• Published 18th Jul 2015
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Nightmare Moon Crashes the Oblivion Crisis - Blackdrag-rose

Nightmare Moon, eager to escape from her prison, misfires her spell and ends up in someplace called Cyrodiil. Now she embarks on a journey to stop the Daedra from destroying the strange world she has discovered.

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7: An Imperial City Riddle

Nightmare and her companions had a meager lunch at Cloud Ruler Temple, but it gave her time to think about what they needed to do when they returned to the Imperial City. They needed to find the Blade's member that had been left with the Emperor's body, because it sounded like he had been searching the city and might have come up with a lead. Apparently he had been searching for the whereabouts of the cult that had killed the Emperor without success, but apparently he believes that he found something important for Jauffre to send them back to him. She had no idea what he could have found that would have warranted them returning to the city, but she figured that if it would help them stop whoever killed the Emperor then they might as well do it.

She just hoped that the fan she had seen before her departure had forgotten about her and never came near them, but there was no way for them to know where he was until he was literally on top of them.

"Baurus is supposed to be in the Elven Gardens District of the Imperial City," Rend commented, just as the four of them made their way out of the temple, though he and Shadow now sported their own Akaviri swords, two for Rend and one for Shadow, "so we'll enter the city from the northeastern gate, allowing us to get into the city, find Baurus without delay, and then find out what he needs to tell us. We'll have all the time on the road to come up with our plan of attack for when we get there, though we should be careful in case the Mythic Dawn come close to us."

"I'm expecting them to be there," Shadow said, climbing onto his steed while Rend and Pandora did the same, "I'd like to have a little revenge for the death of our Emperor, but if we don't cross paths than we'll have to hit them some other time."

"But we must bring them madness!" Pandora complained, as if the thought of not hurting the Mythic Dawn upset her, "They must know the price for killing the Emperor!"

"And they shall know, in time," Rend replied, noticing that Nightmare had not spoken the entire time, "Nightmare, shall we ride ahead and meet you outside the city or would you like to scout along our path?"

"I shall fly above and look for enemies," Nightmare said, unfurling her wings and taking off, "Do keep up with me guys."

She took to the skies and glanced back at the temple, watching her allies get started on their trek as they made their way around the mountain and joined up with the main road. She knew that it would take them a few hours to retrace their path, but now that they weren't leading Martin anywhere they might actually get to the city much faster. She returned her gaze towards the direction of the city and noticed the clouds that were forming, making a mental note to summon a cloak once she landed, as she was sure it was going to rain.


"She must be mad to stand out in the rain!" Pandora nearly shouted, thunder rolling for the clouds.

Rend huffed as he shielded his eyes, keeping a look out for their companion, who he was sure was around their area somewhere and yet could not see her. Nightmare had been flying ahead the entire time and should have seen the storm, yet she had not looped back to warn them about what they were riding towards. Shadow was also looking out for their missing comrade, though neither of them were having any luck finding her and Rend was beginning to worry that she might have left them to their quest. Just as he was about to give up and tell the others to continue towards the city he spotted something move in the shadows, a figure materializing before them.

"I was wondering when you guys would show up," Nightmare said, pulling back her hood enough to show them that it was actually her before she threw a set of cloaks at them, "put those on and you'll become dry in seconds. They'll survive this weather and provide some stealth abilities, but they won't last long. Make them count."

"Why didn't you circle back and warn us about the storm?" Rend asked, passing the other two cloaks around.

"Those took time to make," Nightmare replied, "I thought you might like to be warm and protected from the rain. The guards have been staring this way since I got here, but they haven't come over to talk, so we had best get moving before someone thinks we're up to no good."

Sure enough the four of them walked into the city without too much trouble, though the guards that Nightmare had pointed out had asked them about their visit. Their official story was that they were simple travelers that were making their way north, to Bruma, but needed to stop somewhere and wait out the storm. Nightmare wasn't sure how Shadow and Pandora felt about lying about the cause of their visit, but neither seemed to care very much as they followed Rend inside. From there it was a simple matter of finding their way to the Luther Board's boarding house, where they found a few number of patrons enjoying their evening.

One of which, Nightmare noticed, was a redguard that was sitting alone at the bar, but he was looking their way and his eyes seemed to flash to Rend, who took the seat next to him with the other three stood. After a moment Nightmare decided that standing was getting them nowhere and beckoned for the other two to join her at the table near the door, where she could watch over what was happening. Rend seemed to strike a small conversation with the redguard, but then the man excused himself and walked over to the basement door, closing it the moment he was through it. Not a moment later a man got up from the table he was sitting at and rushed to the door, following the person that they had come to see, and Rend followed him while beckoning for the others.

Once they were in the basement Rend drew his new akaviri blades and spun them around, catching the would-be assassin in the back before planting them right in his back.

"I'm glad to see you three again," Baurus said, wiping his face of sweat before checking the body for information, "I was sure that one of the assassins was lurking around the city somewhere, though it seems like they wanted me out of the picture. Ah, look at what we have here, a copy of Mankar Camoran's Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, Volume One. Something tells me that this is important ... and is this the Queen of Knights."

"A pleasure to meet you," Nightmare said, picking up the book that the redguard had spotted, "Ah, I remember solving a riddle that is similar to what I'm seeing now. Give me some time and I'll be able to crack this code wide open."

"I bet that Tar-Meena at the Arcane University could help you find out about it," Baurus commented, turning to Rend while Nightmare looked over the book, "its in the southeast corner of the city, but be careful around those mages. I don't think they'll cause you any harm, but never lower your guard around them regardless."

They waited for about an hour, per Rend's request so they could rest before they continued their quest, and in the process the rain died down just a bit. Once the hour was up the four of them left the boarding house, navigating around the city, heading through the Palace District and the Arboretum, before they arrived at the bridge that allowed them to cross over to where the Arcane University was located. The wizard guards that were patrolling the outside of the tower stared at them as they passed, but some of them were focused on the fact that Nightmare was walking by them.

Once inside the tower they spotted the argonian that was their contact, though she beckoned them over the moment they were inside and they approached her without delay.

"I knew that you would be coming to see me," the argonian, Tar-Meena, said, pulling out a near identical book to the one that Nightmare carried, "I heard that you found a copy of a certain book and that you had no idea that there are, in fact, four volumes in the series. Here is the University's copy of Mankar Camoran's Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, Volume Two. Of the four volumes I know where a copy of the third one is as well, its at the First Edition bookstore in the Market District, but I, personally, have never laid eyes on the fourth volume. I wish you luck in finding the last volume."

Rend thanked the argonian for aiding them in their quest, but the moment they would out the door he handed the book over to Nightmare, who immediately opened it and began to look for the clues she needed to figure out what the Mythic Dawn was up to. They made their way through the Palace District once more, though they made a different turn and entered the Market District, where the guards continued to stare at them as they passed. They found the store they were looking for with ease, as the moment they entered the district Rend spotted the store and beckoned for them to enter it immediately.

"Welcome to the First Edition," the owner called to them, "what can I do for the lot of you today?"

"We require the third volume of Mankar Camoran's Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes," Nightmare replied, stepping forward and stopping at the counter, "and we were told that you happen to possess a copy. We would appreciate it if you just hand over the book and let us be on our way."

"Ah, I see," the owner said, though he said it in a way that told Nightmare that he didn't care, "Well, I already sold the third volume to one Gwinas, so if your in such a desperate need of the book then I would suggest you take it up with him once he comes to pick it up."

Nightmare stared into the man's eyes for a moment, deciding if it was worth it to threaten him with her weapon and incur the wrath of the guards, but thought better of it and moved to the doorway. They didn't have to wait very long for an elf to walk into the store, speak to the shopkeeper about the book that Nightmare had inquired about, and then accept a package that contained the book. The moment the elf was outside the store the four of them were on him, stopping him from disappearing with the only key to solving the Mythic Dawn's puzzle.

"Ah, what can I do for you?" the elf asked, holding the package tight.

"We require the book your carrying," Nightmare said, standing right next to him and glaring at him, before she pulled close to his ear, "The Mythic Dawn killed the Emperor, so what do you think the guards will think if they discover that your carrying one of their tomes and are trying to gain admission to their cult? We can take the book and any letters you've received from them off your hands and the guards will never have to know about this. What do you say?"

Nightmare could see the fear and terror in the elf's eyes as he took in what she was saying, though he seemed to be in a daze as he handed over the package. Then, before they moved away, he reached into his robes and pulled out a letter, hastily explaining that the only way to find the fourth volume was for one of the Mythic Dawn to give it to you. He had explained that he wanted to join and worship Mehrunes Dagon, but now that they've murdered the Emperor he was never going to show up for the meeting in the sewers and that they were more than welcome to show up in his stead. Once they had the book and the letter the elf disappeared into the crowd, though Nightmare really didn't care about him anymore as she collected the third volume.

"Does anyone else think its mad of us to be collecting these volumes?" Pandora asked, as they began their trip back to the Elven Gardens District.

"We must do some mad actions to save the world we love sometimes," Shadow commented, shaking his head as they neared the boarding house, "but lets hope that Baurus is prepared for a run through the sewers."

As it turned out Baurus was glad to welcome something other than waiting for something interesting to happen, so when Rend mentioned the meeting he was quick to want to head there immediately. They followed him to the entrance of the sewers and through the twists and turns that had been designed into the layout, being careful not to make too much noise. They moved through the east tunnel, jumped down into a cistern, and continued towards an area with a high ceiling, where they eventually arrived at a door and a staircase.

"Personally, I'd like to see whoever is coming to this meeting and stick my sword in their chest," Baurus said, staring at the door, "do you think you guys could back me up by watching over the meeting from above?"

"I shall cloak us with a spell," Nightmare replied, her magic weaving over her and her companions, "this is a weaker version of the spell, but after creating four storm resistant cloaks this is all I can manage at the time. Let us hope that it is enough to fool whoever else comes to this meeting besides the sponsor."

Nightmare and her companions silently entered the upper area, though as they gathered to look down at the meeting area, where Baurus was sitting at a table, she whispered for Pandora to pull out her bow and aim it at the other side of the walkway. It was in the off chance that enemy reinforcements came their way and Pandora was happy to pull out her bow and nock an arrow in the bowstring. As they waited Nightmare heard another door open and a red cloaked figure appeared near Baurus, though she assumed that it was the sponsor they had come to meet. Then, almost silently, another door opened while the figure talked, though Nightmare noticed a pair of robed cultists coming their way.

That was moments before Baurus jumped out of his seat, drew his akaviri katana, and planted it squarely in the sponsor's chest, piercing his heart and killing him in an instant. His allies heard the commotion and came out into the open, but the moment they did Pandora pulled the bowstring back and planted her arrow right in one of the cultist's heart. Shadow, sensing his chance, drew his own sword and attacked the remaining cultist, cutting his hand off in the process before piercing his chest.

"That was exciting," Baurus said, sheathing his sword as the spell broke and the four of them appeared to him, "We had better find what we came for and make sure we weren't deceived."

"Ah ha, Mankar Camoran's Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, Volume Four," Nightmare said, pulling the book out from the sponsor's robes, silently glad that no blood or damages had gotten to it, "with this I should be able to solve this riddle of theirs in no time."

"Good," Baurus replied, a smile appearing on his face, "I shall head back to Cloud Ruler Temple and help the others, but be careful if you find out where the Mythic Dawn are operating from."

The Blade separated from their group, but Rend lead them back to the boarding house and rented two rooms for the night, giving Nightmare the time she needed to decipher the code. She was thankful for the privacy, as the moment she was alone in her room she placed the books in a circle around her, the first in the north position, the second in the east position, the third in the south position, and the fourth in the west position. With the books in position she connected them with magic and closed her eyes, allowing the words on each and every page to appear before her, giving her the chance to view each of them at the same time without having to constantly turn around.


When morning reared its ugly head Rend approached the door to Nightmare's room and knocked on the wood, hoping that his companion solved the riddle that he, Shadow, and Pandora failed to find on their own. After a few minutes he began to think that she was still deep in her research and started to move away, but he stopped when he noticed that it was opening. Nightmare walked out of the room with a smile on her face, just as she finished stashing the four books away in her pack and turned to face him.

"I take it you figured out the riddle?" Rend asked, noting the smile and figured something good happened.

"I did," Nightmare said, walking down the stairs as Shadow and Pandora joined them, "At first I looked for key words that, when linked together, spelled out a message that would tell whoever wanted to join the Mythic Dawn where to go for the next stage of the initiation. Upon further study of this theory I could not find the phrase that would lead us to our next destination, but then I discovered something odd and interesting. I decided to take the first letter of each paragraph, linked all of them together, and came up with a phrase that might help us in our quest to recover the Amulet of Kings. That phrase was 'Green Emperor Way Where Tower Touches Midday Sun'."

"The Palace District," Shadow commented, realizing where she was going with this, "I heard a rumor before I was thrown in the cell that there were always a strange sighting around the tomb of Prince Camarril, people gathering around it at midday and looking at something written on it. I daresay that this might actually be what we are looking for."

They found their way to the Palace District without delay, though they had to follow Shadow to the tomb in question before they could move on with their search. In the off chance that they misunderstood the meaning of the riddle they spread out to look around the rest of the cemetary, though Nightmare remained by the tomb Shadow had mentioned. As the day slowly turned to midday Nightmare continued to stare at the tomb, waiting for something to happen so she could call the others to her, until she noticed a cross of some kind slowly appear on the map that had been printed on the stonework.

Once the others were standing beside her again Rend smiled as he took a note as to where the map was telling them to go next, confidant that they had the location they needed.

"So, whose up for raiding the hideout of the Mythic Dawn?" Rend asked, chuckling as he made sure his weapons were ready.

"You don't have to ask us that," Shadow said, patting his sword as Pandora and Nightmare did the same.

"Well then," Rend replied, turning to head out of the city, "let's go pay those Emperor killers a visit and make them wish they never slew the Emperor to begin with."