• Published 1st Jan 2016
  • 4,763 Views, 30 Comments

Equestria Girls Ghostbusters - Wildcard25

A ghost haunts CHS, and Sunset and her friends call upon their Princess friend who sends them experts in the field of supernatural, or rather their successors

  • ...

Save the School

The next morning at Rainbow Dash's place, Rainbow, the Extreme Ghostbusters, and the rest of the girls were waiting for Princess Twilight and Rarity to show up.

Eduardo was getting bored, "Man, what's keepin' them so long?"

"Knowing Rarity she's probably still trying to decide what to wear today." Applejack sighed.

Sunset finished checking her phone for messages, "I just got a message from Rarity, and and Twilight are on their way now."

"About time." Eduardo replied, as he rested on the porch of Rainbow's home.

They soon spotted Rarity and Princess Twilight coming down the block. When they arrived Rarity spoke up, "Good morning, everyone, and how're we this fine day?"

"We're fine now that you made it." Applejack replied.

Rarity ignored Applejack's reply, as Kylie spoke, "What took you girls so long?"

"Well, I was doing a last minute touch on a little project I was working on last night with Princess Twilight's help." the fashion girl explained.

"Project?" Fluttershy asked.

"Trust me, you're gonna love this." Princess Twilight assured them.

Rarity reached off screen and pulled over a clothing rack with multiple outfits hanging up, "May I present to you, our Canterlot High Ghostbusters uniforms!" she held out a purple jumpsuit similar to the Ghostbusters old uniforms.

The girls looked astonished while Applejack rolled her eyes playfully, "Figures."

"Rarity, not that I'm stifling your creativity or generosity, but are they really necessary?" Sunset Shimmer inquired.

"But of course, darling. You never know what kind of toxic wastes or such we could get on our clothes when we face Grogar's ghosts. At least we'll be wearing safety suits like these."

"She's right," Human Twilight agreed, "Better to be safe than sorry."

"And don't worry, they're easy to move around in and won't slow us down." Rarity assured.

"I like it!" Pinkie smiled, as she looked at them.

"I suggest we get changed and head for the school." Princess Twilight suggested.

The girls agreed as they went inside to get changed, while Spike waited outside with Slimer and the Ghostbusters.

Soon enough the girls stepped outside dressed in their Ghostbusters uniforms. Rarity of course was wearing the purple one that she displayed for them that also had diamond patterns around the bottom of the pant legs, Princess Twilight's was a lighter shade of violet with star patterns, Sci-Twi's was also in a light shade of violet with ghostly images decorated on it, Applejack's was orange with apple designs on the sleeves, Rainbow's was blue with a rainbow lightning bolt on the back, Fluttershy's was yellow with butterfly images on the top half of her uniform, Sunset Shimmer's was red with a mix of yellow along with her trademark cutie mark on the bottom left side of the top part of her uniform, and Pinkie Pie's was pink with party balloons decorating the pants.

One common part their uniforms shared were the ghostbusters insignia on the shoulder part of their uniforms, and their names in the upper left side of their jackets.

The eight girls stood ready, as Princess Twilight spoke, "So how do we look?"

"Not bad." Garrett replied.

"Suits you girls." Roland admitted.

"They're interesting." Kylie said.

Eduardo rolled his eyes, "Are we going to bust a ghost or a fashion show?"

"No need to be a Philistine, Eduardo." Rarity spoke feeling insulted.

"Well, I like them." Spike admitted.

"Me too." Slimer giggled.

"Thank you both," Rarity smiled before turning to Spike, "And dearest Spike, I haven't forgotten about you." she put something on Spike.

Spike saw he was wearing a brown shirt with the Ghostbusters logo on it, "Well, at least it doesn't itch." he admitted.

"Ok, girls, let's load up and get this show on the road." Garrett said.

"Right!" They agreed.

Soon enough the group was marching their way to Canterlot High with proton blasters in hand, with Slimer and Spike following behind.

"Why're we marching like this?" Applejack asked Princess Twilight.

"This is how Egon and the others marched when they were on their way to a nearby ghost sighting." the princess explained.

"So lame." Eduardo muttered.

"Approaching destination now." Pinkie spoke up.

They stopped outside the school seeing it was still taped off, but no cops around, "All right, girls this is it." Princess Twilight said.

"We have to stop that ghost or this school will be haunted forever." Kylie said.

"So let's kick some ghost butt!" Rainbow said with determination.

"Follow us." Garrett said, as they went inside with the PKE meter in hand.

They used it to track Grogar's trail and once again found themselves in the principal's office, "Like before." Roland said.

"Should we call out to him this time or what?" Eduardo inquired.

"Hey, Grogar!" Pinkie shouted, much to the girls shock.

"Really, Pinkie? Really?" Rainbow Dash asked in annoyance.

Suddenly they felt the office shake, until one of the bin drawers flew open and out came Grogar's ghost, "So you have returned, and brought more of you!"

The Ghostbusters and Princess Twilight were startled to see him again, while the rest of the girls were in shock seeing a real ghost in front of them.

"Holy Ghosty!" Pinkie gasped.

"This is awesome." Rainbow gasped.

Garrett spoke as he aimed his proton gun at Grogar, "Sorry, Grogar, but this school already has a principal and a vice principal. And there just isn't room for another."

"I agree. Which is why both of them must go." Grogar answered, as he was about to take off.

"Throw it!" Roland called, as the Extreme Ghostbusters opened fire on him like last time.

Grogar was dodging some of the streams but ended up getting zapped once, "When will you learn you cannot stop me."

"Maybe not just us, but how about more?" Kylie challenged.

"Throw it!" Sunset Shimmer called, as the CHS girls opened fire at Grogar who recoiled.

"We got him!" Rainbow cheered.

"Think again!" Grogar managed to escape their streams and flew through a wall.

"Don't let him escape!" Garrett called.

"After him!" Eduardo ordered, as they ran out of the principal's office.

They saw him flying down one of the halls, "There he goes!" Applejack called.

"Come on!" Twilight called, as they chased after him.

Grogar used his ghostly powers to make the lockers fly open and all the contents in each locker started pelting at the group.

"Hey, I can't see!" Eduardo called, as he shielded himself from the incoming locker stuff.

"I got this!" Applejack aimed her proton gun and blasted at Grogar.

The ghost recoiled as he lost focus and all the stuff flying out of lockers fell to the ground, "Taste my wrath, ghosty!" Pinkie called as she open fired along side Fluttershy.

Grogar groaned form the attacks, until he shouted, "No firearms in school!" he once again made more stuff bombard the group as he fled.

"He's heading for the back exit!" Sunset called.

"Follow him!" Garrett called, as they went after him.

Grogar went out the back door and was on the soccer field of the school, "Good, I've lost them." he looked forward and came face to face with Slimer, "Hello!"

Grogar growled in surprise, "You stupid blob!" he tried blasting at Slimer, who was flying around to confuse him.

The Ghostbusters and Rainbooms made it outside and saw what was going on, "Slimer, be careful!" Fluttershy cried.

"No problem." Slimer replied.

Grogar taking advantage of Slimer's distraction zapped him making him crash to the ground, "Slimer!" the Ghostbusters called, as they ran to him.

"Are you ok?" Kylie asked.

"All good." he dizzily gave them a thumb's up.

The Rainbooms looked up at Grogar, as Rainbow aimed her proton gun at him, "You zapped our little buddy!" she blasted at Grogar, followed up by the others.

"We've got him, now we need the trap." Princess Twilight called, until they heard the sound of cheering.

They saw the entire CHS student body and faculty were watching from the sides cheering while also looking in shock.

"When did all of you get here?" Princess Twilight asked.

Flash answered, "Micro Chips saw you girls heading for school in those jumpsuits. He posted a shot of you and it went viral. When we all saw the flashes of light from whatever you're shooting we went to check it out."

"Is that a real spirit?" Sandalwood asked.

"This is unbelievable!" Micro Chips took a picture of the ghost.

Grogar dodged the proton streams and looked down at the students, "Yes. My students are all here. Now I can truly take my rightful place as your school principal!"

"Grogar!" came a familiar voice.

Grogar looked down at the crowd seeing Celestia approach with Luna at her side. The sight of Celestia brought a frown to Grogar's face, "Celestia!"

"So even in death you still can't accept the fact that you lost the election fair and square." Celestia called him out.

"I will not accept failure! I was the more responsible teacher. I deserved to be principal!" Grogar bellowed.

"Even alive you always had that superiority complex. That is why you lost. A true principal doesn't just use the title to maintain order or to make students respect you. It's about guiding the students on the right path in life!" Celestia lectured him.

"Shut up!" Grogar snapped, "You sound just like that fool Starswirl! Well, this time he's not here to make the call."

"But we are. Fire!" Garrett called, as the Ghostbusters once again opened fire on Grogar who recoiled.

"Kylie, the trap!" Princess Twilight called.

Kylei grabbed the trap off her back and was about to throw it under under Grogar, only for the ghost to uyse his powers to manipulate some of the garden tools from the nearby shed to attack her.

Kylie jumped aside as a shovel swatted the trap out of her possession and landed further from them.

"The trap! Someone grab it!" Kylie called, as she was blasting at the possessed garden tools.

Celestia looked at Grogar and at her students and their friends struggling to keep him in place. She gave a look of determination, and ran for the trap.

"Sister!" Luna called, as the students were in shock.

Principal Celestia grabbed the trap and threw it under Grogar, "Principal Celestia, hit it!" Roland called.

The principal looked up at Grogag one last time, "Farewell, Grogar." she stomped on the trap activating it.

The trap opened and started pulling Grogar's ghost in, "No! This can't be happening! I'm this school's principal! I am order!" he shouted before being fully assimilated into the trap that closed.

The girls having powered down their proton packs saw the trap was occupied, as Flash spoke up, "Is it gone?"

Princess Twilight smiled, "He's down for the count."

"In the box wrapped and ready to go." Eduardo added, as he and the princess fist pounded.

The students and faculty broke into cheers and applause for their victory over Grogar's ghost, as the Rainbooms admired the attention.

"I can't believe we really did it!" Fluttershy cheered, as she danced with Slimer.

"All in a days work." Rainbow Dash added.

"This is one experience I'll never forget." Twilight said.

"You said it." Applejack agreed.

"Uh-huh." Sunset Shimmer nodded.

"And what do you know, we didn't get our uniforms as dirty as I thought." Rarity noticed.

"Well, girls," Pinkie began, as she held them close, "We defeated the ghost and saved the school. It's time to celebrate!"

The girls threw their fists up, as the Extreme Ghostbusters smiled, "Meh, the didn't do so bad.' Eduardo admitted.

"I think they did great." Garrett said.

"Especially Princess Twilight." Roland added.

"Dr. Spengler really did have a special friend." Kylie finished.

"Hey, as long as they're celebrating, why don't we join them?" Eduardo asked.

"Why not? We earned it." Garrett said, as they joined them.