• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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36 - Finding the Plains

The next morning, Sunflower knocked on the door the ponies were in. Sweetie answered the door, then squeaked and slammed it shut. "One minute!" The sounds of activity came through the door as Sweetie woke up the others and whisked away dirt with a spell. She returned to the door with two other sleepy girls at her side. "Good morning, Sunflower."

Sunflower shuffled in place a little awkwardly. "You didn't have to do all that. You were pretty enough the first time."

His words, spoken earnestly, brought a warm blush to Sweetie's cheeks. The other two giggled. Scootaloo asked, "So what's up? Just saying good morning?"

Sunflower shook his head. "Not just that. You three deserve a treat for saving me in that place, so I wanted to take you out for breakfast." He smiled brightly. "Tell your big sister, we won't be back until around noon."

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Oh? Alright!" She turned and trotted quickly back to the slumbering Applejack and thought better of waking her, instead writing a quick note and leaving it beside her before returning. "There we are. Where are we headed ta?"

Sunflower led the way, enjoying the momentary leadership position. Though it felt increasingly unlikely he could become master of the strong personalities behind him, he led them along with pride to a small earth-bound pony-run establishment. It had a lot of vegetarian options he didn't even recognize, and figured the girls would enjoy it.

He pulled out a chair for each of them, which seemed to bring a fresh wave of giggles. When they were all seated, Scootaloo pointed out, "You know, we normally just sit on the floor, but thanks."

Sunflower colored lightly as he got into his own chair. He should have noticed that, or so he berated himself. "Order what you like. Today's my treat."

Sweetie Belle looked over the menu. "I think this was very nice of you to do."

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "So what did you see? Ya know, up in that place."

Sunflower flipped his ears back. "Oh, uh... I thought I saw my dad. Let's not talk about that place. You didn't like it much, right?"


"No way."

"It was kinda cool."

The three of them peered at Scootaloo with wonder. She held up her hooves. "What? It was! Come on, Twist, with a razor candy cane? That was pretty cool. I coulda lived without killer Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon though." She frowned with thought. "I wonder if Twist would actually use one of those..."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. "Anyway! Ah think ah'll take the fried oat mash. Sounds like hay fries!"

Sweetie Bell pointed at the menu. "I'll take the buttered string bean casserole."

Scootaloo perked up, suddenly focusing on the menu and slapping a hoof down as if by random. "This one." She read more closely. "Butternut squash bake. Not bad."

Sunflower had already decided after scouting the place what he'd order, so they put in their desires soon enough. His mother had suggested going slow, and assuming they'd just be friends forever, but Sunflower wasn't ready to put that down just yet. "So, uh, girls." He squirmed in his seat, eyes darting from one cute face to the next. "Tell me honestly. Do I have a chance?"

Scootaloo looked baffled, Apple Bloom curious, and Sweetie Belle looked at him most directly. "That's a very bold question, improper of a stallion." Sweetie tapped her chin. "But you're not a stallion." Scootaloo suddenly seemed to catch up and looked at Sunflower intently as Sweetie continued, "Since you've been bold enough to ask, I suppose we should answer, right girls?"

Apple Bloom gave a slow nod. "Ta be honest, I'm not looking for a coltfriend, but yer a fun pon--person to be around. That's good, right?"

Scootaloo flashed a grin. "What Apple Bloom said, you're awesome and I hope you stay with us. You're a great Crusader."

Sweetie shook her head a little. "I'm not sure I'd want to be in any 'pride', especially not one with my best friends. We're not, uh, like that." Her words brought color to all the cheeks at the table. "But, maybe..." She reached across and rest a hoof on one of Sunflower's little paws. "If you can settle with just one? We could try that." Sunflower's heart began to pound thunderously in his chest as he felt her touch. All words fled him, but Sweetie was perfectly capable of speaking for both of them. "You'll have to earn it. A proper lady such as myself demands proper courtship."

Apple Bloom suddenly giggled. "Ya sound just like Rarity."

Sweetie gave Apple Bloom a sour look. "Of course I do! We're family." She drew the hoof away from Sunflower and nodded at him firmly. "Does that answer your question?"

Sunflower gave a slow nod. "Y-yes." Maybe he didn't need a pride. Getting that puffy cloud of a pony would be more than enough. His father broke his mother's heart stubbornly chasing after a pride, is that what he wanted to aspire to? He looked at Sweetie Belle with new eyes, considering a whole new tack to take, but he kept that to himself. They ate well, and on the way back he 'happened' to go past a small stand offering bows and bits of metal and gems to put into hair. Sweetie rose to the bait, and Sunflower soon purchased her a little tie-off band of copper with a bright little red stone on it. He happily wove it into her hair, or mane as she corrected him, and they returned to the inn with smiles all around.

Applejack was awake on their return, and looked relieved to see them as they wandered in, though she tried to play it off. "So, had a nice time?"

Apple Bloom moved up quickly and hugged Applejack. "We sure did. Sunflower was a right gentlepony."

Scootaloo and Sweetie nodded in agreement. Applejack smiled with a little relief. She set Apple Bloom down to the ground. "Good, we're headed out in an hour or two. Willow's gone ta get some horses and supplies. Y'all ready ta get movin'?"

They all were, and soon they had gathered around the familiar wagon, though the camels had been traded out for heavy-looking draft horses. Applejack looked them over curiously. "Ah ain't used ta dealing with somethin' that looks so much like mahself but ain't got nothin' upstairs."

Willow looked between them. "You are a little muted in color compared to some of your more... pastel... peers. I suppose you could pretend to be a small horse, if you so wished."

Applejack waved a hoof. "Nothin' doin'." She reared up and set a hoof on one of the horses, a mare. "Easy there girl. Ya gonna take us nice and safe to Viljatown?" The horse gave a snort. "Ah'll take that as a yes." Applejack fell back to all four and retreated into the wagon, where the Crusaders and Sunflower were already getting comfortable.

Sunflower fluffed up a pillow before waving at it. Sweetie Belle set her rump on it with a nod. "Thank you, good sir." Both giggled after the exchange, and Sunflower dug out some cards. Soon they were all playing a game. Applejack smiled at their interactions and settled herself in for the ride.

With the muffled sound of Willow coaxing the horses into motion, the carriage drew away from the town, rolling along the road that led up to the dense jungle. The foliage was mildly sparser on this side, requiring their departing and shoving the wagon just a little less often than the way in, and it got better as they went, approaching the grasslands beyond. It was on the third day of travel that they emerged from the darkness of the jungle into the brilliance of the grassy hills. Even inside the cart, things became much brighter as the sun shone down on the fabric roof.

They traveled in relative peace for several more days, passing from hill to hill until it evened out into flat grasslands. The jungle loomed to the south about half a day away, but everywhere else was grass as far as the eye could see. Applejack pawed at the ground lightly. "Don't know what it is, but ah have a mighty powerful urge ta just run."

Apple Bloom nodded in quick agreement. "Ah know what ya mean. Ah can feel it too."

The others looked more confused at the notion. It was just grass to them.

Applejack invited Apple Bloom along to work out their urge, and they raced off together. The thunder of their own hooves was pleasing to their senses. The sensation of their powerful lungs drawing up air, and the wide open fields to charge together through. They ran free and far, forgetting everything else for a time in favor of the simple pleasure of being true to their slightly-altered tribe. They were prairie ponies, and living well in their home environment.

They raced back towards the wagon and circled it once before rushing ahead. The horses become agitated, as if they wanted to join in the play, but Willow kept them in check. They crested a hill, losing sight of the wagon for a moment as they ran as their hooves carried them, caring little for where they ended up, at least until they realized they were no longer running alone. On either side of them were strange equines with the midsection, arms, and face of a human pasted onto the full body of a horse. Applejack tilted her head. "Centaurs?"

The centaurs seemed surprised to hear Applejack speak, but understanding came quickly. "Ponies." Both slowed to a halt and Applejack realized they were far larger than herself, let alone little Apple Bloom. They were horses, not ponies. The leader of the centaurs, at least as far as Applejack could figure, approached them. "You are on our lands."

Applejack tipped her hat a little. "Beggin' yer pardon, mister. We were just passin' through. Don't mean no harm in it."

He nodded down at her. His appearance reminded her a little of that big jerk, Tirek, though there were obvious differences between the two.

Apple Bloom waved a hoof at the big half-horse. "Howdy!"

The centaur smiled a little. "I will not hold a mother and child from running freely." Applejack opened her mouth to object to the titles, but he kept right on talking. "Leave the land as you found it, and we will have no quarrel. May the wind always guide you." He put a fist over his chest, a gesture that his fellows copied, and they raced off.

Apple Bloom snickered a little. "Well, you 'erd the fella, mom."

Applejack gave Apple Bloom a sour look. "Don't tempt me, or I'll tan yer hide like any good mom'd do."

Apple Bloom hopped up, hugging Applejack around the neck. "Ya know Ah'm just playin' with ya. Yer the best big sister ah coulda asked fer."

Applejack sat down in the grass and hugged Apple Bloom back for a quiet moment before they both got to their hooves. "Race you to tha wagon?" And off they went, enjoying the movement. When the wagon returned to view, they saw Scootaloo circling around it in the sky.

She swooped down towards them and landed on Applejack's back. "Hey! Where have you two been? It's been over an hour!"

They began sharing the story of their run and brief encounter with the centaurs. Apple Bloom was all smiles. "They were huge! But they were also kinda nice. Not bad ponies at all! Ah'll take centaurs over desert bandits, hungry jungle cats, or inner demons what don't know how to stay inside."

Author's Note:

Nothing bad happened! Yay!

Should I feel bad that this deserves mentioning?

Oh well, at least there are typos.

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