• Published 11th May 2015
  • 14,099 Views, 3,289 Comments

Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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24. All That Glimmers - Part 2

“This… this is overwhelming,” I said.

Crystal nodded, wide-eyed. “It's beautiful.”

We were standing just inside the gates of Glimmer World, marveling at the breathtaking scene in front of us. The crystal ponies had recently built a small town that was styled after how ponies had lived ‘down south’ fifty or so years ago from today. The buildings were quaint, immaculate, and made of crystals that were designed to look like Canterlot stone and marble.

A broad street spread out in front of us and ran right down the middle of the town to a central plaza, where a crystal copy of Canterlot Palace stood. This version was much smaller, of course, but when done up in the native crystal architecture, it was resplendent.

“Welcome and good morning!” a crystal earth pony said to us with a bright smile.

“Thank you,” I replied, still looking around.

“Is there anything I can do to make your day glimmer?” she asked.

My head shook. “Oh, no. Thank you. Although, could you point us towards the glimmer earrings?”

She eagerly nodded. “I can! You’re looking for Broad Street Crystal Arts. Right down that way.” She motioned with a hoof down the street. “Where all those ponies are standing in line.”

“Thank you,” I replied and looked at Crystal. “Shall we take care of that business first?”

Crystal didn’t look positive, but she nodded. “Yes. Then it won’t be on our minds.”

“Agreed. We’ll have plenty of time here in the park over the week.”

I offered my hoof and she took it with a smile. Together, we walked down to where the end of the line was. Most of the ponies in it looked extremely excited.

“At least it doesn’t look so bad. I’m sorry about this, Crystal.”

She nuzzled my cheek. “If your boss asks for glimmer earrings, you get her glimmer earrings. Especially when she's a princess.”

I only hoped she actually had. I still wasn’t entirely sure the dream was real. Still, it was better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.

An hour later, we finally reached the door to Broad Street Crystal Arts. I rolled my shoulders to loosen the muscles that were starting to stiffen. “Almost there.”

Crystal poked her head in the door and replied in a small voice, “I’m not so sure…”

I followed her gaze and suppressed a groan. The store was divided roughly in half. The left side was open and carried a lot of different items. The right side had a counter with three booths. A pony sat at each one, showing off the glimmer earrings to customers and letting them try them on.

Opposite those booths were a set of roped lines that snaked back and forth across the room. There were probably fifty ponies or more in front of us and none of them were moving very quickly.

Softly, I cleared my throat and said, “We’ve come this far…”

Crystal gave a noncommittal sound. She seemed content to look at the merchandise we happened to be near enough to see, but after half an hour I noticed she was starting to droop.

Now, my marefriend was a very sweet mare on any normal day. I wouldn't go so far as to say that she got cranky when tired… but she did. I just wouldn't say it aloud.

Of course, I didn't mind it, but normally I could distract her with cuddles until she took a nap and woke up back to her usual sweet self. So I did my best to wrap a wing around her as we took a small shuffle forwards. She nestled up against me and smiled for a while, but I knew it wouldn't last.

"Why don't you rest on my back?" I calmly suggested without making eye contact. I didn't want to make her go from cranky to irritated by looking at her.

"I'm fine," she said in that voice that told me she wasn't.

I just nodded and kept quiet. It only took another twenty minutes before she gave a small huff and buried her face against the side of my neck.

My wing tightened around her. "Offer still stands."

"You wouldn't mind?" she asked softly. "My hooves hurt…"

I shook my head. "Not at all. It would be just like standing guard. Except I'll be standing guard for my very own personal princess."

Crystal giggled and I gave my honest mouth a mental hoofbump. Maybe it wasn't always so stupid.

"Oh, you." With a little help, she climbed onto my back and settled in, her muzzle resting on my shoulder. "Thank you."

"Anything for you." Especially if it kept her from getting cranky on our special vacation.

Although it took longer than it did when we cuddled on the couch, soon she was snoring lightly. I didn't mind the sleeping or the snoring. I just settled into the familiar old position: eyes forwards, shoulders squared… at least, as squared as they could be with my special somepony using them as a pillow.

Time moved differently when I was like this. I was used to powering through hours upon hours in this mindset. Which turned out to be a blessing, because it took forever to make it to the front of the line.

“Crystal. Crystal, wake up, we’re next,” I said, looking back at her.

Crystal’s eyes blinked open and she yawned, “Hmm?” She then looked very confused.

“You fell asleep. We’re next, though,” I explained.

She giggled softly and slipped off. “Oh… wow. How long has it been?”

“Two hours,” I said.

She gasped and stared up at me with wide eyes. “Two hours! We’ve been in line two hours?”

I shook my head. “No, two hours since you fell asleep.”

Crystal squeaked, “What! We’ve been here all mor—”

I softly set my wing over her mouth and smiled at the Glimmer World employee waving us over. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, sir!” she chirped cheerfully. “Welcome to Broad Street Crystal Arts! Are you here for a pair of earrings for your beautiful friend?”

“My sweetheart,” I politely corrected and nodded. “Yes, for her, my employer, and two friends.”

The employee smiled and nodded. “Yes, sir. Just so you know, due to the limited supply, we’re only allowed to sell two pairs to any pony. However, I can sell you two pairs and—since your sweetheart was next in line—I can sell her two pairs, too. Is that okay?”

Crystal looked a little cross, but I quickly nodded. “Yes, please start with Crystal here.”

With a warm smile and a nod, the clerk pulled the black cloth that was sitting over the display case back. When she did, the light hit every pair of earrings, causing them to glimmer and shine.

Crystal softly gasped, her cross expression disappearing into wonder. “They’re amazing!”

“Yes, ma’am. Each stone has this year’s date, a unique number, and seal etched inside so that you can always know which ones are yours. What can I show you first?”

Whatever ill feelings Crystal may have had were now long gone. I sat patiently by as she tried on every pair and asked me how they looked each time. To me, everything looked great on her. Ultimately, she selected a dangly set that were white gold and had a glimmering, heart-shaped green crystal set inside what I’d call a kite shield.

After that, she picked out the pair for Princess Luna, Azurite, and Sunny Day. She suggested she might have a better idea on what they’d like than I would. I put up no defense there. One mare would know another.

When we were finally done, I paid more bits than I cared to admit. Azurite had thankfully given me enough to cover her two sets, but it was quite a gamble spending my own on Princess Luna’s. Lieutenants do not make enough for one set, and certainly not two. They were worth it, though. At least the one set.

“Oh, Silent Knight, they’re beautiful!” Crystal squealed as she looked at herself in a storefront window. She was a vision of youth and beauty. I couldn’t help but stare more at her than the earrings.

“They are something special for sure. They look great on you,” I replied while silently pushing the thought of how I was going to pay for this deep down.

After this vacation and these earrings, I was going to be broke. Would it be appropriate to ask Princess Luna for a reimbursement for her pair?

The mare peered at the window another moment before asking, “What would you like to do first?”

I checked my saddlebag for the second time and nodded when I found three pairs of earrings… and the special surprise I’d brought. Then I looked around. From the central area near the castle, Glimmer World broke off into seven different adventures. Each hit on a certain theme.

I pointed towards Fantasy World. “Why don’t we head that way? It looks a lot like our Oubliettes and Ogres game.”

Crystal looped her hooves around my foreleg. “You want to go pretend to be a knight?”

“Who’s pretending?” I asked with a wink before we headed off together.

Fantasy World was divided from the rest of the park by a small moat. We crossed a drawbridge and found ourselves transported back in time to early Equestria. All of the park employees were dressed in period gowns and armor.

Crystal started tugging my hoof. “Silent Knight, look! Look! Dragon Flight! Soar over Equestria like a dragon.” She pulled me towards the ride and read the sign, “Experience what it is like to fly. Silent Knight we could fly! Imagine what that…” She trailed and looked at my wings.

I looked back at her.

She frowned. “Don’t say it! We’re getting on this ride.”

I grinned and nodded, following after her to get in line.

“That was amazing!” Crystal cheered after we’d gotten off Dragon Flight. “Did you smell the oranges?”

“I did. It was like a tour of all of Equestria in a short period of time.”

She nodded and then asked, “How close to real flying is that?”

“Pretty close, more or less. I mean, for a ride, anyway. Look at how many rides there are just in this area! What do you want to do next?” I pointed out a standing map that was filled with interesting names.

Crystal peered at it. “So many choices! I mean, everything looks like fun. We could just start riding what’s nearby and work our way around, right?”

“That certainly seems logical. I’m worried that with this many ponies here, we might not be able to ride everything before we leave.”

“True… but it is just the first day. Let’s take it easy and see how it goes. How about we head over to the PonyPult?”

Take it easy. That was certainly easy for her to say. I was trying to make sure she had all of the fun she could. Everything else in my life was touched by darkness… but she was my light. She deserved nothing less than perfection.

“What is a PonyPult?” I asked, coming back to the conversation.

She bumped her flank to mine. “I guess we’ll just have to go and find out, huh?”

I chuckled and nodded. “Alright, off to the PonyPult we go!”

The PonyPult turned out to be a catapult-themed ride that ‘tossed’ ponies around, though we were safely strapped into a cart. It flung itself down tracks, took hard turns, looped, and generally gave the feeling of being thrown about through the air.

As we walked out, Crystal held onto my hoof as if it was the only thing keeping her upright. In a sense, it was. She stammered, “S-Silent Knight?”


“I don’t ever want to do the PonyPult again,” she groaned.

“I’m okay with that,” I said with a chuckle. “Why don’t we find something a bit easier?”

She nodded quickly. “Yes, please.”

We walked together to where small boats were waiting in the Fantasy World moat. Crystal asked the attendant, “What is this ride?”

He smiled brightly, just like they all did, and replied, “This is one of our most famous rides! Our Petite Equestria. You’ll take a gentle ride down the river and stop in all of Equestria’s provinces.”

“That sounds perfect,” I said before offering a hoof to help Crystal into the boat.

“Agreed,” she replied, carefully getting in.

“Have fun!” the attendant called as the boat cast off into the moat. We sailed downstream before reaching a set of big wooden doors. When our boat approached, they opened and admitted us in while also letting out extremely happy music.

Crystal pointed. “Look at the little ponies! They’re so cute!”

On either side of the boat were tiny pony figures that danced and moved about. Our first stop was in Canterlot where a miniature palace dominated the scene.

It’s a world of laughter, a world of cheer, a world of wonder, and a world of fun.

Further down the stream, we reached Baltimare and then Phillydelphia. The little ponies there were going about their lives while singing slight variations of the exact same song. Over and over.

“Aw, look, Silent Knight! There is a little grumpy royal guard chasing some ponies.”

I snorted. “How do you know he’s grumpy? Maybe they’re criminals.”

She shook her head. “Nope! It is a world of wonder and a world of fun. At worst, they were up to shenanigans.”

Another pair of double doors loomed in front of us. When they opened, Crystal gasped and, to be honest, so did I.

Our boat was heading right down the center of a miniature Crystal Empire with a very large Crystal Palace bridged over us. It was all made of gemstones that sparkled in the lights.

It's a glimmer world after all! It's a glimmer world after all! It's a glimmer world after all! It's a glimmering glimmer world!

It's a world of crystals, a world of glass, it's a world of refraction, a world of class.

With the light gleaming bright, it's a fantastic sight! It's a glimmer world after all!

It's a glimmer world after all! It's a glimmer world after all! It's a glimmer world after all! It's a glimmering glimmer world!

“It is beautiful…” Crystal breathed as we sailed under the Crystal Palace.

“Yes… it really is. Although, I think I prefer my Crystal,” I said, looping a hoof around her.

“Aww… that is the cheesiest line ever.” She nuzzled my cheek.

“Thank you?”

“It’s a world of crystals, a world of glass, it’s a world of refraction, a world of class.”

I groaned. “Crystal… please stop.”

She shook her head, giggling. “I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m trying!”

We made our way over to Hay Fever. It was another thrill ride. Crystal eyed it with suspicion. “This isn’t like the PonyPult, is it?”

The attendant smiled brightly and shook her head. “No, ma’am. This is milder, but it is still exciting! You’ll ride a runaway hay cart. There will be a lot of speed, some tight turns, and thrilling sights.”

Crystal nodded. “Sign me up.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“She said milder. Come on, I want to know what ‘thrilling sights’ means.”

I shrugged. “Alright, off we go!”

After waiting in line, we were strapped into a modified, track-bound hay cart. It was bright red and was stuffed with fake hay bales.

“Y’all set. Enjoy the ride!” the crystal pony said to us before pulling a lever.

The cart lurched forwards, made a turn and came to a stop in front of what looked like barn doors. Then the lights went out.

Crystal grabbed my hoof. “Is that supposed to happen?”

“No idea,” I replied.

A rumbling built up around us and then there was a sudden sound… I could only describe it as the shattering of wood. Then we launched.

Crystal screamed as we sped through almost complete darkness. There was a moon up in the sky casting pale light on some sort of creepy farm. Of course, it zipped by so fast I couldn’t make out any details.

The hay cart took two sharp turns and then tilted back as we went up a hill. Right before it tipped down and we plummeted, I could have sworn I saw Princess Luna fly by. Crystal’s grip on my hoof tightened as we left our stomachs back at the top of the incline.

Then the cart slowed down, the exaggerated sounds of breaks playing nearby. “Hold on, everypony!” a voice called with a country twang.

Two big red barn doors approached us… fast. Way, way too fast. Just when we were about to hit them, the cart turned right, went through a black cloth, and came out on the other side of the platform we’d boarded from.

I helped Crystal out and she gasped, “That was amazing.”

“Yes… amazing is a word.” So was frightening. And crazy.

“Let’s go again!” she chirped.

“Sure, the line isn’t too long.” My ear flicked. “Did you see Princess Luna back there?”

She nodded. “I think so. Let’s go see if you’re right.”

The sun had finally set. It was almost time. With a smile, I turned to Crystal. “The firework display is going to start soon. I’ve booked us a special spot to watch it. The travel agent told me it was not to be missed.”

She nodded. “Then let’s go! So far, everything that was not to be missed was not to be missed.”

We walked together towards the central plaza. Most of the ponies were congregating there. I found the small kiosk in front of the entry to Yesterday Land and checked us in.

Our spot was two stories up on top of one of Yesterday Land’s marble spires. It was a bit of a climb, but Crystal didn’t seem to mind. When we reached our designated spot, there were only a few ponies up there, so it was nice and quiet.

From all around us a clear, feminine voice said, “Ladies and gentleponies, fillies and colts, Glimmer World is proud to present our evening fireworks extravaganza: Dreams.”

All around the park, the lighting dimmed and everypony went silent. A door opened from the front of the castle and an orchestra came out. It only took them a minute or two to set up before the first sweet, clear notes filled the air.

The melody was slow and whimsical. From behind the castle, a single golden trail shot up. It climbed high into the sky until it burst into a million points of light.

The orchestra’s music increased in volume and drums were added in. Several lines of gold trailed out like a fan behind the castle before bursting again, illuminating the whole park. Then things really took off.

Blue, green, red, and silver fireworks streamed into the sky, bursting into moons, stars, hearts, and suns. As they increased in frequency, the orchestra’s pace picked up.

Crystal’s eyes were fixated on the sky, but I couldn’t take mine away from her. In the light of the explosions, she looked radiant. A kind, beautiful unicorn mare that had chosen to spend her time with a pony like me.

We’d known each other for a while now, and yet every day I felt myself growing closer and closer to her, even if I didn’t say it enough. I’d been pulled in many directions, but she was the one I looked to the most. The only right direction.

The unicorn caught sight of my stare and looked over at me. “You’re missing the show, Silent Knight,” she said softly.

I shook my head. “No, I’m not.”

Even in the darkness, I could see her blush. She nuzzled up against me and we turned our heads skyward to watch the rest of a fireworks display the likes of which I’d never seen in my entire life. It was timed impeccably with the music and conveyed a sense of wonder and what could be. Dreams was an appropriate name.

When the show came to a close, the park erupted in cheers and hoof stomps.

Crystal’s eyes were still gazing up at the stars. She said softly, “That was not to be missed.”

“Yes, I agree there.”

She leaned in against me and sighed. “It is a shame it had to end.”

“Yes. There is no rush to leave just yet, though. It looks like all the ponies below are streaming out. We’re allowed to stay here a little later than normal. Why don’t we let them clear out?”

Crystal nodded. “Okay, that sounds like a good idea.”

I looped my hooves around her and we enjoyed the quiet together. Most of the other ponies had left, leaving the spot for us, which was far preferable.

Once the crowd below had thinned Crystal said, “I guess we should let them close.”

I let her go and nodded. “I suppose that is fair.”

We stood and, unaware of my plans, Crystal turned towards the staircase that had brought us up. It was good that she had no idea. The surprise was one of the important parts of this.

I took a deep breath and reached into my saddlebag, finding the small box Runic had given me. “Crystal, before we bring this night to an end, I just wanted to ask if you had fun.”

She turned and looked back at me curiously. “Had fun? Of course, Silent Knight! This was one of the most amazing days of my life!”

I smiled at her and replied, “I’m so happy to hear you say that.”

Slowly, I held the box up into view and her eyes fell to it with a soft gasp.

My voice trembled just slightly as I continued, “I hope that today will have been your last happy memory as a marefriend and that tomorrow, if you’ll have me, will be your first happy memory as a fiancée.”

Carefully, I opened the box to reveal a white gold ring with a single diamond resting inside on a black velvet pillow. It was cut perfectly to catch the lamp light and sparkled just as I had hoped it would.

“Crystal Wishes, will you marry me?”

Author's Note:

I want to thank AverageAmazingMe for coming up with the song. That was really well done! I just had to include it.

Hopefully you've all enjoyed my representation of Glimmer World. It was a fun idea that I've wanted to share for a long, long time (such is having things planned out way in advance).

Crystal's Wishes Companion Chapter: A Glimmering Stay

Once again, thank you all for being wonderful readers!

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