• Published 11th May 2015
  • 14,099 Views, 3,289 Comments

Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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26. Five

Orchid squeezed me tightly and then smooshed my face right in front of everypony else in the restaurant.

“I can’t believe you’re getting married! And so soon!” she squealed in delight.

I swatted at her hooves. “Engaged, Orchid, we’re just engaged. Married comes later. We haven’t set a date yet but yes, it was a little fast. I just know she is right for me.”

“Well, maybe it’s not too fast, actually. You two have been sniffing around each other for a while.”

My brow shot up. “Sniffing around?”

“You know what I mean,” Orchid said with a wink.

I didn’t.

She laughed, then wagged a hoof at me. “Anyway, I don’t know her well, but I know she is a doll. You treat her right!”

“I hear that a lot…” I peered at her. Orchid out of uniform was odd. She was also extremely pregnant now. “Is everything still on time?”

She nodded and settled her hooves over her belly. “Yes, we’re down to two months. This little stallion is wearing me down, too. Third or not, I’m not as young as I used to be. He’s been making studying a lot harder.”

I chuckled at that. “I see. About time some stallion stood up to you. Isn’t the birth going to mess up your training schedule?”

Orchid lightly flicked my forehead with a hoof. “I’ll remember that crack once he is born and I’m back in shape.” She shook her head. “No, I started early enough and I’m on an accelerated track. I should graduate, have the foal, do maternity leave, and start with a new position after.”

“And what position are you looking at?”

“Most likely, I’ll be in with the City Guard’s support company. Evidently, they’ve been understaffed for a while and the palace has been doing a lot of their work. I’ll be sure to come visit you, though.”

“I’m sure you’ll be running the place within a week. Those other warrant officers won’t know what hit them,” I teased.

The mare smiled and shook her head. “I’m not so sure about that. I’m learning, but honestly, there is a lot to this. I thought it would be easier. Still, it will be a better fit.”

With a shake of my head, I looped a hoof around her shoulders. “No, it will be a good fit. We’ll never quite be the same without you,” I said, hugging her tight.

“Aww, Silent Knight, don’t say stuff like that.”

I pulled back to look at her with my most serious expression. “It’s true.”

“Oh, I know!” she said, reaching into her bag and getting a kerchief to dab her eyes. “When you say it now, though, with all of these hormones, it makes me cry.”

I chuckled. “I’m sorry. Would you rather I be mean to you?”

She shook her head. “No, but you could take me for a dessert after lunch. Maybe buy me a cookie?”

With a feigned frown, I sighed. “Leave it to you to work me for an angle. Come on, let’s go over to Sunridge Sweets and get you a cookie.”

“And a milkshake,” she added.

“And a milkshake.”

“And maybe we stop for some vinegar chips on the way?”

“Anything else?” I asked, brow arched.

Orchid shook her head. I settled our bill and we headed out to go find a strange combination of foods for her.

The wind whipped along my body as I few east from Canterlot. Nova was tailing along behind me as we started to descend from the peaks of Alicorn Spire.

“I thought we were going to work out, sir,” Nova called to me.

“We are,” I replied over my shoulder.

“In case you missed it, we passed about six gyms, sir. Then the city.”

“I’m aware.” I pointed a hoof down at the small Equestrian Army outpost that was near Canterlot and started to drift towards it. Just before we reached the main gate, I made a hard left turn and landed in the nearby town that serviced it.

Nova looked around. “This is pretty far from home.”

“It is,” I said evenly before trotting over to a squat building and knocking on the door three times.

The door opened to reveal Steel Wings. “You’re late.” He then looked past me. “Who’s she?”

Nova didn’t give me any chance to answer. “The medic. I’m not a fan of your training practices and I’m here to make certain you play nice.”

Steel Wings snorted and looked at me. “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously!” Nova interjected, getting right up in his face. “Listen here, Chief. I’m not afraid of you. I don’t care who you are. You put my commander in a cast and if that happens again I’m going to tell his commander.”

The older pegasus glared at Nova. She glared back. He then looked at me. I just shrugged and said, “Her way or no way at this point.”

“Get inside, both of you,” he growled before slamming the door behind us once we were through.

To my surprise, the chief had actually set up a nice training space. There was a big matted area, several training dummies, and some weights. To my further surprise, Tranquil Dusk and Crimson Dawn were standing inside.

“Hello, Silent Knight,” Dusk said politely.

“Dusk, Crimson,” I replied, nodding. “I guess the chief didn’t do a good job of dissuading you.”

Steel Wings snorted. “Their minds were made up before our first session. Don’t go blaming me.”

“Made up about what?” Nova asked.

We all looked her way and I replied, “To do this kind of training. I don’t think it’s right for them, but they’re old enough to make their own mistakes.”

Nova’s eyes narrowed. “And what kind of training is this, exactly?”

“More intense combat training,” I said quickly, making sure no other pony spoke.

Her expression didn’t soften. “And you’re going to do it here. Out of sight. And then what? Bring it back and teach the unit?”

I shook my head. “No, the unit doesn’t need this. They’re more than capable of defending the princess.”

“Versus… say… what is it you’re learning to do here?” Nova asked suspiciously.

The chief looked my way and then the room went cold. I cleared my throat and replied, “This is more offensive.”

Nova flicked her wings. “For what purpose?”

“Just to be prepared in the event we get in a situation like the one in Nordanver,” I said, telling a half-truth.

The pegasus mare looked at each of us. “So, the House Guard commander, an Army armsmaster, and two ponies I’m pretty sure are civilians… are just meeting far away from Canterlot in an unassuming building to train just in case.”

“To be prepared,” I repeated.

“And you brought me here and thought I’d buy that, sir?” Nova frowned. “If you were going to lie, why not just lie and not bring me?”

Steel Wings cleared his throat but I waved him off and replied, “You’d see the injuries and report it. I also agreed you could monitor the training. I don’t take giving my word lightly.”

“Commendable. So you just hoped that you could bring me along and I’d buy the preparation line?”

“It isn’t a line. We’re training to be prepared.”

“Prepared for what, sir?” Nova pressed.

Steel Wings cleared his throat louder and then stepped forwards. “The lieutenant and I have a mission and it is going to need a unit. A very specific unit with a specific purpose.”

Nova’s ears twitched. “And what kind of unit would that be?”

Chief walked closer and put on a firm face. “The kind of unit command knows we need but can’t bring themselves to create officially. The kind of unit normal ponies don’t need to know exists. The kind of unit that, if discovered, results in the loss of my status and the lieutenant’s pretty bar. The kind of unit that exists to do a job that simply has to be done.”

He’d used my line. It was a powerful one, or so I thought. All eyes were on Nova.

“What is the job?” Nova asked.

“Classified,” Steel Wings replied.

“Crabapples. Option A: You don’t tell me, I report it, and maybe stop this before you all do something stupid. Option B: You tell me and maybe I believe you enough to go with it.”

I nodded. “We’re working with Guard Intelligence. We—”

“Sir!” Steel Wings cut me off.

“She’s right, Chief, and we could use a good medic.” I shifted my attention back to Nova. “Intelligence is tracking the gryphon that tried to capture Princess Luna. They’re pretty sure it wasn’t a ransom plot. They think it was a politically motivated assassination attempt. We’d like to know what the motivation was and to make sure the involved parties can’t conduct a similar attempt in the future.”

She blinked in surprise. “You’re all Guard Intelligence?”

I shook my head. “No, we’re not. We’re working with them though. At least some faction within intelligence. Maybe the EIS. Either way my contact is pretty high up and I can’t name names.”

Her surprise turned into confusion. “Then this is sanctioned?”

Steel Wings laughed. “Nopony would ever sanction this sort of thing. No, intelligence will push us to do what needs to be done and if it goes south we’re easily written off as vengeance seeking vigilantes. Nice and tidy.”

Nova shook her head and looked at me. “But, sir… your career.”

“You don’t get to kill my ponies and walk away without repercussions,” I said flatly.

“So you’re going to go over there and capture him? That’s crazy,” Nova replied just as flatly.

“You’re right, which is why that isn’t the plan.”

Nova peered at me. “Then what is the plan?”

I shook my head. “Classified. You know more than enough to make your decision. Now you’re here to make sure we don’t hurt ourselves in our preparations. If anypony ever asks you what’s going on you don’t know enough for them to stop us and, more importantly, you were just doing your job.”

“And if I want in?”

My brow raised in brief surprise. “That isn’t why you’re here. Monitor training, make sure it is safe, and keep us healthy. I’m not looking to put more ponies in harm’s way.”

“Crabapples again!” Nova’s hoof stabbed at Tranquil Dusk and Crimson Dawn. “They’re kids. Civilian kids. They pass muster, but I don’t? Crabapples! Tell me they’re some kind of deep cover… whatever kind of ponies they are and I’ll budge, but otherwise I’m not falling for this line, either.”

Crimson Dawn’s nostrils flared. “We are not kids. We are adults in our society and in yours. It is our choice to help. Do not underestimate our abilities.”

Nova’s wings twitched. “Sir, surely you’re kidding me.”

“They’re scouts, Nova. They’re exceptional scouts too. We can learn a lot from them.”

“Fine, sir! They’re scouts. I’m a trained royal guard and a medic. You’re going to need a medic. Especially if this level of training is necessary for whatever it is you’re going to do exactly.”

“You’ll risk your career,” I countered. “You’ll have to mislead other ponies, including ones you care about.”

Nova frowned and then looked past me at the twins. “And you two, you’re really alright with all of this? Are all of your kind crazy?”

Tranquil Dusk stepped forwards and replied firmly, “We go where the Knight of the Moon goes.”

Nova blinked. “The what?”

I waved a hoof. “That isn’t important. They’re a little misguided, but I couldn’t talk them out of this. So now I just have to make sure they’re prepared and stay to their specific mission.”

The pegasus mare turned to Steel Wings. “Will you be vengeance-seeking vigilantes, or is this a by-the-book military operation?”

“There isn’t a book for this one. The lieutenant has been running it like an official operation thus far. He’s right, too. We’ll find out the political agenda to better serve the princesses but—”

“He doesn’t escape this time. He’s done, captured or dead,” I said sharply, cutting the chief off.

“And if I want to walk out right now and report all of this?” Nova asked, taking a step away from us.

“Your call. I wouldn’t think any less of you,” I responded.

She slowly eyed each one of us. “You’re definitely going to need a medic.”

What could I say to that? She was right. “Yeah, yeah, we are.”

Nova shifted. “There is no capturing this bird, is there? You’re expecting to kill him.”

I nodded.

There was a long pause before Nova released a short sigh. “Okay.”

“Okay?” I asked.

“Yes, okay. Not yay, not good, not hurray. Okay. I get it. I honestly do. You’re going to need a medic, period. So, no, I don’t want to go kill some gryphon, but I’ll make sure that—if that’s what you’re going to do—you’ll be fit when the time comes and that you’ll survive it. Okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

Nova wheeled on the chief. “And no more of this stress fracture, beat-them-up bravado junk. If you want these ponies to be combat-ready, they can’t have lingering injuries that could have been avoided. Safe training, or I’ll figure out some way to burn you and save the lieutenant. Are we clear?”

Steel Wings blinked and then his stern impression came back. He tapped his chief pin and then his armsmaster pin.

Nova glared and tapped her medic pin. “That chief pin doesn’t mean jack in this room. Nor does that armsmaster badge. You’re a nopony in here and I’m a doctor. The doctor says safe training or no training. Do you understand mister?”

His feathers were literally ruffled as he started to yell, “Now, listen here, you big-headed, fu—”

“Chief!” I cut in. “She’s right, again. If we’re running this like a real unit, then I’m the CO and you’re my advisor. No more hard stuff. That’s an order.”

“Yes, sir,” he groused.

I turned to Nova and added, “And off the books or not, personal issues or not, you’ll respect the rank even if you don’t respect the pony. Clear?”

Nova flushed. It looked like she was going to argue, but instead she replied, “Yes, sir. My apologies, Chief.”

“Great, thanks.” Steel Wings rolled his eyes. “Now if we’re done with all of this touchy-feely stuff, we’re way behind. It’s time to get started.”

“Agreed,” I replied. “We’re all yours, Chief.”

Nova looked over at me. “One more thing. What are you calling this little operation?”

“We’re not,” I replied.

She raised one brow. “Shouldn’t we at least have a unit name?”

Crimson Dawn chimed in, “We should! Something that will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. We could be the Wolverines!”

“What in Equestria is a wolverine?” Steel asked before spitting. “No, it has to be something less obscure. More official sounding. How about the Equestria Protection Society?”

Nova snorted. “That makes it sound like we’re official. We shouldn’t do that. Plus, others may want to join something like that.”

“Nightwatch,” came a soft voice.

“Listen here, the EPS would be a fine-sounding organization!” the chief shot back, missing it.

Crimson glared at them. “Wolverines aren’t obscure!”

“I actually agree with the chief that they are,” Nova replied.

My ear flicked and I turned to Tranquil. “Say again?”

The others fell silent and looked to the black-winged pegasus. “Nightwatch,” she repeated.

“Nightwatch it is,” I said. “Now, let’s get to that training.”

The condo that Crystal Wishes and Velvet Step shared was a sea of bridal magazines, color samples, and other wedding paraphernalia. Most of the stuff was left over from Raven’s actual wedding and their friend Horsey’s semi-pretend one. Now they were being repurposed for our wedding.

“I know I saw it in one of these. When I was looking for Horsey, I saw the dress and thought it was for me,” Crystal explained.

Velvet shrugged and replied, “I told you to mark them.”

“No, you didn’t! You teased me about planning my own wedding.”

“Actually, that does sound more like me. You still should have marked them!”

Crystal glared at Velvet and then went back to furiously flipping through magazines.

I’d given up looking for the dress she’d described. Without a doubt, I had found it six times, but every time I asked if this one was right both mares had told me no. I wasn’t even sure how Velvet could know! That was okay, though. It allowed me the time to take a nap. I’d been working days and training nights, and that was wearing me out.

Vaguely, I heard the sound of a hoof knocking against the door.

“Would you get that for me, please?” Crystal asked in my direction.

I shifted under the weight of fabric swatches and magazines. “Yes,” I replied as the bits and bobs fell off me and onto the floor.

Velvet giggled and tried to look innocent. Evidently, she’d been attempting to cover me up and out of existence. I made my way to the condo’s door and opened it without dignifying her actions with a second glance.

I found a light-yellow-cream-colored unicorn mare waiting and looking confused to see me. Her mane was impressive. It was brown with highlights that faded from purple, to pink in the middle, and blue at the tips and all done up in a really fancy style. A pony this classy had to be one of Crystal’s friends.

“Hello,” I said.

“Hi. I’m looking for Crystal Wishes… she still lives here, right?”

Looking over my shoulder at the wreck that had become of the condo, I shrugged. “I wouldn’t call this living, but yes. Please come in.”

The unicorn nodded and walked past me until she spotted Crystal and Velvet nestled in the middle of the maelstrom. “What is all of this, Crystal?”

Crystal looked up and then stared in horror. “Painted Wave! Our meeting! I’m so sorry. What time is it?” She looked at the clock on the wall. “I missed it. I’m sorry! We got so caught up in this… Please come in and have a seat.” She went to my sleeping couch and pushed the rest of the stuff unceremoniously off onto the floor.

The pony who I had now learned was Painted Wave smirked and settled on the couch. “It’s no problem. Cute door stallion, by the way.”

Then Crystal paused, looked at me, and frowned. “Wait, door stallion? Oh, no. That is just Silent Knight, my fiancé.”

‘Just Silent Knight,’ huh? Lovely.

“Oh, he looks like a keeper. Good help is so hard to find, after all.” Painted winked and looked at all the mess. “Getting married, then?”

Crystal and Velvet started to try to clean up. I went over to help. “Eventually,” Crystal said. “He actually just proposed a little while ago. I’m getting ahead of myself. I really am sorry you had to come all the way here because I was playing princess.”

“We’ll just call it research for the next book, okay?” Painted Wave said in amusement.

“Yes, please. Can we still have the meeting? The publisher is really on me about getting this all done. Would you care for some tea?”

Painted Wave nodded and methodically listed off her responses to the rapid-fire questions. “That’s why I dropped in. I have some great ideas to run by you. And tea would be lovely, thank you.”

Crystal handed twelve of Raven’s ‘idea books’ to Velvet, leaving little more than her hooves visible. “You remember Velvet, of course?”

“I do. It’s nice to see that she has gotten behind your books… and that she supports them,” Painted joked.

Crystal paused and then looked at Velvet. After a moment of thought, she laughed and waved a hoof. “Oh, you.” She then hurried off to make the tea and I took half of the books from Velvet so that she could see.

“What do we do with these?” I asked.

Velvet responded happily, “File them with the others!” She indicated to a bookshelf that was quite literally half full with the things. I headed over to put my share away.

“That is quite the library,” Painted Wave said as she watched us. “You’ll be able to have three different weddings and pick the one you like best.”

Three weddings. It was kind of funny but true: first Raven, then Horsey, now us. Eventually, anyway.

Velvet’s eyes went wide. “That’s a great plan! I’ll go tell Crystal!” She hurried off into the kitchen.

I sat in the mess and picked up some fabric swatches to look at. There were some good blue ones.

“How much of this do you have a say in?” Painted Wave asked idly.

“Me?” I blinked at her. “None thus far. You were right about me being the help, honestly.”

Painted Wave laughed and replied, “Well, there is a reason it is called MARE-iage.”

Author's Note:

And then there were five. I am also extremely happy to get this Painted Wave scene in. I've had it written for months! Puns everywhere!

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