• Published 29th May 2015
  • 39,549 Views, 2,500 Comments

Undead Robot Bug Crusaders - Banjo64

Scootaloo has a secret. So do Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. What happens when the truth comes out?

  • ...

Chapter 19: ...To Fit the Frame

“This is it. You ready, girls?” asked Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded as the three of them trotted to the schoolhouse.

“Right. Now, we all know everypony said they were going to accept us, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to pretend nothing’s happened. We’re going to be stared at, bombarded with questions, and Celestia knows what else. Not to mention Sweetie Belle’s going to need to have a long talk with her coltfriend,” said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle groaned.

“How many times do I need to say it?! Button Mash is not my coltfriend!” cried Sweetie Belle.

“Right… and that hug was totally non romantic?” asked Scootaloo with an eye roll.

Sweetie Belle let out a squeak as her face turned red.

“Yeah, I heard about that. You’re going to have to try extra hard to convince me that you two aren’t a thing now,” said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle mumbled under her breath, but didn’t argue.

“As I was saying, we all know what we’re in for. Today is going to be long and awkward, but we’re going to get through it,” finished Scootaloo.

“At least we won’t have to worry about bein’ bullied. Ah mean, after what happened to Diamond Tiara yesterday…” said Apple Bloom.

The three of them grew quiet. After Diamond Tiara had broken down, her mother had started making excuse after excuse. As the crowd grew angrier and angrier, the three fillies had been escorted out of the building by their sisters. Probably for the best, considering it almost sounded like a fight had broken out shortly after they'd stepped outside.

From what they’d overheard later, it seemed that Filthy and Spoiled Rich were currently at their mansion, having a very extensive argument along with the mayor and a few other important ponies. Diamond Tiara, meanwhile, was staying at Silver Spoon’s house until her parents and the authorities could reach an agreement.

Nopony knew what would come of this, so for now everypony was just trying to go about their business as usual, key word being try. The rumor mill was in full swing, spinning everything from an arranged marriage to somepony being unfaithful. Nopony knew what was true anymore.

There was a silver lining, though: this incident had pushed the CMC’s secrets onto the backburner. It’d be a day or two before they’d have the entire town’s focus on them again. It was a nice little bit of breathing room, though their classmates were likely going to get on their case during recess.

All the same, the three of them were rather troubled by why they were getting a little more attention time in the first place.

“Look, we’ll worry about that once everypony figures out what happens next. It’s completely out of our hooves right now. Let’s just focus on getting through school today, alright?” said Scootaloo.

“Right,” said Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

Being a teacher is a tough job. You had to be patient as a saint, caring as a mother, and engaging enough to not only keep the children’s attention, but ensure that the lessons you teach actually stick. But teaching in Ponyville? Well, if nothing else, Cheerilee was a testament to the long line of Ponyville teachers who had to learn how to build a curriculum around weekly disasters.

Case in point: from the moment Cheerilee walked into the classroom, she could tell that her lesson plan for the day would be wasted. Every filly and colt in front of her looked distracted at best, or deeply troubled at worst. And honestly, she was half tempted to just cancel class. What had happened to Diamond Tiara yesterday had shaken her just as much as her students.

On top of that, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were absent today, not that Cheerilee blamed either of them. Diamond Tiara was in no condition to come to school right now, and she desperately needed a friend. Cheerilee had already marked them both with “excused absence.”

But Cherrilee couldn't cancel. With the sheer number of “disaster days” she had on the calendar, she needed to squeeze in every lesson she could. But besides that, there was another pressing issue she felt needed to be addressed, and this would be a great opportunity to kill two birds with one stone (Cheerilee silently apologized to Fluttershy for the expresion).

“Alright, everypony. Who’s ready for another day of learning?” asked Cheerilee.

Unsurprisingly, she got a rather half-hearted response.

“Now, I’m certain that we’re all a little put off by yesterday's surprises, so we’re not going to bother with the schedule today. Instead, we’re going to learn about some very interesting and unusual topics,” said Cheerilee.

A few children perked up at this.

“Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo?” called Cheerilee.

The three fillies she named blinked in surprise. More students started paying attention.

“Would you three be willing to step up and tell us a little more about yourselves? You gave us all a brief outline of your situations, but I believe we’re all eager to learn whatever else you can tell us. And I think we could all use something else to think about after certain events yesterday,” said Cheerilee.

The three of them shared a nervous look, but then they nodded, stood up from their desks, and made their way to the blackboard. Now the entire class was focused and attentive. True, this wasn’t exactly on the lesson plan, but at least the students would be learning something today.

Cheerilee was also proud of the three of them for having the courage to step forward and talk. The three of them had grown by a surprising amount the last few months. Then again, this was probably easy compared to actually sharing their secrets in the first place.

Apple Bloom cleared her throat.

“Well, the first thing Ah should explain is that there are three kinds of undead…”

The girls would later admit that talking about their situations so openly was a surprisingly pleasant experience. While it was mostly them repeating things they already knew, There was just something so relieving about putting everything that made them so unique together in a clear, explained manner.

The same could not be said for recess, where the three of them found themselves quickly separated by crowds of young ponies full of questions and weird requests. Well, weird, but not entirely unexpected.

“Huh. I think I’m a litthle thaller than thath,” said Twist.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. Everypony was a critic.

“Now try me!” exclaimed Dinky.

With a sigh, Scootaloo was once again covered in green flames before reappearing as Dinky’s twin. Well, almost her twin.

“My horn isn't that long,” noted Dinky.

Scootaloo barely held back a groan.

“Well, yeah. I don’t have a lot of experience making unicorn disguises. Of course I’m going to get a few details wrong,” said Scootaloo.

“I know. I’m not saying I’m offended or anything. I’m just telling you what you did wrong so can do better next time,” said Dinky with a shrug.

Scootaloo sighed. Even if Dinky meant well, Scootaloo got plenty of criticism for her disguises from the hivemind. She really didn’t need this.

Apple Bloom wasn’t fairing much better.

“Come on, show us!” cried Rumble.

“Yeah!” added Snips.

With a sigh, Apple Bloom undid her bow, revealing her undead form. The crowd of ponies around her, mostly colts, oohed and aahed.

“Woah… that is so creepy and awesome!” said Snips.

“Now take your head off! You said you can do that sort of thing, right?” said Rumble.

Feeling more than a little weirded out, Apple Bloom snapped her neck, and lifted her head above her.

Huh. So that’s what the world looked like to an adult. It wasn’t that different, really.

“Now show us your insides!” said Snails.

That was where Apple Bloom drew the line.

“What?! No! Ah’m not spilling mah guts all over the school yard. And besides, mah insides are just as disgusin’ as a livin’ pony’s,” said Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, that’s why we want to see them!” said Snips.

Apple Bloom would have facehooved if she wasn’t busy holding her head up.

Sweetie Belle, meanwhile, probably had it the worse.

“For the last time, I don’t have built in lasers!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

“But you’re a robot. How can you not have lasers?” asked Ruby Pinch.

“Because the ponies who built this body weren’t mad scientists,” answered Sweetie Belle.

“Aw…” moaned Ruby Pinch as she kicked the dirt.

Sweetie Belle signed. That was the seventh pony to ask her that. She was getting tired of answering the same questions over and over again. Could this get any more stressful?

“Sweetie Belle?” asked a familiar voice.

Sweetie Belle let out a soft squeak as she turned to see Button Mash looking at her with wide eyes. Button Mash had an uncertain look on his face, which put Sweetie Belle very much on edge.

“You’re really a robot?” asked Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath.

Calm down, Sweetie Belle. You’re not trying to convince your coltfriend to stay with you despite being a robot. You’re just trying to make sure your friend isn’t scared off by your condition. You’re just friends with Button Mash, no matter what Scootaloo thinks, Sweetie Belle reminded herself.

“Well, yeah. I’m pretty sure I made that clear yesterday. You can see past my illusion thing now, after all…” mumbled Sweetie Belle.

“I know. It’s just… well…” Button stumbled over his words.

Sweetie Belle glanced at the ponies watching them. Many of them had smirks on their faces, much to Sweetie Belle’s embarrassment. Just how far had the news about that hug spread?

“Just so… so…” mumbled Button.

Sweetie Belle waited nervously as Button struggled to voice his thoughts, not sure what to expect.

“So… cool!” exclaimed Button.

Sweetie Belle blinked in surprise.

“I mean, yeah it’s a little strange, but you're a real life robot! It’s like you’re a superhero out of a comic book or something! And you traveled through time too! You’re so amazing, Sweetie Belle! And not to mention…” rambled Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle let out a sigh and shook her head. She’d forgotten who she was friends with for a moment there. As if Button Mash of all ponies would be bothered by hanging out with a robot. She really should have seen this coming. And now Button was going to spend several minutes doing his cute little “geek out” and…


Did I just think Button Mash is CUTE?! thought Sweetie Belle in a mild panic.

At last, the school day came to an end. It had been an exhausting day for the three of them (not to mention Sweetie Belle had been blushing non stop all afternoon) but it was finally over.

Their classmates had sated their curiosity, they got to explain things in greater detail, and most importantly, they now had clear proof that the ponies of Ponyville were truly willing to accept the three of them, weird as they were. For despite all the annoying proding, not one pony had called for them to leave town.

Not that there had been too much doubt about that. It was just nice to get some confirmation.

“Whew… glad that’s over,” said Apple Bloom with a sigh of relief as they trotted through town.

“Yeah… over…” mumbled Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle was still blushing. Scootaloo had a suspicion as to why, but she decided Sweetie Belle seemed embarrassed enough already. Besides, if she pushed Sweetie Belle any further she might faint, and then Scootaloo would have to carry her the rest of the way.

“Welp, it’s official. Our secrets are out, and we’re still here. So, now what? Life just goes on same as always?” asked Scootaloo.

“Ah doubt it. Life will go on, but it’ll be different. In some ways for the better, and other ways for the worse,” said Apple Bloom.

“Let me guess, that’s what your sister told you after you were cursed, right?” asked Scootaloo with a smirk.

“Well, duh. Since when have Ah been one for fancy poetry,” replied Apple Bloom with an eye roll.

“Poetry…” mumbled Sweetie Belle as her face somehow got even more red.

Sweetie Belle was clearly getting ideas. Feeling pity for her, Scootaloo pulled Sweetie Belle into a hug.

“Ah, lighten up, Sweetie Belle. It’s Button Mash. His idea of a romantic evening is probably staying at home and playing video games. Does he really seem like the kind of pony who’d read sappy poetry to your window? And besides, as much as we tease you about it, there’s nothing wrong with having a coltfriend,” said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle let out a sigh, and the color finally started to fade from her face.

“Yeah… you’re right. And he’s still not my coltfriend. Just because I think he’s cute doesn’t mean we’re a couple,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Not yet at least. We’ll see how long that takes,” said Apple Bloom with a giggle.

Sweetie Belle gave her a good natured shove, but her confidence had returned.

“Hey, uh… can I talk with you three for a second?” called a voice.

The CMC turned towards the speaker, and were surprised to see that it was Silver Spoon.

The girls just stood there, uncertain about what to say or do. On the one hoof, they really didn’t want to deal with her. But they couldn’t just ignore her after what had happened yesterday, and she had a really troubled look on her face. And shouldn’t she have been with Diamond Tiara?

Silver Spoon let out a sigh.

“Look, I get that you probably want nothing to do with me, but can you at least hear me out? I need some advice,” admitted Silver Spoon.

The CMC shared an awkward look.

“Advice on what?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Advice on what the buck I’m supposed to do as a friend,” answered Silver Spoon.

While the CMC were reluctant to let Silver Spoon into their clubhouse, they had to acknowledge that this was not the sort of conversation to be having in the middle of the street. So instead they opted to head to the much closer privacy of Carousel Boutique. Well, private once they made sure Rarity was out gem hunting.

They wasted no time once they were all seated.

“So… I guess this is about Diamond Tiara, right?” asked Scootaloo.

“Yeah,” said Silver Spoon with a nod.

The filly seemed rather subdued and nervous. She took a deep breath, then looked at the others with a resigned expression.

“But first, I want to apologize. I’m not going to pretend that the bullying didn’t happen and you weren’t hurt by it. It was a horrible thing to do, and I realize now that it didn’t even help Diamond Tiara at all. So… I’m sorry,” admitted Silver Spoon.

“You bullied us… to help Diamond Tiara?” asked Sweetie Belle in confusion.

Silver Spoon let out a sigh.

“In hindsight, I can see what a stupid idea it was, but yeah. It wasn’t about the blank flanks, or the fact that we’re richer than all of you, or anything like that. It was about letting Diamond Tiara vent some of her frustration. I figured that as long as we didn’t go too far, a little teasing wouldn’t really hurt anyone, and Diamond Tiara desperately needed some sort of release,” explained Silver Spoon.

“Not too far? Really?” asked Scootaloo with a glare.

“Well, yeah. We were teasing you about not having cutie marks. You know, the thing that everypony gets eventually? Of course our teasing wouldn't ruin your lives. You’d get your marks eventually and get over us. Just like everyone else in class did before we started bullying you three,” answered Silver Spoon.

The girls shared an uncertain look. That didn’t sound like actual logic (and Apple Bloom thought it sounded a little too similar to what a certain ghoul had claimed), but it made some twisted degree of sense. And it wasn’t like either of them could have known that none of the CMC would ever get their marks.

“OK… but why? Ah mean, after yesterday we all kind of get that Diamond Tiara had some issues at home but… was it really that bad?” asked Apple Bloom.

Silver Spoon’s expression grew hard.

“Apple Bloom, I’ll only forgive that statement because I know you never got the chance to know your parents. You know what it’s like to have that sort of hole in your life. But can you even imagine what it’s like to have parents who despise your very existence?” asked Silver Spoon.

That gave the Crusaders pause.

“Her parents despise her? I mean, I can see that from her mother, but is Filthy Rich really like that?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Silver Spoon let out another sigh.

“Well, no. Diamond Tiara’s dad has a different problem. He wants nothing to do with her. It’s not that he doesn’t care about her, it’s just… well… he’s kind of terrified of being a father. Have you three ever heard about Diamond’s grandfather?” asked Silver Spoon.

“No… should we have?” asked Scootaloo.

“Well, he named his son Filthy, for starters. You see, he was…” said Silver Spoon.

This scene has been removed due to excessive drama in a slice of life comedy fanfiction. Seriously, we don’t need to drag Diamond Tiara’s daddy’s daddy issues into this mess as well.

And trust me, you really don’t want to know the details.

“...so after all that, Filthy Rich was so traumatized that he never wanted to be a father. He’s afraid he’d end up doing something like that to his own child,” finished Silver Spoon.

The CMC could only stare at her in silent horror. The same could not be said for Scootaloo’s hivemind.

Wow. That was one of the most messed up things I’ve ever heard, said Uno.

I don’t think even Twitch would go that far, added Beetle.

Yeah. I’d never do anything like that, added Twitch.

The entire Cloudsdale hive paused to mentally look at Twitch in disbelief.

Hey, even I have standards! objected Twitch.

Could have fooled me, said Lynx.

Scootaloo turned her attention back to the matter at hoof.

“Right, so Diamond’s dad doesn’t want to spend time with her because of… reasons. Though if he’s so terrified of being a father, why’d he have a kid in the first place?” asked Scootaloo.

“Because his wife convinced him that having a child would get her to stop being such a horrible pony,” answered Silver Spoon.

The room was silent for a moment.

“I get that motherhood changes a pony, but…” started Sweetie Belle.

Silver Spoon let out yet another sigh.

“Let me rephrase that: his wife convinced him that this time agreeing with her demands would get her to stop being such a horrible pony. She said the same thing about getting married, and moving into a fancy house, and hiring a butler, and pretty much everything she ever asked of him. I don’t know why he’s put up with her for so long, but he has,” explained Silver Spoon.

The CMC looked at her in horror once more.

“So the only reason Diamond Tiara was even born was part of some scheme by her mom to keep her rich husband?!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

Silver Spoon nodded.

“And that’s why I was willing to help her bully other ponies to feel better,” finished Silver Spoon.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo felt terrible at this news. Suddenly their own problems seemed so petty. They were cursed, put in a full body prosthetic, and part of a corrupted civilization, but at least they had their families with them every step of the way. Diamond Tiara’s family were the source of her problems. Her very existence was just part of some vile plan.

How could anypony be so cruel?

“I’m Diamond Tiara’s only friend. I want to help her, but my idea only made things worse. And that’s why I need your help. You three clearly get how to be good friends so... please. What do I do now? How do I help Diamond Tiara feel like she has a place in the world?” asked Silver Spoon.

The CMC looked at each other and nodded. It wasn’t up for debate. Past bullying be darned, they had to do something.

Silver Spoon’s house wasn’t a fancy mansion like Diamond Tiara’s, but it was still impressive: big rooms, fancy paintings, and everything else one would expect from a rich family. Yet the decor was far from everyone's mind. Even as they walked down the hall towards Silver Spoon’s room, they could hear somepony sobbing.

This was going to be awkward, emotional, and possibly even violent, but everypony keep moving forward. They were determined to make things right.

Silver Spoon paused at the door.

“Ready?” she asked.

She got three nods. Silver Spoon then knocked.

“Diamond Tiara?” asked Silver Spoon.

There was a small pause in the crying, but only in the sense that Diamond was whimpering instead of wailing.

“Can I come in?” asked Silver Spoon.

“GO AWAY!” cried Diamond Tiara before she went right back to sobbing.

Silver Spoon sighed. The door wasn’t even locked. It seemed Diamond Tiara hadn’t even gotten out of bed to change that. Silver simply opened it and stepped inside. The CMC nervously followed behind her.

Diamond Tiara was on the bed, curled up with her eyes closed. She looked terrible. Her mane was a tangled mess, her tiara was nowhere to be seen, and despite not wearing makeup there were long tear lines down her face. She’d clearly been crying for quiet some time. She didn’t even seem aware that she had company.

“Diamond…” said Silver Spoon in a soft tone.

“I… *sniff…* I said go away!” cried Diamond, eyes still shut as she turned her body away from them.

“I can’t. I’m your friend Diamond. And while I don’t really know how to be a good friend, I do know that good friends don’t leave their friends to wallow in their misery,” replied Silver Spoon.

“Well… *sniff…* you’re already such a… *sob…* a horrible friend. Why… *sniff…* why stop now?” choked out Diamond Tiara.

“Because no matter how many times you say that, I know you don’t mean it. And I’m willing to do anything to make you feel better, even if you don’t want me to,” replied Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara turned back over, clearly ready to glare at her friend, but paused when she spotted the other ponies in the room. She stopped sobbing in shock, but only for a moment.

“Oh. Come to… *sniff…* to mock me? Get revenge for… *sniff…* for everything? Well, fine! Go ahead! ... *sob...* Bask in your victory you… *sniff…* you freaks!” cried Diamond Tiara before she turned away from them again.

Silver Spoon just looked at the CMC with a pleading look. Apple Bloom stepped forward.

“Funny. None of us really consider this a victory. We didn’t plan on this happenin’, And we’re not here to mock ya,” said Apple Bloom.

“Pff… yeah… *sniff…* yeah right. Just get it over with. *sob...* go ahead and mock the living failure of a pony… *sniff…*” spat Diamond Tiara.

“OK, I can think of a lot of words I’d use to describe you (many of them negative), but failure isn’t one of them. Just because your mom thinks…” said Sweetie Belle.

“SHUT UP!” cried Diamond Tiara turning back towards them with utter scorn.

Everypony else in the room backed away.

“Don’t you dare bring up my parents! You… you… That’s what this is about, right? You’re not here to mock me. You’re here to rub salt into me! To make it so I can’t pretend that I’m worth anything! Well buck you too, losers! Get lost!” cried Diamond Tiara before she turned away yet again in a huff.

“Hay no! We’re not here for that either! We’re here to prove the opposite!” objected Scootaloo.

“Oh yeah, sure. As if you freaks could help me even if you wanted to. You can’t even find your own destinies. There’s no way in Tartarus you could change mine,” said Diamond Tiara, not even looking at them.

The CMC and Silver Spoon shared an awkward look.

“OK, we know you have… issues at home, but what does that have to do with destiny?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Diamond Tiara growled and threw off the blanket.

“You see this stupid thing?!” demanded Diamond Tiara as she pointed at her cutie mark.

She didn’t wait for a response.

“It’s a tiara! A tiara that belongs on the head of a perfect little princess! How the buck is being a princess supposed to be a real talent?! I have no skills, no dreams for the future, and no reason to even exist! All I’ll ever amount to is being a… a… *sniff…* a trophy daughter!” cried Diamond Tiara before she collapsed into another sobbing fit.

Nopony said anything as Diamond Tiara cried. They looked at each other in sadness, but ultimately they simply waited for her to calm down a little.

It took almost ten minutes, but eventually Diamond Tiara’s hysterical sobs became meer wimpers. The CMC shared a look, then nodded in agreement. Apple Bloom stepped forward.

“That’s a load of ponyfeathers,” she said.

Diamond Tiara didn’t even look at her.

“There’s no way ya could ever become a Princess,” said Apple Bloom.

That seemed to give Diamond Tiara pause, if only in shock at what she was hearing.

“I don’t see a horn on your head, or wings on your back. You’re not an alicorn, so you’re not a Princess. Unless you know some magic spell that gives you both, you’ll never be one. And last time I checked, you’re not from a royal family, so you’ll never earn the less impressive title of princess either. It’s just not going to happen,” said Scootaloo.

Silver Spoon gave a gasp. That was supposed to make Diamond Tiara feel better?!

“So, there’s no possible way that’s your destiny. That mark on your flank must mean something else,” finished Scootaloo.

Silver Spoon blinked as her objection died on her tongue.

“Think about it. If that’s truly all you’re meant to do and you’re terrible at it, why do you have a cutie mark at all? Shouldn’t be that be the mark of a failure instead? Like a big red F, or a trash can?” added Sweetie Belle.

Diamond Tiara turned back to face them, her expression one of sheer disbelief. A moment later, it turned to one of dismissal.

“Oh, what do the three of you know about cutie marks? You don’t have any!” accused Diamond Tiara.

Apple Bloom gave Diamond Tiara a hardened glare.

“That’s right. We don’t have cutie marks. And we never will. Like ya said, we’re freaks. We’ll never really understand cutie marks, or what it means to have one. But ya want to know something we happen to know quite a bit about? We know all about what it’s like not knowin’ what to do with yourself,” said Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom stepped forward and looked Diamond Tiara straight in the eyes.

“Ah’m a ghoul. A cursed bein’. Not to mention that mah curse had to be sealed so it doesn’t spread to other ponies. It ain’t too far a stretch to call me a monster. Most ponies with mah condition end up doin’ horrible things. Hay, a group of ghouls tried to kidnap me not too long ago because they thought Ah’d join them and help destroy the world,” said Apple Bloom.

“Wait, what?!” exclaimed Silver Spoon.

She was shushed by the others.

“But ya know what Ah realized? Bein’ a ghoul doesn’t make me evil. Ah said no to those ghouls. Ah swore that Ah would never let mah curse determine what Ah make of mahself. Ah don’t know what that means Ah’ll end up doin’, but Ah know it ain’t goin’ to be hurtin’ other ponies. What Ah am doesn’t matter as much as what Ah do. And Ah reckon the same is true for everypony,” finished Apple Bloom.

Diamond Tiara’s expression was unreadable for a moment, but then she just scoffed.

“Oh, yeah. It’s only that simple. I’ll just get over my problems and start doing whatever I want. Because I totally get to choose my destiny,” said Diamond Tiara.

“Yeah, that’s right. You do get to choose,” said Sweetie Belle as she stepped forward.

Apple Bloom backed away. Now Sweetie Belle was looking Diamond Tiara right in the eyes.

“You know the reason I’m a robot. If I wasn’t, I’d be dead. It’s not fair that I was born with such a horrible condition, but life isn’t exactly fair. And if somepony far in the future hadn’t decided that I need to live for the good of Equestria, I wouldn’t be here right now. And while I definitely prefer being alive, it ultimately wasn’t my choice,” said Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle tapped her chest, causing a loud metallic sound.

“But the funny thing is, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. Why am I so important? What was worth changing history for? Is it inevitable, or do I have to make the right choices? It can be really scary to think about, and I didn’t get to choose whether I wanted this responsibility or not,” said Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle looked at Diamond Tiara with an expression of unwavering resolve.

“As best I can understand it, the future isn’t always set in stone. You didn’t get to choose your parents. You didn't get to choose what happened to you growing up. But you do get to choose what happens next. Do you want to just be a living trophy, or do you want to try being something else? You can decide for yourself what sort of future you want to make,” finished Sweetie Belle.

Diamond Tiara seemed to consider Sweetie Belle’s words for a moment, but then the anger returned once more.

“Pah. That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have a cutie mark,” said Diamond Tiara.

“So what?” replied Scootaloo.

The room was suddenly silent, as the air grew heavy. It was as if the universe itself were gasping in shock at Scootaloo’s words. A member of the CMC saying cutie marks didn’t matter? It was a miracle that the universe didn’t shatter at this blatant break from the natural order!

Or maybe that was just an outsider’s view of the situation. The universe itself probably didn’t care about the opinion of a small bug horse.

“So what if you have a cutie mark? That doesn’t mean it’s going to define your life. Do you know how many ponies have cutie marks that are only distantly related to their jobs or interests? Or have cutie marks that they never really use? Or how about those unlucky few who find themselves suffering a mid-life crisis and find themselves hating the symbol on their flanks?” asked Scootaloo.

Diamond Tiara didn’t have a response to that.

“I’m a changeling. I have always been a changeling. And changelings don’t get cutie marks. But that doesn’t mean we can’t find where our talents lie. And even if you don’t want to listen to us when we say that your mark doesn’t mean you have to step in line with what your mom wants, you have to at least admit that there’s nothing stopping you from finding some other skill,” said Scootaloo.

Silver Spoon facehooved. Why had she never considered that angle when trying to cheer Diamond up?

“So why don’t you stop lying there and make something of yourself? Forget your mark and set out to trot your own path? You won’t know where your talents lie until you get out there and try to find them. And most importantly, you don’t need your horrible mom’s permission to try something new,” said Scootaloo.

Diamond Tiara looked at them, her face frozen.

“But… But…” she stuttered.

Silver Spoon saw the doubt in her friend’s mind. This was it. This could finally get Diamond Tiara out of her rut. She just needed one more little push.

“Diamond Tiara, do you remember when you got your cutie mark? It wasn’t because you were listening to your mom. You got it because you were getting the class organized and motivated to help set up the Summer Sun Celebration. Your talent isn’t falling in line and doing what you're told. I think your talent is actually being a leader or something. Please… stop thinking that you're worthless. You’re not,” finished Silver Spoon.

“I… I…” mumbled Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara’s gaze jumped between them all. Her expression shifted from disbelief, to anger, to fear, to frustration, to countless other emotions as her thoughts ran one way then another. Then at last, she seemed to have reached an answer.

“I… I’m… I’m not…” she stuttered.

She put her hooves to her eyes and started crying again. But this time, it wasn’t sobs of despair.

Without a word, Silver Spoon climbed onto the bed and pulled Diamond Tiara into a hug. After a moment of hesitation, the CMC joined them. They would remain like this for some time, the five of them gathered in a tight group as Diamond Tiara cried.

“I’m not… I’m not… worthless...” Diamond Tiara continued to mumble.

While the details were not released to the public, word of the resolution of the Rich family's situation quickly spread through the town. Filthy Rich had not opted for a divorce for reasons he refused to comment on, but it was clear that a sharp wedge had been made between him and Spoiled Rich. Well, that was if there had been any chemistry between them in the first place. Time would tell how long their marriage would continue.

The town officials had also not made any arrests for child abuse, as there was no evidence that Spoiled Rich had done anything worse than use harsh words and blatant disapproval against her daughter. She’d picked her weapons of destruction wisely. However, they did walk out of the mansion with a signed restraining order. Spoiled Rich would have no further influence on her child’s life.

Filthy Rich, while facing no such restrictions, had asked for Silver Spoon’s family to continue to care for Diamond Tiara. Evidently, he was all too aware that he was hardly fit be a father, let alone a single parent. There was some debate among the town gossips about what role he planned to play in the daughters’ future, but nothing conclusive was reached.

There was also one more consequence of the incident, though it wasn’t directly connected to Diamond Tiara’s parents. All too soon, the CMC found themselves once more at the train station, saying goodbye. Though this time, it was for the last ponies any of them expected.

“So you’re both leaving?” asked Scootaloo.

Silver Spoon nodded. Diamond Tiara remained silent, her gaze locked onto the floor. Whether she was doing it to avoid looking at the CMC or just lost in thought was anypony’s guess.

“Yeah. After all that’s happened, my parents think it would be best for us to leave town and get Diamond away from her family for awhile. I’m not sure how long we’ll be gone, but it’ll probably do us both some good. And besides, it’s been ages since I last got to spend some time with my uncle and aunt Gold and Silver Ore,” said Silver Spoon.

“The Ores? I’ve heard about them. They’re one of the best mining families in Equestria,” noted Sweetie Belle.

“Well, yeah. My parents are silversmiths. Even if we weren’t related, my family needs to have good relationships with miners. I didn’t get my cutie mark by polishing spoons, you know,” said Silver Spoon with an eye roll.

The CMC giggled. It was kind of fun being on good terms with rich ponies for a change. Well, good terms with one rich pony and “awkward but kind of willing to talk” with another.

“Well, Ah’m sure it’ll work out. And maybe Diamond will find her life’s calling in gem finding or something. She does have diamonds on her flank, after all,” said Apple Bloom.

“Hey, that’s my sister’s thing,” argued Sweetie Belle.

“Doesn’t mean other ponies can’t have the same thing,” countered Scootaloo.

Diamond Tiara sighed, but it almost looked like a ghost of a smile graced her face.

The train whistle blew.

“That’s our cue. See you girls later. Thanks again for the help,” said Silver Spoon as she turned and got on the train.

Diamond Tiara followed after her, but then she paused and turned back towards the CMC.

“I… yeah… thanks…” she mumbled before entering the train herself.

Despite her half-hearted words, her expression said a great deal of unspoken gratitude. She clearly had a long way to go, but at least now she was taking that crucial first step forward.

A moment later, the train pulled out of the station.

“Well, that was certainly somethin’,” said Apple Bloom.

“Yeah. If you had told me just a few days ago that we’d be helping Diamond Tiara of all ponies with her cutie mark, I’d have laughed at your face,” said Scootaloo.

“But we did. And I don’t know about you girls, but I feel like we’ve really accomplished something this time,” said Sweetie Belle.

The others nodded.

“Yep. It sure felt great to help somepony like that,” said Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo looked back towards her flank.

“Yeah. It sure did,” she mumbled.

She was starting to get an idea...

Author's Note:

Sigh... I could have thought this arc out a little better ahead of time. I had to cut a lot of what I was originally planning to have because I realized most of it was far too dark and heavy for this story. Child neglect is not something I want to address lightly, but to give it the attention it deserves is a bit much for a slice of life comedy, especially this close to the end. As such, there is a lot of glossing over here, and I'm not happy with it.

I might write a one-shot about Filthy and Spoiled Rich's conversation and motives, though. I know I wouldn't be the first to write such a thing, but I have put a fair amount of thought into it.

Speaking of the Rich family, am I really the first to over-analyze Filthy Rich's insistence on being called Filthy to be distinguished from his father? There has got to be some story there...

Also, has Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon made so much as a background appearance since season 5?

Well, at any rate, we're in the home stretch now. Just one more chapter plus the epilogue.