• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 1,508 Views, 51 Comments

Doctor Whooves Episode 23: Hour of the Doctor - Doctor Perseus

The war with Discord Whooves reaches its devastating conclusion.

  • ...

No More

Chapter 5: No More

The Factory, Above Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Powerful winds attacked the Doctor’s face as he stood up. He felt an odd mixture of powerful heat and sharp cold. He squinted his eyes and took in his new surroundings. He was standing on what appeared to be a massive metallic platform. In the center of the platform was a massive machine that the Doctor knew all too well: the rift generator. The entire platform jolted, which caused the Doctor to turn around. Before him stood a sea of white clouds. Over the edge of the platform, he could see the town of Ponyville far below.

A familiar laugh echoed from behind. The Doctor turned around to face Discord Whooves, who was now standing up and glaring at him. “Like it?” he asked with a pained smirk. A trickle of blood oozed from his bottom lip. Discord Whooves quickly wiped the blood away and took a couple steps forward.

The Doctor tilted his head. “It’s certainly a unique way of getting your stuff around,” he replied. The Doctor heard several loud coughs and turned in the direction of the TARDIS.

The TARDIS was on its side. Sparks and smoke were emanating through its open doors. Applejack emerged from the threshold, coughing and wheezing. She dragged an injured Fluttershy behind her. After them was a limping, coughing Spike and an injured Rarity. Rarity was whimpering with tears rolling down her face. One of her hind legs was bent in an unnatural angle. Spike knelt down next to Rarity and attempted to calm her down.

Discord Whooves chuckled. “This all could have been avoided if you had just let me kill you all,” he stated coldly.

The Doctor shook his head. “No. This could have all been avoided if you hadn’t allowed Discord to so easily manipulate you.” Discord Whooves’s eyes darkened. “What truth could you have possibly seen to make you turn you back on Derpy? Betray your friends? Become the monster that you are today?” The Doctor choked a bit. “Make the deaths of those 2.47 billion children mean nothing!”

A flash of red echoed deep within Discord Whooves’s eyes. His face became still and angry. With barely a flinch, he took hold of his sword and aimed it at the Doctor. “You know what? I am really tired of you now!”

The Doctor took hold of his own sword and aimed it at Discord Whooves. He let out a sigh, smiled sadly, and laughed. “Sometimes...I am too.”

The two Doctors charged forward and a loud clang rang out as their swords collided.

Outside Sugar Cube Corner, Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Jenny and Matilda blasted another pair of Cybermen away. Opal, Colgate, Clockwork, and Bright Eyes remained close behind the pair. Even more fires could be seen rising in the distance. The sounds of battle only seemed to grow louder and louder with each passing moment. “There seems to be no end to this!” Clockwork exclaimed.

“Well, Cybermen aren’t known for giving up easily,” Matilda stated.

“Especially when controlled by Discord Whooves,” Colgate groaned.

The group turned around the corner to come across an unexpected sight. There was a small group of ponies standing in front of Sugar Cube Corner. They were huddled around something. Opal’s eyes widened as she instantly recognized some of the group. “Monty?! Francis?! Julianna?!” Opal cried out as she ran forward.

Monty turned around and gasped. “Opal?!”

“Mommy!” cried Francis and Julianna together as they ran into their mother’s embrace.

Monty launched himself at Opal and wrapped her in his forelegs. “Thank Celestia, you’re okay!”

“Did you ever have any doubt?” Opal teased.

Monty shook his head. “No. Just worry.” The couple shared a passionate kiss as the two kids pretended to gag next to them.

“How nice,” Bright Eyes said with a smile as she leaned into Clockwork.

“But what happened?” Jenny asked as she approached the group of ponies. She instantly noticed Twilight, Derpy, and Pinkie Pie and ran towards them. “Twilight! Derpy! Pinkie Pie! What happened?!” She came to a stop as she noticed the body lying in the snow.

Trixie was still crying over the body of Oswin. Twilight was trying her best to console her. She looked up sadly at Jenny. She then looked over at Opal and Monty. “At least they were able to find each other,” Twilight sighed.

Matilda ran forward. “I hate to be the one to break this up, but we can mourn the lost later,” she said with a reluctant tone. “We need to all get somewhere safe. This battle’s heating-”

“Her name was Oswin Oswald!” Trixie exclaimed as she looked up at Matilda. “Everypony remember that, okay?!”

Matilda gave a sad smile. “Oswin Oswald, huh?”

Twilight tilted her head. “Did you know her?” she asked.

Matilda shook her head. “Not this one.”

Twilight gave a confused look. Suddenly, Clockwork shouted, “Everypony move!” A group of Cybermen could be seen flying down towards them from the sky. Twilight sent a blast of magic upwards and both Matilda and Jenny shot their respective firearms.

“You heard the guy, move, move, move!” Daring ordered. Everypony took off in a quick dash. Twilight had to practically drag the crying Trixie away from Oswin’s corpse.

“Daring! Great to see you again!” Bright Eyes exclaimed.

“Back at ya!” Daring nodded at Matilda, Clockwork, Colgate, and Bright Eyes.

“Where’re we going?!” Julianna asked.

The group stopped as a massive horde of Discord Whooves’s mutated monsters could be seen running towards them from up the street. Luckily, they had arrived at an intersection and the other street looked clear. “To the town square then!” Twilight announced. The group turned down the empty street and ran with the Cybermen and mutants close behind.

Town Square, Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Twi stopped running as soon as the wolf came to a halt. She remained as still as a statue as her friends caught up. “Twilight! You’ve got to stop doing that!” Spike snapped. He ran up to Twilight and took hold of one of her hands. “Twilight?”

“Here,” Twi said. Golden light flashed in her eyes as she looked up. Everyone gasped as their eyes fell upon a gargantuan object moving through the stormy, white clouds above the town.

“We need to get out of here,” said Shining Armor. He reached for Twi’s other hand but was instantly knocked backwards.

Twi shook her head. “No.”

“Twilight? What’s going on?!” Spike asked.

Tears rolled down Twi’s face as she stared forward at the empty town square. The golden wolf sat in the very center. The massive shadow in the clouds continued to grow. “Here is where it ends.”

Above Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Donna held on tightly to Firefly as their battle with Black Sun raged on. No matter how many attacks either Firefly or Black Sun made, they seemed to be caught in an endless standstill.

“This is getting us nowhere!” Donna cried as she dodged another barrage of bullets and magical blasts. She and Firefly flew even higher with the mechanical demon close behind. Firefly changed course and they flew downwards. No matter how many swift turns or dives they made, Black Sun was always on their tail. Suddenly, the white clouds cleared to give Donna a clear view of a massive moving mass of metal making its way across the fields towards Ponyville. “What the hell is that?!”

The Factory. One of Discord Whooves’s last weapons.

“What does it do?”

Mostly walks around.

“That’s it?”

I believe simply walking around is enough.

Donna looked at the wide, huge, metallic legs that moved the top platform along. Each step easily covered a piece of land large enough to hold two houses. “Fair point. Is there any way to stop it?”
It’s mostly indestructible. I believe the only beings with the power to destroy it are Discord Whooves and Black Sun.

“So how do we stop it then?” Donna and Firefly ducked as more projectiles flew past them.

We do what we’ve set out to do: destroy Black Sun.

Just then, two cyan blurs flew past them. Firefly and Black Sun momentarily stopped and Donna looked on as two Rainbow Dashes shot through the sky. “Take that, fake me!” Rainbow Dash cheered as she threw several punches into Renet’s face.

“Go Rainbow Dash!” Donna cried. Donna and Black Sun locked eyes. “Oh no. Move, Firefly!” A glimmer of crimson flashed in Firefly’s eyes. Firefly moved out of the way and flew after the two Rainbow Dashes. “By that sparkle in your eye, I’m guessing you’ve got an idea.”

Firefly nodded. I do. But, first, we need to find a way to get rid of Rainbow Dash’s clone.

“Do we need Rainbow Dash to do something?”

There was a moment of pause. Yes.

Donna couldn’t help but notice a slightly sad tone in Firefly’s mind voice. But she couldn’t think about if for long before Black Sun sent her next attack. The two Rainbow Dashes spun around and headed back in the direction of the Factory. Donna and Firefly followed.

The Factory, Above Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

The Doctor dodged another sword swipe from Discord Whooves as the Factory finally began to step past Ponyville’s boundaries. He tried his best to keep Discord Whooves away from the TARDIS and his friends.

“You can’t keep this up forever, Doctor!” Discord Whooves hissed.

“Neither can you!” the Doctor shouted back.

Rarity and Fluttershy groaned as the Factory began to even more rigorously shake and tremble. The TARDIS began to ring its cloister bell. The Doctor and Discord Whooves fought even harder. Noticing a slight misstep on Discord Whooves’s part, the Doctor twisted his sword upward and, with a flourish, sent both his sword and Discord Whooves’s sword flying through the air. The two blades flew right into the rift generator, penetrating its center. Sparks began to fly and a slow rumbling began to growl deep within the depths of the machine.

The Doctor and Discord Whooves stared at the generator and then at each other. “For the record, that was not a part of my plan,” the Doctor said flatly. The two stallions then ducked as a large bolt of electricity suddenly exploded from the generator and shot into the sky.

Above Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

“Duck!” cried Donna as a bolt of electricity shot past her and Firefly. “Rainbow Dash! Look out!”

Rainbow Dash and Renet stopped fighting and looked as the bolt of electricity collided with a nearby cloud. A deafening explosion rang out as the cloud imploded inwards into a dimensional tear. Rainbow Dash smirked as she caught Renet off guard with a hard kick. “See ya!” Rainbow Dash laughed.

“NOOOOOOOOO!” cried Renet as she tumbled through the tear, which preceded to close with a loud crack.

That works. Firefly stated within Donna’s mind. Time to kill two birds with one stone, as they say. Or maybe three.

“What are you talking about?” Donna asked.

Firefly turned to Black Sun, who was now racing towards them with a large blade at the ready. Are you still holding on to the Elements of Harmony?

Donna glanced at the metal box in her grasp. “Of course.”

Keep holding onto them. I need Rainbow Dash to catch you.

“You need Rainbow Dash to-” Suddenly, the restraints connecting Donna to Firefly unlocked and, with a swift motion, Firefly bucked Donna off. Donna’s eyes widened and a terrified scream escaped her lungs as she fell.

“DONNA!” Rainbow Dash gasped as she saw what was happening. Rainbow Dash wasted no time in flying down and taking hold of Donna’s free hand. “I got you!”

Donna continued to gasp and shriek in fear as she looked down at the town of Ponyville far beneath her. She looked up just in time to see Firefly glance at her. If she didn’t know any better, it would have seemed like the robot dragon almost looked…sad.

Firefly faced Black Sun and flew straight at her. The two metallic demons collided with Black Sun driving her blade deep through Firefly’s chest. Firefly let out a furious, primal roar as a large plume of crimson fire shot from deep within her. A golden light suddenly began to emanate from her damaged body. Black Sun’s eyes widened and a weak metallic laugh of sorts began to emanate from Firefly. Donna gasped as one final word echoed through her mind. Goodbye.

An explosion of gold and crimson fire shook the cloudy skies. Rainbow Dash tried to regain her wing balance as she and Donna were pushed downwards by the force of the explosion. Through the plumes of gold and crimson, Donna could also see Discord Whooves’s green and hazy face dissolving into nothingness. As Donna and Rainbow Dash continued to fall towards the ground below, Donna also got a quick glimpse of Black Sun’s blade spinning away and falling towards one of the massive legs of the Factory.

The Factory, Above Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Discord Whooves looked up just in time to see his phantom face disappear out of existence. “No!” he snarled as he stood up. He looked to see the Doctor running towards his friends.

“Back into the TARDIS!” he cried. He had just barely been able to say that when Discord Whooves tackled him from behind. The Doctor tried his best to block the furious stallion’s punches.

Applejack was about to run to the Doctor’s aid when she noticed a large blade spinning through the air. She saw it disappear under the platform and out of sight. Not two seconds later, the sound of metal breaking apart and groaning echoed through the air. The platform began to tilt down towards Ponyville. “It’s tipping over!” Applejack screamed. Spike dug his claws into the metal surface and held onto Rarity. Applejack grabbed Fluttershy and took hold of Rarity’s free foreleg.

“Doctor!” Fluttershy called weakly.

The Doctor kicked Discord Whooves off him and jumped for Fluttershy, taking hold of her free foreleg. The TARDIS slid off the platform and fell down towards the town below. Discord Whooves continued to scream loudly and maniacally as he too fell off the platform. The Doctor looked as the platform continued to slant and the town of Ponyville grew closer. “This is going to hurt.”

Town Center, Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

“TWILIGHT! MOVE!” Spike shouted as the massive mechanical nightmare fell towards them. The platform was aimed to split Ponyville directly in half.

The wolf howled from the center of the town square and Twi waved her wand. A golden magical shield emanated from her wand and covered her and her friends. Twi’s friends couldn’t move. They were trapped within Twi’s bubble of protection. Would it work? They could only trust in their friend. Spike and Shining Armor stood at Twi’s side as the giant platform fell towards them. Twi’s attention was suddenly turned towards a nearby alley. She could see her pony counterpart and various others running towards them.

Twilight led the group towards the town square. She could see Twi and her friends standing under an orb of golden magic. “What’s that noise?!” Monty asked as he attempted to see above the buildings and through the growing swirl of snow and smoke.

Twi broke out of her trance for a moment to look at the others and raise her hand. “STOP!” she cried. It was too late. Twilight and the others barely had any time to react as they ran into the town square just as the platform came down.

Time seemed to slow down as the Factory plunged into the snowy earth. The platform split Ponyville right in two. Its massive legs crumpled apart and crashed down onto the various houses and buildings beneath it. Snow and dirt flew into the air as a powerful shockwave shot forth. More buildings were knocked down and shrapnel filled the air.

The Doctor, Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity slid down the platform as it collided with the ground. They closed their eyes as debris shot up like an erupting volcano. The deafening combination of breaking metal, dislodged earth, splintering wood, and various fiery explosions pounded against their eardrums.

Rainbow Dash managed to regain her balance and keep her hold on Donna’s hand. They watched in horror as the town of Ponyville was devastated by the gargantuan contraption. As the smoke cleared, they slowly lowered themselves into the town square.

There was chaos as Twi lowered her magical shield. She could barely move a muscle or utter a single word as the dirt, soot, and snow cleared. A creepy silence had befallen the town. She turned to see Twilight and the others picking themselves up from the ground. Some had to dig themselves out of large piles of snow and debris.

“Is everyone okay?!” human Rarity asked as she began to help the others.

“I think so,” Twilight said as she helped Derpy up.

“It’s okay!” Monty called nearby. He was huddled with Opal, Francis, and Julianna. “We’re all together.”

“Donna! Rainbow Dash!” exclaimed Derpy as Donna and Rainbow Dash returned to the ground.

“Nice to see you’re in one piece after all that,” said Jenny as she helped dig Zecora out of a snow mound.

“Definitely,” Donna agreed.

Twilight looked over towards the platform. She could see the Doctor and Spike emerging from the new snowbanks in the center of the square. “Doctor! Spike!” she cried before running towards them. The Doctor helped dig Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity out of the snow as Twilight pulled Spike into a hug.

“Twilight! I thought I was gonna die!” he cried.

“It’s okay.” Twilight smiled at Spike. “We’re all okay.” She glanced back at Trixie and her smile faded. Trixie was sitting against the remains of a nearby building. Clockwork and Bright Eyes were tending to her wounds as well as their own. “Most of us, anyway.” She then turned to the Doctor. “Are you going to explain what the hay just happened?!”

“A lot of stuff,” the Doctor responded with a meek smile. “I’ll be happy to explain once we deal with Discord Whooves and his army.”

“Speaking of which…what happened to them?”

The town had now mysteriously been cleared of Cybermen and mutants. Everything was enveloped in an uncomfortable silence. “Well, Discord Whooves fell off the platform,” the Doctor answered. “He could be anywhere.”

“Doctor!” Derpy called as she ran over. “We destroyed the camera!”

“You did?!” The Doctor smiled. “Excellent.”

Twilight’s eyes twitched a bit. “The human Pinkie Pie is dead too,” she explained.

“Pinkie’s dead?!” gasped human Spike. He and the rest of Twi’s friends looked at each other.

“Yes,” Twilight replied. “I’m sorry.” Twi’s friends gave a sad sigh of relief. Twilight looked over at Trixie. She then turned back to the Doctor. “A woman named Oswin Oswald gave her life to stop her. Figured it would be right to let others know that.”

“Oswin Oswald?” The Doctor scratched his head. “Why does that sound familiar?” He heard a snicker and looked to see Matilda giving him a smile. She then winked and turned back to Colgate, Clockwork, and Bright Eyes. The Doctor rolled his eyes.

Just then, Princess Celestia and the two Princess Lunas descended from the sky. “Your majesties,” Twi said with a glassy look. Human Spike tightening his grip on her hand.

“The Cybermen have retreated to the edge of town,” human Luna informed.

“This is going to take a lot of work to clean up,” Celestia stated while looking over the fallen Factory.

“This battle isn’t over yet. We need to find Discord Whooves,” said the Doctor as he approached the Princesses.

Meanwhile, just over a nearby pile of debris, Discord Whooves slowly came to. He was incredibly cold and his body hurt all over. There were several cuts on his body and a few were emanating a golden gas. Suddenly, he could feel the snow being brushed off him. “Who’s…there?” he groaned before sitting up. As he looked up, he found himself facing Twilight Sparkle. Only this Twilight Sparkle had a white coat, black mane, and deep red lips.

“Feeling better, Mr. Whooves?” giggled Thalia.

“I’ve seen better days.” Discord Whooves slowly stood up. He smiled as he took the time to fully look over the new Thalia. “But, I must say, I like this new look, Thalia.”

Thalia giggled. “I have a present for you.” She presented a beaten but still functional blaster to him. “It’s a weapon from one of Luna’s soldiers. They had special bullets made to defeat you. They reject magic.” She leaned in closer and whispered into his ear. “And the Doctor’s just over this hill of trash.”

Discord Whooves’s eyes widened and a huge grin appeared on his face. “Thank you, my dear. I’ll take things from here.” Discord Whooves took the gun from Thalia and began to slowly climb up the debris hill.

“What happens now?” Francis asked Opal.

“Now we wait for the soldiers to come. I imagine they’ll take us somewhere safe until the Doctor has stopped Discord Whooves and the Cybermen,” Opal replied.

“The Doctor’s offered to take us on a vacation,” Monty explained. “Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”

“It does.” Opal looked at Francis and Julianna and laughed. “But, knowing the Doctor, that vacation would likely turn into a warzone by the end of it.”

Monty nodded with a sigh. “True.”

“I think the best thing for us is to go back home and continue our lives. After all this, getting back to our normal life sounds really nice.” Opal, Monty, Francis, and Julianna broke into a shared laugh. As she laughed, Opal suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure rising over a nearby hill of debris. She stopped laughing as soon as she realized that it was Discord Whooves.

Discord Whooves aimed the gun at the Doctor and prepared to fire. “With you gone, your TARDIS can finally be mine. A whole new beginning,” Discord Whooves snarled under his breath.

“DOCTOR! LOOK OUT!” Opal cried as she ran forward.

The Doctor looked at Opal and then up at Discord Whooves. Discord Whooves fumbled with the trigger as all eyes suddenly turned to him. Celestia sent a blast of magic towards him. Thalia quickly jumped out and blocked the attack. Discord Whooves slipped as he finally pulled the trigger. The bullet shot through the air, soared right past the Doctor, and sliced right through Opal’s neck.

“NO!” Monty shouted as Opal collapsed. Thalia continued to engage with a magical duel with Celestia and Luna as the Doctor ran to Opal’s aid. There were two but noticeable holes on the front and back of Opal’s neck. Blood was quickly seeping out of both ends as well as trickling from her mouth. She twitched painfully and gargled as Monty held onto her. “No, please! No, please! No, please!”

Human Luna ran to Opal’s side and aimed her wand at the wound. But no matter the spell she cast, the wound seemed to reject her magic. “I…I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do,” she said with a lowered head.

“There has to be something!” Monty was shaking as Opal suddenly reached up at caressed his cheek. The color was quickly draining from her face. “Please…no.” Tears dripped from both Monty’s and Opal’s eyes. He could feel her life fading away. What could he do? What could he say? “You’re the most beautiful mare in the world!” His face was red with confusion, anger, and sadness as he spoke those words.

Opal gave a sad smile and managed to let out one last chuckle. “Good to know…clown boy,” she croaked. Her eyes rolled up into her head and her body became still. She was gone.

“Mom?” Francis asked in shock.

“Mom?” Julianna asked as she began to break down.

The world seemed to stop. The cold winds of death moved through the town square. “Opal,” Trixie sighed and new tears began to roll down her face.

Discord Whooves strutted into the square. He threw the now broken gun to the ground and laughed.

Monty looked up, his face now full of rage. “YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLER HER!” he shouted.

Discord Whooves rolled his eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know. I’ve killed a lot of things,” he stated coldly.

Thalia laughed as she ran to Discord Whooves’s side. “I think it’s time to call the soldiers back, Mr. Whooves!” she giggled.

Discord Whooves nodded. “With pleasure.” He looked towards the sky. A swarm of Cybermen could be seen enveloping the horizon on all sides.

“No,” stated Twi as she suddenly stepped forward. A powerful gust of magical energy spread out from the spot where Twi had stepped. Her body was suddenly outlined with golden light and her eyes burnt with gold fire. She looked at the deceased Opal and then to Discord Whooves. She shook her head. “No more!” She took another step forward. She was now joined by the ghostly outlines of a human girl with blonde hair, an alicorn mare, and a golden wolf. Discord Whooves fell back at the sight. “What…WHAT?!”

“Twilight?!” Human Spike gasped.

Twi stepped forward. “Discord Whooves, the time has come.” The other spirits spoke in unison with her. “Your moment has come.” Thalia suddenly charged at Twi but, with a simple wave of her hand, Twi sent Thalia flying into the side of a nearby wall.

“You…you can’t be her! You can’t be it!” Discord Whooves shouted as he stepped back.

“But I am! I have come for this last moment. The last moment of my timeline. The last moment of yours! The last moment of Twilight Sparkle’s!”

“No! Twilight!” Human Spike cried as he ran for her.

Twi turned around. “STOP!” Human Spike came to a halt. The golden flames faded away. Tears rolled down Twi’s face. “This was always meant to be.” She turned to Donna. “Right? This is the prophecy it gave you.”

Donna, remembering the prophecy, nodded. “A matriarch falls,” Donna choked as she looked at Opal. “The Element of Magic will heed the call.” She looked at Twi.

Twi looked at everyone and everypony. “This must end. I see now what I’m meant to do. Why it chose me. The perfect conduit for its power.” She looked at Shining Armor the Cyberman and extended her hand. “With a connection to the source.” Shining Armor began to glow as did a single spot on Discord Whooves’s head.

“The chip,” the Doctor gasped.

“It controls all the Cybermen and even the mutants. He has no more Paramae to protect him. I use this power to destroy the chip; and this nightmare can finally end.”

The Doctor slowly approached Twi. “But…you won’t survive.” He looked at the Cybermen Shining Armor, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. “And neither will they.”

Twi nodded. “I know. But stuff like this…it happens for a reason. The pieces are set. Now it’s up to me to decide between what is right…and what is easy.” She looked straight into the Doctor’s eyes as her own eyes became enveloped in golden light. “Right now, I don’t have the options that you had, Doctor.”

The Doctor gave a confused look. “What are you talking about?”

Twi snickered before turned to her friends. “Take care of each other. Make our Equestria great again.”

Human Spike reached forward and took Twi’s hand. “I love you, Twilight.”

“I love you too, Spike.” Twi smiled one last time at her friends before spinning around and aiming one hand at Discord Whooves. Discord Whooves screamed as the light in his head grew brighter. She then grabbed the center of Shining Armor’s metallic chest. “Are you with me?”

“Until the end,” Shining Armor replied with a nod.

Twi let out a powerful scream as golden energy spread out from where she stood. Discord Whooves let out an even worse scream as energy exploded from within him. The golden energy spread out past the town square and through the hordes of Cybermen. The armies appeared to fade away into dust. The Doctor watched as Twi and her Cybermen friends faded away. Before disappearing into the beyond, Twi looked at her version of Spike and then deep into the saddened eyes of her pony counterpart. Then…she was gone. Shining Armor was gone. The Cybermen were gone. Discord Whooves was gone.

A heavy silence fell over the town square as everyone and everypony came to terms with what had just happened. The Doctor suddenly collapsed. Twilight, Derpy, and Donna ran to the Doctor’s side. The Doctor and Donna locked eyes and both nodded. “It’s over,” the Doctor sighed. “It’s over.”


Discord Whooves yelled as he sat up. His pain and fear were suddenly replaced by confusion and curiosity as he found himself no longer in the middle of Ponyville’s destroyed town square. He was now sitting in the middle of a beautiful courtyard underneath a clear, white sky.

“Hello!” chirped a cheery voice from nearby. Discord Whooves looked to see a mare with a gray coat, black mane, and dressed in a purple Victorian dress approaching him. She twirled an umbrella around as she came to a stop.

Discord Whooves jumped up. “Who are you? Where the hell am I?” he asked.

The mare laughed. “Honestly, you should enjoy the time you have here. I imagine you must have accidentally tagged along with that little group of humans. Or maybe Opal gave you a temporary path to take. Poor thing. She’s very sad now. But I imagine she’ll get over it soon enough. Unlike you. You get to look forward to all sorts of misery, you perfect little failure!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Lots of things. But, most importantly, YOU LOST! And the Doctor won. Not all that surprising. The Doctor’s a wonderful force to be reckoned with when he’s got those charming little ponies around.” The mare suddenly pointed her umbrella at a nearby fountain. The fountain slid aside to reveal a massive hole that seemed to lead to nowhere. The mare then aimed her umbrella at Discord Whooves. Discord Whooves flew through the air and into the hole. He managed to grab onto the sides. He could feel a great amount of heat rising from deep within the hole. His eyes widened as he looked up at the smiling mare. “To answer your earlier questions, I’m Missy.” She grabbed his forelegs. “And welcome to Hell.” She pushed his hooves away and Discord Whooves screamed as he proceeded to fall into the depths below.

Author's Note:

Expect the final chapter either tomorrow or on New Year's Day.