• Published 29th May 2015
  • 39,547 Views, 2,500 Comments

Undead Robot Bug Crusaders - Banjo64

Scootaloo has a secret. So do Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. What happens when the truth comes out?

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Chapter 10.5: What's Babs Seed up to?

Babs Seed sighed as she trotted into her room. Her math teacher was a cruel, cruel mare. She had so much homework already, and it was only the third day of the school year!

As she tossed aside her saddlebags, she noticed a letter on her desk. When she saw that it was from her cousin, she quickly opened it.

Dear Babs Seed,

How’s it going cousin? It’s been pretty quiet around here. Well, more quiet than usual at least. We only had one monster attack this month, the barn only collapsed twice, and the only pony that went to the hospital turned out to just have a bit of a gas problem.

Anyway, just sending this letter because we haven’t seen each other for awhile now, and I was wondering what you’ve been up to lately. I mean, I have no idea what it’s like living in a big city, but I bet it must be pretty exciting.

Probably far more exciting than what me and the girls have been up to. Crusading has proven as unsuccessful as ever, and I think we’re starting to run out of ideas. We actually resorted to fishing the other day. Fishing! Can you imagine how boring it was to just sit there in a boat and wait for something to happen? None of us had fun with it.

We also learned that Scootaloo’s a lousy swimmer. On the bright side though, we learned that Sweetie Belle can swim just fine despite, you know, that. And it turns out that because of my… condition, I can hold my breath for a really, really, really long time. Just wish that swimming didn’t make me smell so bad. Neither of my friends wanted to be near me after that.

That reminds me, do you think you could stop by for another visit sometime? We had a lot of fun with you that week, and it would be nice to spend some more time with you. Oh, and word’s got out about your pinball skills and a few colts around town would like to see you in action.

By the way, have you been having any dreams lately? I had a really silly one the other night where there was no such thing as a normal pony. Big Mac was a werewolf, Applejack was part plant, and I think you were a giant spider. Crazy right?

Well, I’m running out of paper, so I guess I’ll end this letter here. Take care of yourself cousin.

-Apple Bloom.

With a shake of her head, Babs pulled out ink, paper, and quill to start writing a reply.

Dear Apple Bloom,

The most exciting thing to happen to me since we last saw each other was that time I went roller skating last week. I don’t mind reading about what you've been up to, but next time you send a letter, can you please remember where you live? My big sis still thinks I turned into a vampire and I’m just hiding it from her, and I don’t want her to start getting ideas.

I haven’t had much luck crusading either. I tried my hoof at cooking the other day and… well, I didn’t burn juice or anything like that, but it still wasn’t very good. By the way, fishing really isn’t that bad. If you find yourself watching paint dry for a cutie mark or something, that’s when you’ve run out of ideas.

And sure, I’d be happy to visit again. It probably won't be for awhile though. School’s already started for me, and my mom wouldn’t let me leave the house, let alone take a train, if I have homework to do. And yeah, I have a lot already.

Babs paused to think for a moment. She really did want to see her cousin again, but she knew better than to argue with her mom about school. Then she had an idea.

That said, I think I might be able to stop by next holiday break though. Maybe I can come around Nightmare Night? I admit I’m kind of curious about how a small town celebrates it.

Anyway, glad to hear from you cousin. Good luck with the whole… you know what.

-Babs Seed

Babs looked down at her letter.

“Hm… Should Ah mention the dream Ah had where everypony was part snake? She’d probably find it amusin’,” she asked herself.

She thought about it for a minute or two.

“Nah. It’d probably turn inta a self-fulfillin’ prophecy or somethin’. And if Ah ever have tah turn inta somethin’, Ah’d rather it not be a snake,” she decided as she folded the letter.

Author's Note:

It occurred to me that Babs has been MIA for awhile now. No, not in my fic, but in MLP:FiM period. We haven't seen her since Apple Family Reunion! I think. I don't really watch the show that much...

And yes, this is a shameless set up to get her in town for a Nightmare Night chapter I have planned. I'm just putting it up now because I couldn't get the dream gag out of my head. I just had to add spider Babs. 'Cause she's from Manehattan.

Get it? Spider pony in Manehattan?


I blame my muse.