• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 1,508 Views, 51 Comments

Doctor Whooves Episode 23: Hour of the Doctor - Doctor Perseus

The war with Discord Whooves reaches its devastating conclusion.

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Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between

Chapter 6: Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between

Survivor Camp, Outside Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Hours had passed since the defeat of Discord Whooves. It was a victory to celebrate but the costs had been too great for anypony to be in the festive spirit. A seemingly endless sea of tents and makeshift structures had sprung up in the fields surrounding the ruined Ponyville. Human and pony soldiers alike were busy organizing the survivors and attempting to sort out where they were to go next.

Monty, Francis, and Julianna were huddled together in mourning. Opal’s body had been taken away to another part of the camp to be kept preserved for the burial that was to come. The same for Oswin Oswald and the many others who had perished over the course of the invasion. Soldiers, civilians, men, women, mares, stallions, and even fillies and colts. No town or city had been left untouched. There were even reports coming in from the neighboring countries of casualties. In the center of it all sat Twilight and her friends. Finally, together again in a moment of peace but with very little to celebrate aside from continuing to survive and live on.

Rarity was resting on a stretcher. Her broken leg had been formed back into a normal position but was now enveloped in a thick, white cast. Fluttershy had one of her wings casted as well and Applejack was covered in bandages in order to help heal her burn marks.

“Anypony feeling better?” Twilight asked softly.

“A bit,” Fluttershy replied.

“This is gonna hurt for a while; but these wounds will heal,” Applejack added. Twilight looked over at Monty, Francis, and Julianna. Applejack followed Twilight’s gaze and sighed. “Not all of them though.”

“There must have been something we could have done,” Twilight said as she shook her head slightly.

“We did what we could.”

“Did we, Applejack?” Twilight angrily stomped a hoof into the ground. “There’s so much we could have done better. So much we could have avoided. So much I could have stopped.”

“Don’t go placing all the blame on your shoulders, Twilight. You know damn well that there’s no guilt for you to have.”

“Besides, it’s the Doctor’s job to get all moody with guilt and all that,” Rainbow Dash stated. Everypony turned to her with raised eyebrows. “What?! It’s true!”

“Speaking of the Doctor, where has he run off to?” Rarity asked.

Pinkie pushed aside her mane, which had been stuck in a depressed straight state since the deaths of Opal and human Twilight. “He ran off somewhere. Went to find the TARDIS or something,” she replied before resuming her previous action of slowly moving snow with her forehooves.

Just then, Princess Celestia appeared before the group. “Princess Celestia!” Twilight gasped.

“Twilight. How are you and your friends holding up?” Celestia asked.


Celestia slowly wrapped a wing around Twilight before pulling her pupil into a caring embrace. Twilight was shocked at first but happily accepted the gesture. “I am so proud of you, my student.”

“Don’t be. I didn’t do a whole lot aside from be captured and-” Twilight fell silent as her thoughts returned to her possession by Discord Whooves’s Paramae.

“But you fought hard and made it through. Don’t beat yourself up with the mistakes you’ve made. Life’s too short for that.” Celestia ended the hug and placed a forehoof on one of Twilight’s shoulders. “Even for immortals.” Twilight smiled at her mentor. “You’re not the only one here who could have done some stuff better. But, for now, worry not about that and just live with those who care about you.” With that said, Celestia stepped aside to show several figures moving towards them.

“Twiley!” cried Shining Armor as he and Cadance raced forward. The couple were followed by Twilight and Shining Armor’s parents. Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s parents.

“Shining Armor! Cadance! Mom! Dad!” cried Twilight as she ran towards her family. Spike followed suit. Applejack greeted her family, Rainbow Dash hugged Scootaloo, and Rarity’s family approached her side and comforted her.

Celestia nodded at Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. “I have received word that all of your families are alive and well too. They should be here shortly,” she informed.

“Thank you, Princess,” said Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie’s hair bounced a bit as she fell back with a sigh of relief.

A few yards over, Monty glared over at Twilight and her friends with envy. He hated what he was feeling. He was happy to see them reunited with their families; but their smiles only reminded him of his dearly departed love. He hugged his children tighter. “We’ll get through this together. I promise,” he whispered to them.

“Monty?” Monty looked up to see Trixie approaching him. “If there’s anything I can do, let me know,” she said. “Okay?”

“Thank you, Trixie,” Monty replied through his tears. “But I don’t think there’s anything anypony can do.”

Trixie leaned forward and gave Monty a heartfelt hug. It’s all she felt she could do for the broken stallion at the moment. “Take care of yourself.” She glanced down at Francis and Julianna. “Them too.”

“I’ll try.” Monty wiped away his tears. Trixie patted Francis and Julianna on the head before slowly walking away. Suddenly, Monty felt an odd yet familiar warm breeze brush against his backside. He turned away from Francis and Julianna to come face-to-face with a hooded stallion. He couldn’t make out the stallion’s face but Monty could tell he was a unicorn with a blue coat and a silver mane. Monty was taken aback by the stallion’s surprise appearance. “Uh…is there something I can help you with?”

The stallion extended a hoof forward. “The cherry blossoms look beautiful in the sunset, don’t they?” the stallion asked.

Monty’s eyes widened. “What did you just say?”

From the depths of the cloak, a necklace made of blue and violet flower petals and yellow opals fell to the earth. Monty gasped in shock and broke into a new stream of tears as he knelt down and grabbed the necklace. He looked up at the hooded stallion. “You want your story to continue? You know where to go.”

“Dad?” asked Francis suddenly. Monty turned around to face his two children. “What are you looking at?”

Monty turned back around and was shocked to see that both the stallion and the necklace were gone. “It can’t be,” he said under his breath.

“Dad?” Julianna asked.

Monty stood up and walked back over to his children. He wrapped them up in his embrace and began to both laugh and cry at the same time. “After this is all over, we’re going on a trip,” he explained.

“A trip?” asked a confused Francis.

“To where?” asked Julianna with a tilt of her head.

Monty smiled at his children. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise. Let’s just say that it’s a very special place.” Monty turned to the sky and closed his eyes. Opal? Are you really waiting for me?

Meanwhile, Trixie casually stood aside and watched Twilight and the others enjoy the company of their families. Twilight noticed Trixie and paused her conversation with Shining Armor before running over. “How are you, Trixie?” she asked as she approached.

“I’ve been better,” Trixie replied.

Twilight chuckled. “I think we all have.”

Trixie nodded. “Yeah.”

Twilight awkwardly shuffled her hooves. “So…what happens for you now?”

“Well, I’ve definitely been through enough over the past day or so. Though, it honestly feels like it’s been longer than that. Like over two years or something.”

“Tell me about it.”

“My stuff’s back in Canterlot. I’ll have to go back and see if I can find anything in the wreckage. Then…I think I’d like to find somewhere to rest for a bit.” Trixie now began to awkwardly shuffle her hooves. “Would it be alright if I stayed in Ponyville for a little while?”

“I don’t see why not.”

Trixie smiled. “Thank you, Twilight. I’ll go ahead and let you get back to your family.”

“Okay. See you around, Trixie.” Twilight and Trixie shared a nod of respect before Twilight ran back over to her family and friends.

Trixie turned around and was prepared to head on her way when she suddenly bumped into somepony. “Oh! I’m sorry!” Trixie gasped.

“It was my fault. Don’t worry yourself,” said the mare who had bumped into Trixie. She had a red coat, a brunette mane, a large red leaf for a cutie mark, and was wearing a denim jacket. She also had an obvious Trottingham accent. “Things have been…crazy, to say the least.”

“That’s an understatement.” Trixie took a hard look at the mare. “Do I…know you from somewhere? You look very familiar.”

A spark appeared in the mare’s eyes. “Ah! Yes! I knew you looked familiar! You must have seen me in the audience at one of your shows. I was there watching your last one before those monsters came along.”

Trixie nodded. “Right. That’s where you’re from.”

The mare narrowed her brow. “Are you alright? You look down about something.”

“Well, as you can see, a lot of stuff happened. I had a couple friends who…didn’t make it.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“But I guess all I can do is move forward.”

The mare nodded. “That’s the only thing any of us can do really. I’m thinking of staying in this town. Visited it before. Nice place. Could be a good spot to settle down for a bit once everything’s been cleared up and fixed.”

Trixie smiled. “I was planning on doing the exact same thing.”

“How about that? Thinking of doing any more performances? I think a lot of us could use a bit of wonder right now.”

Trixie extended a hoof. “I’ll get you a front row seat!”

The mare reached forward and shook Trixie’s hoof. “Sounds great!”

“I’m Trixie, by the way.”

The mare snickered. “I already got that part down. You make quite an entrance for yourself.”

Trixie blushed. “Believe it or not, I used to be worse.”

The mare laughed. “That must have been a sight to behold. Well, it’s nice to officially meet you, Trixie. Name’s Oswin.” Trixie froze in place. Her jaw was agape in shock. Oswin looked confused. “Is something wrong?”

Trixie turned away for a moment and quickly wiped a tear away from her eye. She turned back to Oswin and cleared her throat. “No…nothing’s wrong. It’s just…I think you and I will be really great friends!”

Oswin raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Quick to find new friends, huh? We only just met.”

“Let’s just say…it’s a solid feeling in my gut.”

Oswin shrugged her shoulders. “Well then, see you around, friend.”

Trixie gave a bittersweet smile. “Yeah. See you around.”

Outside Golden Oak Library, Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Donna slowly took in the devastation around her as she followed Derpy through the snow. Matilda, Colgate, Clockwork, Bright Eyes, and Daring Do were close behind. “Are you sure you saw him go this way?” Donna asked Derpy.

“Definitely!” Derpy nodded vigorously as her eyes inverted a bit. Donna raised an eyebrow. Derpy puffed up and pointed at her eyes. “This is only a quirk. I’m not blind.”

“Could’ve fooled me when you flew into those guards in Spain.”

“I meant to do that!” Donna and Derpy shared a laugh as they continued on.

Matilda was busy tinkering with her vortex manipulator. “Excellent. Up and working again,” Matilda exclaimed.

“That probably could have come in handy at a few points,” said Clockwork.

“It’s not my fault it went on the fritz! It was all thanks to Discord Whooves and his idiotic rift generator. It’s nice that we’ve finally taken care of that annoying invention. One more use in order to send all these human soldiers back to their world and it’s gone for good.”

Colgate was busy grumbling to herself. “Is something wrong, Colgate?” Bright Eyes asked.

“Huh? Oh. Sorry. I’m just thinking about Thalia,” Colgate replied.

“She’s worth worrying about,” Matilda added. “She’s young and crazy.” Matilda observed her vortex manipulator. “But, I believe everything will work out just fine and somepony will catch her eventually. I mean, it’s not like she’s going to steal my vortex manipulator and use it to change the past or anything.” Matilda walked ahead with a confident smirk on her face.

“That was…oddly specific,” Daring stated.

“Ah! There he is!” Derpy announced. The group turned around the corner to see the Doctor in front of Golden Oak Library. He was joined by Jenny and the human counterparts of Luna, Spike, Fluttershy, and Rarity. A few feet away from them was the TARDIS. “Doctor!”

The Doctor turned to face them. “What are you all doing out here? Shouldn’t you be at the camp?” he asked.

“We could ask you the same thing,” Donna replied.

The Doctor tilted his head in agreement. “Fair point. Well, obviously, I came out here to find my TARDIS.”

Derpy approached the TARDIS and tilted her head. “Is it just me or does the TARDIS look a bit different?” she asked. Derpy’s observations weren’t far off. The TARDIS seemed to have a much cleaner shade of blue and a circular badge design reading St John Ambulance was now printed on the right front door.

“You’re quite right, Derpy,” the Doctor answered. “The TARDIS took quite a beating during the battle so it had to heal itself. That and I also added a few new changes. Just wait until you see the inside!”

“It’s pretty nice,” Jenny concurred with a nod.

Donna gave a sigh and approached the Doctor. “There’s something I need to tell you, Doctor.”

The Doctor’s smile faded a little. “Yes, Donna?” he asked.

Donna was about to speak but Matilda interrupted. “Sorry, to cut in but I’m afraid we’re being watched,” she said.

“What?” asked a now alert Luna.

Matilda rolled her eyes and smirked. “You can come out now, Thalia. I promise not to-” Matilda was suddenly hit by a ball of purple energy.

“Matilda!” gasped Bright Eyes.

Matilda hit the ground hard as the ball of energy formed into none other than Thalia. She was breathing heavily and glaring at the others, especially the Doctor, with a look of hatred. In her hooves, she was clutching Matilda’s vortex manipulator. “You’ll all pay for what you did!” she snarled.

Luna aimed her wand at Thalia. “I would recommend surrendering. You’re outnumbered,” she ordered.

Thalia let out a maniacal laugh. “I don’t have to listen to you!” She looked down at the vortex manipulator in her possession. “I’ve got all of time on my side!” She then pressed a random series of buttons on the device.

“STOP!” shouted Clockwork. Luna sent a spell at Thalia but Thalia managed to successfully disappear in a flash of light.

Everyone and everypony was silent for a moment. “This…is not good,” Daring gulped.

“Nope,” Matilda casually agreed as she stood up and brushed the snow off her body. “And it won’t be good for a lot of people in lots of places. But, it’s what was meant to be.” Everypony aside from the Doctor gave Matilda a confused look.

“So that’s how she got it,” the Doctor said with a sigh.

Colgate then gave a surprised reaction as she remembered a distant memory. “That’s right!” she gasped. “Back in Elmheim!”

Matilda nodded and said, “And, if I made those calculations correctly, she should be here in three, two-” There was another bright flash of light and Thalia was now lying the ground in front of Matilda. She had an arrow sticking out of her side and looked a few years older. The vortex manipulator appeared to be much more worn and dirty. Matilda smirked down at Thalia. “Did you enjoy your ride through time and space? Sorry to say but you changed very little.” She reached down and took the worn vortex manipulator back.

Thalia glared up at Matilda. She forced herself up and prepared to attack but was suddenly trapped within a magical cage created by Luna. “That should hold her for now,” Luna stated.

“We should at least take care of her injuries,” said Matilda as she placed the vortex manipulator back on her foreleg.

Luna nodded. “We’ll take her back to the camp to be healed. Afterwards, she’s coming back to our Equestria as a war criminal.”

Thalia laughed. “You think you can hold me? I won’t be trapped forever! I’ve been lots of places since I was last here! All across time and space!” Thalia turned towards the Doctor. “And though I may have lost for now, I’m glad I was able to bring so much pain to you, Doctor, and to Twilight Sparkle as well!”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Alright. Off we go.” Luna walked away with Thalia’s cage floating close behind. The human counterparts of Spike, Fluttershy, and Rarity followed.


Matilda cleared her throat and approached the Doctor. “Well, Doctor, it looks like this latest adventure of ours has ended,” she said.

“It could have ended a lot better,” the Doctor stated.

“True. But don’t fret, Doctor. In time, a lot of good will come from this. You might even be able to erase some of these losses.”

The Doctor chuckled. “It’s a nice thought; but the dead don’t come back.”

Matilda cheekily raised an eyebrow at the Doctor and winked. The Doctor looked on in confusion. Matilda turned towards the others. “What’s on the table for the rest of you?”

“I think I’m ready to go home,” Colgate answered. “It’s about time I finally made that trip to see my mom again.”

Bright Eyes leaned against Clockwork and kissed him on the cheek. “I think settling down sounds good for us,” she replied.

“Had enough adventuring?” Jenny asked with a smile.

Bright Eyes nodded. “To last several lifetimes.”

“Do you want to settle down here or go back to your own dimension?” Matilda asked.

Clockwork and Bright Eyes quickly turned back to Matilda. “But…our dimension was cut off from all the others,” Clockwork said.

“That’s true. Though, I may have a way of getting you two back home. If you’re interested, that is.”

Clockwork and Bright Eyes turned to each other and then back to Matilda. “Yeah!” Bright Eyes exclaimed.

“That’d be great!” Clockwork also exclaimed.

“How do you plan to do that?” the Doctor asked.

“Do you not trust me?” Matilda asked as she faked being offended.

“Yes and no, but that’s beside the point. I’m just curious.”

“Let’s just say I know a couple people who know their way with a pen.”

The Doctor gave Matilda a suspicious look. Clockwork approached the Doctor. “I suppose this is it then,” he said.

The Doctor examined Clockwork and smiled. “You know, I’m glad I met you. The true ponified version of myself.”

“I’m glad I was able to meet the stallion in my dreams.” Clockwork froze. “Hold on. That sounded really weird.”

“Then you really are another version of him,” Donna said. “Weird is an art for the Doctor.”

Clockwork shrugged his shoulders. “At least I make a better counterpart than Discord Whooves.” He extended his hoof forward and the Doctor gladly shook it.

Derpy and Bright Eyes shared a hug. “I hope you two have a great life together,” said Derpy.

“Thanks,” said Bright Eyes as the hug ended. She then winked at Derpy. “I hope the same for you two.”

Derpy blushed slightly as Bright Eyes walked over to say her goodbyes to Jenny.

“What about you, Daring Do?” Matilda asked. “Getting you back to your dimension will be a piece of cake.”

Daring waved a hoof. “Maybe later,” she replied. “I think I’ll stay in this town for a bit.” She smiled brightly and laughed. “Besides, I think I’d like to spend some more time with my number one fan.”

“Okay then.” Matilda turned to Colgate. “We can drop you off first. Hopping across a country is a breeze.” Colgate smiled with glee. Matilda then turned to the Doctor, Derpy, Donna, Jenny, and Daring Do. “You all take care of yourselves then. Don’t miss me too much. And tell Twilight and the others that I’ll see them around.”

“I’ll make sure they get the message,” the Doctor said with a nod.

“Alright then.” Matilda linked up with Colgate, Clockwork, and Bright Eyes. “Goodbye, sweetie.” With a final bright flash, the four ponies disappeared.

Derpy shook her head. “All that and we still hardly know anything about her,” she said.

“Living a life like this, you sorta get used to meeting mysterious characters,” the Doctor added. “Now, how about Jenny and I give you a tour of the new TARDIS?”

“Doctor, can I talk to you about something first?” Donna asked as she took a step towards the Doctor.

“Yes, Donna?” The two were silent for a moment. Donna could tell that the Doctor knew what was coming. He was ready to hear it.

“I think it’s time I went home too.”

Survivor Camp, Outside Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

The camp had fallen into a much more comfortable silence since Twilight and her friends had been reunited with their families. Now, everypony was busy resting and comforting each other over cups of hot cocoa. Still, the bite of loss and pain was still crisp in the air.

Just then, Twilight noticed the human counterparts of Luna, Spike, Fluttershy, and Rarity making their way through the camp. Trapped inside a floating cage moving along with Luna was none other than Thalia. For the briefest of moments, Twilight’s and Thalia’s eyes met. Twilight shivered as she stared at her evil clone. Thalia then turned away as she was taken away by human Luna.

“They managed to catch Thalia at least,” Spike said.

“Yeah. But she’ll get out. I know where she’s going. Who knows who she’ll end up hurting on her way there,” said Twilight.

“That reminds me, what happened to all of our clones?” Applejack asked suddenly. “They just seemed to disappear during the battle.”

“Well, I kicked mine into another dimension,” Rainbow Dash answered. “Awesome, right?”

“Awesomely lucky is more like it.”

Rainbow Dash scowled at Applejack. “Anyway, my clone’s off in some other dimension. Nothing to worry about. And Thalia’s just been captured.”

“That still leaves the clones of Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity out there somewhere,” Twilight explained.

“I’m sure we’ll find them,” Applejack assured.

“Hopefully before they hurt anypony,” said Fluttershy.

“Princess Celestia’s hidden the Elements of Harmony in a new location so they at least won’t get their hooves on them,” Twilight added.

At that moment, an all too familiar sound began to echo throughout the camp. VVRROOMMPP. VVRROOMMPP. VVRROOMMPP. Everypony watched as the TARDIS slowly materialized before them. As soon as the TARDIS had fully landed, the doors opened and the Doctor stepped out. He was followed by Derpy, Donna, Jenny, and Daring Do.

“That’s where you went off to,” said Applejack.

“Sorry to run off on you all. Had to make sure the old girl was alright as well,” the Doctor explained.

Pinkie Pie suddenly started looking around. “I feel like we’re missing a few ponies,” she said.

“Matilda took off with Colgate, Clockwork, and Bright Eyes,” said Derpy. “She said she’d be seeing all of us around.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I imagine she will,” she scoffed with a smirk.

Daring walked over to Rainbow Dash and winked. “But, fear not, I’ll be sticking around for a little while,” she said. “Might as well help you guys rebuild this town.”

Rainbow Dash squeaked, “So! Awesome!”

Donna stepped forward. “Anyway…I just wanted to drop by and tell you all goodbye,” she sighed.

“Wait, what?!” Pinkie gasped.

“You’re leaving?” Applejack asked.

Donna nodded. “After all that’s happened, I think it’s time I went back home to Shaun for a while.”

Pinkie approached Donna. “This isn’t goodbye forever…is it?”

Donna smiled. “I certainly hope not. Just for the time being.”

Pinkie then hugged Donna and Donna happily hugged her back.

“It was nice getting to know you,” said Fluttershy.

“Yes. Once I’m up and about again, I’ll make sure to have a new dress ready for your return,” said Rarity.

“Thank you, Rarity,” Donna said with a nod.

“We’ll have to find something else for you to ride. You did a pretty awesome job with that robot dragon,” Rainbow laughed.

Donna glared at Rainbow Dash. “No. Never again.” Everypony shared one last hearty laugh.

“Are you ready, Donna?” the Doctor asked as he extended a forehoof.

Donna took the hoof and nodded. “Yeah.”

Derpy suddenly stepped forward. “Can I come along?” she asked.

“Me too?” Twilight asked. “It was the three of us who brought you to Equestria. Might as well be the three of us who send you off.”

“Of course, you two. Oh! That means we can show off the new interior to you, Twilight!” the Doctor exclaimed with a giddy grin.

“I thought there was something new about the TARDIS,” Pinkie observed with a chin scratch.

“I’ll be happy to give you all the tour once we get back,” said the Doctor. He turned his attention to Jenny. “Want to come along, Jenny?”

Jenny shook her head. “Nah. I’ll let this be a personal trip for the four of you,” she replied before hugging Donna. “Take care, alright? Maybe you can bring Martha along next time.”

Donna smiled. “Maybe. If we can find her. Doctor says she’s busy investigating alien activity all over the Earth right now.”

“Well, if you ever see her, tell her that Jenny says hi.”

“I’ll make sure to do that.”

“Alright then! All aboard!” the Doctor chimed before entering the TARDIS. Derpy went in right after him.

Donna took one last look at her Equestria friends. “Well…goodbye, everypony,” she said with a sigh. “Goodbye, Equestria.” She then entered the TARDIS.

“Don’t be too long, okay?” Spike asked as he took hold of Twilight’s hoof. “We have a lot of work to do, you know.”

“I know,” Twilight said with a laugh. “And I promise that we’ll be right back. It’s just a simple dimension hop. What could happen?” Twilight hugged Spike and smiled at her friends before turning around and entering the TARDIS.

The TARDIS, Outside Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

The TARDIS doors closed immediately after Twilight passed through the threshold and she was immediately stunned by the sight before her. The console room had completely changed. It was now metallic in nature and looked more like a proper control center. The control console was a definite hexagon with different, unique controls on each panel. A cylindrical tube was situated in the very center of the console with a golden light emanating from it. Railings and other control panels bordered the platform upon which the control console was situated. The tube in the center connected to a large display of rotating rows displaying various Gallifreyan symbols. The console room was in a more definite circular shape with an extra walkway and metal supports. The second walkway was filled with chalkboards and bookcases. To top everything off, a series of orange and blue circles were spaced evenly along the wall where the second walkway circled around the room.

“I like it!” Twilight announced.

“I do too!” Derpy agreed.

“It’s alright,” Donna said with a shrug.

The Doctor sighed. “Can’t please everybody.” He then pulled a lever on the control console and the TARDIS took off.

Outside the Home of Donna Noble, London, England, Earth, Winter, 2010 A.D.

Donna was silent as she exited the TARDIS and came face-to-face with her large house. “You used that fortune wisely,” the Doctor complimented.

“We didn’t spend it all, so we’ve still got plenty to spare,” Donna stated. Twilight and Derpy observed the house from within the TARDIS. It was a very quiet day with practically nobody out so they didn’t fear anybody seeing the ponified Doctor. “It looks like Shaun’s already back from our vacation.” Donna held her hands together. “God, it feels like it’s been years since that trip.”

The Doctor smiled sadly as he and Donna faced each other. “Now don’t go forgetting about me again, Donna Noble.”

“I won’t as long as you don’t go messing with my memories again!”

“I swear that I will never do that to anyone ever again.”

“Good! And you better keep that promise because I’ll know if you break it.”

The Doctor’s already sad smile grew a bit. “I’m sure you would.”

Donna pulled the Doctor in for one last hug. “Even though we went through all that mayhem, I’m glad I was able to have some more adventures with you, Doctor.”

“Me as well.”

The hug ended and Donna glanced at Twilight and Derpy before looking at the Doctor. “Don’t let them go, Doctor. Don’t ever be alone again. You’ve made too many new friends to make that mistake.”

The Doctor nodded. “I won’t. I’ll be there as long as they want me to be there.”

“Is that another promise?”

“I suppose so.”

“Well…goodbye, Doctor.”

“Goodbye, Donna Noble.”

“Take care of him, Twilight! You too, Derpy!”

“We’ll try our best,” said Derpy.

“Definitely,” Twilight agreed.

Donna waved at the three ponies one last time. The Doctor, Twilight, and Derpy waved goodbye to Donna as the TARDIS doors closed. Donna stepped back and watched as the blue box slowly faded away into the folds of reality.

“Donna?!” gasped a familiar voice. Donna turned around to see Shaun standing at the front door.

“Shaun,” Donna said happily before running towards him and wrapping her arms around him. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too. Longest week of my life.”

“What?! It’s only been a week for you?!”

“Yeah.” Shaun raised an eyebrow. “What happened?”

Donna wrapped an arm around Shaun as she led him into the house. “You might want to sit down because this story is a LONG one.”

The TARDIS, Time Vortex

Twilight and Derpy watched calmly as the Doctor worked the controls. “Are you okay, Doctor?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah! Of course, I’m fine!” the Doctor replied. He looked to see both Twilight and Derpy looking at him with raised eyebrows. “What do you want me to say? That I’m sad to say goodbye to her again?”

“As long as it’s the truth,” Derpy stated.

The Doctor nodded. “Yeah. Even if the parting is on good terms, it never gets any easier.” He smiled at the two mares. “Anyway, let’s get back to Ponyville. We’ve got a lot of work to do.”

Suddenly, the entire TARDIS shook violently. Twilight and Derpy fell down and the Doctor held onto the console as the ship leaned at an angle. “Come on!” Twilight groaned. “What’s happening now?!”

The TARDIS then stopped shaking as quickly as it had started, allowing the three ponies to regain their balance. The Doctor pushed a knob and the ship stabilized. The Doctor took several deep breaths. “Don’t worry. Everything’s under-”

Just then, the sound of screams and gun blasts began to echo from the nearby corridor. The Doctor, Twilight, and Derpy watched as two humans ran through the doorway and up the stairs onto the main platform. One was a young man with messy blond hair and the other was a young, tall woman with sandy brown hair. They came to a halt as soon as they saw the three ponies.

“Doctor?! Twilight?! Derpy?!” the man gasped.

The Doctor’s eyes widened. “Alex?! Quinn?! How did you-” Just then, a fireball shot out from the doorway and missed Derpy by a few inches. A large figure which appeared to be an anthropomorphic tree came charging into the console room. On the figure’s shoulders stood an anthropomorphic raccoon with a large futuristic gun in its paws. “What?” the Doctor asked.

“Hey! Any of you horses know where the hell I am?!” asked the raccoon.

“I am Groot,” announced the tree.

“What?!” the Doctor asked again.

Suddenly, a sword came flying through the doorway and lodged itself in Groot’s arm. Groot seemed unaffected by this. A handsome man came walking through the doorway. He was dressed like a pirate, wearing a heavy leather jacket, and had a hook instead of a left hand. The man looked at the raccoon and chuckled. “If you want to kill Captain Hook, you’re going to have to try harder than that, mate.”

“WHAT?!” the Doctor asked.

To be continued in the Doctor Whooves Season 2 Premiere: The Writer...

Author's Note:

FINALLY done. Took long enough. To everyone who continues to keep up with my stories, thank you for your patience. Here's hoping for more progress and writing in 2017!

Comments ( 17 )

This was an intersting arc.
I looking forward for the next one.

oh boy the guardians of the galaxy. That'll be interesting. This was very well, awesome. I still need to go through and check off all the previous stories cause i started reading them before i decided to make an account, but that'll be for another day.

A handsome man came walking through the doorway.

its weird cause even though i knew it was starlord, my brain still said "Handsome Jack" and i have no idea why.

Actually, the "handsome man" is Killian "Captain Hook" Jones from Once Upon a Time.

7841635 oh did not know that. Still thought it was handsome jack for a second.

“Besides, it’s the Doctor’s job to get all moody with guilt and all that,” Rainbow Dash stated. Everypony turned to her with raised eyebrows. “What?! It’s true!”

It is, isn't it.

He turned away from Francis and Julianna to come face-to-face with a hooded stallion. He couldn’t make out the stallion’s face but Monty could tell he was a unicorn with a blue coat and a silver mane.

Is that the future Doctor from Episode 7?

Opal? Are you really waiting for me?

What?! Opal's alive! :pinkiegasp:

“Well, I’ve definitely been through enough over the past day or so. Though, it honestly feels like it’s been longer than that. Like over two years or something.”

There you go being meta again.

“It was my fault. Don’t worry yourself,” said the mare who had bumped into Trixie. She had a red coat, a brunette mane, a large red leaf for a cutie mark, and was wearing a denim jacket. She also had an obvious Trottingham accent.

Is that who I think it is?

“That must have been a sight to behold. Well, it’s nice to officially meet you, Trixie. Name’s Oswin.”

Eeyup :eeyup: That's the pony version of Oswin. I wonder though, what do red leaves have to do with Clara Oswald?

“And I promise that we’ll be right back. It’s just a simple dimension hop. What could happen?”

Those are famous last words.

“... You’ve made too many new friends to make that mistake.”

That's kind of the overarching theme of these stories. MLP is all about friendship. The Doctor is always struggling with being close to others given the dangers that surround him on his adventures through space and time. By coming in contact with the ponies of Equestria, The Doctor has for the first time a legitimate network of friends.
Oh my gosh! That ending! We get Alex and Quinn from Episode 14, Groot and Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy, and Captain Hook from Once Upon A Time. (And of course, you have to describe Hook as "handsome".) That would have definitely been something to look forward to. But alas, I read this with the knowledge that unfortunately this series is no more. That makes this exceptionally bittersweet. I hear though you will be posting what would have happened in your stories, and I look forward to that. If I can't read the story, I'd rather just know what happens. Well, this has been quite the ride. It's been like five years I've been reading these stories of yours. It's pretty sad to see them go, especially prematurely. 😢 But I enjoyed it all nonetheless. You are a talented writer, and I'm sure you have a bright future of writing ahead of you. So for a final time on one of these stories I say keep up the great work. :pinkiehappy: Doctor Whooves, MLP, not, you still got a lot of great work ahead of you.

I'm really glad you enjoyed this final chapter. I really can't even begin to describe how much it hurt me to have to end the series here. But, as I've said, I promise to not leave you and the other followers in the dark. I'll try to get the information up soon. Thank you for following me along this journey. You've been reading these stories of mine almost as long as I've been writing them. And I've always enjoyed hearing your feedback. Hopefully my original writings in the future will be even more entertaining than my fanfics were. :twilightsmile:

Well I hope your inspired to do a second season. This has been an awesome ride. Good luck!

OMG so many references and timelines! Keep up the awesome work!

didn't think I'd ever see once upon a time in mlp.

“Let’s just say I know a couple people who know their way with a pen.”

She knows HENERY?

so quick question: Has the tardis learned to travel the void now? It seems that the tardis is now doing interdimensional travel on a regular basis now.

Yeah. That's basically what happened. It adapted to doing so following its arrival in Equestria. Because magic!

This series ark is amazing, and I just don't think I can wait for the next story:yay:

Hey! I'm really happy that you loved my series this much. It really means a lot. Though, I'm sorry to say that I won't be continuing it. I just hit burnout after writing this much and couldn't keep up with it between life and wanting to focus more on my original progress. Though I did start writing some blogs explaining the stories that would have happened. Granted, I never finished these blogs. Though I plan to do so at some point. Haha.

Sorry to disappoint you since you were clearly excited for more. Believe me, nobody is pained more about having to drop this series here than me. I am glad that I was able to finish this first "season" and arc at least. Here's the links to the two finished blogs in questions:

Again, thank you so much for reading and enjoying my series. :)

That is ok, I will miss this series but I will still support you and your decision:fluttershysad:
as for some of the other stories, I just like your writing in general, thanks for these amazing stories:derpytongue2:

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