• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 7,836 Views, 155 Comments

My Zodiac - xd77

Celestia finds an abandoned pegasus colt baby and adopts him

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Chapter 3: Bully

The bell had rung signaling all the fillies and colts that the first day of school was over, now even though today was only the first day, it was actually the weekend and the real school work didn't even begin until Monday, which meant the kids had at least two final days of summer to enjoy before then. Anyway, all the fillies and colts had manage to exit the building and go about their separate ways and talking with one another about what their weekends will be like and what they would be doing and everyone of them seem to have excited looks on their face, however, for Zodiac who was in the crowd, had a different expression, an expression of sadness, not only that but his nose was stained from what appeared to be a nosebleed and a black eye.

As he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, he saw his new friends Time Bandit and Wave Runner stop beside him looking concerned for him.

"Hey, Zodi, is something wrong?" Time Bandit asked, Zodiac then turned and showed them the blood stained nose and black eye, they gasped in shock

"Well, remember at lunch how I took so long to get to the cafeteria?" Zodiac asked, "Well this is what happened..."

Earlier that day at lunch......

All of the fillies and colts had exited their classrooms because the 11:00 bell had rung, which was the lunch break bell, Red Rose's class was the fifth class to respond to the bell and out came the fillies and colts chattering and yakking at each other about the subjects that they were going to be going through in the year, Zodiac was in the very back of the group with his lunch bag that Celestia had made for him towed in his mouth, his new friends Wave Runner and Time Bandit had managed to save a spot for the three of them. But as he was approaching the cafeteria, he felt a thud or a shove on the back of him, causing him to fall over and hit the floor, there was soon the sounds of laughing and snickering approaching him.

"Well, look who we have here!" said a black unicorn by the name of Thunder Clash with a cutie mark of lightning strikes who picked up Zodiac with his magic and pulled him closer to his face.

"Listen young prince, here at Canterlot Elementary, I am in charge and I will not let some snot nose prince butt take it all away from me!" he said through clenched teeth.

"How did you know......"

"Oh some of the fillies said it, some other colt said it, and uh, well I reckon the whole school would know by now, I mean we all know you're Princess Celestia's son!"

Zodiac took this to his heart as he finally got the courage to stand up, "Yes, and as her son I order you to release me this instant, you don't want any trouble with her!"

Thunder Clash refused and just laughed, "Yeah right, like I'm really going to take orders from a little squirt like you!" he said deliberately ramming his hoof twice into Zodiac's face, soon resulting in a black eye and a bloody nose, he was soon hardly dropped to the floor as Thunder Clash laughed at him.

"Top that, Prince!" he said as he continued to laugh.

"Hey, leave him alone Thunder Clash!" said a female voice, Thunder then turned and saw two Pegasus fillies staring at him angrily, popping their hooves and ready for defending Zodiac in case Thunder tried to pull something else on him.

"Oh, Forget it, I have better things to do anyway, but fair warning squirt, if you give me or ponies that I protect, even one royal order, I'll be eating your guts for dinner!" he said walking away, the girls who stood up to Thunder Clash then walked up to Zodiac and helped him up even giving him his lunch, which was still fresh in the bag.

"You okay, Zodi?" one girl asked, while the other girl gave him some napkins to pinch his nose to stop the bleeding.

"I'm fine, thanks." he said walking towards the lunch table with the blood covered napkin in one hoof and the lunch in the other , but he then looked back at the direction that Thunder Clash had managed to walk and trembled in fear.


"Oh come on Zodi, so Thunder Clash got a little jealous, he really didn't mean it." said Wave Runner

"Yeah, I mean, he's just a big bully." Time Bandit said.

"But look what he did to me!" he said showing them his injured face again.

"Hey, man look, we're your friends now, and it will be our decree to defend you if he ever does that again."

"Really?" Zodiac asked.

"Sure man." answered Wave Runner.

"So you want to do something with us this weekend?" Wave Runner asked.

"I'd love to, but I've got stuff to do with my mom." answered Zodiac.

"We understand." said Time Bandit with a smile on his face, suddenly there was the sound of distant whinnying coming from the sky, Zodiac and his new friends looked up and saw Celestia's carriage coming into view.

"Well, I'm hoping that she'll do something about him." Zodiac said, "maybe I can tell her when it's preening time."

"Preening time?" Wave Runner asked.

"Yeah, every night after dinner and my bath, she'll have me wrapped in her hooves and her wings and she'll start removing the feathers from mine."

"You must have a really cool life with having a mother like Princess Celestia." Time Bandit said.

Pretty soon Celestia's carriage had landed right in front of the entrance and she hopped off, hoping to see a smile on her son's face, but when she saw the black eye and blood stained nose, her smile soon disappeared.

"What happened, Zodi?" she asked in horror, that's when Zodiac started crying.

Time Bandit decided to speak up for him, "Princess Celestia, there's this kid in school named Thunder Clash, he always thinks he's king of the school, but he somehow got word about the fact that Zodiac was a prince and was getting extra attention more than him. He got jealous and physically hurt him when he was coming into the cafeteria for lunch today."

Princess Celestia was very boiled at the moment, how could anyone possibly bully a nice boy like her own son?

Celestia then looked down at her son and wrapped him in her aura and put him on her back.

"Well thanks for telling me what happened boys, it was very generous of you, I'll take it from here." Celestia said climbing back into her carriage with Zodiac on her back still trembling and crying over what had happened to him earlier. Wave Runner and Time Bandit watched their new best friend take off into the sky back to the castle, suddenly they heard the doors behind them slam open.

"Ow, but dad!" said a voice, Wave Runner and Time Bandit turned and saw that Thunder Clash was being tugged on his ear in blue aura by his father who was not pleased over what he had just done because right after Thunder Clash had been reported and sent to the Principal's office.

"No 'buts' young man," said his father angered, "You are going to be in a world of pain when we get back home!" he said.

"Serves him right!" said Time Bandit.

"Incorrigible!" Wave Runner said.