• Published 27th May 2016
  • 3,318 Views, 32 Comments

Two Saiyans in Equestria - SlayGuy295

Nappa made a ridiculous wish, instead of immortality. Now, him and Vegeta are stuck in a new dimension.

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One Last Chance! A Surprise Turn Of Events!

“Applejack,” Fluttershy cried as she was shaking her knocked out friend. “Please get up! We need your help please!”

The western mare slowly lifted her head and shook it. Then, she said while she was dizzy, “Don't ya worry, Granny. Ah will make Big Mac to take a bath... whether he’ll like it… or not!” Sadly, Applejack fell unconscious.

“Applejack, please get up! Please get up! Seriously, he's going to hurt us!”

“Well,” Nappa said, “the cowgirl is out. Too bad. Guess I'll have to find someone else to play with!”

As he was staring at the rest of the victims, Spike kept mumbling to himself repeatedly, “Please not me please not me please not me please not me please not me PLEASE NOT ME!

“Eenie Meenie Miny-You,” Nappa stop and pointed at the shy mare.

“Wait what-” Suddenly, Fluttershy was cut off and was knocked out by Nappa punch. Twilight and the others scream in horror from the event.

FLUTTERSHY,” Twilight screamed.

WHOOO,” Spike cheers, “NOT ME!!” He stopped and stared at his friends, whom were shaking their heads at him. Then, he looked back at Fluttershy and she was still unconscious. “F-Fluttershy? Ah! I thought that would have lasted longer.”

“The Pokemon is next,” the stupid Saiyan shouts. He then rushes furiously towards the baby dragon.

NO,” Rarity scream in horror.

SPIKE,” Twilight cried.

“My turn my turn MY TURN,” Spike cried repeatedly.

Suddenly, Nappa stopped. Everypony is confused about why did he stop. The prince shouted at his dimwit minion, “What-Nappa, what are you doing?!”

“It's his turn Vegeta,” Nappa responded. “I have to wait for him.” Then, Vegeta was completely shocked by his response, causing blood dripping from his nose. “You okay, Vegeta?”

“Yes just… just an aneurism out of sheer stupidity.”

“Wow, I didn't think you were that stupid, Vegeta.” Vegeta began screaming in complete anger. His scream was so loud that the entire Equestria can hear it.

While the two Saiyans were distracted, Pinkie Pie quickly grabbed the baby dragon and drawn him over to her party cannon. “Alrighty Spike,” the party pony explains her plan, “here's my brilliant plan to defeat those meanies. I will place myself inside the cannon while wearing these boxing clubs.”

“Where did you keep those clubs,” Spike asked.

“Pay attention, Spike! After I am inside the cannon, then you will light it up and I will defeat that bald headed pony. You got it?”

“You can count on me, Pinkie.”

“Alrighty then!”

As they were preparing to strike, Vegeta was still enraged by Nappa stupidity. The prince kept repeating as his eyes grew red, “Nine minutes, eighteen seconds! Nine minutes, eighteen seconds!”

“What's that Vegeta,” Nappa asked.


“Alright you big party pooper,” Pinkie shouted at the Saiyan. “You've gone too far this time. I will be the one to take you down. I will use my ultimate technique to defeat you once and for all!” She put on her boxing clubs and squeeze into her party cannon. “Ready Spike?!”

“I’m ready, Pinkie!”

“Oooooooh,” Nappa smile at the pink mare. “Look Vegeta; she wants to hug me! I'm going to hug her too!”

NAPPA,” the prince warned to his henchmen. “NO! IT'S A TRICK!

“But Vegeta… Trix are for kids!”

The prince stood in silent from another stupidity of his minion. Finally, Vegeta gave up and says, “You know what Nappa? On the second thought. Hug her. Just let her hug you with all of her might.”

YAAAY!! Come here and hug me-” After the cannon has fired, Pinkie Pie dashes towards the Saiyan and punch him in the face. A big bruise appeared on his right cheek. “OW NO MY FACE,” he cried. “My precious modeling career!”

“Modeling career,” Rarity said confused. Nappa tossed a magazine at them and they examined it. They only saw a big man with a tail on the beach. “Well… this is… disturbing.”

“What's weird is what is that giant monkey on the front cover,” Twilight mention.

“I think it's that guy,” Starlight said.

“You know,” Nappa yelled at the attackers, “I was trying to be a team player.” Suddenly, another blast is formed from his hoof. “Trying to be a nice guy!”

“You attack our homes,” Spike added. “You hurt innocent ponies! And most importantly kill our friend!”

I SAID TRYING!!” He then released his blast and thrown it towards the dragon.

“Well you're failing-” Before the blast could destroy him, Pinkie Pie grabbed Spike and escape. “OH GOSH,” he cried when the blast went off.

“And so are you!”

He was about to fire another blast to finish them off. Until, a western shout occurred as Nappa back was kicked, “Ah back!”

As he was kicked, he cried in pain. “AAAAAAAIseewhatyoudidthere!”

Everypony spotted the rescuer and it was Applejack. She was really angry towards the Saiyan for elbowing her in the head. “Alrighty then! It's just you and me, ya varmint! Ah will take ya down and tie ya up like a bull-”

Out of nowhere, Fluttershy flew in and kicked the idiotic warrior towards the wall. She was completely furious for being smacked towards the ground. She roared in anger, “TAKE THAT YOU STUPID UGLY PINHEADED BIG GIANT MEANIE!!!

Everypony gasps from the shy pegasus rage. “Whoa Fluttershy,” Applejack cried. “What in tarnation?!”

Fluttershy finally cooled down and nervously respond, “O-Oh! I’m so sorry everypony. I didn't mean to get mad.”

“No, sugarcube! Stay mad! Stay mad-” Sadly, Nappa gotten back up. “Dagnabbit daggett!”

Nappa face turned completely red and growled at the two mares. “Oh,” Nappa yelled, “you-a-making-me-so-mad!” Then, his body began to brighten up, which means he's going to release his ultimate attack. His main target is going to be Fluttershy, causing her to shaking in fear. “Vegeta, look. Imma firin my BLARGH!!!” His turned into Shoop the Whoop as he fired his blast from his mouth.

The monstrous blast is heading towards both Fluttershy and Applejack. Suddenly, both Twilight and Starlight jump in front of their friends and formed their shield spell. When the blast made contact, the giant explosion destroyed several houses. Luckily, the others flee themselves before the blast could wipe them out.

After the some faded, the princess and her apprentice were weakened by the blast. Before they could fall to the ground, the western mare and the shy pony grabbed them. “Are y’all two alright,” Applejack concern.

“I-I don't think I could move a muscle,” Starlight weakly respond.

“Starlight,” Twilight heartbroken.

“Don't you worry,” Fluttershy caringly said. “You and Twilight going to be alright.”

“Ah don't think so sugarcube,” Applejack ended the moment. “To be honest, ah don't think any of us is going to fine. What are we going to do with there fellas?”

Then, Twilight shoved her caring friend aside and slowly marches towards the Saiyans. “Applejack,” she said, “take care of the others. I will stop those monsters… alone.”

WHAT,” they all cried.

“Sugarcube,” Applejack yelled, “ya can't fight them on ya own! It's suicide!”

“Even if you do defeat that monster,” Starlight added, “you're still no match against the prince!”

“I don't care,” the princess said. “I don't want to see anymore of my friends to die. Just go!”


Without hesitating, Twilight uses her magic to transport them to the others. Now, she's all alone against the Saiyans. Finally, she resume marching towards the invaders.

“Vegeta,” Nappa shouts with joy, “did you see me weakening the princess?!”

Vegeta responded while reading a magazine, “Yes Nappa. That was a powerful kick.”

AWWW VEGETA!! You weren't watching! Can you at least watch me finish her?!”

He sighed and tossed the magazine aside. “Fine!”


They both stand their scared and confused by her threats. “What,” Nappa ask.


Finally, Twilight released all of her strength into a powerful blast and fired at the pinheaded warrior. Sadly, Nappa deflected the blast towards a tree. As he was rubbing his hoof, he says, “Awwww, b**ch please!”

Twilight began losing her strength and slowly kneeling to the ground. She began losing her will to live. “I'm sorry Celestia… I'm sorry Luna… I'm sorry Cadance… I'm sorry Shiny… I'm sorry girls… I'm sorry everyone… I'm sorry… Rainbow.” A single tear drip out of her eye on fell to the ground.

Then, Nappa stood in front of her. “Well,” Nappa said, “it's has been, your majesty. I mean for me though, not for you. I mean this was the best day ever! As for you, all fun must come to an end.”

Applejack and the others rushed to Twilight aid, but it's going to be too late. Nappa raise his right leg and yelled as he dived it down, “NAPPA SMASH!!” When he smash his hoof to the ground, Twilight disappeared before it made contact. “Oo-wa-waa?”

Everypony were alerted by her disappearance. Nappa says as he’s looking for her, “Hey, where’d she go?! Did she disappeared? Did she vanished? Or maybe she was never here to begin with?!” The Saiyan was about to freak out, until he immediately spotted the princess in the sideline. “Oh wait, there she is.”

The others rushed and hugged Twilight for being alive. “Oh Twilight,” Pinkie cried, “we are so happy that you're alive! I'm glad you used your magic to teleport away from that meanie!”

“But,” Twilight interrupted, “I didn't have any magic left to use it.”

“Wait,” Rarity says, “if you didn't cast it, then how do you-”

HEY!!,” a familiar voice echoes from the sky.

The girls already recognizes the voice and were surprised. “Wait,” Scootaloo cried. “Is that-”


“Huh,” Nappa confused. “I wonder who is-” Suddenly, he was kicked in the face by a speeding light. The Saiyan was sobbing on the ground as Vegeta was laughing at his pain. “ AWWWWW!! WHY DO EVERYONE KEEPS KICKING ME IN THE FACE?!!

The unknown hero landed on the ground and stood tall against the invaders. The mares smile wides from the appearance of their best friend, Rainbow Dash. “No ponies,” she yelled. “I mean no ponies… hurt my friends!”

Twilight and the others rushed towards their friend with tears in their eyes. They all cried as they tackle her, “Rainbow Dash!” They hugged and nuzzles the rainbow pony for being alive.

“Girls,” Rainbow laughed, “girls! Calm down! It's alright! I'm fine.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo cried. “We're so happy you're alive! What happened to you? Where have you been?”

“Yeah,” Spike added, “we thought you were killed in your mansion?”

“Well,” Rainbow Dash began explains everything, “here's what happen. I was going to sleep in my mansion, until I fell asleep on a cloud instead. After I had wake up, I found my mansion destroyed. It's good that I left Tank at Fluttershy place. I figured that there's a major threat attacking Equestria, so I decided to call in the Wonderbolts. Sadly, as I was heading towards the academy, I found the Wonderbolts died! How do I know?! Because I found their torn clothing all over the ground!”

“Wait,” Spike interrupted, “so you're saying clothing are there… and there… and there… and-”

“Spike,” Starlight yelled.


“Too soon!”

“Alright,” Rainbow Dash shouted as trotting pass her friends. “Stay back girls! I'm going to finish these jerks.”

“Are ya serious sugarcube,” Applejack cried.

“Those meanies are going to kill you,” Pinkie shouted.

“Don't worry girls,” Rainbow Dash being cocky. “I got this.”

After Nappa gotten back up, he yelled at his attacker, “OH! I WILL-” He gasped by Rainbow Dash appearance and cried to Vegeta. “Look Vegeta! It's a rainbow pony.”

“Oh yeah,” Rainbow said. “You may have heard of me. I am Rainbow Dash! The fastest pony in all of Equestria-”

“That means she's gay. Right Vegeta?”

The rainbow pegasus speechless from what he’d said as the prince of Saiyans giggles. “Lesbian,” Vegeta smiled.

As Rainbow Dash growls towards the Saiyans, Twilight interrupted the moment by saying, “What does that means, Rainbow Dash? Does that means that you like mares?”

“Twilight,” she growled, “not now!”

“Well, do to the activities you sometimes do everyday, I have never seen you having any interest with any stallions before. Plus, you always act like a tomboy every time so that means you do-”

The pegasus couldn't contain her rage anymore and finally released it out. Rainbow Dash and Nappa both yelled, “NERRRRRRRD!!!

“Wait what?”

“Enough about that,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “I just want to know which one of you two destroy my mansion, attack my friends, and killed the Wonderbolts?!”

“Me,” Nappa cried. “That was me, totally call it! I did all of those things. Especially, those flying ponies. They sure did put up a heck of fight. Too bad they all died from only one blast. Boy, I tell ya-”

Then suddenly, the pegasus roared in anger at the Saiyans. As she's roaring, an earthquake occurred around the group of ponies. Everypony were shocked from Rainbow Dash rage.

After she had calmed down, Nappa asked his master, “Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her power level?”

The prince took off his scouter and reported, “It's… one thousand and six.”


“Yup! Kick her **s, Nappa!”

YAAAAY!!” Nappa began rushing towards the mare in brute force. “HERE I COME-

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash began punching, kicking, and elbowing the Saiyan. Surprisingly, each punches has effects on the monster. Nappa cried in pain as the mare is punishing him. She then tossed him back and forth painfully. The pegasus began punching the pinheaded warrior in the face repeatedly. Everypony, including Vegeta, were shocking surprised by this turn of events.

“That doesn't seem right,” Vegeta confused.

As Vegeta was checking his scouter again, his idiotic minion is still being torture. Nappa even cried, “Wait, that doesn't bend that way. My arm doesn't bend that way!” Then, a snap occurred. “OWWWW!! NOW IT DOES!!

Finally, when the prince discovered the mare real power level, he called his henchmen, “Nappa!”

Rainbow Dash tossed the beat up Saiyan to his master. Nappa cried in pain, “WHAAAAAAAT?!!!

“I had the scouter upside down. It's over nine thousand.” He then crushed the scouter while he isn't amazed by her strength.

“Why do you sound so bored?!”

“Because she's still isn't a threat…”


“To me. Besides, once we get their dragon balls we’ll just wish for immortality. Then, no one will be able to stop us!”

“Wait,” Twilight confused. “Are you telling me that you and your friend did all of this for some balls?”

“Not just balls. Dragon Balls. The orange magical balls that grant wishes. Any of this ringing any bells here?”

“I'm sorry, but I have read every history about Equestria and there's no such thing of Dragon Balls.”

Then, Vegeta was both shocked and anger. “Wh-WHAT?!!

“Huh,” Nappa said. “Looks like we have did all of this for nothing. Oh well, at least we have fun getting here. Ah Vegeta?!”

Vegeta eyes grew veins each time his minion was calling his name. “Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Remember the bug planet? Vegeta? Vegeta? Remember those cities we destroyed? Vegeta? Vegeta? Remember when we got the dragon balls the first time? Vegeta? Vegeta? Remember our reactions when we became ponies? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vege-”

Finally, Vegeta grabbed his minion, tossed him into the air, and destroyed him. “AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!

After the dust faded from the blast, a smile appeared on the prince face.