that later. We can start slow if you want to! Please?"

"No! Besides it's wrong for my species to do that kind of stuff with a different species."

"Fine." She sighs, and sniffs a little, then she begins to walk off. "I just wanted to see what you were like."

"Okay, maybe we can get into that, but not now, we just met, and that would be weird if we dated the first time we speak to each other."

"Okay. C-can I just have a quick kiss? Before you go?"


"Yay!" She squees, tackle hugging me. She then procceeds to meet her lips with mine. I miss her back, but just for a second. She tries to go longer, but I don't want to. That kiss was just so wrong on so many levels. I pull away from her. "Hey, I wasn't done yet!"

"I was. You got your kiss, so can I wake up now?"

"Whatever." She walks away again as my vision starts to go white, then black.

When I wake up, Flitter is laying on top of me. Awe, how cute. I just can't believe I kisses Cloudchaser! Ugh that was so gross!

[i"Hey, I'm very good at kissing! You're just playing hard to get!"i]

Oh geez. Now she can talk to me when I'm NOT sleeping. And, No I'm not playing hard to get. I don't want a relationship!

"But I thought..."

Yes I said it but I don't want one. I said maybe so maybe I will have a change of heart sometime.


I just woke up. Can we talk about this later?


Thank you!

Now, then, I move flitter off my chest and onto the bed. She stirs a little before settling down again. I go to the bathroom, and like every morning, I relieve myself. Hard part was trying to find a good position on the toilet since I'm a female equine who seems to be rather obsessed with me.

"Hey, I am not obsessed!"/i]

Ignoring mode has been switched to 'on'.

"Oh, nice! Real mature!"

I clean myself up, and I'm about to go back to bed until...


"Mom?" Confused as to why she screamed, I barge into their room, and what I see makes me almost faint. Normally I'm not allowed to go in their room this early, but I think this should be a valid time to break the rules.

In dad's spot on the bed is a Hyperventilating Sweetie Belle.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter. My dad is gonna cut my phone service and I'm running out of ideas. And I'm trying to get as many updates on my stories done as possible. Also fixing mistakes

Comments ( 102 )

.....well shit! he got turned into a little filly!

6260028 yerp Lolololololololololololololololololol

This??? ok

K i ask now

im nervous

6278960 I SO NERVIOUS:twilightoops:


6278996iyoure gonna be making her watch the first season. How is this hard?

lol ok I'm asking but I'm saying u wanted to

because u did lol

ok doing it right now

oops she exploded

Laugh Out Loud she wants to get out of ti but i force

lol she doesn't want to :derpytongue2:

Omg my dog exploded:pinkiecrazy:

Oh no my mom has a nauseous stumach FIRST STEP IN PONY DESEASE
lol when you read to many fanfics


i forced my sis but what ever

she is watching

reaction priceless omg i think she likes it but doesn't want to tell me...:derpytongue2:

She got camp tommarow also tennis finals

it was like shoots characters she doesn't like


Well she said no
But i could tell she did

strange the part with the dog, but i actually got interessted in your storys because of the one with Rainbow Dash, so i definitly start to read some others.

6315066 what one with rainbow dash

6315090 i guess i should have said fake Rainbow, the one-shot. That one with the Costume, and Halloween.

However i saw another story from you where i had read the first chapter, not sure what i didn´t liked there, but i read it again.

Is this that kind of story where they try to defeat Discord on earth, and make the huge mistake to change back all the ponys?
I just say mistake, because i probably would like it to be able to make the experience, just because it is normally not possible.

6315127 okay that time was a bit confusing

6315160 well i just want to know if it is in that universe, where there i a weird Faust Celestia, which calles all of the main six into one town, to defeat Discord, and i hope that he can still have his Pony body afterwards.

6316465 you know after a certain anime, i just started to dislike it, if they visit different worlds, or get something awesome, and it is taken aways in the end, or in the chase of the anime, the guy didn´t even remembered his friends from the new world, at least it looked like that.

6316625 I changed the news scene in mine, and added a transformation from human to pony rather than waking up as a pony

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