• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 7,837 Views, 155 Comments

My Zodiac - xd77

Celestia finds an abandoned pegasus colt baby and adopts him

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Chapter 2: First Day of School

Five years later.....

"First day of school!" said a nearing voice.

"First day of school!" it said again, a full face appeared to reveal Zodiac now five years old, he wore a blue and yellow wonderbolt like outfit with green hoof shoes and his mane had been cut down a little.

"Wake up, wake up, come on, it's the first day of school!" he exclaimed jumping on Celestia who was still sleeping on her floor, her head resting on the pillow.

"I don't want to go to school, five more minutes!" she whined in her sleep.

"Not you mom, me!" Zodiac said, he then nudged her head, "Get up, get up" he then started flapping his wings and flying all around the room in excitement.

"Time for school, time for school, time for school!"

Finally Celestia managed to wake up, "All right sweetheart, all right, I'm up."

Zodiac was still flying around the room in excitement, "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy....whoa!" he said, suddenly hit his head on a stand where a vase managed to fall on his head and get stuck.

"Zodi!" Celestia exclaimed.

"First day of school!" he said with a muffled tone due to his head full stuck in the vase, he started trying to take it off with his hooves.

"Grrr." he said trying to take it off, luckily, Celestia had approached and quickly got to his aid.

"Zodi, don't move, you'll never get that off your head, I'll get it!" she said, Zodiac managed to do his best to remove the vase from his head but had no luck, Celestia however managed to remove it easily with one grip of her magic aura. She then brought him back to the center of the room.

"Alright, where's the break, you feel a break?" Celestia asked.

"No." Zodiac answered.

"Sometimes you can't tell because fluid is rushing into the area, now any rushing fluids?" she asked examining him.

"No." Zodiac answered.

"Are you woozy?" Celestia asked, lifting him with her magic and turning him upside down.

"No." Zodiac answered getting annoyed.

"How many stripes of colors do I have on my mane?" she asked pulling down her mane with her hoof and putting it in front of Zodiac's face.

"I'm fine!" he whined.

"Answer the color question!" Celestia exclaimed while getting into his face.

"Four." he answered, but Celestia didn't even hear it right, "No see, something's wrong with you I have one," she then pulled her mane down again and counted, "two, three, four, that's all I have?"

She was now calm and cooled, "Oh, you're okay, how's the lucky hoof?"

"Lucky." he said, showing her his left forehoof, about a year ago, Zodiac was flying around and goofing off, when he was struck down by a herd of griffins heading back to Griffinstone. The knockout managed to tear his forehoof backwards and had to be sent to the hospital where the doctor said that he would be alright and could still fly, but it would take a long time for his hoof to fully be functional again. Anyway, he did his best and gave his mother a hoofing.

"Are you sure you're ready for school this year, cause there is no problem if you feel like you're not." Celestia said.

"Come on Mom, it's time for school." Zodiac said, trying to pull Celestia out of the room.

"Ah, ahahaha, forgot to brush your mane and teeth." she said, Zodiac sighed.

"Do you want to be a handsome looking prince starting now?" she asked, Zodiac pondered and quickly realized she had a point because he was going to be a prince one day.

"Yes." he answered.

"Then brush." she said, Zodiac then went into her bathroom that she and him both used and used his toothbrush to brush his teeth and then after 10 minutes of cleaning his teeth, he then brushed his mane with a comb.

"Okay I'm done!" he said running out of the bathroom, he almost made it to the door until....."Whoop, you missed a couple of spots!" Celestia said picking him up with her magic.

"Where?" Zodiac asked.

"There!" Celestia answered, poking his belly and making him giggle.

"And right there!" she said booping him on his nose, it soon turned from giggling to laughing.

Later on, after breakfast, Celestia walked over to her carriage flown by the typical number of royal guards to take Zodiac to school. Zodiac put his saddle bag on the front corner of the carriage and stood next to his mother, before too long, the guards flapped their wings and flew the carriage right up into the sky towards the direction of the school that Zodiac was going to attend.

"Mom, what's my school going to be like?" Zodiac asked Celestia.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it will be a nice place, besides my former student Twilight also attended this school when she was a filly."

"You mean I'm going to the School for Gifted Unicorns, but I don't even have a horn Mom, how can I do magic?"

Celestia giggled, "Not that school, you're going to Canterlot Elementary, you won't go to the School for Gifted Unicorns until you get your horn."

"What, you mean I'm going to be an alicorn?!" Zodiac said with excitement.

"Yes, but not until you're 7."

"Aw man!" Zodiac whined, "But that's forever!"

"Enjoy right now, sweetheart." Celestia said.

"I will." Zodiac said, pretty soon Canterlot Elementary soon came into view and the guards landed the carriage right in front of the entrance. It was a gold and purple striped two story building lined with thousands of fillies and colts lined at the entrance, Zodiac managed to get his saddle bag on his back along with his lunch.

"Now listen Zodi, you do what your teacher says and don't do anything foolish today while you're here, understand?" Celestia asked.

"Yes Mom." Zodiac said, Celestia then kissed him on his head and hugged him, "Have a good day sweetie, I'll see you back here after school, I love you."

"I love you too Mom."

Zodiac then watched his mother take off back to the castle and then followed the rest of the fillies and colts into the building, his classroom was the fifth door on the right and in it had one of the best and probably the most fun teachers in the whole school, probably in all of Canterlot and her name was Red Rose, Zodiac couldn't even be more happier to even feel the fact that he was getting a pretty good teacher. Anyway, he went into his classroom and sat down in the desk that was made for him and put his saddle bag by his chair and waited for Red Rose.

"Psst, hey." said a male colt's voice, Zodiac turned over to see a white unicorn colt with a red mane and tail and had a cutie mark of a tidal wave.

"Are you Zodiac, Princess Celestia's son?" he asked.

"Yes," Zodiac answered, "But you can call me Zodi for short."

"Well, Zodi, my name is Wave Runner and the other colt sitting in front of me is Time Bandit." another unicorn colt with a black mane and tail, a cutie mark of a pocket watch, and wearing big brown glasses looked at Zodiac also.

"Hi, Zodi." he said in a cool voice.

"We figured that since today is the first day, Time Bandit and I were going to start a homework friendship club, and we were wondering if you would like to join."

Zodiac was perked up about the idea, "Are you kidding, of course I would!" he said giving them a high hoof.

"Cool, then we're already friends." Time Bandit said.

"Welcome, Zodi." said Wave Runner, suddenly they saw their new teacher walk into the room, she was a red unicorn with a big puffy mane swirled up in a bun and had a long mangled tail, she wore glasses that were attached to strings and had a cutie mark of a red rose, hints her name. She stopped at the chalkboard and stared at her new class with a warm welcome smile.

"Good morning my new class." she said.

"Good morning Mrs. Red Rose." said the whole class including Zodiac.

"That's right class, I'm Mrs. Red Rose, and my is it a privilege to welcome you all to this fine first day here at Canterlot Elementary." And thus she continued on with what they were going to learn throughout the year as Zodiac listened.

Author's Note:

Well this is going off to a good start, but in Chapter 3 Zodiac will be coming home with not a smile on his face.