• Published 1st Jan 2016
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Equestria Girls Ghostbusters - Wildcard25

A ghost haunts CHS, and Sunset and her friends call upon their Princess friend who sends them experts in the field of supernatural, or rather their successors

  • ...

The New Ghost Catching Team

In the land of Equestria inside Princess Twilight's castle, the Princess of Friendship was standing in the library before the mirror to the other world.

Spike who was standing near her spoke, "Are you sure about this, Twilight?"

"Yes, Spike. I mean you think the Ghostbusters are going to turn down a chance to catch a ghost?" Twilight asked.

"Knowing Venkman, probably not. At least if there's a reward for it." Spike replied.

"Princess Celestia taught me the magic spell that can contact them, I just hope it can go through clearly." Twilight said, as she activated her magic with her eyes glowing. Spike in worry hid behind a table should anything go wrong.

Meanwhile in the city of New York at Ghostbusters HQ, the car drove up and parked inside the firehouse. Stepping out of the vehicle were four figures, but they weren't the boys. Rather it was four college university aged students, but accompanying them was the green gluttonous blob of a ghost Slimer.

"Man after that bust I need a couple hundred winks." Eduardo said.

"Why? That's all you do in class." Kylie replied.

"Eh, whatever." Eduardo answered.

Entering the garage was veteran Ghostbuster Egon and with him Janine, "Welcome back, team. The job was a success?"

"You know it, Dr. Spengler." Roland answered.

Kylie tossed the trap to the professor, "Just toss this guy into the containment unit, and our shift is done."

"Will do." Egon answered, but before he could go to the containment unit, a glow illuminated the garage.

"What's going on?" Garret gasped.

"I don't know." Roland answered.

"And I don't wanna find out!" Eduardo added, as he was about to bolt, until Egon spoke up.

"Wait a minute. Don't run off. I think we're about to see an old friend." Egon smiled as Slimer watched the glow in amaze.

Suddenly appearing in the firehouse was an astral form of Twilight. The four new ghostbusters were in shock, as Egon spoke.


Twilight noticed him and smiled, "Egon!"

"It's great to see you again. Been a long time."

"Judging from the way you look it has." Twilight took notice of his older appearance.

"Twilight!" Slimer cheered, as he flew around the astral pony who giggled.

"It's nice to see you too, Slimer," she looked around seeing only Janine but no one else, "Where are the others? Ray, Peter, Winston?"

Egon spoke with a sigh, "I'm afraid the old team's retired now, Twilight."

"What?!" she gasped.

"It's true," Janine confirmed, "They all gone their separate ways."

"I originally stayed behind to keep an eye on the containment unit, and Slimer as well." Egon explained, as Slimer giggled.

"I see." Twilight said dismally.

"But, I have put together a new team to carry on where me and the guys left off," Egon spoke up brightening her spirit, "Guys, come over here."

The four students carefully approached, as Eduardo spoke up while looking at Twilight, "It's a horse with wings and a horn."

Twilight frowned, "Excuse me. I am a pony, not a horse."

"What's the difference?" Eduardo asked.

Twilight turned to Egon, "Is he related to Peter?"

"You'd wish," he replied, before speaking up, "Twilight, meet the new team. That's Eduardo, Garret, Kylie, and Roland. Guys, this is Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"A Princess?" Garret gasped.

"Whoa." Kylie gasped.

"Princess of where?" Eduardo crossed his arms.

"Princess of Friendship." Twilight answered.

"Friendship?" Roland asked.

"Didn't know they needed royalty for something like that." Eduardo said.

"It's a long story." Twilight replied.

"So where'd she come from?" Kylie asked Egon who answered.

"From the land of Equestria."

"Equestria?" Roland and Garret asked.

Eduardo chuckled, "Sounds like a club for jockeys."

"Dr. Spengler, how are you and this pony acquainted?" Kylie asked.

"Have I got a story for you kids." Egon answered, as he told them the tale of how he and the old team stopped two ghosts in the land of Equestria with the aid of Twilight and her friends.

Afterward, the four students were dumbfounded, "A magical land of talking ponies?" Garret asked.

"That sounds so unreal." Roland said.

"Like some old girls cartoon." Eduardo said, only to get elbowed by Kylie.

"Look, the reason I'm here is because of an emergency." Twilight explained.

"What's the situation in Equestria?" Egon inquired.

"Well, it's not Equestria that has ghost trouble. It's another world I've been too."

"Another world?" Egon asked.

"Yes. A world where everyone I know from Equestria is human."

"A human version of Equestria?" Egon asked in baffle.

"That's right. I've been there three times and I still haven't wrapped my hoof around everything there."

Egon pondered before turning to the kids, "How about it, guys? Up for a alternate world job?"

"Sounds rad." Garret said.

"Count me in." Roland answered.

"Sure thing." Kylie replied.

"Meh, I got nothing better to do." Eduardo admitted.

"Thank you all so much." Twilight beamed.

"Team, grab all the needed equipment." Egon instructed.

So the four grabbed whatever equipment they can, before standing with Slimer ready to go, "Ok, so now what?" Garret asked.

"I'm opening a portal that connects to the mirror portal to the world I'm going to send you too. There you'll meet the friends I told you would help. I'll be along with you soon enough." Twilight explained, as her astral form opened up a portal.

"All right, team. This is it," Egon spoke, "Remember to follow Twilight and do as she says."

"You want us to listen to a pony?" Eduardo asked in disbelief.

"Hey, she's the princess." Garret reminded him.

"That and she has knowledge of our work. Although you may want to teach her how to use the upgraded equipment." Egon suggested.

"We won't let ya down, Dr. Spengler." Roland said.

"Come on team!" Garret said, as the group went through the portal.

Egon watched as the portal closed, as Twilight gave Egon one last look before her astral form vanished.

Janine put a hand on his shoulder, "You think the kids will be all right?"

"As long as they're with Twilight, they couldn't be in better hands... Or should I say hooves?" he wondered.

Meanwhile back in the human world outside CHS, the girls were still waiting by the statue.

"How much longer?" Rainbow groaned in boredom.

"You don't think she got held up do you?" Rarity asked Sunset Shimmer in worry.

"She said she'd be here." Sunset assured the girls, until they saw the portal glow.

"She's here!" Pinkie cheered.

Suddenly emerging from the portal was not Princess Twilight, but rather four humans, three boys and a girl who were the age of college students.

"Somebody call for a ghost bust/" Garret asked.

The girls were surprised at who came out of the portal, as Applejack spoke, "Who in tarnation are you fellas?"

Roland spoke in introduction, "This is Kylie, this is Garret, this is Eduardo, and my name's Roland."

"Uh, nice to meet you." Sunset greeted them.

Slimer popped up, "Hi!"

At the sight of him, the girl screamed in fright, "Ghost!"

"It's ok, it's ok," Kylie calmed them, "He's with us. He's a friend."

"He is?" Twilight asked.

Slimer seeing the girls squealed, "Girls!" he flew around them happily, before spotting Fluttershy, "Fluttershy!" he embraced the girl's face.

"My what an affectionate ghost." Fluttershy said, while ignoring the oozing slimey body of Slimer.

"Who are you guys supposed to be?" Rainbow asked.

"We're the Ghostbusters." Garret answered.

"The Extreme Ghostbusters." Roland added.

"Extreme Ghostbusters?" Rarity pondered.

"Yeah, that's right," Eduardo confirmed before eying Rarity, "You know, you look too pretty to be in high school."

Rarity knowing how to handle such boys, replied, "Isn't it rather dangerous to be flirting with someone younger than you."

Kylie laughed, "You got burned by a high schooler."

Eduardo scowled at Kylie's levity, as Roland spoke, "Now who're you girls?"

Sunset began, "My name's Sunset Shimmer. This is Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle."

"Hey, Princess, you made it here before we did." Garret noted.

Twilight spoke, "Uh, you must be thinking of my Equestria counterpart."

"Say what?" Eduardo asked in confusion.

"The Twilight you were hired by was actually the Equestria Twilight, this is the real Twilight from this world." Sunset explained.

"For real?" Garret asked.

"She's right." came another voice as Princess Twilight stepped out of the portal confusing the university students.

"I'm seeing double here." Eduardo said while getting a migraine.

"I felt the same way when I first met her." Human Twilight explained.

"Nice to see you guys made it here in one piece," Princess Twilight began, "I see you've already met my Canterlot High friends."

Spike popped out of Twilight's backpack, "Sorry, dozed off, what did I miss?"

Slimer recognizing the dog having Spike's voice knew right away who it was, "Spike!" he cheered, as he flew up to the dog.

"Whoa! Hey! Who're you?" he asked.

"Huh?" Slimer was confused.

Princess Twilight spoke up, "Sorry, Slimer, but while he may be Spike, he's not the dragon Spike you know."

"Oh!" Slimer sighed wishing he'd met his dragon buddy again.

"Did that dog just talk?" Eduardo asked his friends.

"I heard it to." Garret confirmed.

Twilight brought Spike out of her bag, "Sorry, this is my dog Spike. And how he can talk is an incredibly long story."

"But we don't have time to get into it." Applejack added.

"Twilight, how'd you get to know a bunch college students who catch ghosts?" Rainbow asked the Princess.

"Well, truth is these weren't the guys I was originally going for." she admitted.

"They weren't?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, I was actually expecting their predecessors the Real Ghostbusters."

"Real Ghostbusters?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

Princess Twilight sighed, "I guess I've got a lot of explaining to do."

"Start at the beginning, please." Rarity suggested.

So the girls and guys sat down by the statue as Twilight told the girls of her adventures with the Real Ghostbusters back in Equestria.

When she finished the girls were in shock, "All that really happened?" Applejack asked.

"Uh-huh." Princess Twilight confirmed.

"That is so awesome!" Rainbow cheered.

"I can't believe catching ghosts can actually be done." Sunset gasped.

"It can and it's been done more than you can imagine." Garret replied.

"Even though I don't know you guys too well, but if Egon says you guys can handle it I have my faith in you." Princess Twilight told the four.

"Thanks, Twilight." Kylie said.

"So what're we waiting for let's go bust this ghost sucker." Eduardo said.

"Not so fast, Eduardo," Princess Twilight stopped in, "If there's one thing Egon taught me is not to go rushing after a ghost you don't know about."

"So what're you suggesting?" Rainbow asked.

"Let's find out more about the ghost haunting the school and why here of all places." Princess Twilight suggested.

Twilight spoke up, "I agree. And I know how we can get an idea of what happened last night."

"Lead on, girl." Eduardo said, as the human Twilight led the whole group back to her place.

Author's Note:

I altered the first chapter changing Princess Twilight from unable to join them to be available to join her friends. After all the girls need someone close to them who knows how to catch ghosts. And don't worry to differentiate between the two Twilights, Equestria Twilight will be known as Princess Twilight.