• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 2,070 Views, 204 Comments

Nightmare Moon Crashes the Oblivion Crisis - Blackdrag-rose

Nightmare Moon, eager to escape from her prison, misfires her spell and ends up in someplace called Cyrodiil. Now she embarks on a journey to stop the Daedra from destroying the strange world she has discovered.

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18: Assault on Brellach

"This is a particularly exciting turn of events, is it not?" Sheogorath asked, a smile appearing on his face as he turned to Pandora and Nightmare, "A perfect job for you, my newest and only Noble in the realm, and your companion! If Order has entered my army's stronghold, things have taken a disturbing turn. It means Order has tried subterfuge... not its strong suit. Amazing! Perhaps things aren't going as poorly as I'd imagined. You'll want to get all the details from the messenger. Unless you already have. You haven't, have you?"

"And where is Jyggalag then?" Pandora said, curious as to why the Daedric Prince of Order wasn't leading his armies himself, "Shouldn't he be here, challenging you in person?"

"Aren't you precious? Do you really not know?" Sheogorath stated, though by the tone of his voice Nightmare could tell that he was going to reveal something to them, something that she and Luna might have guessed at before, "Because He is Me! I'm Him! We're a bit of each other, really. I won't be here when He arrives, because I'll be Him. Happens every time. The Greymarch starts, Order appears, and I become Jyggalag and wipe out My whole Realm. And it will happen soon. Too soon. I can already feel the change beginning. I feel like I'm not quite here. I'm not over there yet, but I'm not quite here. And I've been having moments of clarity that are quite unlike me. Like now."

Pandora looked back at Nightmare, not really sure what to make of everything that was happening anymore, before sighing and beckoning for them to depart immediately. As they departed from the palace the messenger pulled them aside for a moment so she could mark the location of the Aureal stronghold that Order had attacked. With their destination in mind the duo departed from New Sheoth, the guards saluting them as they walked past and wishing them well in their next task.

"So, where is Luna?" Pandora asked, being careful of where she stepped as they began their journey, "I didn't see her hanging around the palace while we were there."

"She's likely keeping tabs on Sheogorath at the moment," Nightmare replied, knowing it would have been what she would have done in the beginning, "no doubt while crafting whatever object she thinks will aid the two of us in merging into one being again. I, for one, would love to be whole once more, so we should focus on leaving her alone and see what we can do to aid the Aureal's that were attacked."

"Whatever," Pandora said, sighing as they passed by the burrow that Nightmare had nearly destroyed a while ago, "I'm sure that Luna will make her appearance once she's ready."

Nightmare stayed her mouth as she walked beside Pandora, noticing that the bow she carried seemed to phase between the form of a bow and the form of a staff. As they walked she also noticed that energy was slowly rolling off of Pandora's wrists and ankles, moving with the wind while always returning to her. Even without Luna here to tell her what it was Nightmare knew exactly what was happening; Sheogorath's power was beginning to wane as Jyggalag began to take over, which meant that it was seeking its new host. The fact that Pandora had called a staff, even a transparent one, into her hand was evidence that she was destined to take over the Isles, if she survived her date with Jyggalag.

The interesting thing was that Pandora was aware of some of the changes that were happening to her, but she didn't seem to have a grasp on what Sheogorath was going. That was fine with Nightmare, as she was ready to defend her friend until they could stem the tide of the Greymarch and save the realm from total destruction.

As they made their way to the ancient ruin Pandora was surprised that none of the creatures that called the Isles home came anywhere near them. She mentioned this to Nightmare, who responded that it was quite possible that her baring even a sliver of Sheogorath's powers might be making them keep their distance. The creatures would never attack their Lord, who could smite them with a single thought, unless Order was forcing them to betray their instincts, but these ones ignored them. There were some creatures that stared at Nightmare and growled at her, no doubt for what she had done in the burrow, but they turned away once they noticed Pandora staring at them.

When they finally arrived at Brellach they found three Golden Saints standing outside the entrance to their stronghold, no doubt waiting for assistance, though when they approached one of them broke rank and came before them.

"Thank you for coming." the Saint said, bowing to them slightly, "I apologize for summoning you. The blame is mine. We've lost control of Brellach. Thadon let them in... We had no idea he would turn on us. They captured our commander, Staada, and have her imprisoned somewhere inside. Our first priority must be rescuing her. Thadon had her called aside, separating her from the group. He meant to divide our numbers when Order entered, making us easier targets. They imprisoned Staada somewhere within Brellach. If they killed her, she could return to us through the Wellspring, so they keep her hostage. If we follow the waters of the Wellspring, we will surely find her."

"How many enemies are there inside?" Pandora asked, assuming some air of authority.

"More than I could count." the Saint replied, clearly hating her answer as she said it, "It was all we could do to fall back and regroup out here. We must free Staada as soon as possible. She will know what to do."

"Very well," Pandora sighed, her had reaching back and pulling out her bow, which Nightmare was sure was a bow this time, "Let's get in there, kick Order out, and save the Wellspring."

"Forgive me for saying so, Your Grace," the Saint suddenly said, picking up her weapons in the process, "but I find taking orders from the Duchess of Dementia to be... unsettling. You are the only remaining Duchess, which is a situation quite unprecedented. Normally, you would never be permitted to pass within Brellach. Given the need for swift action, the normal customs shall need to be overlooked for now. We shall be right behind you, Your Grace."

Pandora, unfazed by what the Saint had told her, advanced into the ruin with Nightmare behind her, who had her battleaxe at the ready in seconds, while behind flanked by the three Golden Saints. The first room they came to was littered with several dead bodies, mostly made up of Saints, though the next room held three enemies that turned towards them the moment they entered. Nightmare leapt behind them and swung as wide as possible, shattering two of them in a single instant while injuring the third one, who pulled a shard out and slammed it against the wall. The moment the deep was done more Knights started to pour into the chamber, causing Nightmare to burst into action as she fought alongside the three Saints.

While her companions focused on the enemy's front line Pandora drew an arrow and loosed it at the back, allowing the arrow to tear into one of the Priests before exploding, though it was smaller than the one she had used in Relmyna's ruin. The Knights opened a small hole in her companion's line and one of them rushed at right her, though Pandora spun her bow around, turning it into the staff, and stabbed it into the Knight's chest. The crystalline being shattered in seconds, the pieces scattering around the chamber as her companions slew the rest of them, opening the way for them to continue.

The next chamber they entered had more Knights waiting for them, as a secondary line in case the first one failed to defend the entrance, and a few Priests standing behind them. Nightmare led the Saints into battle, smashing those she decided to fight with her heavy weapon while the other three warriors made sure that none of the stranglers broke rank to attack the Duchess. Pandora, on the other hand, smacked the chime that hung by the wall, causing a ring to vibrate throughout the hall and shattering many of the crystal walls that would normally prevent them from moving on. One Priest leapt over the group and charged at her, but she smashed the end of her staff into its chest and pierced its heart, slaying it within seconds.

They made a quick run of the rest of the area before moving to the door that would lead them deeper into the stronghold, where they would be able to find their target and the Wellspring.

The next area they entered was filled with a large number of Knights, but as the group walked in they found that they were more than ready to do battle, as they had three brutish Knights waiting. Nightmare grinned and slammed her battleaxe into the ground, stepping forward as she forced the greatsword she had acquired to materialize before her. She brought her left hand to the handle of the weapon and sighed for a moment, gathering herself before she brought the weapon back and threw it like a spear. It sailed through the air and smashed into one of the brutes, breaking its armor and pinning it to the nearby wall, before its companions could even lift a finger to support it.

Once she was done with the first brute Nightmare picked up her battleaxe, stepped forward, and swung at the second brute, which seemed to dodge the attack just fine, until the head of her weapon erupted from its chest. It barely had time to register the pain before Nightmare sliced off its head, letting the head roll as she presented her blade to the other brute. The remaining enemy charged at her, though it failed to account for the fact that she was capable of dodging, as she danced around the brute and smashed the back of its armor into pieces.

As they were distracted by their injuries Nightmare sliced them over, breaking the brutes into pieces as she pulled the greatsword out of the the one brute and threw it into the crowd of Knights. The Saints, seeing it as a signal to attack, leapt into the battle, hacking at the Knights that didn't bring their weapons up to defend themselves and raising their shields in defense as some of the Knights came at them. Pandora watched as her companions tore the Knights apart, though she also loosed a few non explosive arrows into a few targets and thinned their enemy's numbers.

Eventually they reached a guarded door, but Nightmare, having reclaimed her battleaxe, smashed the guards into the floor and walls, breaking them all into hundreds of crystalline pieces. Pandora smacked the nearby chime and the crystalline walls shattered, revealing the commander of the Golden Saints and freeing her from her prison.

"You have my thanks for freeing me," the commander, Staada, said, "but... Just who are you?"

"I am Pandora, Duchess of Dementia," Pandora replied, glancing around for any signs of more Knights, "My companion, Nightmare Moon, and I were called in to combat the attack of Order on this stronghold."

"My Lady!" Staada said, bowing her head slightly, "I am sorry, I did not realize... Where is Thadon? Have you seen him? That traitorous coward! The snake! He showed up, asked for a contingent of guards. Said there was trouble, and that we were needed. We were so focused on organizing quickly that by the time we realized he'd let Order in himself, it was too late. We were split up and picked off. But it doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters now is the Wellspring. We must reach it at once."

Pandora nodded and led the group into the third area of the ruin, where they were several Knights standing guard, significantly lower than the previous two areas. It actually surprised her to find that Nightmare and the Saints tore the Knights a new one, breaking them into pieces as they advanced further into the ruins. Before they reached the fourth area of this ruin, which they had been informed of thanks to one of the Saints, the Golden Saints that were following them fell to the ground, three of them turned to stone in an instant. Staada, on the other hand, was slowly turning to stone herself, though while her eyes were filled with terror she clearly wanted to get something out.

"No! The Wellspring!..." Staada shouted, turning to Pandora and Nightmare, "They've stopped it up. You... you must make it to the Wellspring, and let the waters flow..."

Pandora, seeing them fall into stone statues, turned down the tunnel that would lead them into the next area and shot down the guards that protected the door. Nightmare followed her into the final area, where they found several more Knights protecting what appeared to be a water source that was frozen solid. The Knights turned towards them and drew their weapons, though Pandora started loosing arrows while Nightmare moved around the outer area of the Wellspring, activating the chimes that the Knights had been protecting. When the final Knight fell and the final chime was rung the stone around the spring shattered, allowing the waters to flow once more and restoring its functions once more.

"The Wellspring is restored!" Staada suddenly said, appearing behind them with the three Saints that had walked into the ruins with Pandora and Nightmare, "You have saved us. We are forever grateful, your Grace. Please, allow me to teach you this spell, so that you may summon our kind to you in times of need. Also accept this gift of armor. It is the least I can do to show thanks for your help."

Pandora looked at the commander and her guards, not really sure of what to make of the fact that the Saints were being extra friendly towards the ruler of the opposite side of New Sheoth. She then decided that it wasn't worth her time to worry about the Aureal and their now restored Wellspring, as she had accomplished exactly what she had been sent to do.


When the duo returned to the palace they noticed that Sheogorath was standing in front of his throne, which he was usually sitting on each and every time they came to report their success. Haskill was standing in the same place he always was, right next to the throne, though he was staring at his Lord as if he was waiting for something to happen. Nightmare stood by the front door, so she could watch what she knew was coming, while Pandora drew closer to the Lord of the Shivering Isles. As she did so Nightmare glanced around the palace room for Luna, wondering when she would decide to show herself and reveal what she had been doing.

"Time. Time is an artificial construct." Sheogorath said suddenly, though he was much more calmer than his usual excited nature, "An arbitrary system based on the idea that events occur in a linear direction at all times. Always forward, never back. Is the concept of time correct? Is time relevant? It matters not. One way or another, I fear that our time has run out. As I feared it would, My plan has failed. The Greymarch is upon us, and I must go. I thought we had more time. I thought we had a chance. My plan has failed. And we were so close...."

"So what next then?" Pandora asked, curious as to what the would have to do next, "How can we restore Nightmare and Luna if your not here to undo the spell?"

"The chains are by the throne..." Sheogorath commented, turning to face Pandora, "What happens is what always has happened -- what always will happen. I crumble, I fade, the Realm dies. And you with it. Flee while you can, mortal. When we next meet I will not know you, and I will slay you like the others. Soon you and everyone else will be dead, and I will be left a mad god, ruler of a dead realm. Again. I had intended to give you My staff, the symbol of My office. But life has gone from it, as it goes from Me. It is now dead wood. A useless twig. With the staff, there was hope. But now, hope is dead. I am dead. The Realm...."

Before Sheogorath could finish his sentence energy started to gather around him, latching onto his body and tearing small pieces of his dual colored suit off. His hands flew to his head as if he was in pain, the staff falling to the ground and shattering into pieces, before he started to grow in size just a bit. Pandora watched as silver crystalline gauntlets formed around Sheogorath's hands, while a pair of crystalline boots formed around his feet. She could feel it in the air, the power of the Madgod was gone from his body and was being replaced by a much more sinister power, one that felt even stronger than Sheogorath's own. Sheogorath screamed in agony as his suit was torn to pieces, only to be replaced by a crystalline suit of armor, leaving his bare for the moment.

"The realm is dead!" the Madgod shouted, his voice sounding cold and calculated now, "Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness, is dead!! All shall crumble before Jyggalag!"

With that said Sheogorath, now Jyggalag, snapped his fingers and disappeared, leaving the throne room and traveling to wherever his destination was. Nightmare knew that he would have gone to his forces, so that he could lead them in an assault against the palace and destroy everything that represented Madness. She also knew that not all hope was lost, as Pandora now contained the full power of the Madgod, save for his staff, and they had been told where the bindings on her and Luna were resting. As she prepared to talked with Haskill and determine how to craft a new staff something odd happened, Luna appeared from behind the throne, though she was carrying something that resembled the staff that Jyggalag had broken.

"Who's up for saving the Shivering Isles?" Luna asked, a smile appearing on her face as she approached the three of them.

Nightmare had no idea how she had gotten her hands on a replacement staff so quickly, but with it in hand they could possibly turn the tide and defeat Jyggalag, for real this time.